Aren't right wingers curious why their Leader, Mitt won't release his tax returns?

Jeez...I gotta tell you guys....none of you seem to get it.

It is not about who funds is not about is not about the words of speech is not about dogs on roof tops or dogs on is not about pranks as a kid nor about drug usage as a is not about black and is not about ideology

It is about leading congress and getting things done.

Noiw, we know that Obama was able to lead conbgress to get things done when congress was dem majority in both houses....but that was easy...

With split houses? EVEN HE, Obama himself, admits he couldnt get them to do anything. No budget, no bi partisna support for anything. Is that a good thing for any of us?

Can Romney do it?

I dont know....but we know Obama cant....and he admits it everyday.

None of them want to acknowlege the fact that Barry is a failure as POTUS.

Its a hell of a lot easier to run for POTUS than to be POTUS.

A fact Barry is learning every day.

Anyone who can't see what a failure this guy is has blinders on and doesn't want to see the facts.

They will blindly vote for him in Nov just because they hope he will get it right with another four years to play.

After all. He's THE ONE.

I am pretty sure that when he met with GWB that day back in January 2009....behind closed doors....and GWB exposed him to some classified info...

Obama said "holy fucking shit. What have I gotten myself into"

it is easy to say "I will make farts smell like roses"

It is next to impossible to make it happen.

No doubt your right.

He also learned what it takes to protect this country. He left Bush's protections in place.

Bush, when asked if he were worried about Barry changing anything advised No. Because he will know what I know.

At least Barry was smart enough to leave what Bush put in place.

Being POTUS is no easy job and Barry has found that out in spades.

He doesn't have the mentality to work across the aisle. He won and don't you forget it. Get in the back of the bus and STFU.

Glad the Reps are bucking some of the stupid crap he wanted to do. Good grief. Can you imagine if Cap and Trade had gone through when he had a majority??

He thinks his failed polices are the way to go and no amount of proof that they ain't working will convince him that he needs to do something else. He needs to go back in history and see what worked and copy like a bastard.

For someone who's supposed to be so damned smart he ain't got a lick of common sense.
Romney got his BA on the six year plan after taking off to France as a missionary for two and a half years.

That's a slick way to get out of serving in the war.

I think Terrible Teds way is much slicker.

:eek: New meaning for Terrible, Ted. Yuck.
Sorry, no. I'm the only one with a buzzer.

On the whole interwebz, as a matter of fact.
I don't need to see Obama's college transcripts either. He's proven himself to be an imbecile time after time after time. No proof that he was a dope in college necessary.
He's not 'avoiding taxes'. Show some fucking integrity and stop being a hack. You're better than that.

And, for the record.... Obama never served in the military either... so if wasn't an issue for him, it ain't an issue for Romney. Common sense.

I get the feeling that Kiwiman cannot get beyond the literal interpretation of phrases. I can only imagine his confusion if one were to say Obama's lack of leadership stems from his lack of experience swimming with sharks...

Not exactly, the GOP is the "Party of Values"? Please don't make me laugh.
Also, I have stated repeatedly and in this thread that I don't hold Obama and higher than I do Romney! I am NOT voting for either pathetic presidential candidate. But go ahead,knock your socks off.
I have also said that I will vote third party because I see nothing between Obama and Mitt that would ever convince me to vote for I also find it ironic that so called co conservatives can vote for Romney! His record doesn't exactly look like a true conservative. He never gives solid answers and like every Tom, Dick and Harry politician, he will say anything to get elected! And conservatives just give up their core beliefs because Romney has a "R" behind his name! Nothing like throwing out one's core values. What ever happened to convictions? I guess they went the same way as values.
I get the feeling that Kiwiman cannot get beyond the literal interpretation of phrases. I can only imagine his confusion if one were to say Obama's lack of leadership stems from his lack of experience swimming with sharks...

Not exactly, the GOP is the "Party of Values"? Please don't make me laugh.
Also, I have stated repeatedly and in this thread that I don't hold Obama and higher than I do Romney! I am NOT voting for either pathetic presidential candidate. But go ahead,knock your socks off.
I have also said that I will vote third party because I see nothing between Obama and Mitt that would ever convince me to vote for I also find it ironic that so called co conservatives can vote for Romney! His record doesn't exactly look like a true conservative. He never gives solid answers and like every Tom, Dick and Harry politician, he will say anything to get elected! And conservatives just give up their core beliefs because Romney has a "R" behind his name! Nothing like throwing out one's core values. What ever happened to convictions? I guess they went the same way as values.

As a sidebar, when was the last time the Dems had a conservative or moderate liberal as their presidential candidate? When was the last time the GOP had a liberal or moderate as their presidential candidate? Oh, excuse me, for the GOP it's happening now!
GOP obstructionism is a talking point Joe. The GOP will always look to obstruct a DEM president just as the DEM will look to obstruct a GOP president.

But the more successful presidents found ways to break that barrier.

Such as Clinton and Reagan.

Obamas mistake was his ramming through the strimulus and healthcare...using the words "I won" when addressing the GOP.

That is NOT how you get people to work with you.

If you and another friend were trying to make plans for the weekend...and you said "lets go to the beach" and he said "I want to go to the library instead"...and you said lets discuss this and he said "its my car and we are going to the library" long would you stay his friend? How flexible will you be with him when it is your car?

