Are you tired of the liberal left's tactics?

Well, you see, the thing is, they control the sales of fertilizer now, so we don't have those kinds of bombs being made anymore. I guess we should be glad the Founding Slave Rapists didn't mention fertilizer..

But to the point, theres no evidence that this guy was a member of ISIS, Al Qaeda or Hezbollah, all of whom he's claimed to be a member of.

What difference does that make? He still was a terrorist inspired by one or more of these groups. He was raised by a man that supported the Taliban and even ran for President of Afghanistan at one time.
Mostly because they didn't need to. All they had to do was control who could get access to them.

Now, we've TRIED doing that with guns, buy you guys keep coming back about how some slave rapist 200 year ago wanted us to have a musket, so let's not doing something sensible like ban military grade weapons from people who the government thinks are terrorists.

We also tried doing things you way which was to ban guns that looked scary. Guess what? The assault weapons ban didn't produce any results. That's why they got rid of it.
That's a new question. Your earlier question was about the Democrats goal in disarming Americans.

Speaking of which, that is one reason to vote Republican. If Hillary gets in and loads the courts with a bunch of Commie leftists, they may very well rule that we have no constitutional rights to bear arms. That would allow cities and states all across the country to ban guns, allow lawsuits to put gun manufacturers out of business, or tax ammunition so high that it's almost unaffordable.

And why would that be a bad thing?

Sure, you can vote out a President, but you can't vote out lifelong appointed judges. So the rulings of the new SC (if Hillary is elected) will last for generations and it wouldn't matter how you vote in the future.

But you see, here's the problem. The people in these cities have voted for gun bans. you gun owners only make up 22% of the population, and a lot of gun owners DON'T want crazy people to be able to buy machine guns any more than I do. So your argument is that you want to courts to prevent the people from voting restrictions that they want.
And why would that be a bad thing?

But you see, here's the problem. The people in these cities have voted for gun bans. you gun owners only make up 22% of the population, and a lot of gun owners DON'T want crazy people to be able to buy machine guns any more than I do. So your argument is that you want to courts to prevent the people from voting restrictions that they want.

No, plenty of cities and states have strict gun laws, and it's legal unless it violates the US Constitution and the rights therein.

There are small towns all across America that welcomed prayer in their local schools; schools that they paid for. But all it took was one whiney liberal to move in and the entire school had to halt school prayer. States even had a vote nationwide to not accept queer marriages. Most of the states passed the law. But thanks to the SC ruling, now states are forced to accept queer marriages whether they want them or not.

Yet there is no phrase in the Constitution that says Church and State. There is no mention in the Constitution of marriages straight or otherwise. The court made them all up. But there is protection of citizens to have firearms in this country, but according to you libs, that's the one we need to restrict.
Yes, it's completely unreasonable to ask why our gun laws are so stupid when someone kills a shitload of people.... WITH A GUN!!!!

It was kind of like when they crashed those airplanes into a building, and some political opportunists actually used the opportunity to get tighter airline security and be more effective hunting down terrorists.

And it worked. During GW's administration, 911 was the only domestic terrorist attack during his two terms. How many is DumBama up to now? And yes, we can include workplace violence.

And who was crying about tighter airline security? If you guessed Democrats, then you're absolutely right. Republicans left it up to the airlines to beef up airport security, but the union ass kissers on the left insisted it be the TSA. Bush only gave in to their crying.
And it worked. During GW's administration, 911 was the only domestic terrorist attack during his two terms. How many is DumBama up to now? And yes, we can include workplace violence.

Wait... You're going to confuse them, Ray!! See, when they are talking "Gun Control" they figure in all the gangland shootings as "mass shooting deaths" to make their case.... but when it comes to defending Obama, they have to subtract all those back out... So you're throwing way too much math at these dumb bunnies.
Mostly because they didn't need to. All they had to do was control who could get access to them.

Now, we've TRIED doing that with guns, buy you guys keep coming back about how some slave rapist 200 year ago wanted us to have a musket, so let's not doing something sensible like ban military grade weapons from people who the government thinks are terrorists.

