Are you tired of the liberal left's tactics?

When have "we" made guns easier to get?

The only people getting gunned down in the street are innocent people who were unarmed or those in the process of a crime if you are referring to the Trayvon case.

I'm talking about the child who was shot by a drug addled bully beause he was the wrong color in his neighborhood.
He was shot because he assaulted the neighborhood watch and tried to take his gun. Apparently you believe that repeating your fictional account of the events will eventually get someone to believe them.
Right, so let me get this straight. A kid walking home from buying candy is confronted by a stranger, stands his ground when the stranger refuses to state his intent, and when the strangers is getting his ass kicked in a fight HE INSTIGATED, he shoots this unarmed kid.

And this in your world is okay, because, "Silly Darkie, rights are for white people".

Here's your kid, liar.

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You liberals love to lie so much. I bet the more you people lie, the better you sleep at night.

Martin was shot down in the process of felonious assault. He attacked an armed citizen and deserved everything he got. That's the law in that state. You can't attack people and expect them to sit there and take it. That's the society we had when liberals had their way.

Right, so let me get this straight. A kid walking home from buying candy is confronted by a stranger, stands his ground when the stranger refuses to state his intent, and when the strangers is getting his ass kicked in a fight HE INSTIGATED, he shoots this unarmed kid.

And this in your world is okay, because, "Silly Darkie, rights are for white people".

I do find your fiction good for a smirk, but that's about it.
I'm sure it's something they've learned from Rules for Radicals. Over and over, we see the same tactics from the left....

To exploit a tragedy to promote the agenda--

1. Emotively blame the right, make everything the fault of right-wing policies, republican politicians, and the "stupid, mouth-breathing, knuckle-draggers" who vote for them. Don't forget to toss in the "Bible-thumpers!"

2. Take an authoritative Fascist tone and tell the right how things are GOING to be, avoid civil discourse.

3. When the resistance comes, pretend that you're the reasonable one and the righties are becoming unhinged. Deny that you want to do exactly what you want to do and insist they are crazy for suggesting such a thing!

4. Call for civility and bipartisanship.

5. Repeat the process over and over again.

I was tired of this years ago.....
Right, so let me get this straight. A kid walking home from buying candy is confronted by a stranger, stands his ground when the stranger refuses to state his intent, and when the strangers is getting his ass kicked in a fight HE INSTIGATED, he shoots this unarmed kid.

That's not what happened according to testimony of numerous eye witnesses and court transcripts, as well as the physical evidence. That's your left-wing radical interpretation of events which have no basis in reality.
BUt the number of mass shootings has increased because the gun lobby has...

No... mass shootings are happening because of Radical Islamics. Has not a damn thing to do with the gun lobby or our Constitutional right to bear arms. In fact, the reason the casualties are so high in these mass shootings is largely due to liberal anti-gun policies which create "gun free zones" where people are like sheep waiting for slaughter.

Horsepucky, the common denominator in all shootings is Men+Violence. Treat the problem and all of the bad stuff goes away and no one will threaten to take away anything. Ignore it just like you've been doing and you will have problems.

What we've been ignoring is radical Islamic terrorism. Curiously, that seems to be the common denominator. The Orlando shooter had a female co-conspirator and San Bernardino did as well. So you're just flat out WRONG as usual, Lib. Once again, trying to knee-jerk blame anything you can other than radical Islam. Twice, the FBI had the scum in Orlando in for questioning and because of Obama and Holder's politically-correct policies, turned him lose... so another common denominator seems to be Liberal idiocy and failure to recognize the threat.

LOL, I'm astounded that out of over 1,000 mass shootings since Sandy Hook, you rest your argument on two that involve Islam while ignoring more than 998 that involve men+violence. Come back when you have a rational thought in your brain about what the real problem is with gun control. You're going to lose your guns because you want to act like children and refuse to discuss the problem rationally, I suggest to you that you be a force for change before the idiot Trump sweeps this government to Democrats, then you will have to wear depends for the day you shit yourself when they come knocking at your door.
LOL, I'm astounded that out of over 1,000 mass shootings since Sandy Hook, you rest your argument on two that involve Islam while ignoring more than 998 that involve men+violence. Come back when you have a rational thought in your brain about what the real problem is with gun control. You're going to lose your guns because you want to act like children and refuse to discuss the problem rationally, I suggest to you that you be a force for change before the idiot Trump sweeps this government to Democrats, then you will have to wear depends for the day you shit yourself when they come knocking at your door.

And here we have, perfectly illustrated, Step 2 as outlined in the OP:
2. Take an authoritative Fascist tone and tell the right how things are GOING to be, avoid civil discourse.

No, you shitstain... that's NOT what's going to happen.

I am just about to the point of supporting a revival of the House Un-American Activities Committee and starting investigations into every liberal asswipe who utters a sound in defense of radical Islam. We need to round you up and deport your asses from this country before you destroy it. We've been patient with you long enough, we've seen enough carnage and tragedy for a lifetime and it's time to put an end to this.
Right, so let me get this straight. A kid walking home from buying candy is confronted by a stranger, stands his ground when the stranger refuses to state his intent, and when the strangers is getting his ass kicked in a fight HE INSTIGATED, he shoots this unarmed kid.

