Aren't you the slighest bit curious about President Obama's background?

The US Treasury is a charity now?

Could you enlighten us as to how much money Trump has given to the Treasury AND to charity over the last 20 years or so???
Gee, I wonder if Obama ever shared his tax returns???

What do you think?....................LOL

When did your moonbat messiah actually have a job?

I mean a real job where something of value was accomplished, not just a publicly funded position at some leftist indoctrination center programming mindless drones like you to be foaming at the mouth rabid malcontents.

Obama was in the military?
Obama was in the military?

Fucking retard.

Not anymore but I wonder why H'wood hasn't done a docudrama on Hussein's life like they did with "W" for Bush and at least two hate filled hit pieces (one animated) aimed at the year old Trump administration not to mention the half a dozen features they dig up about Tricky Dick Nixon.
Not anymore but I wonder why H'wood hasn't done a docudrama on Hussein's life like they did with "W" for Bush and at least two hate filled hit pieces (one animated) aimed at the year old Trump administration not to mention the half a dozen features they dig up about Tricky Dick Nixon.

Says the guy who watched "Obama's America" 137 times....
Re: the OP's question.

YES, I am a bit curious.

1. Was he actually born In the United States?

a. To be fair, we have to accept that he was until it is proved to the contrary.

2. What were his college grades?

a. I believe that President George Walker Bush was basically a "C" student.

3. Did he actually do any work as the editor of the law review?

a. I have read that it was basically a honorary position.

4. What did his law students think about him?

5. Did he actually write all of his books?

a. I was very disappointed when I discovered that President Kennedy had NOT written "Profiles in Courage."


As a moderate, I am in the middle of the road regarding President Obama. I neither admire nor disparage him.

I acknowledge that he was a very important symbolic figure in American history.
Trump has his best people looking into it and they can’t believe what they are finding

Believe me
The sealing of so many of Barack Obama's records is unprecedented in American Presidential history. What will future historians say, once his "historic achievement" is no longer equated to the Second Coming? Will they say he just disappeared into a black hole before emerging as the people's savior? Or will there be a Stalinesque rewriting of history to show him slaying the dragons of racism?

Aren't you the slightest bit curious about his background? Or are you afraid of what you might find?
He did show his tax returns, hint-hint...
The sealing of so many of Barack Obama's records is unprecedented in American Presidential history. What will future historians say, once his "historic achievement" is no longer equated to the Second Coming? Will they say he just disappeared into a black hole before emerging as the people's savior? Or will there be a Stalinesque rewriting of history to show him slaying the dragons of racism?

Aren't you the slightest bit curious about his background? Or are you afraid of what you might find?
No I know his history as it was made plain as day for all to read. Some though preferred to ignore the truth so they could claim him ineligible to be president. If only you had put that much effort into tRumputins run.
I know his history as it was made plain as day for all to read.

OK, why don't you share with us the name and nationality under which he applied to Occidental College and Columbia University?

And while you're at it, please describe how he was selected editor of the Harvard Law Review at the end of his first year there.

P.S. If he was so brilliant, why had he never heard of the U.S. Marine Corps until after he was elected President?
The sealing of so many of Barack Obama's records is unprecedented in American Presidential history. What will future historians say, once his "historic achievement" is no longer equated to the Second Coming? Will they say he just disappeared into a black hole before emerging as the people's savior? Or will there be a Stalinesque rewriting of history to show him slaying the dragons of racism?

Aren't you the slightest bit curious about his background? Or are you afraid of what you might find?
Obama’s college records aren’t sealed, either, as the graphic claimed. It’s simply illegal under federal law for Occidental College, Columbia University or Harvard Law School to release Obama’s records to the press or the public without Obama’s written permission. Presidential candidates almost never voluntarily release such information.

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