Arizona going to Biden? (Bad news for Trump in latest polls)

i don't know how you think that is helping you.

Trying to help you lol

you are? by THIS? 'cause that link is to this, incel:


FYI TDS'er Hillary is still not going to be president lol

lol.... ya, we got the memo. did you get the one that says donny fucked this up so bad thru sheer ignorant incompetency, there's no coming back no matter how you & he try to spin it?

are these yours?

View attachment 325676

Is there someone we should call? We are all worried about your state of health. And I’m serious
Up till now, Trump has muddled along with a strong economy and no major screw ups.

But this crisis calls for strong leadership. Not the misinformation, waffling, petty infighting and divisiveness we are getting out of Trump.

The economy is on the verge of collapse as unemployment will approach 20 percent and GDP will plummet.

I don’t think Trump has the skills to handle it.
So you believe Biden will provide "strong leadership?"

He has done it in the past and has a lengthy record of bipartisan cooperation and pragmatic decision making

And no, I am not going to go tit for tat on embarrassing pictures of Biden and Trump
Biden's primary skill is pandering. That isn't "strong leadership." Furthermore, now he is senile. He can hardly complete a coherent sentence.

Trump panders to racists
Trump tells us George Washington captured airports, that Windmills cause cancer, that Obama was born in Kenya

Want to talk senile?
Trump never said anything like that.

Recall that Joe Biden claimed President FDR went on television after the stock market crash in 1929 to reassure the nation, and you TDS morons claim Trump is dumb.

Trump does not pander to racists, you fucking moron.

wanna bet? look who has been his faithful base.

asshat not all whites are racist but a race-baiting pander like you is a racist

uh-huh. not only has yer chosen one, who said there are 'fine people on both sides' of a protest march that included torch bearing confed neo nazis - was sued, along with daddy drumpf - by the gov'ment - for housing discrimination,

now understand & read this slowlyyyyyyyyyyyyy....

based on R-A-C-E.

so save yer cheerleading for yer like minded ilk & have a circle jerk over how great he is.

More fake news. Can’t you make it with out lying? Oh and here’s a video that proves your a liar about the time line. Enjoy

i never lie. & i always have back up... unlike you. you get yer news from twitter & facebook.

'nuff said.

/——/ It’s funny how libtards call Trump a dictator but ignore the bitch governor from Michigan who put everyone under house arrest, outlawed buying seeds for the garden, visits to one’s neighbors or a second home. Nope, not a peep of protest.

You mean she actually took actions to defeat the virus? How awful!

The fact is, countries that beat this thing are the ones who took draconian actions to limit the spread early on.
/——-/ Yeah, garden seeds and second homes are the leading causes of the virus. No, you defend her because she’s democRAT. Libtards lashed out at Trump because if his travel ban in January. You don’t fool anyone.
Up till now, Trump has muddled along with a strong economy and no major screw ups.

But this crisis calls for strong leadership. Not the misinformation, waffling, petty infighting and divisiveness we are getting out of Trump.

The economy is on the verge of collapse as unemployment will approach 20 percent and GDP will plummet.

I don’t think Trump has the skills to handle it.
So you believe Biden will provide "strong leadership?"

He has done it in the past and has a lengthy record of bipartisan cooperation and pragmatic decision making

And no, I am not going to go tit for tat on embarrassing pictures of Biden and Trump
Biden's primary skill is pandering. That isn't "strong leadership." Furthermore, now he is senile. He can hardly complete a coherent sentence.

Trump panders to racists
Trump tells us George Washington captured airports, that Windmills cause cancer, that Obama was born in Kenya

Want to talk senile?
Trump never said anything like that.

Recall that Joe Biden claimed President FDR went on television after the stock market crash in 1929 to reassure the nation, and you TDS morons claim Trump is dumb.

Trump does not pander to racists, you fucking moron.

wanna bet? look who has been his faithful base.

asshat not all whites are racist but a race-baiting pander like you is a racist

uh-huh. not only has yer chosen one, who said there are 'fine people on both sides' of a protest march that included torch bearing confed neo nazis - was sued, along with daddy drumpf - by the gov'ment - for housing discrimination,

now understand & read this slowlyyyyyyyyyyyyy....

based on R-A-C-E.

so save yer cheerleading for yer like minded ilk & have a circle jerk over how great he is.

