Aren't you the slighest bit curious about President Obama's background?

The sealing of so many of Barack Obama's records is unprecedented in American Presidential history. What will future historians say, once his "historic achievement" is no longer equated to the Second Coming? Will they say he just disappeared into a black hole before emerging as the people's savior? Or will there be a Stalinesque rewriting of history to show him slaying the dragons of racism?

Aren't you the slightest bit curious about his background? Or are you afraid of what you might find?

Gee, I wonder if Obama ever shared his tax returns???

What do you think?....................LOL
I think I don't care what the black bastard shared.
Trump VS. Obama

Tax returns
Number of marriages
Sexual harassment claims
Shady deals with foreign loans

Should I go on???
Those records werent sealed, and its stuff that the president isnt normally releasing.

I'm taking about the 10 year period after he graduated from high school (1979-1989). Please tell me where I can get copies of his college and employment records. These are known for every other President in the last 100 years.
Birther racism is alive and well in Trump’s America.

‘But the core, crucial incitement by Trump -- one that signaled his intent to invent and exploit racial divisions -- was his allegiance to, and promotion of, the birther lie, a grotesque conspiracy theory that held that President Barack Obama was born in Africa and therefore ineligible to serve in the White House.

As The New York Times noted in September 2016, "it took Mr. Trump five years of dodging, winking and joking to surrender to reality, finally, on Friday, after a remarkable campaign of relentless deception that tried to undermine the legitimacy of the nation's first black president."

Trump's birtherism was not an honest mistake but a cynical, thinly coded appeal to white resentment.’

Why Americans think Trump is a racist (Opinion) - CNN
Trump VS. Obama

Tax returns
Number of marriages
Sexual harassment claims
Shady deals with foreign loans

Should I go on???

Sure, why not.

Trump is the most unpopular president at the 1-year mark

Approval, disapproval and net approval ratings of presidents since 1945 after 364 days in office, according to the FiveThirtyEight aggregate

John Kennedy 1961 79% 10% +69
George W. Bush 2001 81 13 +68
George H.W. Bush 1989 78 11 +67
Lyndon Johnson 1963 74 15 +59
Dwight Eisenhower 1953 71 18 +53
Richard Nixon 1969 60 23 +38
Jimmy Carter 1977 55 27 +28
Bill Clinton 1993 57 34 +22
Harry Truman 1945 50 35 +15
Ronald Reagan 1981 49 40 +9
Barack Obama 2009 50 43 +7
Gerald Ford 1974 44 39 +5
Donald Trump 2017 40 55 -15

Average without Trump 62 26 +37
Since Clinton and Obama never made a penny in real life (Outside Government bribes and kickbacks) the left does not know how to deal with a wealthy President

Libturds can not deal with anyone who has earned a lot of money.

They are programmed to loathe such people unless they regurgitate the same vapid marxist dogma. They never actually have to sacrifice any of their wealth of course, as long as they tell bed wetters they really want the empire to steal their shit.

Libturds being the dumbest mother fuckers in the galaxy of course never tell parasites like Buffet and Soros to write that check to the treasury. The vapid rhetoric is enough.

The sealing of so many of Barack Obama's records is unprecedented in American Presidential history. What will future historians say, once his "historic achievement" is no longer equated to the Second Coming? Will they say he just disappeared into a black hole before emerging as the people's savior? Or will there be a Stalinesque rewriting of history to show him slaying the dragons of racism?

Aren't you the slightest bit curious about his background? Or are you afraid of what you might find?

Oh for christ's sake....See my sig, for your post, it says it all.
of course never tell parasites like Buffet

Buffett donates $3.17 billion to Gates charity, four others. (Reuters) - Warren Buffett on Monday donated roughly $3.17 billion of Berkshire Hathaway Inc stock to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and four family charities, his largest contribution in a more than decade-long plan to give away his fortune.Jul 10, 2017
Gee, I wonder if Obama ever shared his tax returns???

What do you think?....................LOL

When did your moonbat messiah actually have a job?

I mean a real job where something of value was accomplished, not just a publicly funded position at some leftist indoctrination center programming mindless drones like you to be foaming at the mouth rabid malcontents.
I always wondered why
No you didn't. This would imply that you never settled on an answer when, in reality, you are very open and gleeful about calling obama a Muslim, a terrorist, etc etc

Well, to be "fair"........We are ALL awaiting the results of Trump's private investigators to come back from Hawaii with the shocking results of Obama's birth certificate.........Those P.I.s should be well tanned and rested by now.
When did your moonbat messiah actually have a job?

I'd guess that Obama's jmain ob was to piss idiots like you off.....he did pretty good on that account, don't you think?
tell parasites like Buffet and Soros to write that check to the treasury.


Philanthropist George Soros donates most of his net worth to charity
Oct 17, 2017 - Before the transfer, Soros had a net worth of $23 billion, according to a Forbes tally Tuesday. The site ranks him as the 29th wealthiest person in the world. The donation catapulted Open Society Foundations to the front ranks of American charities based on total assets, the Journal reported, citing 2014 data.
When did your moonbat messiah actually have a job?
After translating from "angry guy" to "English", I assume you mean Obama.

Well, he did teach constitutional law. And he was president of the Harvard Law Review. And he practiced as a civil rights lawyer.
tell parasites like Buffet and Soros to write that check to the treasury.


Philanthropist George Soros donates most of his net worth to charity
Oct 17, 2017 - Before the transfer, Soros had a net worth of $23 billion, according to a Forbes tally Tuesday. The site ranks him as the 29th wealthiest person in the world. The donation catapulted Open Society Foundations to the front ranks of American charities based on total assets, the Journal reported, citing 2014 data.

The US Treasury is a charity now?

The sealing of so many of Barack Obama's records is unprecedented in American Presidential history. What will future historians say, once his "historic achievement" is no longer equated to the Second Coming? Will they say he just disappeared into a black hole before emerging as the people's savior? Or will there be a Stalinesque rewriting of history to show him slaying the dragons of racism?

Aren't you the slightest bit curious about his background? Or are you afraid of what you might find?

All college records are sealed. Nothing unusual about that.

And last but not least, Obama’s isn’t President any more.

I’m more curious about Trump’s tax returns and business ties to Russia. Why aren’t you. Unlike Obama, Trump is now President and he still hasn’t shown his income tax returns.

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