We also tried doing things you way which was to ban guns that looked scary. Guess what? The assault weapons ban didn't produce any results. That's why they got rid of it.

Sandy Hook, Aurora and Orlando depended on them
Mostly because they didn't need to. All they had to do was control who could get access to them.

Now, we've TRIED doing that with guns, buy you guys keep coming back about how some slave rapist 200 year ago wanted us to have a musket, so let's not doing something sensible like ban military grade weapons from people who the government thinks are terrorists.

We also tried doing things you way which was to ban guns that looked scary. Guess what? The assault weapons ban didn't produce any results. That's why they got rid of it.

Sandy Hook, Aurora and Orlando depended on them

Fact: Nationally, “assault weapons” were used in 1.4% of crimes involving firearms and 0.25% of all violent crime before the enactment of any national or state “assault weapons” ban. In many major urban areas (San Antonio, Mobile, Nashville, etc.) and some entire states (Maryland, New Jersey, etc.) the rate is less than 0.1%. 5

Fact: Even weapons misclassified as “assault weapons” (common in the former Federal and California “assault weapons” confiscations) are used in less than 1% of all homicides. 6

Gun Facts | Gun Control Facts Concerning Assault Weapons
Mostly because they didn't need to. All they had to do was control who could get access to them.

Now, we've TRIED doing that with guns, buy you guys keep coming back about how some slave rapist 200 year ago wanted us to have a musket, so let's not doing something sensible like ban military grade weapons from people who the government thinks are terrorists.

We also tried doing things you way which was to ban guns that looked scary. Guess what? The assault weapons ban didn't produce any results. That's why they got rid of it.

Sandy Hook, Aurora and Orlando depended on them

Fact: Nationally, “assault weapons” were used in 1.4% of crimes involving firearms and 0.25% of all violent crime before the enactment of any national or state “assault weapons” ban. In many major urban areas (San Antonio, Mobile, Nashville, etc.) and some entire states (Maryland, New Jersey, etc.) the rate is less than 0.1%. 5

Fact: Even weapons misclassified as “assault weapons” (common in the former Federal and California “assault weapons” confiscations) are used in less than 1% of all homicides. 6

Gun Facts | Gun Control Facts Concerning Assault Weapons


They are the favored weapon of mass murderers and serve no useful purpose for defense

When was the last time a homeowner needed to fire 50 rounds in self defense?
I'm sure it's something they've learned from Rules for Radicals. Over and over, we see the same tactics from the left....

To exploit a tragedy to promote the agenda--

1. Emotively blame the right, make everything the fault of right-wing policies, republican politicians, and the "stupid, mouth-breathing, knuckle-draggers" who vote for them. Don't forget to toss in the "Bible-thumpers!"

2. Take an authoritative Fascist tone and tell the right how things are GOING to be, avoid civil discourse.

3. When the resistance comes, pretend that you're the reasonable one and the righties are becoming unhinged. Deny that you want to do exactly what you want to do and insist they are crazy for suggesting such a thing!

4. Call for civility and bipartisanship.

5. Repeat the process over and over again.

Well no... we already have background checks... obviously this guy must've passed. Also, being on a list has never stopped any terrorist attack that I am aware of... not that this guy was on any list.

No, that means we have incomplete background checks. If everyone in this guy's life knew he was nuts, the checks were incomplete.

Actually, you're wrong about that as well. The founders actually made provisions for private individuals to own gun ships with cannons which were capable of leveling an entire coastal city. They were the "WMD" of the day.

18th century ships were not capable of leveling cities. And the federal government quickly organized a professional navy to put an end to that sort of shit.
Also, they didn't "want us to have" anything.... it wasn't something granted to us by government. Our rights come from our Creator... they are endowed at birth and inalienable. If you don't LIKE our system, you are perfectly free to move somewhere else. In fact, I encourage you to do so!

You see, this is where you are deluded. There is no God. I can go into a Church and take a big steaming dump on the altar, and God won't do jack about it, because he doesn't exist.

