Arizona Governor Signs Pro-Life Bill for Surprise Inspections of Abortion Clinics


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Having seen the inside of Gosnell's House of Hatred, and hearing about them flushing dead baby parts down the toilet, perhaps GOOD PEOPLE can shut these killers down, bypassing the idiotic SCOTUS decision...after all the EPA makes law, without having to get Congress, or even SCOTUS approval! Use the health code, Fuck the killers! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has signed a pro-life bill that the state’s pro-life groups were pressing for her to sign after approval by the state legislature. HB 2284 would make sure that abortion clinics are treated the same as other medical facilities by allowing for unannounced inspections.’s what Center for Arizona Policy President Cathi Herrod has to say about it in an email to LifeNews:

“Arizona’s thriving pro-life movement has had another tremendous victory today as Governor Brewer has signed the Women’s Health Protection Act (HB 2284).

This law ensures abortion clinics are subject to the same inspection standards as all other medical facilities in the state. Abortion clinic inspections matter, and it is unconscionable that they would be exempt from common-sense health and safety standards.

I am tremendously grateful to the bill’s sponsor, Rep. Debbie Lesko who championed this important legislation and all the legislators that voted for HB 2284. Governor Jan Brewer is also owed a debt of gratitude for standing up to the attacks and distortions from Planned Parenthood to carry on her tremendous legacy as the nation’s most pro-life governor.

Today we celebrate this victory, but our work will never be done until every woman and preborn child is protected from the dangerous and deadly practices of Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry.”
Arizona Right to Life also supported the bill:

Surely, Planned Parenthood and pro-choice elected representatives look hypocritical by opposing such common sense legislation.

Paradoxically, the real war on women is being waged by the pro-choice community, not those who are honestly and lovingly wanting what is truly best for both woman and child.

If clean, safe and well-regulated abortion clinics are the goal of Planned Parenthood, then they would not oppose this bill, no matter who sponsors it.
Arizona Governor Signs Pro-Life Bill for Surprise Inspections of Abortion Clinics
And in so doing, ran millions of voters into the democratic camp for 2014. Good work Governor!

The zero-tolerance abortion issue for the GOP is the same as the gay issue for the far left. Both are grave miscalculations of "the common sentiment"... People gravitate away from nonsensical extremism.
Cons are always whining about government staying out of others business, until it comes to the ones they don't like. More fascist cons.
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Arizona Governor Signs Pro-Life Bill for Surprise Inspections of Abortion Clinics
And in so doing, ran millions of voters into the democratic camp for 2014. Good work Governor!

The zero-tolerance abortion issue for the GOP is the same as the gay issue for the far left. Both are grave miscalculations of "the common sentiment"... People gravitate away from nonsensical extremism.

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:..... More subversive bullshit! YOU won't like this! :D

Young Americans are Taking an Active Pro-Life Stance Against Abortion

Young Americans are Taking an Active Pro-Life Stance Against Abortion |
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Cons are always whining about government staying out of others business, until it comes to the ones they don't like. More fascist cons.

Ah, but bonehead, ROE was an intrusion into our business, and traditional ethics structure. BUT you can still participate in self abortion, and we wouldn't interfere! :eusa_boohoo:
Cons are always whining about government staying out of others business, until it comes to the ones they don't like. More fascist cons.

So getting your arms and legs chopped up and dumped in a dumpster,isn't intrusive?Your contempt for our most valuable,and least protected members of our country says so much.

Abortio9n kills a living human being,and you act like they are nothing but trash,what is wrong with you?
Of course if the morning after pill was readily availible to all, we wouldn't be having this conversation at all. The morning after pill prevents impantation of a tiny cluster of cells. Without implantation, there is no pregnancy. Without any pregnancy, there would be no abortion.

Every child a wanted child would then reduce prison roles, welfare, abuse and a myriad of other expenses and social ills.

But that would make sense. Carry on with the extremist rhetoric.
A law has to be passed to accomplish this? All inspections should obviously be surprises.
Of course if the morning after pill was readily availible to all, we wouldn't be having this conversation at all. The morning after pill prevents impantation of a tiny cluster of cells. Without implantation, there is no pregnancy. Without any pregnancy, there would be no abortion.

Every child a wanted child would then reduce prison roles, welfare, abuse and a myriad of other expenses and social ills.

But that would make sense. Carry on with the extremist rhetoric.

Extremist rhetoric??!!,you people are so special,yep it exterm to want to protect children,what a piece of work.

Your rhetoric is ghoulish and uncivilized,your rhetoric ,suggests that we should kill children for their protection,after all they might have challenges in their life.

Life is ALWAYS better than death,no matter how twisted fucks like yourself blubber on .
Of course if the morning after pill was readily availible to all, we wouldn't be having this conversation at all. The morning after pill prevents impantation of a tiny cluster of cells. Without implantation, there is no pregnancy. Without any pregnancy, there would be no abortion.

Every child a wanted child would then reduce prison roles, welfare, abuse and a myriad of other expenses and social ills.

But that would make sense. Carry on with the extremist rhetoric.

Hey sicko. Same argument can be made for infanticide. If the mother no longer wants her 2 year old, then it's best to let her kill the kid.
Things like this used to bother me a lot, but on second thought, the GOP continuing war on women's reproductive rights is pretty much a gift to the democrats that just keeps on giving....
Not wanting to destroy innocent life is a war on women's reproductive rights?

You people are fucking nuts!!!
This isn't a war on women's reproductive rights its war on murder of defenseless babies. What is so hard about not getting pregnant if you don't want a baby? If you get pregnant then sorry if that is a hindrance to your social life but you will have to raise the child. The logic of "man I didn't mean to bring a life in to this world so I'm just going to kill it cause I don't want the responsibility" is fcking sick.
Arizona Governor Signs Pro-Life Bill for Surprise Inspections of Abortion Clinics
And in so doing, ran millions of voters into the democratic camp for 2014. Good work Governor!

The zero-tolerance abortion issue for the GOP is the same as the gay issue for the far left. Both are grave miscalculations of "the common sentiment"... People gravitate away from nonsensical extremism.

So why are you against Health Inspection of Abortionists?

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