More fake news. Can’t you make it with out lying? Oh and here’s a video that proves your a liar about the time line. Enjoy

i never lie. & i always have back up... unlike you. you get yer news from twitter & facebook.

'nuff said.


More misstruths.. rich people are sued all time, blacks are are always crying of racism when they are are fault. Lol where do you live in Greenland ? Lol
Calling out the propaganda wing of the dnc ( Main stream media) is Patriotic, trump actually promotes media like one America, and news shows that give a accurate view of what’s going on.

Yeah, "One America", because Fox might occasionally ask a fair and sensible question, those bastards.

Screw nazis, Stalin took guns.. you democrats are Stalin l, red machine. Killing off your own voters blacks. You all are sick

There really weren't all that many guns for Stalin to take. Um, yeah, after you just had a bloody civil war, you take the guns away from the people you beat. HEEEELLLLOOOOOOOOO

OAN is fox fake news on steroids.
Cool story. Just like MSNBC and dingle

i don't watch MSNBC. & they sure like to brag that they are liberal - -unlike the 'fair & balanced' fox who actually have the word 'news' in their title. LOL!!!!

shall i get the video of bill o'reilly & his 'reporter' on the ground in wisCONsin, complaining about violent 'union' thugs protesting, showing a riot 'they' engaged in with PALM TREES in the background? i mean, i know climate change is real - but PALM TREES in WISCONSIN? wow! who knew 'eh? :heehee:
Up till now, Trump has muddled along with a strong economy and no major screw ups.

But this crisis calls for strong leadership. Not the misinformation, waffling, petty infighting and divisiveness we are getting out of Trump.

The economy is on the verge of collapse as unemployment will approach 20 percent and GDP will plummet.

I don’t think Trump has the skills to handle it.
So you believe Biden will provide "strong leadership?"

He has done it in the past and has a lengthy record of bipartisan cooperation and pragmatic decision making

And no, I am not going to go tit for tat on embarrassing pictures of Biden and Trump
Biden's primary skill is pandering. That isn't "strong leadership." Furthermore, now he is senile. He can hardly complete a coherent sentence.

Trump panders to racists
Trump tells us George Washington captured airports, that Windmills cause cancer, that Obama was born in Kenya

Want to talk senile?
Trump never said anything like that.

Recall that Joe Biden claimed President FDR went on television after the stock market crash in 1929 to reassure the nation, and you TDS morons claim Trump is dumb.

Trump does not pander to racists, you fucking moron.

wanna bet? look who has been his faithful base.

asshat not all whites are racist but a race-baiting pander like you is a racist

uh-huh. not only has yer chosen one, who said there are 'fine people on both sides' of a protest march that included torch bearing confed neo nazis - was sued, along with daddy drumpf - by the gov'ment - for housing discrimination,

now understand & read this slowlyyyyyyyyyyyyy....

based on R-A-C-E.

so save yer cheerleading for yer like minded ilk & have a circle jerk over how great he is.

More fake news. Can’t you make it with out lying? Oh and here’s a video that proves your a liar about the time line. Enjoy

i never lie. & i always have back up... unlike you. you get yer news from twitter & facebook.

'nuff said.


More misstruths.. rich people are sued all time, blacks are are always crying of racism when they are are fault. Lol where do you live in Greenland ? Lol

lol.... ya, you go with that. maybe you can just ask donny to do you over a sink so you won't hurt your back grabbing yer ankles.
Calling out the propaganda wing of the dnc ( Main stream media) is Patriotic, trump actually promotes media like one America, and news shows that give a accurate view of what’s going on.

Yeah, "One America", because Fox might occasionally ask a fair and sensible question, those bastards.