There are no "rights". There are only the privileges that the rest of society thinks it's reasonable for you to have. For instance, it was once considered a 'right' to smoke in public... until people decided they didn't want to breathe in your carcinogens.

Any fool who thinks he has "rights" needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942" to see how fast "rights" can vanish and how very little 'God" is going to do about it.

I like our system just fine. When you guys don't steal elections, mostly we vote for sensible laws.

They are the favored weapon of mass murderers and serve no useful purpose for defense

When was the last time a homeowner needed to fire 50 rounds in self defense?

Who said they were needed just for self defense?

It's up to an individual why they want one. Some just think it's cool to own one, others use it for target and sport shootings, and yes, some for self defense.

Do you think that any ban on such firearms will stop one mass shooting? Bad news for ya, even in the mass shootings where these weapons were involved, in many cases, the shooter(s) had other non assault weapons as well.

Why is it people that know nothing about firearms claim to be the experts on shooting sprees? Many semi-automatic hand guns do just as much damage in a mass shooting as assault weapons. As for high capacity magazines, a magazine can be changed in less than 2 seconds.

"A study last year by the Congressional Research Service found that from 1999 to 2013 assault rifles were used in 27 percent public mass shootings, which it defines as the killing of four or more people in a relatively public place. Dating back to 1982, the rate is 24 percent, according to research by James Alan Fox, a Northeastern University professor who studies mass murder."

Why banning AR-15s and other assault weapons won’t stop mass shootings
What difference does that make? He still was a terrorist inspired by one or more of these groups. He was raised by a man that supported the Taliban and even ran for President of Afghanistan at one time.

So? He was also a guy who dated Hispanic men on Grindr and has some bad hookups at Pulse.

Maybe you can blame Grindr...

And it worked. During GW's administration, 911 was the only domestic terrorist attack during his two terms. How many is DumBama up to now? And yes, we can include workplace violence.

And who was crying about tighter airline security? If you guessed Democrats, then you're absolutely right. Republicans left it up to the airlines to beef up airport security, but the union ass kissers on the left insisted it be the TSA. Bush only gave in to their crying.

But that was the point. People were crying for tighter security before 9/11. Al Gore put forth a bunch of suggestions that the Airlines fought tooth and nail.

And, sorry, I don't consider workplace violence and mass shootings as 'Terrorism". And neither does the GOP, given their last of arguments.
What difference does that make? He still was a terrorist inspired by one or more of these groups. He was raised by a man that supported the Taliban and even ran for President of Afghanistan at one time.

So? He was also a guy who dated Hispanic men on Grindr and has some bad hookups at Pulse.

Maybe you can blame Grindr...

And it worked. During GW's administration, 911 was the only domestic terrorist attack during his two terms. How many is DumBama up to now? And yes, we can include workplace violence.

And who was crying about tighter airline security? If you guessed Democrats, then you're absolutely right. Republicans left it up to the airlines to beef up airport security, but the union ass kissers on the left insisted it be the TSA. Bush only gave in to their crying.

But that was the point. People were crying for tighter security before 9/11. Al Gore put forth a bunch of suggestions that the Airlines fought tooth and nail.

And, sorry, I don't consider workplace violence and mass shootings as 'Terrorism". And neither does the GOP, given their last of arguments.
o? He was also a guy who dated Hispanic men on Grindr and has some bad hookups at Pulse.

Maybe you can blame Grindr...

Maybe I can, if you can show me a transcript where he told authorities that's why he was killing people by the dozens. But he didn't, did he? He claimed it was in part of ISIS and other terrorist groups.

But that was the point. People were crying for tighter security before 9/11. Al Gore put forth a bunch of suggestions that the Airlines fought tooth and nail.

And, sorry, I don't consider workplace violence and mass shootings as 'Terrorism". And neither does the GOP, given their last of arguments.

If you are an Islamist and commit mass murder in the name of that religion, yes, you are a terrorist.

And what people were "crying for tighter security" at the airports? And if there was so much crying, why didn't Gore do something about it when he was VP just a few months earlier?

