Arizona helped deport thousands without new law


Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
Arizona helped deport thousands without new law (

Among parts of the law blocked is the a section requiring officers to ask for a driver's license, passport or other identity document if they reasonably suspect a person is not allowed to be in the U.S. The immigration checks were to be made by officers while enforcing other laws or ordinances.

So we Americans should refuse to show ID.

Joanne Lin, legislative counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union, said it is alarming that one Arizona county is responsible for a disproportionate share of deportations.
The Los Angeles County's Sheriff's Office, a distant second to Maricopa, helped find 13,784 immigrants who were later deported or left the country. The Sheriff's Office's agreement with the federal government allows it to check its jails for deportable immigrants, but not to enforce immigration laws during street patrols. A renewal of the agreement is under negotiation.
An estimated 10.8 million people, about 26 percent of the state's population, are living illegally in California, compared with 460,000, about 12 percent, in Arizona.
"These statistics bear out that you have rogue sheriffs in certain counties that are bent on targeting immigrants," Lin said.

Rogue sheriffs that are bent on targeting immigrants, Someone tell Joanne Lin Illegal means against the law.

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