Screw nazis, Stalin took guns.. you democrats are Stalin l, red machine. Killing off your own voters blacks. You all are sick

There really weren't all that many guns for Stalin to take. Um, yeah, after you just had a bloody civil war, you take the guns away from the people you beat. HEEEELLLLOOOOOOOOO

OAN is fox fake news on steroids.
Cool story. Just like MSNBC and dingle

thanx for proving my point. a nazi
Calling out the propaganda wing of the dnc ( Main stream media) is Patriotic, trump actually promotes media like one America, and news shows that give a accurate view of what’s going on.

Yeah, "One America", because Fox might occasionally ask a fair and sensible question, those bastards.

Screw nazis, Stalin took guns.. you democrats are Stalin l, red machine. Killing off your own voters blacks. You all are sick

There really weren't all that many guns for Stalin to take. Um, yeah, after you just had a bloody civil war, you take the guns away from the people you beat. HEEEELLLLOOOOOOOOO

OAN is fox fake news on steroids.
Cool story. Just like MSNBC and dingle

i don't watch MSNBC. & they sure like to brag that they are liberal - -unlike the 'fair & balanced' fox who actually have the word 'news' in their title. LOL!!!!

shall i get the video of bill o'reilly & his 'reporter' on the ground in wisCONsin, complaining about violent 'union' thugs protesting, showing a riot 'they' engaged in with PALM TREES in the background? i mean, i know climate change is real - but PALM TREES in WISCONSIN? wow! who knew 'eh? :heehee:

All successful Americans get their information news from Fox News you can take your anecdotal evidence and have a little celebration lol . the facts more people will watch Fox for accurate information today then any left wing fake news out let. Get informed because you sound deranged on here
Up till now, Trump has muddled along with a strong economy and no major screw ups.

But this crisis calls for strong leadership. Not the misinformation, waffling, petty infighting and divisiveness we are getting out of Trump.

The economy is on the verge of collapse as unemployment will approach 20 percent and GDP will plummet.

I don’t think Trump has the skills to handle it.
So you believe Biden will provide "strong leadership?"

He has done it in the past and has a lengthy record of bipartisan cooperation and pragmatic decision making

And no, I am not going to go tit for tat on embarrassing pictures of Biden and Trump
Biden's primary skill is pandering. That isn't "strong leadership." Furthermore, now he is senile. He can hardly complete a coherent sentence.

Trump panders to racists
Trump tells us George Washington captured airports, that Windmills cause cancer, that Obama was born in Kenya

Want to talk senile?
Trump never said anything like that.

Recall that Joe Biden claimed President FDR went on television after the stock market crash in 1929 to reassure the nation, and you TDS morons claim Trump is dumb.

Trump does not pander to racists, you fucking moron.

wanna bet? look who has been his faithful base.

asshat not all whites are racist but a race-baiting pander like you is a racist

uh-huh. not only has yer chosen one, who said there are 'fine people on both sides' of a protest march that included torch bearing confed neo nazis - was sued, along with daddy drumpf - by the gov'ment - for housing discrimination,

now understand & read this slowlyyyyyyyyyyyyy....

based on R-A-C-E.

so save yer cheerleading for yer like minded ilk & have a circle jerk over how great he is.

More fake news. Can’t you make it with out lying? Oh and here’s a video that proves your a liar about the time line. Enjoy

i never lie. & i always have back up... unlike you. you get yer news from twitter & facebook.

'nuff said.


More misstruths.. rich people are sued all time, blacks are are always crying of racism when they are are fault. Lol where do you live in Greenland ? Lol

lol.... ya, you go with that. maybe you can just ask donny to do you over a sink so you won't hurt your back grabbing yer ankles.

Why do you always bring up gay sex? Do you hate gays?
Calling out the propaganda wing of the dnc ( Main stream media) is Patriotic, trump actually promotes media like one America, and news shows that give a accurate view of what’s going on.

Yeah, "One America", because Fox might occasionally ask a fair and sensible question, those bastards.

Screw nazis, Stalin took guns.. you democrats are Stalin l, red machine. Killing off your own voters blacks. You all are sick

There really weren't all that many guns for Stalin to take. Um, yeah, after you just had a bloody civil war, you take the guns away from the people you beat. HEEEELLLLOOOOOOOOO

OAN is fox fake news on steroids.
Cool story. Just like MSNBC and dingle

thanx for proving my point. a nazi
Calling out the propaganda wing of the dnc ( Main stream media) is Patriotic, trump actually promotes media like one America, and news shows that give a accurate view of what’s going on.

