Aren't right wingers curious why their Leader, Mitt won't release his tax returns?



Romney’s approach to campaign openness: Keep secrets and release only what law says he must

BOSTON — Keeping his secrets, Mitt Romney tends to lift the veil on his finances and campaign only if the law says he must.

The Republican presidential candidate refuses to identify his biggest donors who “bundle” money for his campaign. He often declines to say who’s meeting with him or what he’s doing for hours at a time. He puts limits on media access to his fundraisers. And he resists releasing all of his tax returns, making just a single year public after facing pressure to do so.

Romney’s approach to campaign openness: Keep secrets and release only what law says he must - The Washington Post

President Obama released six years worth of his tax returns March 25, 2008, trying to pressure his then-Democratic rival Hillary Clinton to do the same. Obama has since released his tax returns annually, and his campaign has sought to make an issue out of Romney not releasing his tax returns, or the donors who bundle financial contributions for his campaign.

Romney has never released his tax returns – when running for US Senate in 1994, for governor of Massachusetts in 2002, or during his last presidential bid in 2008. During his 1994 race against Senator Edward M. Kennedy, he called on him to release his state and federal taxes to prove he had “nothing to hide.”

Mitt Romney refuses to release tax returns - Political Intelligence -
Just as much as I wonder why Obama hides all of his education records... So not very much.

Im more curious about that. We all know Mitt has money. We know he gives alot to charity. Neither of which really matter.

However, the left keeps arguing how smart Obama is. How do we know that without the grades? He sure doesnt act smart. I'd love to see some of the papers he wrote. It will give us a better idea of who he is. Though to be honest im sure we have a pretty good idea as it is.
Don't care.

Just like I don't give a fuck about the novelty president's college transcripts.

I figured out a long time ago he's a retard.
I don't care really, but I think the prick is scared that he may have paid more than Obama's 20.8%....
Nope. I don't care one bit to see Mitt Romney's tax returns.
BTW why does it matter how much money anyone of our neighbors have made?
Aren't right wingers curious why their Leader, Mitt won't release his tax returns?

Possibly because they might reveal more than he would like about his Bain Capital income since "supposedly" leaving Bain Capital.
Obama should release his college records, the ones that show him as a foreign born student
Romney's failure to release all of his tax returns is somewhat politically embarrassing, so presumably he has chosen not to release them because the returns themselves are even more politically embarrassing. We've seen any number of embarrassing issues crop up when tax returns for politicians seeking elected or appointive office are released. In Romney's case, presumably he has employed any number of potentially embarrassing devices to keep his effective tax-rate below that of many middle-class voters. That alone (and who knows whether there are other things) might be reason enough for him to choose not to release them. One thing that I am certain of is that if there was nothing in the returns that could hurt him politically then he would release them.
One thing is for sure. He's paid more taxes than fully half this country.....hell, he may have paid all of the taxes that half that failed to pay.

Care to find out liberals?
Aren't right wingers curious why their Leader, Mitt won't release his tax returns?

Possibly because they might reveal more than he would like about his Bain Capital income since "supposedly" leaving Bain Capital.

Why on earth would we be worried about him making money off a company he created but doesnt run anymore?
That would assume that right wingers are actually concerned about truth and ability of their candidate. They already know Mitt lies. They even make jokes about how he has been on both sides of every single issue. His ability is not in question because the only thing they seem to care about is that he is not Obama which means they might vote for my neighbor's dog. About the only thing Mitt could do to violate their blind faith is to actually be Obama in disguise. Even then I don't think that would effect many republicans as long as he kept the mask on.

In the end it is not a surprise as we already knew this about republicons.
Romney's failure to release all of his tax returns is somewhat politically embarrassing, so presumably he has chosen not to release them because the returns themselves are even more politically embarrassing. We've seen any number of embarrassing issues crop up when tax returns for politicians seeking elected or appointive office are released. In Romney's case, presumably he has employed any number of potentially embarrassing devices to keep his effective tax-rate below that of many middle-class voters. That alone (and who knows whether there are other things) might be reason enough for him to choose not to release them. One thing that I am certain of is that if there was nothing in the returns that could hurt him politically then he would release them.

And why on earth is it embarassing?
One thing is for sure. He's paid more taxes than fully half this country.....hell, he may have paid all of the taxes that half that failed to pay.

Care to find out liberals?

I would love to find out the real numbers. Not that it would make him a good leader, but it would still be interesting.

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