Arizona GOP Offering $50,000 Reward For 2000 Mules Conviction

Don't waste your time or energy.

It's been almost two years and these ignoramuses still believe the election was stolen, even though there has been no credible or actionable evidence. It's fucking ridiculous. As are they.

Vulgarity, hatefulness, lies, and pretentiousness make your point SO CONVINCING.
You're obviously a class act, just like, oh Hunter Biden, Kamala Harris, AOC, Maxine Waters, and the rest of your group.

Here's a thought. Roe V. Wade was adjudicated in 1973 and since that year, we have heard from YOUR SIDE "Law of the land. Law of the land. Law of the land. The court said."

How long did it take the court to reverse that evil lie?
Nestle up to that fact tonight when you lie your head down on your pillow.

I've contacted the GOP Headquarters in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Minnesota and Michigan asking them to offer the same rewards in their cities where votes were compromised.
They sure are.

yeah nothing screams conservatives more than doubling the deficit in 2 years and submitting the 4 largest budget request in the history of our country

You literally have no idea what a conservative is.
yeah nothing screams conservatives more than doubling the deficit in 2 years and submitting the 4 largest budget request in the history of our country

You literally have no idea what a conservative is.
I was talking about values, not finances. I do not think you have much experience with those.
Trumpsters are not conservatives.
So that's y'all's latest game played eh ? Say conservatives aren't conservatives when they are beating your every move ?? Yeah that's it. The word games are endless eh ?

the KKKult gathering was nice huh.
You made a friend........fucking hilarious
That's the old game calling Trump a racist in hopes that it stick's sometime soon. Freaking hilarious... Past time to change up, so what will it be next ? The audience is just on the edge of it's seat I tell ya... ROTFLMBO..
yeah nothing screams conservatives more than doubling the deficit in 2 years and submitting the 4 largest budget request in the history of our country

You literally have no idea what a conservative is.
Slick - If you think that the last 15 or 21 year's have dealt with normal budget allocations, then what rock did you crawl out from under ? Do better.
Define a conservative in your words..
Reactionary, authoritarian, nativist, illiberal – fearful of positive, beneficial change, diversity, and inclusion.

Seeking to compel conformity and silence dissent via authority of the state, more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.
So that's y'all's latest game played eh ? Say conservatives aren't conservatives when they are beating your every move ?? Yeah that's it. The word games are endless eh ?
Uh. No, I was responding to your suggesting that Gator was no conservative, because he disagrees with Trumpsters. Trumpsters aren't conservatives. They're idiot populists. Y'all aren't playing with a full deck.
Reactionary, authoritarian, nativist, illiberal – fearful of positive, beneficial change, diversity, and inclusion.

Seeking to compel conformity and silence dissent via authority of the state, more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.
Yeah all caused by leftist, now deal with it Lefty. This country was rocking along in a positive direction until NAFTA, and after that it was the fall out from NAFTA.

Vietnam got it really going in the wrong direction first though, because out of that situation came the leftist drug addled hippie movement. The fall out from that cluster is still going on, and as of late it has picked up in speed.

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