Yeah, "One America", because Fox might occasionally ask a fair and sensible question, those bastards.

Screw nazis, Stalin took guns.. you democrats are Stalin l, red machine. Killing off your own voters blacks. You all are sick

There really weren't all that many guns for Stalin to take. Um, yeah, after you just had a bloody civil war, you take the guns away from the people you beat. HEEEELLLLOOOOOOOOO

OAN is fox fake news on steroids.
Cool story. Just like MSNBC and dingle

i don't watch MSNBC. & they sure like to brag that they are liberal - -unlike the 'fair & balanced' fox who actually have the word 'news' in their title. LOL!!!!

shall i get the video of bill o'reilly & his 'reporter' on the ground in wisCONsin, complaining about violent 'union' thugs protesting, showing a riot 'they' engaged in with PALM TREES in the background? i mean, i know climate change is real - but PALM TREES in WISCONSIN? wow! who knew 'eh? :heehee:

All successful Americans get their information news from Fox News you can take your anecdotal evidence and have a little celebration lol . the facts more people will watch Fox for accurate information today then any left wing fake news out let. Get informed because you sound deranged on here

Up till now, Trump has muddled along with a strong economy and no major screw ups.

But this crisis calls for strong leadership. Not the misinformation, waffling, petty infighting and divisiveness we are getting out of Trump.

The economy is on the verge of collapse as unemployment will approach 20 percent and GDP will plummet.

I don’t think Trump has the skills to handle it.
So you believe Biden will provide "strong leadership?"

He has done it in the past and has a lengthy record of bipartisan cooperation and pragmatic decision making

And no, I am not going to go tit for tat on embarrassing pictures of Biden and Trump
Biden's primary skill is pandering. That isn't "strong leadership." Furthermore, now he is senile. He can hardly complete a coherent sentence.

Trump panders to racists
Trump tells us George Washington captured airports, that Windmills cause cancer, that Obama was born in Kenya

Want to talk senile?
Trump never said anything like that.

Recall that Joe Biden claimed President FDR went on television after the stock market crash in 1929 to reassure the nation, and you TDS morons claim Trump is dumb.

Trump does not pander to racists, you fucking moron.

wanna bet? look who has been his faithful base.

asshat not all whites are racist but a race-baiting pander like you is a racist

uh-huh. not only has yer chosen one, who said there are 'fine people on both sides' of a protest march that included torch bearing confed neo nazis - was sued, along with daddy drumpf - by the gov'ment - for housing discrimination,

now understand & read this slowlyyyyyyyyyyyyy....

based on R-A-C-E.

so save yer cheerleading for yer like minded ilk & have a circle jerk over how great he is.

More fake news. Can’t you make it with out lying? Oh and here’s a video that proves your a liar about the time line. Enjoy

i never lie. & i always have back up... unlike you. you get yer news from twitter & facebook.

'nuff said.


More misstruths.. rich people are sued all time, blacks are are always crying of racism when they are are fault. Lol where do you live in Greenland ? Lol

lol.... ya, you go with that. maybe you can just ask donny to do you over a sink so you won't hurt your back grabbing yer ankles.

Why do you always bring up gay sex? Do you hate gays?

it's all about willful submission. donny is the alpha to all you betas.

you don't think critically at all & that's why donny loves you long time.
Up till now, Trump has muddled along with a strong economy and no major screw ups.

But this crisis calls for strong leadership. Not the misinformation, waffling, petty infighting and divisiveness we are getting out of Trump.

The economy is on the verge of collapse as unemployment will approach 20 percent and GDP will plummet.

I don’t think Trump has the skills to handle it.
So you believe Biden will provide "strong leadership?"

