Are you tired of the liberal left's tactics?

No, he was arrested and convicted for pushing a police officer when he was younger and drunk. That was it. He was never convicted on any other trumped up charge made by limelight getters.

And you probably don't know, but Zimmerman was a "darkie" himself. He's a Hispanic American.

He also broke the ankle of a woman he roughed up at a party. Since then, he's been arrested for stalking a neighbor, beating up his wife and his girlfriend. Oh, yeah, and he's stiffed his lawyers who got him off becuase he's a deadbeat.

But he was living the right wing dream of shootin' him a darkie.

Yeah, "Zimmerman'. That's a "Hispanic" name all right.
...I do personally think that we could get by very well without private gun ownership...
Yes. That is obvious. And, of course, it clouds your advocacy (and that of other Liberals) to the point where non-Liberals do not trust you(r side) in such negotiations.

...I wouldn't mind having a system of gun registration like Germany has...
We are, indeed, in grave and desperate need of a vigorous and rigorous system of gun-control; with registration being merely one aspect of that broader and rigorous system.

...Germany has about 17 million guns for 80 million people, but gun ownership is not considered a right, it's a privilege...
This is not Germany.

...As a result, Germany has a very low murder rate (only about 600 a year, 250 with guns)...
Germany was neutered, decades ago.

...However, if you think guns should be freely available because it was a God Given Right defined by the Founders, I'm really not sure there is any logic youcan use with those people.
Gun ownership is a Right seized by The People themselves, and merely articulated and codified by the Founders.

A right, not a privilege.

But, in order to exercise that right, in a setting two centuries and 300 million people beyond the environment in which the Founders set down that codification...

Changing times, changing populations, changing firearms, changing technologies, changing politics and changing public safety needs, all require a modified approach to how that Right is exercised...

Keep the assault weapons... keep the semi-automatics... keep the large ammo clips... but consider a broad, sweeping, multi-faceted approach to vetting and registering all of this... licensing, registration, vetting, possession, record keeping, tracking, training, auditing, enforcement, seizures, compensation, insurance, etc...

Hell... perhaps it's time for a National Referendum on the subject, with a half-dozen comprehensive solutions to choose from, not just one or two, to avoid over-polarization...

Let The People decide...

They are, after all, the font and source of all Rights and Law, in this Republic of ours...
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Yes. That is obvious. And, of course, it clouds your advocacy (and that of other Liberals) to the point where non-Liberals do not trust you(r side) in such negotiations.

It isn't amatter of "Trust". We are pretty straight forward in our our position. There's no good reason for a civilian to own a gun.

We are, indeed, in grave and desperate need of a vigorous and rigorous system of gun-control; with registration being merely one aspect of that broader and rigorous system.

Yup, the darkies are getting guns! Oh my!!!!

Germany was neutered, decades ago.

The word you are looking for is "Civilized". If you think 16,000 murders a year is manly, you have a problem.

Gun ownership is a Right seized by The People themselves, and merely articulated and codified by the Founders.

A right, not a privilege.

But, in order to exercise that right, in a setting two centuries and 300 million people beyond the environment in which the Founders set down that codification...

There are no rights. There are only privileges the rest of society lets' you have. Any fool who htinks he has rights needs to look up "Japanese Americans, 1942".

Changing times, changing populations, changing firearms, changing technologies, changing politics and changing public safety needs, all require a modified approach to how that Right is exercised...

Keep the assault weapons... keep the semi-automatics... keep the large ammo clips... but consider a broad, sweeping, multi-faceted approach to vetting and registering all of this... licensing, registration, vetting, possession, record keeping, tracking, training, auditing, enforcement, seizures, compensation, insurance, etc...

So all your wining, and you just agreed with me. Nice. I guess all it took was a darky to shoot stuff up.

Hell... perhaps it's time for a National Referendum on the subject, with a half-dozen comprehensive solutions to choose from, not just one or two, to avoid over-polarization...

Let The People decide...

They are, after all, the font and source of all Rights and Law, in this Republic of ours...

We don't have referendums. We rely on our legislators to make laws. that was something the Founding Slave Rapists were clear on, as opposed to militias, where they truly should have been clearer.
Yes. That is obvious. And, of course, it clouds your advocacy (and that of other Liberals) to the point where non-Liberals do not trust you(r side) in such negotiations.

It isn't amatter of "Trust". We are pretty straight forward in our our position. There's no good reason for a civilian to own a gun.

We are, indeed, in grave and desperate need of a vigorous and rigorous system of gun-control; with registration being merely one aspect of that broader and rigorous system.