They are the favored weapon of mass murderers and serve no useful purpose for defense

When was the last time a homeowner needed to fire 50 rounds in self defense?

Who said they were needed just for self defense?

It's up to an individual why they want one. Some just think it's cool to own one, others use it for target and sport shootings, and yes, some for self defense.

Do you think that any ban on such firearms will stop one mass shooting? Bad news for ya, even in the mass shootings where these weapons were involved, in many cases, the shooter(s) had other non assault weapons as well.

Why is it people that know nothing about firearms claim to be the experts on shooting sprees? Many semi-automatic hand guns do just as much damage in a mass shooting as assault weapons. As for high capacity magazines, a magazine can be changed in less than 2 seconds.

"A study last year by the Congressional Research Service found that from 1999 to 2013 assault rifles were used in 27 percent public mass shootings, which it defines as the killing of four or more people in a relatively public place. Dating back to 1982, the rate is 24 percent, according to research by James Alan Fox, a Northeastern University professor who studies mass murder."

Why banning AR-15s and other assault weapons won’t stop mass shootings
You got me there

You need an AK-47 or AR-15 because it makes you look like a badass

You can pretend you are killing commies or the evil government who is trying to take your guns

Or if you are really motivated you can kill a classroom full of first graders, a movie theater full of people or a bunch of homos
You got me there

You need an AK-47 or AR-15 because it makes you look like a badass

You can pretend you are killing commies or the evil government who is trying to take your guns

Or if you are really motivated you can kill a classroom full of first graders, a movie theater full of people or a bunch of homos

Yes you can. You can also do the same with a .357, a 9mm, a .38 and an entire host of other weapons.

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent--conservatives measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh
No, that means we have incomplete background checks. If everyone in this guy's life knew he was nuts, the checks were incomplete.

Well, the FBI interviewed him twice and you'd think THEY would know, huh?

18th century ships were not capable of leveling cities. And the federal government quickly organized a professional navy to put an end to that sort of shit.

Yes they were and no they didn't. Well into the 1800s, they were still paying privateers. The point still being, the founders were perfectly okay with private citizens having incredibly devastating weapons. So this silly argument that they only intended people to have muskets is ignorant of history. You're now trying to do a cute little tap dance away from your stupid comment.

But that's okay, you've let us ALL know how you feel... the founders were just a bunch of racist white slave owners and what they established means absolutely nothing to you. From the Constitution to the Bill of Rights, our entire system of government is null and void because it was set up by a bunch of racists. You don't feel obligated to respect it and you don't think anyone else should either... isn't that about right, assclown?
Also, they didn't "want us to have" anything.... it wasn't something granted to us by government. Our rights come from our Creator... they are endowed at birth and inalienable. If you don't LIKE our system, you are perfectly free to move somewhere else. In fact, I encourage you to do so!

You see, this is where you are deluded. There is no God. I can go into a Church and take a big steaming dump on the altar, and God won't do jack about it, because he doesn't exist.

There are no "rights". There are only the privileges that the rest of society thinks it's reasonable for you to have. For instance, it was once considered a 'right' to smoke in public... until people decided they didn't want to breathe in your carcinogens.

Any fool who thinks he has "rights" needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942" to see how fast "rights" can vanish and how very little 'God" is going to do about it.

I like our system just fine. When you guys don't steal elections, mostly we vote for sensible laws.

Well, I disagree with your opinion on that, Joey. I believe there is a God and I also believe the founding principle of our entire nation was based on inalienable rights from our Creator because that is written in our official declaring of independence. I'm sorry you have a different opinion... you do have a right to it... unlike many countries where you could literally be executed for making such perverse statements.
You got me there

You need an AK-47 or AR-15 because it makes you look like a badass

You can pretend you are killing commies or the evil government who is trying to take your guns

Or if you are really motivated you can kill a classroom full of first graders, a movie theater full of people or a bunch of homos

Yes you can. You can also do the same with a .357, a 9mm, a .38 and an entire host of other weapons.

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent--conservatives measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh

Or a truck load of fertilizer and some diesel fuel.

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