Arizona GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward gives an update on the Maricopa County ballot audit

Their supposedly looking for the former presidents watermarks of illegal ballots....
The Qanon secret watermark theory.

Maricopa County ballot printer weighs in
The CEO of Runbeck Election Services, the company that orders the ballot paper and prints ballots for the county, told The Arizona Republic on Wednesday that there are no tracking marks or watermarks on the paper they used in this election. Maricopa County's Election Department also said there are no watermarks on the paper.
What does Q Anon have to so with any of this?
Q claimed that the former president had put secret watermarks on Arizona's ballots so any ballot that didn't contain that watermark was illegal.

The cyber partisan ninja's have stopped using the UV light (after testing who knows how many ballots) as the whole idea of secret watermarks is fucking ignorant.
Their supposedly looking for the former presidents watermarks of illegal ballots....
The Qanon secret watermark theory.

Maricopa County ballot printer weighs in
The CEO of Runbeck Election Services, the company that orders the ballot paper and prints ballots for the county, told The Arizona Republic on Wednesday that there are no tracking marks or watermarks on the paper they used in this election. Maricopa County's Election Department also said there are no watermarks on the paper.
What does Q Anon have to so with any of this?
Q claimed that the former president had put secret watermarks on Arizona's ballots so any ballot that didn't contain that watermark was illegal.

The cyber partisan ninja's have stopped using the UV light (after testing who knows how many ballots) as the whole idea of secret watermarks is fucking ignorant.
Who cares what Q says?
Undermining the trust in fair elections. Well that's how its done in Russia, will it work in America?
In fact I think the full weight of the DOJ and federal law enforcement would descend on AZ, destroy cities, throw everyone suspected of being involved in GITMO like soviet troops in Hungary before they allow any results to be reported on, as if the media WOULD report on it.

Are you a screenwriter? Spoiler alert: tell us whether or not a gigantic lizard or pterodactyl will be stomping through Phoenix crushing skyscrapers and eating republicans.
This "audit" is nothing but a sideshow for the Trump rubes and hicks.

EXAMPLE: UV lights to look for Trump's secret watermark. The secret watermark that was a rumor started among the Q-Mans. BUT it's so stupidly transparent. If they DO find the watermarks it proves fraud because Trump never inserted "secret ballots" and if the DON'T it proves fraud because none of the watermarked ballots showed up.
Fingerprints, unless sprayed or dusted with a UV powder, will NOT glow under UV light. I don't know what they're trying to find with UV light, but it's nothing that can tie it to the people who handled it.

"Evidence? We don need no Steenkin evidence!"

WE gots conspiracies!

Has anyone noticed that "conservative" and "conspiracy" both begin with "CON" and have the same number of syllables. Someone needs to look into this obvious collusion.
Hey OANN! I got some breaking stuff for you! An exclusive!

So Capitol rioters are counting votes using a system designed by a QAnon freak

WHat could possibly go wrong

I'm sure it's just a coincidence.
I don't know what these people hope to prove except that they know how to waste the taxpayers' money. Even if it wasn't a remarkably stupid idea, after the results have been certified for months, the results would not have any evidentiary value. It's a totally partisan boondoggle that has not been conducted according to any rules of ballot-counting. I guess the republicans can use it for propaganda purposes among their sheep, who seem to be attracted to theatrics.

Anyone who thinks that there is a reasonable expectation that they will finish this recount and announce that Biden is the winner is insane.
It'll be fun in the upcoming years when the same GOP spending millions on pointless and fruitless exercises such as this swear there is no money for school, healthcare, roads, etc...
I guess the republicans can use it for propaganda purposes among their sheep, who seem to be attracted to theatrics.
Spot on – that’s exactly what it is: political theater, a pathetic attempt by Republicans to keep the Big Lie alive, and a bad-faith waste of time and money.
I watched the news where they first started using UV lights on the ballots, then they switched to some sort of paper fold detector. This goes with a topic that popped up after the election where they said Trump secretly had watermarks put on all the ballots, so they could tell real ballots from fake ones.

Days ago somebody posted they came out of a count of 250,000 illegal ballots, but that story didn't pan out either.

I'm always tickled by the guys who swear there are illegal ballots, fraudulent signatures, and running ballots through multiple times. If you can just change the counts in the software, why would you do any of these other things?
I don't know what these people hope to prove except that they know how to waste the taxpayers' money. Even if it wasn't a remarkably stupid idea, after the results have been certified for months, the results would not have any evidentiary value. It's a totally partisan boondoggle that has not been conducted according to any rules of ballot-counting. I guess the republicans can use it for propaganda purposes among their sheep, who seem to be attracted to theatrics.

Anyone who thinks that there is a reasonable expectation that they will finish this recount and announce that Biden is the winner is insane.
It'll be fun in the upcoming years when the same GOP spending millions on pointless and fruitless exercises such as this swear there is no money for school, healthcare, roads, etc...

Look what they have already spent money on. The "wall." "Abstinence education." Fruitless "defense" contracts. Endless travel for trump's cronies and their Secret Service guards. Millions to keep trump's "wife" and son in NYC. Political rallies with trump flying Air Force One all over the place for no reason that benefited the American people. What expenditures did they approve for healthcare, childcare, our roads and bridges, aid to hungry Americans, our Puerto Rican folks suffering in poverty after a huge natural disaster that basically flattened their island, planning for the care of the thousands of unwanted children they want born in this country. I am so thoroughly disgusted.

The people who put out this kind of crap most likely never went without a decent meal and a dry roof over their heads in their lives. I never have, and I will admit it.

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