Yup, the darkies are getting guns! Oh my!!!!

Germany was neutered, decades ago.

The word you are looking for is "Civilized". If you think 16,000 murders a year is manly, you have a problem.

Gun ownership is a Right seized by The People themselves, and merely articulated and codified by the Founders.

A right, not a privilege.

But, in order to exercise that right, in a setting two centuries and 300 million people beyond the environment in which the Founders set down that codification...

There are no rights. There are only privileges the rest of society lets' you have. Any fool who htinks he has rights needs to look up "Japanese Americans, 1942".

Changing times, changing populations, changing firearms, changing technologies, changing politics and changing public safety needs, all require a modified approach to how that Right is exercised...

Keep the assault weapons... keep the semi-automatics... keep the large ammo clips... but consider a broad, sweeping, multi-faceted approach to vetting and registering all of this... licensing, registration, vetting, possession, record keeping, tracking, training, auditing, enforcement, seizures, compensation, insurance, etc...

So all your wining, and you just agreed with me. Nice. I guess all it took was a darky to shoot stuff up.

Hell... perhaps it's time for a National Referendum on the subject, with a half-dozen comprehensive solutions to choose from, not just one or two, to avoid over-polarization...

Let The People decide...

They are, after all, the font and source of all Rights and Law, in this Republic of ours...

We don't have referendums. We rely on our legislators to make laws. that was something the Founding Slave Rapists were clear on, as opposed to militias, where they truly should have been clearer.

Thank you, America Hater...

Next contestant, please...
Let me tell you something about "Trump Campaign Promises"...Donald Trump is a man who has in the past in the course of his business career put his promises in writing ...he still does not fulfill those written contractual; and documented Promises .....this is why he has Four Business bankruptcies and 3500 law suits ....

Now what chance of fulfillment do campaign Promises written in the idiot wind coming off Trump's mouth have ...Zero ...less than zero
Thank you, America Hater...

Next contestant, please...

only a child responds to criticism with "Why do you hate me?"

"Billy, go stand in the corner for a time out."


"America needs to do something about inequality and violence!"

I stand corrected...

White America Hater...

Thank you...

Next contestant, please...
Let me tell you something about "Trump Campaign Promises"...Donald Trump is a man who has in the past in the course of his business career put his promises in writing ...he still does not fulfill those written contractual; and documented Promises .....this is why he has Four Business bankruptcies and 3500 law suits ....

Now what chance of fulfillment do campaign Promises written in the idiot wind coming off Trump's mouth have ...Zero ...less than zero
Trump is a train wreck, waiting to happen...
Spin smoke lie misdirect.....
I'm tired of these freak'n liberals

Every time there is a major massacre they try to do something about it

What a bunch of pussies
May NBC/WSJ poll found Trump leading Clinton among whites without a college degree, 58%-31%, the race was tied among whites with a college degree or more, 44%-44%.

I'm tired of these freak'n liberals

Every time there is a major massacre they try to do something about it

What a bunch of pussies

No, every time there is a major massacre, they try to use the poor souls to promote their political agenda.

Yeah, they try to put more innocents in harms way by making it impossible to get guns or carry them. Scum is all they are.
He also broke the ankle of a woman he roughed up at a party. Since then, he's been arrested for stalking a neighbor, beating up his wife and his girlfriend. Oh, yeah, and he's stiffed his lawyers who got him off becuase he's a deadbeat.

But he was living the right wing dream of shootin' him a darkie.

Yeah, "Zimmerman'. That's a "Hispanic" name all right.

Oh, one needs a Hispanic name to be Hispanic? Who's the racist one now?

I never denied Zimmerman has been arrested, I denied he's ever been convicted of anything but pushing the officer, and even then, it was plead down to a much lesser charge. Big difference. Any woman can get any man arrested. Getting arrested doesn't mean you're guilty as liberals would love to have it.
Yeah, they try to put more innocents in harms way by making it impossible to get guns or carry them. Scum is all they are.

It's just how their minds work. One day maybe somebody will do a brain surgery on a liberal to explain all that.

Problem: We have criminals getting guns illegally and shooting people, robbing people, and doing drive-by shootings killing innocent people.

Liberal solution: take the guns away from law abiding citizens that got their guns the legal way.

Like I said, it's just how the liberal mind works.

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent--conservatives measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh
I'm tired of these freak'n liberals

Every time there is a major massacre they try to do something about it

What a bunch of pussies

No, every time there is a major massacre, they try to use the poor souls to promote their political agenda.
Those poor souls families are asking why we don't do something about guns

Are they exploiting the situation too?

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