Why is Trump opposed to releasing his federal tax returns?

Not up to me to defile my computer by using google. Onus is on you. It's totally phony.

I have an acquaintance who has done CGI for TV and movies who confirmed that Ivanka's face was photoshopped on another body.
Not my problem if you don't want to use google. You're batshit crazy anyway. Believe what you want. I won't lose any sleep over it.
They don't care. It does not even sink in. All they see is that they are terrified of the bad orange man and they will embrace anything......................ANYTHING........... that they think will protect them from the illusory ogre that the TV has convinced them lives under their beds.

It seems they have found just that now in Nancy's criminal 1'6 committee.
Do you folks see how disconnected from reality, let alone current events this moron is? His religious followers??? Folks there is no point beyond mockery, for any of you, to engage in debate with such an impossibly fucking stupid moron, this individual is quite literally, an intellectual abortion. Democrats perform two types of political murder upon children and infants, the first is where they literally physically murder an infant via vacuum sucking the infant out of mothers womb, then butcher it up and sell its tissues and organs off to highest bidder.

Above, we observe the 2nd type of democrat performed child murder, the above had its mind murdered in public school system, its dead from the neck up, a walking talking zombie, utterly incapable of reasoned thought, it can only parrot a daily dose of democrat party supplied hate rhetoric, delivered to the zombie via a rectum solidly hooked to the exhaust coming from msnbc & cnn, there is nothing remaining of the original murdered mind..... ;)
I'm sure you actually believe all that crap. I guess that's what happens when the conspiracy theories push all logic and reason completely out of your brain.

It seems that his fervent argument for not taking the 5th to avoid self incrimination could also be made for why he won't release his tax returns.

If, as he suggests, he is so squeaky clean on his taxes, why not release them and give us all a gander? Could it be because he has paid next to nothing in tax and has given next to nothing to charity, especially churches. That could be highly embarrassing to someone as devoutly religious as he wants us to believe.

If you wonder why this matters, it's because he is obviously running for POTUS in 2024. Though he hasn't formally declared, his actions (rallies, especially) say otherwise.
You have some serious issues. President Trump lives rent free in your head. LOL

Meanwhile, Joe Xiden and Kamala are running the country into the ground. COVID is running rampant as entire schools shut down. Russia is laughing at old Joe. Gas prices are out of control. Inflation sky high. Crime is out of control. But lets talk about Trump’s taxes!!! You people are pathetic.
I'm sure you actually believe all that crap. I guess that's what happens when the conspiracy theories push all logic and reason completely out of your brain.
Not a matter of belief, its a matter of naked, indisputable fact! :banana:

It seems that his fervent argument for not taking the 5th to avoid self incrimination could also be made for why he won't release his tax returns.

If, as he suggests, he is so squeaky clean on his taxes, why not release them and give us all a gander? Could it be because he has paid next to nothing in tax and has given next to nothing to charity, especially churches. That could be highly embarrassing to someone as devoutly religious as he wants us to believe.

If you wonder why this matters, it's because he is obviously running for POTUS in 2024. Though he hasn't formally declared, his actions (rallies, especially) say otherwise.
When he thought he could flout the tradition of presidential candidates coming clean with the American public, the Loser not only expressed his willingness to share his tax returns. He expressed his eagerness to do so. 2014: “If I decide to run for office, I’ll produce my tax returns, absolutely! And I would love to do that!”

The Loser told Fox News that releasing the returns is a "great thing"! because it lets a person prove "you've been successful, and that you've made a lot of money." "I actually think it's a positive," he said.

Of course, he came up with a formidable impediment to fulfilling his heart's desire: The Forever Audit! (that the IRS said would not be an impediment, of course.) The rumor that he was originally going to go with "bone spurs" as his excuse has not been confirmed.

So, the courts are compelling the Loser to fulfill his stated compulsion to expose himself, a passion that has even outlived his rutting with bimbos behind the backs of trophy wives.

With his sordid business capers being outed, and the Supreme Court ordering that he stop hiding his January 6 goon attack hanky-panky,
we're all about to be subjected to more raw, untreated Trumpery than any decent American should have to endure.

The Biden Administration is contemplating issuing a hazmat suit to every American.

A fetid tsunami of pent-up trump stuff is about to come gushing forth.


Plus you lib loons don’t work and would have no idea how to read a tax return. You would merely chirp that you feel something is wrong with them.

It seems that his fervent argument for not taking the 5th to avoid self incrimination could also be made for why he won't release his tax returns.

If, as he suggests, he is so squeaky clean on his taxes, why not release them and give us all a gander? Could it be because he has paid next to nothing in tax and has given next to nothing to charity, especially churches. That could be highly embarrassing to someone as devoutly religious as he wants us to believe.

If you wonder why this matters, it's because he is obviously running for POTUS in 2024. Though he hasn't formally declared, his actions (rallies, especially) say otherwise.

I am pretty sure he would tell them "No" if they asked him for his signature.

It's like, he doesn't care what they ask for, and he's going to make them work for it.
Job security for all those little nitwits running around filing paperwork with the courts.

Call it Community Investment ... :thup:

Release your tax returns, dipshit.


1) income,
2B, interest income.
12A, Standard Deduction,
12B, Charitable Deductions,
15, Taxable Income
25, FIT
Schedule 1, Line 11
Tax Computation Worksheet, Line 16
31-38.....Finish Up

Pretty Simple.
Trump's tax returns are large and detailed.
Because you have to lie and scheme and defraud using many mirrors (large and detailed).
But they are NOW being released
Fuck the suppossed Audits. Fake News.
trump is guilty as "Does a bear shits in the woods."

I would never do the good luck proving you're innocent thing, I hope trump gets charged for EVERY crime he committed and rots in prison. Well, because he is a con man.

Terrible time to be a trump or trump associate. LOL

It seems that his fervent argument for not taking the 5th to avoid self incrimination could also be made for why he won't release his tax returns.

If, as he suggests, he is so squeaky clean on his taxes, why not release them and give us all a gander?
Knowing tiny minutia of his finances gives his competitors an advantage against him, dumbass.

Are you really so stupid that you didn't know that, or are you just trolling, or both?
My guess is that there is nothing out of line in his taxes. Shoot, he's been audited every year since he was ten years old.

He knows there is nothing illegal in any of the thousand pages but it sure gets Democrats panties in a twist. Their heads explode! Who doesn't enjoy watching them go nuts every time the subject arrises.
How did Nancy Pelosi get filthy rich?

Her family makes a ton of money dealing with investments influenced by her government actions.

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