ARIZONA--infringes on Free Speech--Protest we'll seize your property.

The republican president has appeared in porno films, is on his third marriage to a woman who poses nude, and talks about grabbing women by the pussy.

Republican values :rofl:
The republican party is full of authoritarians like this. They scream states rights when the far right protests. When the left protests it is profiling them all as criminals and arresting them.
Test. How often do you expose your genitalia to minors? That is what the new liberal party has advocated for.
Test. Do you find it appropriate that president Trump talked about his penis size during the republican debates while children were watching? That is what the new republican party is about.
I didn't watch. What did he say?
Donald Trump defends size of his penis -
So don't protest violently. Duh

I'm going to find one of your kin

Drag him to a protest and knock out some pig

Then we'll see how easy that was

Vapid bitch
A chump that thinks he is a big liberal man (hint, they don't exist). Sassy is a long time poster. Getting personal is considered a no. Kidnaping does not seem like an appropriate response. Additional violence? Sigh... bring it on.

Nothing surprising here. It is obvious to all sane people that LIbErals are aligned with criminals, if not criminals themselves. Also, that they are seldom very intelligent. Thus, it's not at all remarkable for one, on an open public forum, to threaten to commit kidnapping and assault.

Of course, most LIbEral “men” are pathetic pussies. If Juicin were to try to act on his threats, he'd almost certainly get his worthless ass kicked so hard that his teeth would shatter.
So don't protest violently. Duh

I'm going to find one of your kin

Drag him to a protest and knock out some pig

Then we'll see how easy that was

Vapid bitch
A chump that thinks he is a big liberal man (hint, they don't exist). Sassy is a long time poster. Getting personal is considered a no. Kidnaping does not seem like an appropriate response. Additional violence? Sigh... bring it on.

Nothing surprising here. It is obvious to all sane people that LIbErals are aligned with criminals, if not criminals themselves. Also, that they are seldom very intelligent. Thus, it's not at all remarkable for one, on an open public forum, to threaten to commit kidnapping and assault.

Really--there is no one in this country that could possibly be as stupid as to fly over several qualified, competent candidates and land on Comrade Trump. Ignorance, anger, hate, division, bigotry, misogyny is what attracted you to him.

No one could have watched any of those debates, either in the primary or with Hillary Clinton and walked away believing that Trump won a single one of them. If they tell you that, they're lying through their teeth.


You couldn't have found a worse candidate than Donald Trump if you had gone out on a midnight scavenger hunt in search of one.

Within the 1st month in office--it's all caving in. Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American National Election is TREASON. Shep Smith of FOX NEWS, in the below video states that Trump campaign aids were on the phone with Russians the very day that the DNC was hacked. They have the phone records that prove this.

CNN is also confirming this
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

This is going to be a 1000 times worse than Watergate. If Republicans can do 8 separate investigations into Benghazi, (with Obama in the Oval office) it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason in 2018 when they take over.

The options for the Republican party are:
1. Republicans can save the party and their honor by removing Trump from office asap.
2. Or burn the party down to the ground in 2018/2020 and beyond by ignoring it, adding conspiracy, & cover up to Treason.


Donald Trump is a national disgrace, and will end up being the biggest scandal in American History. So tell me again, who the stupid people really are?
Last edited:
Obama campaigned for a war lord known as Odinga. Just throwing random shit out there.
1. Threatens to use force or violence-Threatening is not a crime until it happens. How do they determine what is a threat and what isn't a threat?

  1. Making a credible threat to commit a crime is indeed itself a crime, as Juicin might potentially soon learn the hard way.[/list

No it's not. It's just words. It's not a crime to pick up a rock, it's only a crime when you hurl it at something or someone with intent to do harm. (They don't define what they consider "threat" is in this bill--making it extremely vague. Is carrying a pop bottle or can a threat? Is pulling out lipstick or powder from a purse considered a threat, etc. etc. etc.)

The bill was very poorly written.

Really all they needed to say is any person that is doing physical damage to property or persons is considered rioting. They tried to legalesssskt it to death, and have now wound up with a can of worms. Typical state legislator.
Trump supporters want their own version of sharia law against anyone who dares to question their god emperor.
Just when you think the 4th Reich of the Republican party can't get any worse. Arizona comes up with this law. It's to oppress free speech in this country. Protesters can now be arrested and their property seized if a protest turns violent, even though they may not be involved in the violence.

"Arizona’s police officers will be able to arrest and seize the assets of any protest attendee, even before any crime or riot has taken place, under a new law voted through by state senators on Wednesday.