He has done it in the past and has a lengthy record of bipartisan cooperation and pragmatic decision making

And no, I am not going to go tit for tat on embarrassing pictures of Biden and Trump
Biden's primary skill is pandering. That isn't "strong leadership." Furthermore, now he is senile. He can hardly complete a coherent sentence.

Trump panders to racists
Trump tells us George Washington captured airports, that Windmills cause cancer, that Obama was born in Kenya

Want to talk senile?
Trump never said anything like that.

Recall that Joe Biden claimed President FDR went on television after the stock market crash in 1929 to reassure the nation, and you TDS morons claim Trump is dumb.

Trump does not pander to racists, you fucking moron.

wanna bet? look who has been his faithful base.

asshat not all whites are racist but a race-baiting pander like you is a racist

uh-huh. not only has yer chosen one, who said there are 'fine people on both sides' of a protest march that included torch bearing confed neo nazis - was sued, along with daddy drumpf - by the gov'ment - for housing discrimination,

now understand & read this slowlyyyyyyyyyyyyy....

based on R-A-C-E.

so save yer cheerleading for yer like minded ilk & have a circle jerk over how great he is.

More fake news. Can’t you make it with out lying? Oh and here’s a video that proves your a liar about the time line. Enjoy

i never lie. & i always have back up... unlike you. you get yer news from twitter & facebook.

'nuff said.


More misstruths.. rich people are sued all time, blacks are are always crying of racism when they are are fault. Lol where do you live in Greenland ? Lol

lol.... ya, you go with that. maybe you can just ask donny to do you over a sink so you won't hurt your back grabbing yer ankles.

Why do you always bring up gay sex? Do you hate gays?

it's all about willful submission. donny is the alpha to all you betas.

you don't think critically at all & that's why donny loves you long time.

No he’s the leader of alphas .. you lefties are the mask wearing, kkk, antifia, big government protection cowards lol haha
Link....This should be good and yes this forum requires links.

Um, no, actually it doesn't.

Here's an article from India today.

To the question if Akhtar thought Modi was fascist, he replied, "Of course, he is. I mean, fascists don't have horns on their heads. Fascist is a thinking. And thinking that 'we are better than others and whatever problems we have, it is because of these people'... the moment you hate people in wholesale, you're a fascist."

So you can supply links. How about a non opposition neutral link? Thanks.
Up till now, Trump has muddled along with a strong economy and no major screw ups.

But this crisis calls for strong leadership. Not the misinformation, waffling, petty infighting and divisiveness we are getting out of Trump.

The economy is on the verge of collapse as unemployment will approach 20 percent and GDP will plummet.

I don’t think Trump has the skills to handle it.
So you believe Biden will provide "strong leadership?"

He has done it in the past and has a lengthy record of bipartisan cooperation and pragmatic decision making

And no, I am not going to go tit for tat on embarrassing pictures of Biden and Trump
Biden's primary skill is pandering. That isn't "strong leadership." Furthermore, now he is senile. He can hardly complete a coherent sentence.

Trump panders to racists
Trump tells us George Washington captured airports, that Windmills cause cancer, that Obama was born in Kenya

Want to talk senile?
Trump never said anything like that.

Recall that Joe Biden claimed President FDR went on television after the stock market crash in 1929 to reassure the nation, and you TDS morons claim Trump is dumb.

Trump does not pander to racists, you fucking moron.

wanna bet? look who has been his faithful base.

asshat not all whites are racist but a race-baiting pander like you is a racist

uh-huh. not only has yer chosen one, who said there are 'fine people on both sides' of a protest march that included torch bearing confed neo nazis - was sued, along with daddy drumpf - by the gov'ment - for housing discrimination,

now understand & read this slowlyyyyyyyyyyyyy....

based on R-A-C-E.

so save yer cheerleading for yer like minded ilk & have a circle jerk over how great he is.

More fake news. Can’t you make it with out lying? Oh and here’s a video that proves your a liar about the time line. Enjoy

i never lie. & i always have back up... unlike you. you get yer news from twitter & facebook.

'nuff said.


More misstruths.. rich people are sued all time, blacks are are always crying of racism when they are are fault. Lol where do you live in Greenland ? Lol

lol.... ya, you go with that. maybe you can just ask donny to do you over a sink so you won't hurt your back grabbing yer ankles.

