Aren't right wingers curious why their Leader, Mitt won't release his tax returns?

A little levity.

Aren't right wingers curious why their Leader, Mitt won't release his tax returns?

Romney’s approach to campaign openness: Keep secrets and release only what law says he must

BOSTON — Keeping his secrets, Mitt Romney tends to lift the veil on his finances and campaign only if the law says he must.

The Republican presidential candidate refuses to identify his biggest donors who “bundle” money for his campaign. He often declines to say who’s meeting with him or what he’s doing for hours at a time. He puts limits on media access to his fundraisers. And he resists releasing all of his tax returns, making just a single year public after facing pressure to do so.

Romney’s approach to campaign openness: Keep secrets and release only what law says he must - The Washington Post

President Obama released six years worth of his tax returns March 25, 2008, trying to pressure his then-Democratic rival Hillary Clinton to do the same. Obama has since released his tax returns annually, and his campaign has sought to make an issue out of Romney not releasing his tax returns, or the donors who bundle financial contributions for his campaign.

Romney has never released his tax returns – when running for US Senate in 1994, for governor of Massachusetts in 2002, or during his last presidential bid in 2008. During his 1994 race against Senator Edward M. Kennedy, he called on him to release his state and federal taxes to prove he had “nothing to hide.”

Mitt Romney refuses to release tax returns - Political Intelligence -



2010 Mitt & Ann Romney Return | Mitt Romney for President


One thing is for sure. He's paid more taxes than fully half this country.....hell, he may have paid all of the taxes that half that failed to pay.

Care to find out liberals?

I would love to find out the real numbers. Not that it would make him a good leader, but it would still be interesting.

Mitt Romney offered a partial snapshot of his vast personal fortune late Monday, disclosing income of $21.7 million in 2010 and $20.9 million last year — virtually all of it profits, dividends or interest from investments.
According to his 2010 return, Romney paid about $3 million to the IRS, for an effective tax rate of 13.9 percent.
For 2011, Romney estimates that he will pay about $3.2 million, for an effective rate of 15.4 percent.

None came from wages, the primary source of income for most Americans. Instead, Romney and his wife, Ann, collected millions in capital gains from a profusion of investments, as well as stock dividends and interest payments.
Excerpts from this article:

Mitt Romney releases tax returns - The Washington Post
Nobody cares about tax returns except the partisan k00k intenet OCD's.

Has anybody else noticed how desperate the k00ks are becomming over the past few months. Fcukkers are falling all over themselves trying to avert the inevitable.:up:
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Ok so we got Mitts Taxes, Now can we see Obama's School Records? I want to see how the man who spent High School in a daze did at Harvard, Or how the hell he even got in after spending 2 years in a daze lol
Romney's secret Swiss bank account....

Romney was required to file a financial disclosure form, less detailed than taxes, when he filed for president. In fact, he argued that he should have to release his taxes because the disclosure form showed everything important. But 23 different investment funds shown on his taxes did not appear on his disclosure form -- and 11 of those are in those overseas, secret banking centers. That's a sign of what he's embarrassed to reveal -- and it's also a felony, if the government can prove it was deliberate and not just a sloppy oversight.

The biggest concern is Romney's Swiss bank account, one of the items not on his financial disclosure. Mitt had it from 2003 to 2010, when his adviser shut it down. He closed it in the middle of an amnesty that the IRS had declared for owners of previously unreported Swiss bank accounts -- if they came clean, they would not face criminal prosecution for not reporting it in previous years (which was illegal - plus most weren't paying taxes on that money). Was the sudden shutdown of Romney's secret Swiss bank account part of this amnesty program? We can't know unless and until he releases prior returns, like his dad who released 12 years of prior returns. And Mitt is still fiercely refusing to do so.
Romney's secret Swiss bank account....