The legislation was originally established for racketeering but was expanded in definition to include rioting, allowing for the prosecution of everyone planned or participated in a protest that turns violent.

Democrats have criticized the bill, which allows demonstrators to be arrested and have their property seized. The legislation does not require discrimination as to who may have, for example, thrown a punch in a crowd or broken a window. As soon as a riotous action has occurred, all protesters are deemed broadly associated and therefore guilty.

Further to that, due to processes afforded authorities who investigate racketeering and the renewed definition of rioting, police are permitted to preemptively arrest those planning a protest."
New Arizona 'riot' law lets police arrest peaceful protesters—and seize their property


The 4th Reich of the Republican party is in full swing with Trump in office. Make certain they pay hell for it in 2018 and 2020.

Setting cars on fire and smashing windows of businesses is free speech? Free speech is not a mandate to be heard nor should it infringe on the rights of others.
Trump supporters want their own version of sharia law against anyone who dares to question their god emperor.

There ought to be an updated counterpart to Godwin's Law, that treats gratuitous comparisons to extreme Islamism the same way that Godwin's Law treats gratuitous comparisons to Hitler and Nazis.
Setting cars on fire and smashing windows of businesses is free speech? Free speech is not a mandate to be heard nor should it infringe on the rights of others.

Just one indication of how insane modern LIbEralism has become. Genuine, legitimate free speech, they call “hate speech”, and do everything to try to shut it down; while claiming violence, destruction, and criminality as “free speech”.
I really don't like the idea of seizing property at all. Bad law that could end up taking away due process.

All for prosecuting rioters to the fullest extent of the law. You have a right to protest, there is no right to threaten, harm, or destroy property.
The republican president has appeared in porno films, is on his third marriage to a woman who poses nude, and talks about grabbing women by the pussy.

Republican values :rofl:

Wow. YOu mean you suddenly realized that the Religious Right did not get their way this time?

This just hit you NOW?!

I really don't like the idea of seizing property at all. Bad law that could end up taking away due process.

All for prosecuting rioters to the fullest extent of the law. You have a right to protest, there is no right to threaten, harm, or destroy property.

Fair point. RICO has been badly abused.

Mass arrested are certainly called for. With real jail time.
So don't protest violently. Duh

I'm going to find one of your kin

Drag him to a protest and knock out some pig

Then we'll see how easy that was

Vapid bitch
A chump that thinks he is a big liberal man (hint, they don't exist). Sassy is a long time poster. Getting personal is considered a no. Kidnaping does not seem like an appropriate response. Additional violence? Sigh... bring it on.

Nothing surprising here. It is obvious to all sane people that LIbErals are aligned with criminals, if not criminals themselves. Also, that they are seldom very intelligent. Thus, it's not at all remarkable for one, on an open public forum, to threaten to commit kidnapping and assault.

Really--there is no one in this country that could possibly be as stupid as to fly over several qualified, competent candidates and land on Comrade Trump. Ignorance, anger, hate, division, bigotry, ...?

I stopped reading here.

Hillary told half the nation that the other half are deplorable nazis who will get them killed in a nuclear war.

You voted for that, you don't get to complain about division.

1. Threatens to use force or violence-Threatening is not a crime until it happens. How do they determine what is a threat and what isn't a threat?

  1. Making a credible threat to commit a crime is indeed itself a crime, as Juicin might potentially soon learn the hard way.[/list

No it's not. It's just words. It's not a crime to pick up a rock, it's only a crime when you hurl it at something or someone with intent to do harm. (They don't define what they consider "threat" is in this bill--making it extremely vague. Is carrying a pop bottle or can a threat? Is pulling out lipstick or powder from a purse considered a threat, etc. etc. etc.)

The bill was very poorly written.

Really all they needed to say is any person that is doing physical damage to property or persons is considered rioting. They tried to legalesssskt it to death, and have now wound up with a can of worms. Typical state legislator.

You pick up a rock during a protest, and you are making a threat.

There is no "speech" that you need a rock in your hand to make.
The republican president has appeared in porno films, is on his third marriage to a woman who poses nude, and talks about grabbing women by the pussy.

Republican values :rofl:

Wow. YOu mean you suddenly realized that the Religious Right did not get their way this time?

This just hit you NOW?!

Trump is the religious right, they voted for him overwhelmingly. No morals yet yeah we actually care about god and stuff. What a bunch of hypocrites lol, the religious right is a joke, basically a scam now
The republican president has appeared in porno films, is on his third marriage to a woman who poses nude, and talks about grabbing women by the pussy.