Why do you always bring up gay sex? Do you hate gays?

it's all about willful submission. donny is the alpha to all you betas.

you don't think critically at all & that's why donny loves you long time.

This retard fight is fantastic. Keep it going.
Trump berates a female reporter after she pressed him on why he didn't warn Americans about the coronavirus crisis sooner

Business Insider
Apr 20th 2020 4:58AM

  • President Donald Trump lashed out at a female reporter at a Sunday night press briefing after she pressed the president on why he didn't warn Americans about the coronavirus spread earlier.
  • CBS News White House Correspondent Weijia Jiang sparred with Trump over recent statements he made in which he said that "people knew [coronavirus] was happening and people didn't want to talk about it."
  • As Jiang tried to press Trump on his administration's slow response, Trump told Jiang to "relax" and "keep your voice down please."
  • Trump has come under intense scrutiny for his administration's slow response to the coronavirus crisis despite reports that indicate that US intelligence warned Trump in January and February about a likely pandemic.
'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims
Allan Smith
NBC NewsApril 19, 2020

'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims

take yer pick of articles that all reported it & both politifact & snopes confirm it:

trump PPE china 17 tons - Google Search

fact. jack.
Exported for $$$ not “given away” thanks for the clarification

allowing them to sell to china instead of beefing up the stockpile for american citizens by imposing the DPA still means he pissed it away.

he cared about money more than american lives.
Get some rest, don’t let trump get in your head like this..

you have literally been here all day grabbing yer ankles for donny. are you a tweeker?
No I’m just happy the great job he’s doing.
great job ?he was warned and did shit until weeks later.... Americans at WHO warned him And republicans still kiss his ass
He wasn't "warned," douchebag.
Who to believe a trumper with his head up trumps ass or our intelligence agencies?
Up till now, Trump has muddled along with a strong economy and no major screw ups.

But this crisis calls for strong leadership. Not the misinformation, waffling, petty infighting and divisiveness we are getting out of Trump.

The economy is on the verge of collapse as unemployment will approach 20 percent and GDP will plummet.

I don’t think Trump has the skills to handle it.
So you believe Biden will provide "strong leadership?"

He has done it in the past and has a lengthy record of bipartisan cooperation and pragmatic decision making

And no, I am not going to go tit for tat on embarrassing pictures of Biden and Trump
Biden's primary skill is pandering. That isn't "strong leadership." Furthermore, now he is senile. He can hardly complete a coherent sentence.

Trump panders to racists
Trump tells us George Washington captured airports, that Windmills cause cancer, that Obama was born in Kenya

Want to talk senile?
Trump never said anything like that.

Recall that Joe Biden claimed President FDR went on television after the stock market crash in 1929 to reassure the nation, and you TDS morons claim Trump is dumb.

Trump does not pander to racists, you fucking moron.

wanna bet? look who has been his faithful base.

asshat not all whites are racist but a race-baiting pander like you is a racist

uh-huh. not only has yer chosen one, who said there are 'fine people on both sides' of a protest march that included torch bearing confed neo nazis - was sued, along with daddy drumpf - by the gov'ment - for housing discrimination,

now understand & read this slowlyyyyyyyyyyyyy....

based on R-A-C-E.

so save yer cheerleading for yer like minded ilk & have a circle jerk over how great he is.

More fake news. Can’t you make it with out lying? Oh and here’s a video that proves your a liar about the time line. Enjoy

i never lie. & i always have back up... unlike you. you get yer news from twitter & facebook.

'nuff said.


More misstruths.. rich people are sued all time, blacks are are always crying of racism when they are are fault. Lol where do you live in Greenland ? Lol

lol.... ya, you go with that. maybe you can just ask donny to do you over a sink so you won't hurt your back grabbing yer ankles.

Why do you always bring up gay sex? Do you hate gays?

it's all about willful submission. donny is the alpha to all you betas.

you don't think critically at all & that's why donny loves you long time.

This retard fight is fantastic. Keep it going.