It seems to me that Obama was overly conciliatory during the first couple of years. It was only after the republicans showed that they were not willing to compromise in any way that Obama started applying excessive force. I had cut him some slack during that time because blowback is a bitch. Had I known how uncompromising the republicans were going to be after 2010, I'd have cheered for a scorched earth approach.

It's not just perception that obstructionism has become extreme. Check this out:

The Rise Of Cloture: How GOP Filibuster Threats Have Changed The Senate | TPMDC

I will explain my thought process...

I am a conservative through and through. I used to be very liberal in my thinking and one day I decided to stop counting on others and do for myself. I went from homeless (literally) to selling my first business in 5 years.

That being said...

I do not believe in gay marriage but I support it for I have no right as a conservative to tell others how they should live.(just dont ask me to marry another man).
I do not believe in abortion, but I support the right to choose for the same exact reason (just dont ask me to pay for it).

I am against a truly conservative President for the same reason I am against a truly liberal ideology has the right to force their sentiments on others.

I fear a super majority of either party. It will ruin our country in my opinion.

Obama came in with very liberal ideas...spread the wealth (he said it, not me); growth of government; tax payer funded green initiatives; his associations concerned me such as Van Jones and William Ayers as they are far left advocates and activists...; there was NOTHING in his voting record as a state or US senator that showed he was bi partisan...and to the contrary, he was for some pretty liberal initiaives.

I hoped the GOP would slow him down.

Now, that being said, I would hope the democrats would slow down a conservative president.

I do not see it as obstructionism...I see it as checks and balances.

FYI...what your link doesnt go into is why many of those initiatives were filibustered.....oir struck down.

To say...OK GOP, here is a bill that gives you much of what you want....but in it are things that offset those things and the net wiull be all that WE not being bi is designed to fool the electorate.

As I see it, Obama blew it for himself. He came in with an attitude of arrogance when he had both houses...and now he is experiening the negative ramifications of his first 2 year actions.

Also....Pelosi walking through the tea party ralley after healthcare was signed hoilding an oversized gavel most certtainly did not help his cause. (just thought I would toss that in).

Maybe you can give me an example of one of the filibustered bills you're talking about. The ones I remember vividly were the one where the dems agreed to something like a 10:1 ratio of expense cuts to tax increases and the reps wouldn't go for it. The other was the approval of a consumer watchdog.
I'm not like many of the hacks on here that seem to know it all and are never wrong. You made the accusation, I honestly admitted my past.

so what? you still proved my point.

No, what I proved is that I stopped supporting the two candidates that I did support for good reasons. While they were still at the top of the polls I might add. Unlike most libs on here who continue to support Obama despite his lies, failures and broken promises. You excluded of course, based on your words.

Sure you say you did, but far as I know you could have stopped once their runs where almost dead.
yes obama has lied and people still support him. The same is happening with mittens. Mittens has flipfloped so much,yet people still make excuses for him. You will always have that 20% or so that defend that candidate.these people or the base will always be there.

I never understood how people could so blindly follow someone that no matter what they said they would defend.I like to think they are just weak minded.

No I wont be voting for obama, or mittens. They are both part of the problem and basically what we get when we do these races. Outside sources mold the president into a sort of middle of the road guy who helps out wall street and lobbists. They don't do much that rocks the boat and expands the government.

Examples: bush with the patriot act and homeland security.
obama with patriot act and ndaa.
mittens who would of signed the ndaa regardless.

If you support obama or mittens you are not for smaller government,nor a controlled one.
No, they aren't curious. They only care about the other guy's birth certificate, college transcripts and high school sweethearts but don't give a shit about "their guy" hiding money in the Cayman Islands and Swiss Bank accounts.

They don't want to know how little he paid in taxes. Ignorance is bliss...
I don't give a shit about any of that stuff.

That makes you an ignorant ass.

Because sea isnt up your stupid ass every second doesn't make her ignorant. Otherwise you yourself are an ignorant ass.

Ugh such stupidity.
Fine, let's all get together, young, old, black, white, GOP, DNC, just as citizens of the USA and demand that both Obama and Romney disclose EVERYTHING we want to see.

I for one would love to see that! lol.
Romney's failure to release all of his tax returns is somewhat politically embarrassing, so presumably he has chosen not to release them because the returns themselves are even more politically embarrassing. We've seen any number of embarrassing issues crop up when tax returns for politicians seeking elected or appointive office are released. In Romney's case, presumably he has employed any number of potentially embarrassing devices to keep his effective tax-rate below that of many middle-class voters. That alone (and who knows whether there are other things) might be reason enough for him to choose not to release them. One thing that I am certain of is that if there was nothing in the returns that could hurt him politically then he would release them.

It's because it will just provide fuel for other campaigns. Remember. If the GOP and Republican party backs him at the same time, you know money is definitely involved. Think of it as an investment for them, financially.

What will he do for the middle and lower classes? Nada. Zip. Zilch. Nothing.
They know he invests in foreign countries and they don't have a problem with that. They know he plans to raise taxes on the middle class and lower taxes even more for his cronies. They know he wants to spend more on the already-bloated military AND that he wants his own little war.

One truth that Mittens let slip was when he said that if he told us what he planned to do, he wouldn't get elected.

Mitt lies about something or other almost every day. What's one more lie to the rw's?

What would they say if President Obama refused to release his taxes? As it is, they're harping about his grades, of all things. Hard to believe that they don't care about Mitten's tax returns but they want Obama's GRADES!!! One thing we can never say ... that rw's are smart.

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