Republican values :rofl:

Wow. YOu mean you suddenly realized that the Religious Right did not get their way this time?

This just hit you NOW?!

Trump is the religious right, they voted for him overwhelmingly. No morals yet yeah we actually care about god and stuff. What a bunch of hypocrites lol, the religious right is a joke, basically a scam now

Trump is not the Religious Right.

He did reach out to them and made some decent points about why he would be better than Hillary, a very low bar, but I'm sure they are not enthused about him as a role model for their children.

Your attempt to make hay out of this is merely you showing that you have no clue about the role the RR has in the GOP.
Arresting and seizing assets of protesters that aren't rioting, which most don't, is in violation of the 1st amendment. You'll note the article also states that police can arrest people for planning a protest.

There is no doubt that this is going to be challenged in court and immediately struck down, but again it shows the mindset of the 4th Reich of the Republican party. We are going to oppress free speech in order to protect the ASS CLOWN that Republicans have installed in the oval office is what this is about.

It won't be struck down. Despite your hysteria, laws against intent to riot and rioting are as old as America. Same kind of statute was used in Chicago to charge the rioters in '68. The asset forfeiture can't be applied to the actual rioters because they're broke losers. But the PLANNERS of the event, like the DNC and the Soros empire have deep pockets. The message is clear....come to Arizona planning a riot and we'll kick your ass and bankrupt your masters.

It will be struck down immediately.

1. What this bill is saying is that a bystander on the street who may not be involved in any protest, someone close throws a rock into the window, the bystander gets arrested and his property seized.

2. People out on a peaceful protest, one of them goes wild and and throws a brick through a window, they ALL get arrested and their property is seized.

This bill is not discriminating between those who are peacefully protesting and those who are committing the rioting.

Any JUDGE would see through this and pound it into the GROUND.

The stupidity from the 4th Reich of the Republican party, never ceases to amaze.

1 - the bill is stating that? Really?

Care to point out WHERE it states such a thing:

2. Again, the bill is right there. Where is such a thing stated?

The relevent part of the bill as far as I can tell is the following:

4 13-1003. Conspiracy; classification

5 A. A person commits conspiracy if, with the intent to promote or

6 aid the commission of an offense, such person agrees with one or more

7 persons that at least one of them or another person will engage in conduct

8 constituting the offense and one of the parties commits an overt act in

9 furtherance of the offense, except that an overt act shall not be required

10 if the object of the conspiracy was to commit any felony [removed] ON the

11 person of another, or to commit an offense under section 13-1508, [removed]

12 13-1704 OR 13-2903.

4. "Racketeering" means any act, including any preparatory or

10 completed offense, that is chargeable or indictable under the laws of the

11 state or country in which the act occurred and, if the act occurred in a

12 state or country other than this state, that would be chargeable or

13 indictable under the laws of this state if the act had occurred in this

14 state, and that would be punishable by imprisonment for more than one year

15 under the laws of this state and, if the act occurred in a state or

16 country other than this state, under the laws of the state or country in

17 which the act occurred, regardless of whether the act is charged or

18 indicted, and the act involves [removed] ANY OF THE FOLLOWING:

19 (a) Terrorism, animal terrorism or ecological terrorism that

20 results or is intended to result in a risk of serious physical injury or

21 death.

22 (b) RIOT.

23 [removed] (c) Any of the following acts if committed for financial gain:

24 (i) Homicide.

25 (ii) Robbery.

26 (iii) Kidnapping.

27 (iv) Forgery.

28 (v) Theft.

29 (vi) Bribery.

30 (vii) Gambling.

31 (viii) Usury.

32 (ix) Extortion.

33 (x) Extortionate extensions of credit.

34 (xi) Prohibited drugs, marijuana or other prohibited chemicals or

35 substances.

36 (xii) Trafficking in explosives, weapons or stolen property.

37 (xiii) Participating in a criminal syndicate.

38 (xiv) Obstructing or hindering criminal investigations or

39 prosecutions.

40 (xv) Asserting false claims, including [removed] false

41 claims asserted through fraud or arson.

42 (xvi) Intentional or reckless false statements or publications

43 concerning land for sale or lease or sale of subdivided lands or sale and

44 mortgaging of unsubdivided lands.

45 (xvii) Resale of realty with intent to defraud.

