Are YOU upset that your government, media & intelligence agencies knowingly lied to you?

Does it bother you that everyone lied to you about Trump & Russia?

  • Yes

  • Durham is the liar

  • Lalalalalal

  • I knew it was all lies from the beginning

  • I believe the dossier is a real document containing real facts

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Even Bill Clinton's DOJ put Webster Hubbell in prison.

The DOJ morphed under W. It has not been the same since. W fired 7 US Attorneys in 2007 to shut down a slew of 911 prosecutions, as well as the global warming fraud. homO made it worse.

The American people elected Donald Trump to fix that, to "drain the swamp."

Trump responded by kissing that stupid fucking wall in Israel and making sure nobody not Zionist Fascist got anywhere at DOJ

Chris Wray
Jeff Sessions
William Barr

Chris Wray and Barr made sure the election fraud of 2020 stuck us with Traitor Joe.

So, yeah, the American people have been disgusted with DoJ since W.

Who can we elect to fix it?


Well, he completely fucked up last time, but THIS TIME will be different??

How about someone who won't go to Israel and kiss that fucking wall of committed treason against America?
The fact that a special counsel, who has authority to serve whatever subpoena they like to whomever they like, could not come with any significant findings beyond what was largely known going into the investigation makes this a complete waste of time and money. As far as I can see, no one involved in Durham's little snipe hunt refused his subpoenas, no one refused to sit down with him for an interview, no one used the courts to stonewall him, no one attempted to shut down his little "investigation". And still, he found nothing of significance.

Compare and contrast that with the behavior of the last guy sitting in the WH who did do everything in his power to shut investigations down.
You've made your opinion (ignorance) clear. Even the FBI admitting it was a fuck up isn't good enough for you.

You're lost and there's no hope for you.....CLEARLY
- No significant findings.
- Nobody convicted or sent to prison because of this "investigation"
- One indictment of a lower level official..which was later dismissed on acquittal.
- 4 years, 6.5 million dollars.

What a waste.
But hey, you members of Alt-Right Nation have something to give you wood for the next 1.5 years until 2024.
Trust me, you're gonna need it.

How much was wasted on the Trump Russian collusion investigation with Mueller? Oh yeah, you don’t care about that do you?
If there’s no punishment for DOJ and FBI operatives who concoct a scheme - based on lies - to oust a duly elected president, what’s to stop them again if and when, please Gd, Trump wins in 2024?

We are lost. The country has been fully compromised. We can’t convict anyone because the DOJ is also compromised. I wouldn’t hold your breath on any future election outcome. The fix is in and now they know they can get away with it with 1/2 the country too indoctrinated to even care. It is sad.
We are lost. The country has been fully compromised. We can’t convict anyone because the DOJ is also compromised. I wouldn’t hold your breath on any future election outcome. The fix is in and now they know they can get away with it with 1/2 the country too indoctrinated to even care. It is sad.

They get away with it because they have the citizens fighting each other over beer cans and mermaids, leaving us too divided to stop the powers that be from doing anything they like.
A CNN anchor even admitted on live TV last night that it condemns the FBI & exonerated Trump.

I think pigs might have started flying last night....
It is hard to believe a CNN talking head would ever admit the Durham report was factual and damning if it wasn’t.
They get away with it because they have the citizens fighting each other over beer cans and mermaids, leaving us too divided to stop the powers that be from doing anything they like.

Sure, I would agree with that to a large extent, but lets think about how this all got started. The left vilified Trump to a point where they made him look like Hitler to many who are gullible. It would be anti-American NOT to fight against Hitler, right? So, the left in powerful positions attacked him and the minions who voted for Democrats believed it all and still do despite mountains of evidence to the contrary. Corruption is rampant in the Democratic Party, honestly to the point of they are working on our enemies behalf. The indoctrination by the left has come to fruition.

Given all that we know, why would anyone NOT question the integrity of our elections? If the left can get away in public site with the stuff we all knew was happening and has now been confirmed, why would they not be able to tweak the elections? Is it that much of a stretch that they would cheat at the local levels if the FBI and CIA can get away with such partisan shenanigans?
We are lost. The country has been fully compromised. We can’t convict anyone because the DOJ is also compromised. I wouldn’t hold your breath on any future election outcome. The fix is in and now they know they can get away with it with 1/2 the country too indoctrinated to even care. It is sad.
We also know that if we are accused of something in a leftist jurisdiction, we cannot get a fair trial. The entire justice system is gone.
This would be a far better argument than the claims of treason since Durham did not make any such claims.