Romney was required to file a financial disclosure form, less detailed than taxes, when he filed for president. In fact, he argued that he should have to release his taxes because the disclosure form showed everything important. But 23 different investment funds shown on his taxes did not appear on his disclosure form -- and 11 of those are in those overseas, secret banking centers. That's a sign of what he's embarrassed to reveal -- and it's also a felony, if the government can prove it was deliberate and not just a sloppy oversight.

The biggest concern is Romney's Swiss bank account, one of the items not on his financial disclosure. Mitt had it from 2003 to 2010, when his adviser shut it down. He closed it in the middle of an amnesty that the IRS had declared for owners of previously unreported Swiss bank accounts -- if they came clean, they would not face criminal prosecution for not reporting it in previous years (which was illegal - plus most weren't paying taxes on that money). Was the sudden shutdown of Romney's secret Swiss bank account part of this amnesty program? We can't know unless and until he releases prior returns, like his dad who released 12 years of prior returns. And Mitt is still fiercely refusing to do so.

I think he's hiding his ties to the Romulan Death Star.
Romney's secret Swiss bank account....

Romney was required to file a financial disclosure form, less detailed than taxes, when he filed for president. In fact, he argued that he should have to release his taxes because the disclosure form showed everything important. But 23 different investment funds shown on his taxes did not appear on his disclosure form -- and 11 of those are in those overseas, secret banking centers. That's a sign of what he's embarrassed to reveal -- and it's also a felony, if the government can prove it was deliberate and not just a sloppy oversight.

The biggest concern is Romney's Swiss bank account, one of the items not on his financial disclosure. Mitt had it from 2003 to 2010, when his adviser shut it down. He closed it in the middle of an amnesty that the IRS had declared for owners of previously unreported Swiss bank accounts -- if they came clean, they would not face criminal prosecution for not reporting it in previous years (which was illegal - plus most weren't paying taxes on that money). Was the sudden shutdown of Romney's secret Swiss bank account part of this amnesty program? We can't know unless and until he releases prior returns, like his dad who released 12 years of prior returns. And Mitt is still fiercely refusing to do so.

I think he's hiding his ties to the Romulan Death Star.

Felony tax evasion...
Romney's secret Swiss bank account....

Romney was required to file a financial disclosure form, less detailed than taxes, when he filed for president. In fact, he argued that he should have to release his taxes because the disclosure form showed everything important. But 23 different investment funds shown on his taxes did not appear on his disclosure form -- and 11 of those are in those overseas, secret banking centers. That's a sign of what he's embarrassed to reveal -- and it's also a felony, if the government can prove it was deliberate and not just a sloppy oversight.

The biggest concern is Romney's Swiss bank account, one of the items not on his financial disclosure. Mitt had it from 2003 to 2010, when his adviser shut it down. He closed it in the middle of an amnesty that the IRS had declared for owners of previously unreported Swiss bank accounts -- if they came clean, they would not face criminal prosecution for not reporting it in previous years (which was illegal - plus most weren't paying taxes on that money). Was the sudden shutdown of Romney's secret Swiss bank account part of this amnesty program? We can't know unless and until he releases prior returns, like his dad who released 12 years of prior returns. And Mitt is still fiercely refusing to do so.

I think he's hiding his ties to the Romulan Death Star.

Felony tax evasion...

dont hold your breath'll turn blue!!!:D

You cannot be serious? You dont care who is funding Romney or where he gets his money because you already know he has money? But you're really concerned with Obamas grades because people say hes smart and you require proof?

the only reason people asked for proof he was smart was becuase of the answer that was commonly given as the reason one was voting for Obama...

q: Obama does not have much relevant experience. He has a voting record of party line 95% of the time with the renmaing viotes as "present. He has never authored legislation of national consequence. What makes you think he is qulaified for the position of President?

A: Becuase Obama is exteremely intelligent.

q: How do you know?

A: Everyone knows.

Q: How?

No one has the we asked for his transcripts. Sadly, most on the left simply believed him...and didnt want the proof.

Obama was apparently smart enough to fool everyone who voted for him into thinking he was smart enough.

