Arizona Judge Rejects Kari Lake’s Effort to Overturn Her Election Loss

His ruling for starters.


So he's a Democrat since last week??

You can't rationally decide a judge's political party because you disagree with their findings. Especially when the judge ruled there was no evidence to support the plaintiff's claims in a case where the plaintiff failed to present evidence of fraud.

Yet again you offer this forum evidence that you're not sane.
I sure am. For two years you have repeated the same garbage and only other traitors agree with you. Not that you jerks do not come out in force, because you do. You will never turn a lie into the truth. You should stop trying to.

Just admit the bullying and intimidation are scaring Americans like it was planned to do. Just say our fascist government will not allow dissent and will punish it because that is what is happening. That you and others agree and hide behind these assholes is a disgrace.
They sure protected the rioters with lie's and then they scoffed at the threat's to our highest court judge's.. Why ? Because they wanted that intimidation to stick. Well it worked, because right on down the line rulings are being ruled in the most unbelievable ridiculous ways these days. You are right that it's all been about intimidation.
You got a date for that garbage poll?

Holy fuck, FruitLoops -- the date is right there...


I've never seen anyone else on this forum so eager as you to show how nuts you are.
As more evidence comes out, do you just turn your back on it and say ahhh to hell with it ??? Do tell how you just give up when a wrong is done to you or your COUNTRY, and that wrong begins to unravel ??
“more evidence” lol. You guys brought your “evidence” and it was rejected.

You have nothing. You lost. You’re just too naive to accept it. Nothing is going to get overturned.

Sucks for you.
As everyone except for usmb conservatives expected, lack of evidence was cited. Why do Republicans always lose these kinds of lawsuits? Yes. It was a rhetorical question.
Fuck this POS bitch! Fuck you, Kari, you are a joke! A fucking joke! Fuck you, bitch, go the hell away!

So he's a Democrat since last week??

You can't rationally decide a judge's political party because you disagree with their findings. Especially when the judge ruled there was no evidence to support the plaintiff's claims in a case where the plaintiff failed to present evidence of fraud.

Yet again you offer this forum evidence that you're not sane.
There was evidence of fraud.
It is late December. Your poll is before the government was caught censoring vital information. Let's have a current one.

So? It's one of the latest polls out there. And need I really point out -- all you did was say over half the country believe the election was stolen. You didn't actually post anything at all to corroborate that debunked claim.

That is from Nov. 22. It jumped 11% in two months? Imagine what it is now. Nobody is polling that question. I wonder why?

No, it did not jump 11 points. Those are 2 different polls asking 2 different questions and offering 2 different possible answers.

Of course I'm explaining that to a retard who asks for a date on a poll I posted which clearly indicated the date ...

And of course, I'm explaining that to an idiot who claims most people believe there was fraud but then posts a link showing 40% (NOT most) at least somewhat believe that.
19 inch ballots on 20 inch paper.

That's not necessarily fraud, FruitLoops. Fraud is intentional misconduct meant to favor one candidate over another.

Such evidence of fraud was not entered in Lake's case. All she was able to show was that setting a printer to 'shrink to fit' caused some ballots to print incorrectly. She never offered evidence to prove it was intentionally set to intentionally alter the election. Even worse, the county was able to show it was not intentional by showing they provided a way for rejected ballots to be counted. Not something they would do if their intention was to commit fraud. Even worse for you still, it occurred in Maricopa County which is fairly evenly split between Democrats and Republicans.
No, it did not jump 11 points. Those are 2 different polls asking 2 different questions and offering 2 different possible answers.

Of course I'm explaining that to a retard who asks for a date on a poll I posted which clearly indicated the date ...

And of course, I'm explaining that to an idiot who claims most people believe there was fraud but then posts a link showing 40% (NOT most) at least somewhat believe that.
First of all, you calling anyone an idiot is about as credible as our FBI or DoJ telling us the truth. Second the majority people believe 2020 was stolen. Third, people like you know it was stolen and do not care. You want to be where you are. You want this country destroyed. Your posts prove it as you ridicule anyone who wants election integrity. The assholes you support do nothing but abuse the power the people gave them.

How do you live with your disgusting self?
That's not necessarily fraud, FruitLoops. Fraud is intentional misconduct meant to favor one candidate over another.

Such evidence of fraud was not entered in Lake's case. All she was able to show was that setting a printer to 'shrink to fit' caused some ballots to print incorrectly. She never offered evidence to prove it was intentionally set to intentionally alter the election. Even worse, the county was able to show it was not intentional by showing they provided a way for rejected ballots to be counted. Not something they would do if their intention was to commit fraud. Even worse for you still, it occurred in Maricopa County which is fairly evenly split between Democrats and Republicans.
An expert testified it had to be. Why don't other experts than yours qualify as experts?

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