And this in your world is okay, because, "Silly Darkie, rights are for white people".

I can see why you are sticking up for Martin. You know nothing about what really happened.

Zimmerman called the police on Martin. Martin--seeing that Zimmerman was on the phone with somebody, ran away and Zimmerman followed to keep an eye on him while still on the phone with police. The police told him that wasn't necessary so Zimmerman stopped. About a minute later, Zimmerman hung up the phone with police and that's when Martin came out from the shadows and attacked him.

Zimmerman suffered a broken nose, lacerations to the back of his head from getting it pounded into the cement, some minor back injuries, two black eyes before he finally shot Martin.

The autopsy of Martin revealed no injuries other than the bullet wound and a scraped knuckle consistent with hitting somebody or something.
LOL, I'm astounded that out of over 1,000 mass shootings since Sandy Hook, you rest your argument on two that involve Islam while ignoring more than 998 that involve men+violence. Come back when you have a rational thought in your brain about what the real problem is with gun control. You're going to lose your guns because you want to act like children and refuse to discuss the problem rationally, I suggest to you that you be a force for change before the idiot Trump sweeps this government to Democrats, then you will have to wear depends for the day you shit yourself when they come knocking at your door.

And here we have, perfectly illustrated, Step 2 as outlined in the OP:
2. Take an authoritative Fascist tone and tell the right how things are GOING to be, avoid civil discourse.

No, you shitstain... that's NOT what's going to happen.

I am just about to the point of supporting a revival of the House Un-American Activities Committee and starting investigations into every liberal asswipe who utters a sound in defense of radical Islam. We need to round you up and deport your asses from this country before you destroy it. We've been patient with you long enough, we've seen enough carnage and tragedy for a lifetime and it's time to put an end to this.

You crack me up. You claim I am taking a authoritative Fascist tone and then you threaten House Un-American activities investigations. Listen Dum-Dum, there won't be a bark left in you if Democrats take power. Get with the program.
I was tired of this years ago.....

Some ignorant bitch reporter on CNN is puking out about how she bought an AR15 in just 7 minutes, and the other "reporter" was saying like, Was it that easy? did they question you, did you suck their dick?

Then she claims she tried to turn it in the police and like it was really hard to do so. Why are liberals so fucking STUPID?
You crack me up. You claim I am taking a authoritative Fascist tone and then you threaten House Un-American activities investigations. Listen Dum-Dum, there won't be a bark left in you if Democrats take power. Get with the program.

You're 100 percent correct. There will no bark.
I'm sure it's something they've learned from Rules for Radicals. Over and over, we see the same tactics from the left....

To exploit a tragedy to promote the agenda--

1. Emotively blame the right, make everything the fault of right-wing policies, republican politicians, and the "stupid, mouth-breathing, knuckle-draggers" who vote for them. Don't forget to toss in the "Bible-thumpers!"

2. Take an authoritative Fascist tone and tell the right how things are GOING to be, avoid civil discourse.

3. When the resistance comes, pretend that you're the reasonable one and the righties are becoming unhinged. Deny that you want to do exactly what you want to do and insist they are crazy for suggesting such a thing!

4. Call for civility and bipartisanship.

5. Repeat the process over and over again.

Actually, dumbass, liberals learned it from NaziCons. It's called fighting fire with fire. It's always hilarious to watch NaziCons accuse others of what they are doing.
I was tired of this years ago.....

Some ignorant bitch reporter on CNN is puking out about how she bought an AR15 in just 7 minutes, and the other "reporter" was saying like, Was it that easy? did they question you, did you suck their dick?

Then she claims she tried to turn it in the police and like it was really hard to do so. Why are liberals so fucking STUPID?

Because their viewers are.

Like it's a big issue that a reporter purchased a gun legally? What was the point, that there is something wrong with that?

Somebody should write to CNN and ask them to try and do the same in New York City like John Stossel did. It took him well over a month, thousands of dollars, and they still wouldn't issue him a concealed carry permit.
Actually, dumbass, liberals learned it from NaziCons. It's called fighting fire with fire. It's always hilarious to watch NaziCons accuse others of what they are doing.

You need to go back and repeat third grade in liars school. Fail.
I am just about to the point of supporting a revival of the House Un-American Activities Committee and starting investigations into every liberal asswipe who utters a sound in defense of radical Islam. We need to round you up and deport your asses from this country before you destroy it. We've been patient with you long enough, we've seen enough carnage and tragedy for a lifetime and it's time to put an end to this.

Frankly, the only damage I've seen done is you Wingnuts getting Right With Jesus by giving up all the gains the working class made against the rich.

Conservatism is like battered wife syndrome.
Zimmerman called the police on Martin. Martin--seeing that Zimmerman was on the phone with somebody, ran away and Zimmerman followed to keep an eye on him while still on the phone with police. The police told him that wasn't necessary so Zimmerman stopped. About a minute later, Zimmerman hung up the phone with police and that's when Martin came out from the shadows and attacked him.

right. From bushes that weren't there... sure he did.

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