Arizona Audit Begins This Week.


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
Look for all kinds of distractions. The audit starts this week.

Flynn says:

“Maricopa County is tactical, but it has a strategic consequence, depending on the outcome and we believe we know what the outcome will be. The Maricopa County audit is a big, big deal,” Flynn said.

“And I’m telling, you now, I’ll say it today, because we have intel that they may be bringing people down from Portland and Seattle to disrupt, what? I mean to disrupt finding the truth, discovering the truth?

“And, so if these kinds of things happen, if these types of things happen …it’s basically finding the truth. It’s like me, I knew eventually the truth was going to come out. Truth it has a way of just bubbling up. And so it’s going to bubble up. And what is happening is all of this other noise that’s created to distract what it is that we’re doing…”
Look for all kinds of distractions. The audit starts this week.

I'm willing to bet it goes the same way every other investigations have gone. Lots of bombast when it begins and then crickets when it finds nothing of consequence. Trump put together a committee to investigate fraud he claimed occured in 2016, has anyone heard their report? Is that chirping I hear?
I'm willing to bet it goes the same way every other investigations have gone. Lots of bombast when it begins and then crickets when it finds nothing of consequence. Trump put together a committee to investigate fraud he claimed occurred in 2016, has anyone heard their report? Is that chirping I hear?
The incompetent, experience-free Cyber-Ninjas' Big Bamboozle caper at the Arizona Crazy Times Carnival has proved to be far more amusing than expected - the Republican-dominated Maricopa Board of Supervisors' labeling it as an embarrassment, notwithstanding.

The intrmission when they piled the ballots next to the public toilets while they absconded for high school graduations was priceless.

State Sen. Karen Fann who contrived the hyper-partisan sham, boasting that she was drawingTrump's and Giuliani's favor was calculated to insure the Bamboozle's objectivity, no doubt, and her acknowledging in an email to a constituent that Biden had indeed won the election clarified that it was only for entertainment purposes.

We needed an Arizona election audit, but now it's a farce.

Cyber Ninjas has let down Arizona Senate Republicans. Their haphazard procedures have turned the Audit​
into the “audit” and their findings won’t be credible, whether they deem the election flawed or not.​
I'm willing to bet it goes the same way every other investigations have gone. Lots of bombast when it begins and then crickets when it finds nothing of consequence. Trump put together a committee to investigate fraud he claimed occurred in 2016, has anyone heard their report? Is that chirping I hear?
The incompetent, experience-free Cyber-Ninjas' Big Bamboozle caper at the Arizona Crazy Times Carnival has proved to be far more amusing than expected - the Republican-dominated Maricopa Board of Supervisors' labeling it as an embarrassment, notwithstanding.

The intrmission when they piled the ballots next to the public toilets while they absconded for high school graduations was priceless.

State Sen. Karen Fann who contrived the hyper-partisan sham, boasting that she was drawingTrump's and Giuliani's favor was calculated to insure the Bamboozle's objectivity, no doubt, and her acknowledging in an email to a constituent that Biden had indeed won the election clarified that it was only for entertainment purposes.

We needed an Arizona election audit, but now it's a farce.

Cyber Ninjas has let down Arizona Senate Republicans. Their haphazard procedures have turned the Audit​
into the “audit” and their findings won’t be credible, whether they deem the election flawed or not.​
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
I'm willing to bet it goes the same way every other investigations have gone. Lots of bombast when it begins and then crickets when it finds nothing of consequence. Trump put together a committee to investigate fraud he claimed occurred in 2016, has anyone heard their report? Is that chirping I hear?
The incompetent, experience-free Cyber-Ninjas' Big Bamboozle caper at the Arizona Crazy Times Carnival has proved to be far more amusing than expected - the Republican-dominated Maricopa Board of Supervisors' labeling it as an embarrassment, notwithstanding.

The intrmission when they piled the ballots next to the public toilets while they absconded for high school graduations was priceless.

State Sen. Karen Fann who contrived the hyper-partisan sham, boasting that she was drawingTrump's and Giuliani's favor was calculated to insure the Bamboozle's objectivity, no doubt, and her acknowledging in an email to a constituent that Biden had indeed won the election clarified that it was only for entertainment purposes.

We needed an Arizona election audit, but now it's a farce.

Cyber Ninjas has let down Arizona Senate Republicans. Their haphazard procedures have turned the Audit​
into the “audit” and their findings won’t be credible, whether they deem the election flawed or not.​
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
It's not funny, it's sad. Unless your name is Nero and you enjoy fiddling while America is being destroyed.
Look for all kinds of distractions. The audit starts this week.
The Clown Show in the Desert has been a hoot, and it looks as if the eternal flamers are hellbent on perpetrating the farcical frolics until surf's up in Phoenix, but with the last desiccated fig leaf of legitimacy that the Trumpy caper could cling to having crumbled...

... Republicans who have been sufficiently embarrassed by the invasive RINOs of Trumpery are resisting the spectacle of crapping on American democracy becoming a syndicated nationwide franchise in perpetuity.

R I P, Big Bamboozle Caper
Screen Shot 2021-07-29 at 7.45.36 AM.png

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