Arizona Long Voting Lines: Supreme Court Gutted Voting Right Act

Yeah, that's it. That's just what they did in the deep South when Jim Crow was the Auditor down there 'cause that's how they got the "undesirables" to not vote with those longggggggg lines. Why Hell, your just as sharp as a bad B&W picture tube on a 1954 Admiral 17" console TV, lad!

Going from over 200 polling places in 2012 down to 60 today (after SCOTUS hacked away at Section V of the VRA in 2013) with the shitty public transportation here in this very, very large County is going to work hardships on folks with limited transport options, and that's just one issue. Must be too fucking hard for you to comprehend, coming from Inbreed, Indiana.

I guess you have an issue with enabling every ELIGIBLE voter to exercise their franchise without gov'mint obstruction!

It had nothing to do with the Supreme Courts ruling.
It had everything to do with the Maricopa County elections officials who made the decision.
This is their decision and theirs alone. No one else.
Purcell said it was because they did not have the money.
Maricopa County elections officials reduced polling places to 60 to save money - Cronkite News - Arizona PBS

It had nothing to do with the Supreme Courts ruling.

It has everything to do with it. They would not have been permitted to close that many locations if tha part of the voting rights act were intact. This is at least the third or fourth time it's been explained.

Then why did so many not get their early mail in ballots throughout the whole State and was forced to go to the polling stations?
Is that also because of the court? No it was not.


Many voters did not receive their early mail in ballots, that includes me and my neighbor and we live in Cochise County not Maricopa.
There are two different things happing right now here in AZ., one is the long lines and the polling stations in Maricopa, the other is, many did not receive their early ballots or got them a month late and had to turn them in to the polling stations.

So two people out of? Got a link to "many voters"
Doubtless they were concerned with fraud, unlike Denver and Oregon where they welcome it.

Arizona is an early voting state. Anyone can request a ballot by mail.

By all means, please list all the incidents of fraud in those two states and compare them to fraud in other states.
So if anyone could request a ballot by mail wtf are you griping about?

They don't have to if they don't want to. Some people like going to the polls to vote.

If you're going to replace 724 polling places with 60 UPPs, you need to have mailed every voter a ballot.

They could have served as a model instead of the disaster it turned out as.

What good is that when you don't even receive them in the mail?

I can't find any news articles about a lot of people not getting their ballots in the mail. Got a link?

I never said that it was a lot of people, no one knows how many just yet.
Anybody who thinks waiting 5 hours to vote is a fucked up asshole.
What is the maximum time to vote, jerkface?

I've never had anyone waiting more than 30 minutes in one of our universal polling places or more than an hour at a precinct polling place.

You think a five hour wait to vote is acceptable?
So 30 minutes is the max, according to you?

30 minutes is a good standard to exceed.

Do you think a five hour wait to vote is acceptable?
Which law specifes 30 minutes? Is this like a pizza delivery where its 30 minutes or less or your pizza is free?
Anybody who thinks waiting 5 hours to vote is a fucked up asshole.
What is the maximum time to vote, jerkface?

I've never had anyone waiting more than 30 minutes in one of our universal polling places or more than an hour at a precinct polling place.

You think a five hour wait to vote is acceptable?

Justice delayed is justice denied, as they say.

No one should have to wait more than 30 minutes to vote.

I've never been in line for 30 minutes in a Walmart - why should I be in line that long to vote?
Wait, so invalidating those parts resulted in voter suppression which led to long lines at the polls?
YOu are truly the biggest dumbshit on this site.

Yes, that is exactly why Maricopa County, Arizona was allowed to eliminate numerous polling locations without prior approval/oversight from the U.S. Dept. of Justice.

Most counties surveyed by The Arizona Republic had enough polling places to average 2,500 or fewer eligible voters per polling site. Maricopa County had only one site per every 21,000 voters.

There Was 1 Polling Site For Every 21,000 People In Maricopa County, Arizona
It appears that is a problem to be settled between the people of Maricopa county and Maricopa county.
worry over the state you live in and keep your nose out of other people business

Remind us what state your burrow is in?

got your voter ID, carbonhead? you need it to collect your welfare and food stamps, but don't want to show it to vote. Do you really think that makes sense?

What was the ID requirement in 1789, oh you of founding fathers worship...?

How many people had photo ID's in 1789? Oh, wait, nobody.
The only way the Republicans can win a national election is to keep voters away from the polls. Then they scream about their love for the Constitution! PLEASE!!!!
worry over the state you live in and keep your nose out of other people business

Remind us what state your burrow is in?

got your voter ID, carbonhead? you need it to collect your welfare and food stamps, but don't want to show it to vote. Do you really think that makes sense?

What was the ID requirement in 1789, oh you of founding fathers worship...?

How many people had photo ID's in 1789? Oh, wait, nobody.

So all elections up until the invention of the camera were illegitimate?
worry over the state you live in and keep your nose out of other people business

Remind us what state your burrow is in?

got your voter ID, carbonhead? you need it to collect your welfare and food stamps, but don't want to show it to vote. Do you really think that makes sense?

