Aren't right wingers curious why their Leader, Mitt won't release his tax returns?

I'm old school, I think a presidential candidate should be willing to give to his country. Romney hasn't shown me that and neither did candidate Obama in 2008.

Give what? Money? Time? Life? I'd prefer a candidate with military experience- but that has fuck-all to do with tax avoidance.

Well yes, militaary experience would be nice. Avoiding taxes isn't exactly giving to one's country, it's the opposite. Like I said,,I'm old school and to me that shows no deep set in character at all.
I remember when a presidential candidate's service to his country really meant something,,,,,times sure have changed. Now it's admirable how a candidate got out of paying his taxes by hiding income, amazing,,simply amazing. I see a downwards trend here.

He is not hiding his income. He pays his taxes from the accounts he has in the Cayman Islands.


Ever since 2009
The Cayman Islands used to be known as a “tax haven,” a place where people could set up an account with a friendly banker whose lips were sealed. However, tax experts, say in 2009 the Caymans agreed to exchange tax information with at least a dozen IRS-type organizations around the world. Suddenly, it became more difficult to hide assets or income and some banks actually shut down their operations on its sunny shores.

But Romney is a US investor and must report his income to the IRS, which he apparently has done. “Because he [Romney] is reporting this we know he is obeying the law,” says Mr. Cohen. “If we did not know about his Cayman’s investment that would be a problem.”

Why does Mitt Romney have money in the Caymans? Two potential reasons. -
Jeez...I gotta tell you guys....none of you seem to get it.

It is not about who funds is not about is not about the words of speech is not about dogs on roof tops or dogs on is not about pranks as a kid nor about drug usage as a is not about black and is not about ideology

It is about leading congress and getting things done.

Noiw, we know that Obama was able to lead conbgress to get things done when congress was dem majority in both houses....but that was easy...

With split houses? EVEN HE, Obama himself, admits he couldnt get them to do anything. No budget, no bi partisna support for anything. Is that a good thing for any of us?

Can Romney do it?

I dont know....but we know Obama cant....and he admits it everyday.

Can Romney do it? You say you don't know... but.... we do have his record in Mass which shows he is more than capable of working across party lines to get the hard shit done. Whether one agrees with him or not... he's proven that he's capable of putting the best interests of the people above party politics. That is one of the reasons I support him.
He is not hiding his income. He pays his taxes from the accounts he has in the Cayman Islands.


Ever since 2009
The Cayman Islands used to be known as a “tax haven,” a place where people could set up an account with a friendly banker whose lips were sealed. However, tax experts, say in 2009 the Caymans agreed to exchange tax information with at least a dozen IRS-type organizations around the world. Suddenly, it became more difficult to hide assets or income and some banks actually shut down their operations on its sunny shores.

But Romney is a US investor and must report his income to the IRS, which he apparently has done. “Because he [Romney] is reporting this we know he is obeying the law,” says Mr. Cohen. “If we did not know about his Cayman’s investment that would be a problem.”

Why does Mitt Romney have money in the Caymans? Two potential reasons. -

'Hiding money' used to mean not declaring it to the IRS. Nowadays, it just means someone has money offshore... in other words.... common sense has given way to hyperbole. Pity. I like common sense.
Just before Mitt Romney left the Massachusetts governor’s office and first ran for president, 11 of his top aides purchased their state-issued computer hard drives, and the Romney administration’s e-mails were all wiped from a server, according to interviews and records obtained by the Globe.

Romney administration officials had the remaining computers in the governor’s office replaced just before Governor Deval Patrick’s staff showed up to take power in January 2007, according to Mark Reilly, Patrick’s chief legal counsel.

As a result, Patrick’s office, which has been bombarded with inquiries for records from the Romney era, has no electronic record of any Romney administration e-mails, Reilly said.

“The governor’s office has found no e-mails from 2002-2006 in our possession,’’ Reilly said in a statement. “Before the current administration took office, the computers used during that time period were replaced and the server used during that time period was taken out of service, all files were removed from it, and it was also replaced.’’

Romney staffers wiped out records in ?06 -

What was Romney and his staff hiding?

There's no need to spend that money to destroy all of those records unless you are trying to hide something.
Give what? Money? Time? Life? I'd prefer a candidate with military experience- but that has fuck-all to do with tax avoidance.

Well yes, militaary experience would be nice. Avoiding taxes isn't exactly giving to one's country, it's the opposite. Like I said,,I'm old school and to me that shows no deep set in character at all.

He's not 'avoiding taxes'. Show some fucking integrity and stop being a hack. You're better than that.

And, for the record.... Obama never served in the military either... so if wasn't an issue for him, it ain't an issue for Romney. Common sense.
And, for the record.... Obama never served in the military either... so if wasn't an issue for him, it ain't an issue for Romney. Common sense.

Vietnam and the draft was an issue when Clinton was running.

Obama wasn't old enough to be eligible for the draft during Vietnam.

Romney was. What was he up to those days?
What you're talking about is republican obstructionism and it seemed to escalate in a major way after the 2010 tea party delegates entered Congress. I think the main issue in the next election will be less about who becomes president than it is about the Congressional mix.

GOP obstructionism is a talking point Joe. The GOP will always look to obstruct a DEM president just as the DEM will look to obstruct a GOP president.

But the more successful presidents found ways to break that barrier.

Such as Clinton and Reagan.

Obamas mistake was his ramming through the strimulus and healthcare...using the words "I won" when addressing the GOP.

That is NOT how you get people to work with you.

