Arizona GOP Offering $50,000 Reward For 2000 Mules Conviction

I witnessed Democrats bragging online as to who voted the most times and who inserted more votes than other precinct chairman in this little chance monitoring of a national chatline Sometime between 1998-2001

Says the Leftist moderator.
I offered $20,000 and am more than willing to pay it. The Arizona GOP has considerably more resources than me or "DontTazMeBro." The repercussions from convictions in Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Minnesota and Wisconsin will stupify scores of millions of Democrats. This is bigger than Watergate, "Bro." Mark my words.
Thanks. It's not just a story. It's my experience with the dark side of Omeurta Democrats. I contributed nothing to their little hate-America fest. I was a lot younger then, and I was totally shocked that anyone would abuse their voter rights, disrespecting people who live within the one-person one-vote rule the rest of us abide by. There were several of them, and I remember their states were from the Pacific coast states to the Atlantic, and one was from the Great Lakes region. They got my attention due to the number of them and the states they shamed with their corruption. Now, with fewer people interested in integrity than back then, I know what socialists are capable of, particularly when one of their main leaders' university dissertation was on the promotion of the Alinsky method that actually has steps in it to convert a free Democracy into a totalitarian sociocommunist dictatorship by way of oligarchs who can tear any common person in the country to shreds without benefit of a trial if they so decree.
There are certainly a lot of suckers on the Right, aren't there?
I believed you when you said you belonged to the military of this country. Were you referring to my belief in your service as a positive aspect as my being a sucker? Do tell.:eusa_hand:
This is a joke thread, right? Because I'm laughing my ass off...

OH! It's just another ShamEngineer thread! Those are always a joke.
I witnessed Democrats bragging online as to who voted the most times and who inserted more votes than other precinct chairman in this little chance monitoring of a national chatline Sometime between 1998-2001. It was a long time ago, but I remember the horror I felt at talking to people who'd change their precinct's citizens vote by cheating and slipping in more votes than the one vote each person is entitled to. I said nothing, went back the next day to that site, and the entire thread had been removed. A few months later, the NY Board sponsors shut down the entire site.
Interesting story, but it proves nothing, if nobody got prosecuted for what they said in a chat room. It could have been anything from wholesale confession, to trolls who liked yanking peoples chains.
You do realize, of course, that the GOP doing this is ad admission that they have zero evidence of fraud and are hoping someone can pull their fat from the fire.
Ever noticed how President Trump was always found not to have done what the Dirty Tricks Democrat Leaders falsely accused him of? Always. No exceptions. Does it occur to you when he says he has evidence he *bingo!* is certainly telling the truth! As for the Democrats, they can't move because they've lied so many times and salaciously, too. The Democrats are skilled at breaking the 9th Commandment of "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." And they do it a lot in order to steal confidence from the good people who don't lie, and are never caught in lies because their business savvy backs up those who tell the truth, and who always tell the truth. Funny how that works, yes? Yeah!
Interesting story, but it proves nothing, if nobody got prosecuted for what they said in a chat room. It could have been anything from wholesale confession, to trolls who liked yanking peoples chains.
It's not a story. It's the truth. Let me be clear, I'm not joking, but back then I was mortified when I ran into that online chat. I was new to the internet as well. But I don't run from lying bullies. Don't forget it.
I witnessed Democrats bragging online as to who voted the most times and who inserted more votes than other precinct chairman in this little chance monitoring of a national chatline Sometime between 1998-2001. It was a long time ago, but I remember the horror I felt at talking to people who'd change their precinct's citizens vote by cheating and slipping in more votes than the one vote each person is entitled to. I said nothing, went back the next day to that site, and the entire thread had been removed. A few months later, the NY Board sponsors shut down the entire site. They didn't want to get involved in ill-will losses of the Magazine business they also owned.
Suuuuuuuure you did. :heehee:
Easy to offer a huge award you know you'll never have to pay.
He might. That's a pretty generous thing to offer, and America will become blessed again when people straighten up and fly right. That won't happen when they're patting each other on the back for deceptions performed in the lies they have planned for President Trump that may never come to full fruition. I think the American people will be relieved when President Trump is restored in every way. I will continue to keep him, his family, and those who supported him through thick and thin, like Steve Bannon and others who want to know the truth the Omeurta crowd is obfuscating time and again.

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