Arizona GOP Offering $50,000 Reward For 2000 Mules Conviction

You guys claim that millions of fraudulent votes were cast and yet here, with a $50,000 reward on top of what ought to be some pretty intense impetus, not one single suspect in any state in the nation, has been identified. The level of ignorance you fools display is just flabbergasting.
A cheap political stunt created to stir shit up. Not really new. Loading mailboxes is not new, Both LBJ and Richard Nixon did that early in their careers. Mailboxes are federal property, tampering with them is a federal violation. I know two Dems and two Republicans in SoCal who got caught doing....jail time for them both.
Yes, stealing elections is an American pastime.
After writing letters to newspapers in Pittsburgh, Minneapolis, Detroit, Phoenix, and New York City offering a $20,000 reward for information leading to arrest and conviction of persons conspiring to load remote mail boxes in the 2020 presidential election, I got nowhere. I also placed ads in Phoenix Craigs List and they were deleted within minutes.
I wrote to Dinesh D'Souza, Fox News, Dennis Prager, Project Veritas and finally the Arizona GOP citing my efforts and ability to pay. (3:51 P.M. July 8 email to [email protected].)
Nothing until today!!!

Jackpot. This is HUGE! You heard it from me first.

BREAKING: Arizona GOP Offers $50,000 DOLLAR REWARD For Evidence Of Vote Buying In the 2022 Arizona Primary Election

BREAKING: Arizona GOP Offers $50,000 DOLLAR REWARD For Evidence Of Vote Buying In the 2022 Arizona Primary Election
Sounds like put up or shut up time.
A cheap political stunt created to stir shit up. Not really new. Loading mailboxes is not new, Both LBJ and Richard Nixon did that early in their careers. Mailboxes are federal property, tampering with them is a federal violation. I know two Dems and two Republicans in SoCal who got caught doing....jail time for them both.
I thought the socialistas in CA defunded all their police to create chaos so they could invite illegal invasion and become the first communist state, which wouldn't last long considering the whos and whys of it.
You guys claim that millions of fraudulent votes were cast and yet here, with a $50,000 reward on top of what ought to be some pretty intense impetus, not one single suspect in any state in the nation, has been identified. The level of ignorance you fools display is just flabbergasting.
There's a crack in that, Crick.
I believed you when you said you belonged to the military of this country. Were you referring to my belief in your service as a positive aspect as my being a sucker? Do tell.:eusa_hand:
This dude said he was in the military? Do tell........

These idiots voted for an incestuous pedophile per Ashley's diary?

I believe we have quite a few incestuous pedophile sympathizers here. So many weirdos here
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Surely there's some lead paint chip eating in there too. It's amazing how the marks keep getting fleeced.

I have always wondered if Conservatives are born gullible, heartless, morons or if they are just brought up by gullible, heartless morons for parents
Ok, so you think maybe that the crime was full proof eh ?? Ok so let's see it through to the end, and hopefully if crime's we're committed that hoisted the most dangerous man into a position of power, then it can be reversed over time.

Democrat's best get to digging deeper if they want to cover it all up. My guess is that soon the unraveling of it all will begin, and the wheels of justice will be forced to take the brakes off.
Ooooooh boooooooy. Another toothless prediction/projection. How’s that Durham thing going? What about the Hunter laptop? Is Hilary locked up yet? So many secret plans by Dems out there.
You know, the 2020 election was a while ago. I think it has been plenty of time. You guys are just being naive at this point.
Saying it in that way doesn't make it as long as you might wish. The wheels of justice grind slowly and precise. Stay tuned.
Ever noticed how President Trump was always found not to have done what the Dirty Tricks Democrat Leaders falsely accused him of? Always. No exceptions.

Nope, I have not noticed that at all.

Does it occur to you when he says he has evidence he *bingo!* is certainly telling the truth!

Nope. If he had evidence the whole world would have seen it by now. But instead he just repeats the same lies pep rally after pep rally.
I think you are gravely mistaken. Conservatives tend to support right causes and results that benefit the United States of America with no holds barred.

Yes, Conservatives tend to do that. Too bad we have almost none of them left in this country, too bad Trump and his followers are not Conservatives
Define a conservative in your words..

One who supports less government spending, free markets, smaller government, free trade, and low government debt with no deficit spending except in an emergency.

The last president we had that qualified was a dude named Calvin

These days being a conservative is about nothing but social issues, which in my own opinion does not really make one a conservative as they want the Govt to enforce their views on social issues.
"Donald Trump is not going to be president. Take it to the bank. I guarantee it." - Democrat Leader in 2020

Talk about naive! These people think:
Men can become women
Transgenders should be brainwashing small children in school
A male doctor killing an unborn baby is just fine but men killing unborn babies can do life in prison for murder
$5 to $6 a gallon gas isn't Biden's fault after he shut down the pipeline and cut back drilling
The entire press and media, colluding with the FBI no less to smear and defeat Trump was just fine.
So how much money have they paid out so far? For all these convictions?
So how much money have they paid out so far? For all these convictions?

Don't waste your time or energy.

It's been almost two years and these ignoramuses still believe the election was stolen, even though there has been no credible or actionable evidence. It's fucking ridiculous. As are they.

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