If you and another friend were trying to make plans for the weekend...and you said "lets go to the beach" and he said "I want to go to the library instead"...and you said lets discuss this and he said "its my car and we are going to the library" long would you stay his friend? How flexible will you be with him when it is your car?

It seems to me that Obama was overly conciliatory during the first couple of years. It was only after the republicans showed that they were not willing to compromise in any way that Obama started applying excessive force. I had cut him some slack during that time because blowback is a bitch. Had I known how uncompromising the republicans were going to be after 2010, I'd have cheered for a scorched earth approach.

It's not just perception that obstructionism has become extreme. Check this out:

The Rise Of Cloture: How GOP Filibuster Threats Have Changed The Senate | TPMDC

I will explain my thought process...

I am a conservative through and through. I used to be very liberal in my thinking and one day I decided to stop counting on others and do for myself. I went from homeless (literally) to selling my first business in 5 years.

That being said...

I do not believe in gay marriage but I support it for I have no right as a conservative to tell others how they should live.(just dont ask me to marry another man).
I do not believe in abortion, but I support the right to choose for the same exact reason (just dont ask me to pay for it).

I am against a truly conservative President for the same reason I am against a truly liberal ideology has the right to force their sentiments on others.

I fear a super majority of either party. It will ruin our country in my opinion.

Obama came in with very liberal ideas...spread the wealth (he said it, not me); growth of government; tax payer funded green initiatives; his associations concerned me such as Van Jones and William Ayers as they are far left advocates and activists...; there was NOTHING in his voting record as a state or US senator that showed he was bi partisan...and to the contrary, he was for some pretty liberal initiaives.

I hoped the GOP would slow him down.

Now, that being said, I would hope the democrats would slow down a conservative president.

I do not see it as obstructionism...I see it as checks and balances.

FYI...what your link doesnt go into is why many of those initiatives were filibustered.....oir struck down.

To say...OK GOP, here is a bill that gives you much of what you want....but in it are things that offset those things and the net wiull be all that WE not being bi is designed to fool the electorate.

As I see it, Obama blew it for himself. He came in with an attitude of arrogance when he had both houses...and now he is experiening the negative ramifications of his first 2 year actions.

Also....Pelosi walking through the tea party ralley after healthcare was signed hoilding an oversized gavel most certtainly did not help his cause. (just thought I would toss that in).
And, for the record.... Obama never served in the military either... so if wasn't an issue for him, it ain't an issue for Romney. Common sense.

Vietnam and the draft was an issue when Clinton was running.

Obama wasn't old enough to be eligible for the draft during Vietnam.

Romney was. What was he up to those days?

Those enrolled in a matriculating college were not immediately subject to the draft if I recall properly.
Stupid question of the day:

Aren't right wingers curious why their Leader, Mitt won't release his tax returns?

Oh, hey, look honey. Mitt Romney is rich as Croesus! What a shock! I guess I'll vote for Obama. Rich people are th3 eevul.
And, for the record.... Obama never served in the military either... so if wasn't an issue for him, it ain't an issue for Romney. Common sense.

Vietnam and the draft was an issue when Clinton was running.

Obama wasn't old enough to be eligible for the draft during Vietnam.

Romney was. What was he up to those days?

All college students were exempt from the draft.

Is it your assertion that they all were up to something nefarious as well?
Give what? Money? Time? Life? I'd prefer a candidate with military experience- but that has fuck-all to do with tax avoidance.

Well yes, militaary experience would be nice. Avoiding taxes isn't exactly giving to one's country, it's the opposite. Like I said,,I'm old school and to me that shows no deep set in character at all.

nearly every American practices tax avoidance, genius. So, minimizing one's tax burden shows "no deep set in character at all"....

Exactly how much does someone need to give to the IRS in order for them to satisfy your buttfucked interpretation of "giving to one's country"?
Well yes, militaary experience would be nice. Avoiding taxes isn't exactly giving to one's country, it's the opposite. Like I said,,I'm old school and to me that shows no deep set in character at all.

He's not 'avoiding taxes'. Show some fucking integrity and stop being a hack. You're better than that.

And, for the record.... Obama never served in the military either... so if wasn't an issue for him, it ain't an issue for Romney. Common sense.

I get the feeling that Kiwiman cannot get beyond the literal interpretation of phrases. I can only imagine his confusion if one were to say Obama's lack of leadership stems from his lack of experience swimming with sharks...
Romney got his BA on the six year plan after taking off to France as a missionary for two and a half years.

That's a slick way to get out of serving in the war.
Just before Mitt Romney left the Massachusetts governor’s office and first ran for president, 11 of his top aides purchased their state-issued computer hard drives, and the Romney administration’s e-mails were all wiped from a server, according to interviews and records obtained by the Globe.

Romney administration officials had the remaining computers in the governor’s office replaced just before Governor Deval Patrick’s staff showed up to take power in January 2007, according to Mark Reilly, Patrick’s chief legal counsel.

As a result, Patrick’s office, which has been bombarded with inquiries for records from the Romney era, has no electronic record of any Romney administration e-mails, Reilly said.

“The governor’s office has found no e-mails from 2002-2006 in our possession,’’ Reilly said in a statement. “Before the current administration took office, the computers used during that time period were replaced and the server used during that time period was taken out of service, all files were removed from it, and it was also replaced.’’

Romney staffers wiped out records in ?06 -

What was Romney and his staff hiding?

There's no need to spend that money to destroy all of those records unless you are trying to hide something.

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