It is likely hard to prove that their moves were treasonous vs incompetent, however, we all know that you don’t accidentally, always, come to decisions that favor one side over another. This is the same reason that most of us realize that Biden isn’t just accidently making the wrong decision for our country on nearly every single issue.
Sure, I would agree with that to a large extent, but lets think about how this all got started. The left vilified Trump to a point where they made him look like Hitler to many who are gullible. It would be anti-American NOT to fight against Hitler, right? So, the left in powerful positions attacked him and the minions who voted for Democrats believed it all and still do despite mountains of evidence to the contrary. Corruption is rampant in the Democratic Party, honestly to the point of they are working on our enemies behalf. The indoctrination by the left has come to fruition.

Given all that we know, why would anyone NOT question the integrity of our elections? If the left can get away in public site with the stuff we all knew was happening and has now been confirmed, why would they not be able to tweak the elections? Is it that much of a stretch that they would cheat at the local levels if the FBI and CIA can get away with such partisan shenanigans?

This started long before Trump.

The right vilified Obama, hell my own mother was (maybe still is) convinced that Obama was the literal AntiChrist from the Bible. We have people on this very forum that still think he was born in Kenya and that his wife is really a male.

And that was not even the start of it. Both parties have been working to divide us since at least 1992 when a little guy with big ears scared the shit out of the duopoly.

Yes, corruption is rampant in the Democratic Party, and corruption is rampant in the Republican Party. Neither party gives a rats ass about the country, all they care about is power and maintaining the status quo.
Total BS, and obviously so, from the beinning.

In 2017 I wrote

"yep, I've been saying since November: show me the money on these claims.

that's the thing about this "Rooshins!" narrative: it's perfect.

1. It's open ended. they can investigate the hell out of it, claiming the evidence is just around the next corner, literally forever.

2. they've got a great boogeyman. Roooshins! = the other, not us. Turn the ire of the their people onto Roooshins instead of blaming themselves for their loss and causing people to maybe, even for a second, doubt the dem party.

personally, I've always thought the whole thing was a mass of trumped up bullshit. if there's some evidence let's have it, otherwise let's move on...."
We also know that if we are accused of something in a leftist jurisdiction, we cannot get a fair trial. The entire justice system is gone.

And it is all happening out in the open. The left is so far gone they don’t even recognize the threat to our Democracy. They have been infused with the idea that it is Republicans that are trying to overthrow the government(Jan 6th) with a few hundred protestors and ignore the much larger threat that our intelligence agencies and the IRS are compromised. It is something out of a movie. It is an exact recipe for failure.
I'm not surprised at all. And it will continue to get worse as our divisions continue to increase.

Human nature. Every last fuckin' thing is politically charged now.

How far will those divisions continue? That's up to us. It always has been.
This started long before Trump.

The right vilified Obama, hell my own mother was (maybe still is) convinced that Obama was the literal AntiChrist from the Bible. We have people on this very forum that still think he was born in Kenya and that his wife is really a male.

And that was not even the start of it. Both parties have been working to divide us since at least 1992 when a little guy with big ears scared the shit out of the duopoly.

Yes, corruption is rampant in the Democratic Party, and corruption is rampant in the Republican Party. Neither party gives a rats ass about the country, all they care about is power and maintaining the status quo.

I don’t believe all the stuff about Obama, however, I do believe that he was the impetus for what we are seeing now. No, I don’t believe that Michelle is a man nor that he is the anti-Christ, however, I do believe he is/was as corrupt and caniving as they come. He was a slick used car salesman that sold us a lemon that ran well for just long enough for the warranty to run out. Trump threw a small wrench in their plan, but the infiltrated Obama intelligence agencies took over and got Biden elected and now we continue down the path of corruption and destruction. I don’t even think those on the left will realize exactly why we failed once it happens. They will be told it was all Republican’s fault and they will actually believe it.

Sorry, but there is a lesser of two evils, and comparing Republicans to Democrats at this point is like comparing a guy that fudged on his charitable contributions to Charles Manson.

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