Arizona Judge Rejects Kari Lake’s Effort to Overturn Her Election Loss

Earth to FruitLoops... You're not sane.
I sure am. For two years you have repeated the same garbage and only other traitors agree with you. Not that you jerks do not come out in force, because you do. You will never turn a lie into the truth. You should stop trying to.

Just admit the bullying and intimidation are scaring Americans like it was planned to do. Just say our fascist government will not allow dissent and will punish it because that is what is happening. That you and others agree and hide behind these assholes is a disgrace.
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I already told you. And it wasn't Chuch Schumer. Are you not able to learn?
No you didn' who is majority leader when the new session convened Jaunary 3rd, 2021. Someone has to be the leader of the Senate majority at that time.
No it did not break chain of custody, to put their ballot in a secure ballot box, to have their vote, counted later.

In fact, that is how voting is done everywhere in Arizona, with early voting. The citizen when voting early, puts their ballot in a ballot drop box, to be counted later.

And every vote counting machine, if not able to read your vote, has drop box #3 attached to it, so your vote can be dropped in to be counted later.... It's not like the machines have never had problems reading the ballots before, they occasionally are unable to read them, so the #3 drop box has always been part of a back up plan.
B.S, it is supposed to be counted at the election site, they weren't, they cheated, you support them, that makes you a cheater.
I sure am. For two years you have repeated the same garbage and only other traitors agree with you. Not that you jerks do not come out in force, because you do. You will never turn a lie into the truth. You should stop trying to.

Just admit the bullying and intimidation are scaring Americans like it was planned to do. Just say our fascist government will not allow dissent and will punish it because that is what is happening. That you and others agree and hide behind these assholes is a disgrace.

And in two years, you have yet to prove there was widespread fraud which changed the outcome of the election. So yeah, you're not sane. You're not even close to sane. Maybe you just need another 3-4 weeks, huh?

So you guys are just going to push the “stay tuned“ line indefinitely. It has already been two years and you’re never going to give up on your bullshit conspiracy theory.

Twitter/Elon Musk is revealing the extent our gov't, on the left, participated in rigging an know, suppresion of the opposition.
And in two years, you have yet to prove there was widespread fraud which changed the outcome of the election. So yeah, you're not sane. You're not even close to sane. Maybe you just need another 3-4 weeks, huh?

It has been proven to over half the country and that number is growing with the Twitter revelations. You know that is true. You just keep lying scumbag.
No you didn' who is majority leader when the new session convened Jaunary 3rd, 2021. Someone has to be the leader of the Senate majority at that time.

Of course I did. Lying doesn't help your lost cause...

It has been proven to over half the country and that number is growing with the Twitter revelations. You know that is true. You just keep lying scumbag.

You're lying again, FruitLoops. Aside from the reality, from which you're eternally separated, that only 29% believe the election was stolen...

And even then, that doesn't prove widespread election fraud occurred -- it only shows 29% are as insane as you to believe in something they still can't prove after 2+years and counting.
You're lying again, FruitLoops. Aside from the reality, from which you're eternally separated, that only 29% believe the election was stolen...

And even then, that doesn't prove widespread election fraud occurred -- it only shows 29% are as insane as you to believe in something they still can't prove after 2+years and counting.
You got a date for that garbage poll?
So you guys are just going to push the “stay tuned“ line indefinitely. It has already been two years and you’re never going to give up on your bullshit conspiracy theory.

As more evidence comes out, do you just turn your back on it and say ahhh to hell with it ??? Do tell how you just give up when a wrong is done to you or your COUNTRY, and that wrong begins to unravel ??

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