Who you calling a retard? Why do you talk shit lol you live 15 mins away. Say it to my face you key board commando
Up till now, Trump has muddled along with a strong economy and no major screw ups.

But this crisis calls for strong leadership. Not the misinformation, waffling, petty infighting and divisiveness we are getting out of Trump.

The economy is on the verge of collapse as unemployment will approach 20 percent and GDP will plummet.

I don’t think Trump has the skills to handle it.
So you believe Biden will provide "strong leadership?"

He has done it in the past and has a lengthy record of bipartisan cooperation and pragmatic decision making

And no, I am not going to go tit for tat on embarrassing pictures of Biden and Trump
Biden's primary skill is pandering. That isn't "strong leadership." Furthermore, now he is senile. He can hardly complete a coherent sentence.

Trump panders to racists
Trump tells us George Washington captured airports, that Windmills cause cancer, that Obama was born in Kenya

Want to talk senile?
Trump never said anything like that.

Recall that Joe Biden claimed President FDR went on television after the stock market crash in 1929 to reassure the nation, and you TDS morons claim Trump is dumb.

Trump does not pander to racists, you fucking moron.

wanna bet? look who has been his faithful base.

asshat not all whites are racist but a race-baiting pander like you is a racist

uh-huh. not only has yer chosen one, who said there are 'fine people on both sides' of a protest march that included torch bearing confed neo nazis - was sued, along with daddy drumpf - by the gov'ment - for housing discrimination,

now understand & read this slowlyyyyyyyyyyyyy....

based on R-A-C-E.

so save yer cheerleading for yer like minded ilk & have a circle jerk over how great he is.

More fake news. Can’t you make it with out lying? Oh and here’s a video that proves your a liar about the time line. Enjoy

i never lie. & i always have back up... unlike you. you get yer news from twitter & facebook.

'nuff said.


More misstruths.. rich people are sued all time, blacks are are always crying of racism when they are are fault. Lol where do you live in Greenland ? Lol

lol.... ya, you go with that. maybe you can just ask donny to do you over a sink so you won't hurt your back grabbing yer ankles.

Why do you always bring up gay sex? Do you hate gays?

it's all about willful submission. donny is the alpha to all you betas.

you don't think critically at all & that's why donny loves you long time.

This retard fight is fantastic. Keep it going.

Who you calling a retard? Why do you talk shit lol you live 15 mins away. Say it to my face you key board commando

Relax, snowflake. So easily triggered.
'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims
Allan Smith
NBC NewsApril 19, 2020

'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims

take yer pick of articles that all reported it & both politifact & snopes confirm it:

trump PPE china 17 tons - Google Search

fact. jack.
Exported for $$$ not “given away” thanks for the clarification

allowing them to sell to china instead of beefing up the stockpile for american citizens by imposing the DPA still means he pissed it away.

he cared about money more than american lives.
Get some rest, don’t let trump get in your head like this..

you have literally been here all day grabbing yer ankles for donny. are you a tweeker?
No I’m just happy the great job he’s doing.
great job ?he was warned and did shit until weeks later.... Americans at WHO warned him And republicans still kiss his ass
He wasn't "warned," douchebag.
Who to believe a trumper with his head up trumps ass or our intelligence agencies?
Intelligent agency’s lol
'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims
Allan Smith
NBC NewsApril 19, 2020

'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims

take yer pick of articles that all reported it & both politifact & snopes confirm it:

trump PPE china 17 tons - Google Search

fact. jack.
Exported for $$$ not “given away” thanks for the clarification

allowing them to sell to china instead of beefing up the stockpile for american citizens by imposing the DPA still means he pissed it away.

he cared about money more than american lives.
Get some rest, don’t let trump get in your head like this..

you have literally been here all day grabbing yer ankles for donny. are you a tweeker?
No I’m just happy the great job he’s doing.
great job ?he was warned and did shit until weeks later.... Americans at WHO warned him And republicans still kiss his ass
He wasn't "warned," douchebag.
Who to believe a trumper with his head up trumps ass or our intelligence agencies?
50/50. Agencies have been compromised at the top.

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