Maine’s radical abortion desires is now confirmed to be bringing back Eugenics

Obviously you should be in charge of everybody's family planning.
No thanks. Just think people either take responsibility for their actions or take the easily available precautions. It’s not rocket science
No contraceptive is 100%.

All or nothing fallacy won’t save you. Even using a contraceptive you’re taking a minuscule risk.. but you know them. It’s not as if you’re not an adult and don’t understand how children are made. Or do you?
All or nothing fallacy won’t save you. Even using a contraceptive you’re taking a minuscule risk.. but you know them. It’s not as if you’re not an adult and don’t understand how children are made. Or do you?
Next means I'm done with the discussion and you already got nexted
Uh, if mom’s fine, and the kid’s gonna make it to birth, you give birth and then give palliative care to the disabled dying child.

If you think just kill the kid, then you’re a fucking monster, end of story, not debatable.
I think the monster is the one who forces the mother to carry a fetus with defects that are incompatible with life, knowing every moment that it will die shortly after birth if not before. At that point her value is that of a vessel to you. Her anguish, her grief are nothing nor are the risks she will go through with the tbe pregnancy and birth itself. You are the monster.
Next means I'm done with the discussion and you already got nexted
Of course you are. You made a fallacy argument, got called in it, and aren’t comfortable going forward because of it. I get it.
Maine Governor Janet Mills, a Democrat, credited the case of Maine woman Dana Peirce as justification for the expanded legalization of abortion.

At eight months pregnant, Peirce wanted to abort her unborn son after he was diagnosed with a genetic mutation called lethal skeletal dysplasia, as reported by the Portland Press Herald. Peirce ultimately traveled to Colorado for an abortion because Maine law prohibits post-viability abortions where the mother’s life or health are not jeopardized. The law does allow elective abortions up to viability, generally recognized at 24 weeks.

“No Maine person should have to endure the same physical, emotional, psychological, and financial burden that Dana and her family had to in order to receive medical care,” stated Mills.

So, if a baby has skeletal dysplasia? Completely expendable.. kill it.. at 8 months. Save people/society from the “burden” of these monsters

What’s next? Downs Syndrome? Wrong color? Wrong sex? Poor family? Depressed mother?

Margaret Sanger would be proud

Here’s a F*cking thought… think for a second before you partake in an act that is designed to produce children if you don’t want children (or take the widely available precautions)

And yes, that means taking whatever is created, this isn’t a menu. If you want a specific type of child and want to kill it if it’s not what you wanted.. you never really wanted children. You’d be a weak person falling short of the call of unconditional loving parenthood
The Democrat Party was always sympathetic to Germany's Nazi Party Sanger and FDR were admirers
I think the monster is the one who forces the mother to carry a fetus with defects that are incompatible with life
Because you're a Nazi-like piece of shit inhuman monster who wants to kill the disabled, yes, I know.

I don't care what a Nazi-like piece of shit inhuman monster thinks.

We do not kill human beings just because they have a disability or terminal disease - that's called murder, and people go to prison for that, and they should.

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