Arizona GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward gives an update on the Maricopa County ballot audit

I don't know what these people hope to prove except that they know how to waste the taxpayers' money. Even if it wasn't a remarkably stupid idea, after the results have been certified for months, the results would not have any evidentiary value. It's a totally partisan boondoggle that has not been conducted according to any rules of ballot-counting. I guess the republicans can use it for propaganda purposes among their sheep, who seem to be attracted to theatrics.

Anyone who thinks that there is a reasonable expectation that they will finish this recount and announce that Biden is the winner is insane.
It'll be fun in the upcoming years when the same GOP spending millions on pointless and fruitless exercises such as this swear there is no money for school, healthcare, roads, etc...

Look what they have already spent money on. The "wall." "Abstinence education." Fruitless "defense" contracts. Endless travel for trump's cronies and their Secret Service guards. Millions to keep trump's "wife" and son in NYC. Political rallies with trump flying Air Force One all over the place for no reason that benefited the American people. What expenditures did they approve for healthcare, childcare, our roads and bridges, aid to hungry Americans, our Puerto Rican folks suffering in poverty after a huge natural disaster that basically flattened their island, planning for the care of the thousands of unwanted children they want born in this country. I am so thoroughly disgusted.

The people who put out this kind of crap most likely never went without a decent meal and a dry roof over their heads in their lives. I never have, and I will admit it.

There is always waste and the next truly fiscally responsible politician I meet will be the first truly fiscally responsible politician I meet. You left out tons of things. Who do you think is truly paying for the new schools and hospitals in Bagdhad and Kabul? Its us on our credit card. This is beyond the military hardware we've given away which will be pointed at us in the next decades.

What makes me laugh--it doesn't bother me so much anymore because I'm pretty numb to it--is the hypocrisy of "We don't have money for _______". When I worked in public health, I used to order contraceptives that we gave out to what we called "at risk" populations. The drug makers would sell them to the state under the 340B program. I could buy thousands and thousands of cycles for pennies compared to what you'd pay at CVS. The program "modified" because republicans found out that this meant people were having sex. So we have more unwanted pregnancies, more single parent households, more poverty. This "modification" happened in the early 2000's. Gee, guess what is happening in our inner cities 15-18 years later. The kids who grew up without fathers and roaming the streets riot when there is any reason...good or bad. There is some demonstrations the violence is just from thug culture. Pennies spent back in 2005 would save millions of dollars later on. It's a vivid cause and effect relationship. The GOP solution? Lets send in more troops which miraculously are well paid for.

Yup, voted 8 times in Georgia and 5 times in Arizona and I am from Ohio!!!
I would not doubt you. Those illegal ballots will be found in the audits.

Oh gee golly gosh I hope not!!!
Fraud is going to be proven.

Better get Rudy, the Kraken Lady and MyPillow on it pronto!!!!
Fraud will be proven.

Yup, voted 8 times in Georgia and 5 times in Arizona and I am from Ohio!!!
I would not doubt you. Those illegal ballots will be found in the audits.

Oh gee golly gosh I hope not!!!
Fraud is going to be proven.

Better get Rudy, the Kraken Lady and MyPillow on it pronto!!!!
Fraud will be proven.

I know, ewe keep telling everyone. Rudy, the Kraken Lady and MyPillow believe ewe as well!!

Yup, voted 8 times in Georgia and 5 times in Arizona and I am from Ohio!!!
I would not doubt you. Those illegal ballots will be found in the audits.

Oh gee golly gosh I hope not!!!
Fraud is going to be proven.

Better get Rudy, the Kraken Lady and MyPillow on it pronto!!!!
Fraud will be proven.

I know, ewe keep telling everyone. Rudy, the Kraken Lady and MyPillow believe ewe as well!!
And over 100 million others. Arizona will bring more into that camp.
Here's an interesting inside take on the audit.

The sore loser butthurt will never end. Luckily actual adults have moved on.

You looking for tips.

You certainly nursed a sore rear for four long years.

And bored us with your constant complaining.

The left accepted the legitimacy of the 2016 election very early on. That’s the difference. You’re all just butthurt losers in comparison lol

Yup, voted 8 times in Georgia and 5 times in Arizona and I am from Ohio!!!
I would not doubt you. Those illegal ballots will be found in the audits.

Oh gee golly gosh I hope not!!!
Fraud is going to be proven.

So you know the outcome already? How? Fraud will never be proven by a one-sided partisan "audit." This whole thing is a worthless hoax.
Here's an interesting inside take on the audit.

The sore loser butthurt will never end. Luckily actual adults have moved on.

You looking for tips.

You certainly nursed a sore rear for four long years.

And bored us with your constant complaining.

The left accepted the legitimacy of the 2016 election very early on. That’s the difference. You’re all just butthurt losers in comparison lol

I never said you didn't.

You simply whined and complained and griped and threw tantrums (continually lying about most things) for four years.

I would agree that the election issue is bringing out some strange behaviour.

2022 will rectify that.

Yup, voted 8 times in Georgia and 5 times in Arizona and I am from Ohio!!!
I would not doubt you. Those illegal ballots will be found in the audits.

Oh gee golly gosh I hope not!!!
Fraud is going to be proven.

So you know the outcome already? How? Fraud will never be proven by a one-sided partisan "audit." This whole thing is a worthless hoax.

It is certainly not a hoax.

Otherwise the democrats would not have fought it.

Worthless is something I can agree with though. I don't see it doing anything.

Yup, voted 8 times in Georgia and 5 times in Arizona and I am from Ohio!!!
I would not doubt you. Those illegal ballots will be found in the audits.

Oh gee golly gosh I hope not!!!
Fraud is going to be proven.

So you know the outcome already? How? Fraud will never be proven by a one-sided partisan "audit." This whole thing is a worthless hoax.

It is certainly not a hoax.

Otherwise the democrats would not have fought it.

Worthless is something I can agree with though. I don't see it doing anything.

It's a total hoax. The only thing that Democrats and others are fighting is republicans trying to pretend that it is some sort of official proceeding that carries any legal or moral weight.

Yup, voted 8 times in Georgia and 5 times in Arizona and I am from Ohio!!!
I would not doubt you. Those illegal ballots will be found in the audits.

Oh gee golly gosh I hope not!!!
Fraud is going to be proven.

So you know the outcome already? How? Fraud will never be proven by a one-sided partisan "audit." This whole thing is a worthless hoax.

It is certainly not a hoax.

Otherwise the democrats would not have fought it.

Worthless is something I can agree with though. I don't see it doing anything.

It's a total hoax. The only thing that Democrats and others are fighting is republicans trying to pretend that it is some sort of official proceeding that carries any legal or moral weight.


There was never any illusion it did.

They just don't want the argument to continue.

Both sides are being idiots.

Your bias always shows through.

Yup, voted 8 times in Georgia and 5 times in Arizona and I am from Ohio!!!
I would not doubt you. Those illegal ballots will be found in the audits.

Oh gee golly gosh I hope not!!!
Fraud is going to be proven.

Better get Rudy, the Kraken Lady and MyPillow on it pronto!!!!
Fraud will be proven.

I know, ewe keep telling everyone. Rudy, the Kraken Lady and MyPillow believe ewe as well!!
And over 100 million others. Arizona will bring more into that camp.

ROTFLMFAO, ya no oh know. Do ewe think I should be worried about my 5 votes in Arizona. Nah I will be fine since not 1 person or entity has been found in this massive cover-up!

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