S.B. 1142 - 6 -

1 (xviii) Intentional or reckless fraud in the purchase or sale of

2 securities.

3 (xix) Intentional or reckless sale of unregistered securities or

4 real property securities.

5 (xx) A scheme or artifice to defraud.

6 (xxi) Obscenity.

7 (xxii) Sexual exploitation of a minor.

8 (xxiii) Prostitution.

9 (xxiv) Restraint of trade or commerce in violation of section

10 34-252.

11 (xxv) Terrorism.

12 (xxvi) Money laundering.

13 (xxvii) Obscene or indecent telephone communications to minors for

14 commercial purposes.

15 (xxviii) Counterfeiting marks as proscribed in section 44-1453.

16 (xxix) Animal terrorism or ecological terrorism.

17 (xxx) Smuggling of human beings.

18 (xxxi) Child prostitution.

19 (xxxii) Sex trafficking.

20 (xxxiii) Trafficking of persons for forced labor or services.

21 (xxxiv) Manufacturing, selling or distributing misbranded drugs in

22 violation of section 13-3406, subsection A, paragraph 9.


11 13-2903. Riot; classification

12 A. A person commits riot if, with two or more other persons acting

13 together, such person recklessly uses force or violence or threatens to

14 use force or violence, if such threat is accompanied by immediate power of

15 execution, which EITHER disturbs the public peace OR RESULTS IN DAMAGE TO


17 B. Riot is a class 5 felony.

*note - struck text has been replaced with [removed] by me as strike through is not an option here.

I think it is pretty clear that it refers to those that have intent and actually use violence to cause destruction. The conspiracy (the power that allows the arrest before the action) requires INTENT and that is clearly stated. The Riot requires that "such person recklessly uses force or violence or threatens to use force or violence." Again, pretty clear as far as I can tell.

"The stupidity from the 4th Reich of the Republican party, never ceases to amaze."

What amazes me is the propensity of people to make claims like the above based on what garbage they are fed rather than going to the actual source that is right there for everyone to see. Hell, we are almost 70 posts in and no one that I seen even bothered to look up what was actually passed. This is why the media, in its entirety, has been attacked and ignored as 'false' news. Almost everything they put out there is sensationalized garbage that is teetering on outright lies, even the 'reputable' sources, because sensationalism is what sells. Here is a small hint, whenever an article talks about a bill, the full text is readily available online.

The final paragraph of this bill is written very poorly & that's what all the huffpuff is about.

No, your huff puff was about a direct claim that the law allowed the police to seize property and arrest protesters that are not engaged in rioting when others are. Specifically, you stated that:

“As soon as a riotous action has occurred, all protesters are deemed broadly associated and therefore guilty.”

The text of the bill DIRECTLY refutes that.

Riot; classification: A person commits riot if, with two or more other persons acting together, such person recklessly uses force or violence or threatens to use force or violence, if such threat is accompanied by immediate power of execution, which EITHER disturbs the public peace OR RESULTS IN DAMAGE TO THE PROPERTY OF ANOTHER PERSON.

1. Threatens to use force or violence-Threatening is not a crime until it happens. How do they determine what is a threat and what isn't a threat?

That is flatly false. Threatening violence is illegal right now in every single state. Threatening is clearly a crime. I know that you are aware of this. You are simply grasping at straws.

2. Disturbs the public peace--A peaceful protest could be considered disturbing the peace.

Once again, disturbing the public peace has always been illegal. There is nothing new there. The focus here is on threatening or actually committing VIOLENCE. That is what is required. A peaceful protest, no matter how much it disturbed the public, would not be a riot because there would be no violence or threats to commit violence.

3. A person commits riot if, with two or more other persons acting together. They see one person throw a brick through a window how do they determine who the other two rioters are?

It's going to get hammered into the ground by the first District Court Judge.

Yes, 2 or more persons acting together because one person does not make a riot – it makes distruction of property. You cut out the wording that tells you exactly how they determine who is involved:

A person commits riot if, with two or more other persons acting together, such person recklessly uses force or violence or threatens to use force or violence…

In plain English and for all to see the charge only applies to those ACTUALLY DOING VIOLENCE OR THREATENING VIOLENCE.

The wording is not vague at all. You are trying to force the words to fit your preconceived notion of what you want them to mean rather than what is actually said. There is no way around the fact that the bill plainly states perpetrators need to have committed violence or threated to do so.

Face it, the linked article is an outright lie and no, the courts are not going to strike anything down as there is nothing unconstitutional with arresting people threatening or violently destroying property.

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