Are you tired of the liberal left's tactics?

I'm sure it's something they've learned from Rules for Radicals. Over and over, we see the same tactics from the left....

To exploit a tragedy to promote the agenda--

1. Emotively blame the right, make everything the fault of right-wing policies, republican politicians, and the "stupid, mouth-breathing, knuckle-draggers" who vote for them. Don't forget to toss in the "Bible-thumpers!"

2. Take an authoritative Fascist tone and tell the right how things are GOING to be, avoid civil discourse.

3. When the resistance comes, pretend that you're the reasonable one and the righties are becoming unhinged. Deny that you want to do exactly what you want to do and insist they are crazy for suggesting such a thing!

4. Call for civility and bipartisanship.

5. Repeat the process over and over again.

well, when your side responds to a tragedy like Orlando saying, "We need us more guns so we can shoot the Darkies", it's hard to NOT mock you.

Can you quote whoever said that?

Trump lies (no surprise) when says a President Hillary Clinton would revoke the 2nd Amendment. That can only be with a 2/3 Majority in both Houses.

Nope, Separation of Church and State and International say no.

Trump lies (when hasn't he) when he supports a National Registry for Muslims, again Separation of Church and State along with Freedom of Religion.

Trump lies (as always) when he says he can force Mexico to pay for the wall he won't build. Mexico is sovereign state and as such is not subject to U.S. Law.

Seil Heil Assholes
BUt the number of mass shootings has increased because the gun lobby has...

No... mass shootings are happening because of Radical Islamics. Has not a damn thing to do with the gun lobby or our Constitutional right to bear arms. In fact, the reason the casualties are so high in these mass shootings is largely due to liberal anti-gun policies which create "gun free zones" where people are like sheep waiting for slaughter.

Horsepucky, the common denominator in all shootings is Men+Violence. Treat the problem and all of the bad stuff goes away and no one will threaten to take away anything. Ignore it just like you've been doing and you will have problems.

What we've been ignoring is radical Islamic terrorism. Curiously, that seems to be the common denominator. The Orlando shooter had a female co-conspirator and San Bernardino did as well. So you're just flat out WRONG as usual, Lib. Once again, trying to knee-jerk blame anything you can other than radical Islam. Twice, the FBI had the scum in Orlando in for questioning and because of Obama and Holder's politically-correct policies, turned him lose... so another common denominator seems to be Liberal idiocy and failure to recognize the threat.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

And right after he wrote that, he went home and raped the shit out of his slave, not realizing a bit of hypocrisy on his part.

Meanwhile, in the real world, we've got crazy people who think THEIR creator (i.e. imaginary friend in the sky) is telling them to shoot people having the poopy sex.
well, when your side responds to a tragedy like Orlando saying, "We need us more guns so we can shoot the Darkies", it's hard to NOT mock you.

Libtard ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth you are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection, smear people

7. Lie

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny it constantly

13. Reword and repeat
I'm talking about the child who was shot by a drug addled bully beause he was the wrong color in his neighborhood.

Here's your child, liar.

I'm talking about the child who was shot by a drug addled bully beause he was the wrong color in his neighborhood.

You liberals love to lie so much. I bet the more you people lie, the better you sleep at night.

Martin was shot down in the process of felonious assault. He attacked an armed citizen and deserved everything he got. That's the law in that state. You can't attack people and expect them to sit there and take it. That's the society we had when liberals had their way.
What we've been ignoring is radical Islamic terrorism. Curiously, that seems to be the common denominator. The Orlando shooter had a female co-conspirator and San Bernardino did as well. So you're just flat out WRONG as usual, Lib. Once again, trying to knee-jerk blame anything you can other than radical Islam. Twice, the FBI had the scum in Orlando in for questioning and because of Obama and Holder's politically-correct policies, turned him lose... so another common denominator seems to be Liberal idiocy and failure to recognize the threat.

Actually, the reason they let him loose is because he hadn't actually done anything illegal.
I wouldn't know. Never happens to me. Of course, I'm not a racist jerkwad trying to squeeze money out of them to live in a slum.

I'd reply properly if your post made any sense whatsoever.

Who is squeezing money out of "them" to live in a slum? WTF does that even mean???
You liberals love to lie so much. I bet the more you people lie, the better you sleep at night.

Martin was shot down in the process of felonious assault. He attacked an armed citizen and deserved everything he got. That's the law in that state. You can't attack people and expect them to sit there and take it. That's the society we had when liberals had their way.

Right, so let me get this straight. A kid walking home from buying candy is confronted by a stranger, stands his ground when the stranger refuses to state his intent, and when the strangers is getting his ass kicked in a fight HE INSTIGATED, he shoots this unarmed kid.

And this in your world is okay, because, "Silly Darkie, rights are for white people".
I'm sure it's something they've learned from Rules for Radicals. Over and over, we see the same tactics from the left....

To exploit a tragedy to promote the agenda--

1. Emotively blame the right, make everything the fault of right-wing policies, republican politicians, and the "stupid, mouth-breathing, knuckle-draggers" who vote for them. Don't forget to toss in the "Bible-thumpers!"

2. Take an authoritative Fascist tone and tell the right how things are GOING to be, avoid civil discourse.

3. When the resistance comes, pretend that you're the reasonable one and the righties are becoming unhinged. Deny that you want to do exactly what you want to do and insist they are crazy for suggesting such a thing!

4. Call for civility and bipartisanship.

5. Repeat the process over and over again.

The only reason they piss and moan about civility and bipartisanshit is because they've lost a vote and need time to get the courts to intervene.

If not for the 2nd Amendment they would have their purges and the UN would be headquartered in Moscow.

Officially that is. The building in NYC was merely a gateway for Soviet agents.

I applaud your effort to publicly demonstrate the liberal tactics outlined in the OP. Step 1 is illustrated to perfection here.

I think we need to deport all liberals. Every time one of you suggests gun control, we need to send you packing for Cuba or Venezuela where you belong. Every time you try to imply someone is racist, we need to send you away to someplace where they ARE racist so you can learn what that's really like.

I am more and more convinced the only way we can get this country back on track is to thin the population of people like you.

We should deport them with "green energy".

I'm just sick of these sniveling, servile, conformist little drones in general.

I do enjoy using a Alinsky rule #5 on them.

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