That is what any good confidence man would do.
What you're talking about is republican obstructionism and it seemed to escalate in a major way after the 2010 tea party delegates entered Congress. I think the main issue in the next election will be less about who becomes president than it is about the Congressional mix.

GOP obstructionism is a talking point Joe. The GOP will always look to obstruct a DEM president just as the DEM will look to obstruct a GOP president.

But the more successful presidents found ways to break that barrier.

Such as Clinton and Reagan.

Obamas mistake was his ramming through the strimulus and healthcare...using the words "I won" when addressing the GOP.

That is NOT how you get people to work with you.

If you and another friend were trying to make plans for the weekend...and you said "lets go to the beach" and he said "I want to go to the library instead"...and you said lets discuss this and he said "its my car and we are going to the library" long would you stay his friend? How flexible will you be with him when it is your car?

It seems to me that Obama was overly conciliatory during the first couple of years. It was only after the republicans showed that they were not willing to compromise in any way that Obama started applying excessive force. I had cut him some slack during that time because blowback is a bitch. Had I known how uncompromising the republicans were going to be after 2010, I'd have cheered for a scorched earth approach.

It's not just perception that obstructionism has become extreme. Check this out:

The Rise Of Cloture: How GOP Filibuster Threats Have Changed The Senate | TPMDC

The only real power a President has is the power of persuasion. Obama is too arrogant to lower himself to the level of mere Senators and Representatives. Other Presidents lobbied members of Congress to get their favorite legislation passed. There are even Democrats that haven't had more than a couple of phone calls from Obama. And no way does he call any Republicans.
It seems to me that Obama was overly conciliatory during the first couple of years. It was only after the republicans showed that they were not willing to compromise in any way that Obama started applying excessive force. I had cut him some slack during that time because blowback is a bitch. Had I known how uncompromising the republicans were going to be after 2010, I'd have cheered for a scorched earth approach.

It's not just perception that obstructionism has become extreme. Check this out:

The Rise Of Cloture: How GOP Filibuster Threats Have Changed The Senate | TPMDC

I will explain my thought process...

I am a conservative through and through. I used to be very liberal in my thinking and one day I decided to stop counting on others and do for myself. I went from homeless (literally) to selling my first business in 5 years.

That being said...

I do not believe in gay marriage but I support it for I have no right as a conservative to tell others how they should live.(just dont ask me to marry another man).
I do not believe in abortion, but I support the right to choose for the same exact reason (just dont ask me to pay for it).

I am against a truly conservative President for the same reason I am against a truly liberal ideology has the right to force their sentiments on others.

I fear a super majority of either party. It will ruin our country in my opinion.

Obama came in with very liberal ideas...spread the wealth (he said it, not me); growth of government; tax payer funded green initiatives; his associations concerned me such as Van Jones and William Ayers as they are far left advocates and activists...; there was NOTHING in his voting record as a state or US senator that showed he was bi partisan...and to the contrary, he was for some pretty liberal initiaives.

I hoped the GOP would slow him down.

Now, that being said, I would hope the democrats would slow down a conservative president.

I do not see it as obstructionism...I see it as checks and balances.

FYI...what your link doesnt go into is why many of those initiatives were filibustered.....oir struck down.

To say...OK GOP, here is a bill that gives you much of what you want....but in it are things that offset those things and the net wiull be all that WE not being bi is designed to fool the electorate.

As I see it, Obama blew it for himself. He came in with an attitude of arrogance when he had both houses...and now he is experiening the negative ramifications of his first 2 year actions.

Also....Pelosi walking through the tea party ralley after healthcare was signed hoilding an oversized gavel most certtainly did not help his cause. (just thought I would toss that in).

Maybe you can give me an example of one of the filibustered bills you're talking about. The ones I remember vividly were the one where the dems agreed to something like a 10:1 ratio of expense cuts to tax increases and the reps wouldn't go for it. The other was the approval of a consumer watchdog.

Republicans have a long memory. They have agreed to the 3:1 ratio before and the tax increases happened and the expense cuts never did.

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