What was the ID requirement in 1789, oh you of founding fathers worship...?

How many people had photo ID's in 1789? Oh, wait, nobody.

So all elections up until the invention of the camera were illegitimate?

All states engaged in voter suppression prior to the voting rights act?
The only way the Republicans can win a national election is to keep voters away from the polls. Then they scream about their love for the Constitution! PLEASE!!!!
Democrats have lost 900 seats nationwide since 2008. They will lose this election badly.
It had nothing to do with the Supreme Courts ruling.
It had everything to do with the Maricopa County elections officials who made the decision.
This is their decision and theirs alone. No one else.
Purcell said it was because they did not have the money.
Maricopa County elections officials reduced polling places to 60 to save money - Cronkite News - Arizona PBS

It had nothing to do with the Supreme Courts ruling.

It has everything to do with it. They would not have been permitted to close that many locations if tha part of the voting rights act were intact. This is at least the third or fourth time it's been explained.

Then why did so many not get their early mail in ballots throughout the whole State and was forced to go to the polling stations?
Is that also because of the court? No it was not.


Many voters did not receive their early mail in ballots, that includes me and my neighbor and we live in Cochise County not Maricopa.
There are two different things happing right now here in AZ., one is the long lines and the polling stations in Maricopa, the other is, many did not receive their early ballots or got them a month late and had to turn them in to the polling stations.

So two people out of? Got a link to "many voters"

Read post # 60
Would you post your conversations with your personal friends on this board?
Anybody who thinks waiting 5 hours to vote is a fucked up asshole.
What is the maximum time to vote, jerkface?

I've never had anyone waiting more than 30 minutes in one of our universal polling places or more than an hour at a precinct polling place.

You think a five hour wait to vote is acceptable?
So 30 minutes is the max, according to you?

30 minutes is a good standard to exceed.

Do you think a five hour wait to vote is acceptable?
Which law specifes 30 minutes? Is this like a pizza delivery where its 30 minutes or less or your pizza is free?

Can you point out where I said there was a law? (You can't because I didn't)

Are you going to ever answer the question?

Do you think a five hour wait to vote is acceptable?
What is the maximum time to vote, jerkface?

I've never had anyone waiting more than 30 minutes in one of our universal polling places or more than an hour at a precinct polling place.

You think a five hour wait to vote is acceptable?
So 30 minutes is the max, according to you?

30 minutes is a good standard to exceed.

Do you think a five hour wait to vote is acceptable?
Which law specifes 30 minutes? Is this like a pizza delivery where its 30 minutes or less or your pizza is free?

Can you point out where I said there was a law? (You can't because I didn't)

Are you going to ever answer the question?

Do you think a five hour wait to vote is acceptable?
Well you established a half hour as some sort of standard. I am wondering whether you got this out of your ass or some other equallyr reputable source.
It is what it is. If you want to vote be prepared to stand in line. If not, dont. Pretty simple.
Meet The Tea Party Republican Behind Arizona’s Colossal Voting Clusterf**k (VIDEO)

“I Screwed Up,” Says Republican Helen Purcell After Massive Voter Lines And Confusion

Long lines and wait times. Provisional ballots. Confused and angry voters. Those were some of the many problems facing Arizona Tuesday for the 2016 AZ Primary election.

When reporters asked Maricopa County Recorder Helen Purcell who was to blame, she said, “The voters for getting in line.” That’s the Republican official directly responsible for the long waits in Arizona’s most populated county blaming voters for voting. She later changed her tone as she sensed Arizonans coming for her with pitchforks and torches and took full responsibility for the voting disaster.

In 2008, the last time the state hosted a primary race for Democrats and Republicans, there were 400 polling places in Maricopa County. Fast forward to 2016, there were only 60 polling places. That’s an 85 percent cut since 2008, and a 70 percent cut from 200 polling places in 2012 when just Republicans hosted a primary. When asked why so few polling places this year, Purcell pointed to low voter turnout in previous years and a decision to save money. She thought more people would vote by early ballot.

But the distribution of polling places in Maricopa County shows that there were significantly fewer polling places in areas with high minority populations. In primarily Anglo-communities like Cave Creek, there was one polling place per 8,500 residents compared to inner city Phoenix which had one polling place per 108k residents, many of them Latinos. And while Maricopa changed its rules this year that freed people from assigned polling locations to vote, it did little to help the three, four, five hour wait times across the county in Metropolitan Phoenix.

Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton (D) has asked the US Department of Justice to investigate the long delays.

Meet The Tea Party Republican Behind Arizona's Colossal Voting Clusterf**k (VIDEO)

It's about time that she accepts responsibility. She also admitted to MSNBC's Chris Hayes that she couldn't have done that if the Supreme Court hadn't changed the Voting Rights Act in 2013.

What a crock of shit. There were long lines because people didn't get off their lazy asses and vote early, they had 3 freaking weeks to do it.
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about! That crock of shit is originating with you! The number of polling places in Maricopa County, AZ were willfully reduced by Auditor Purcell from 724 in the last election to just 60 last Tuesday. You don't live here and you don't know what the fuck you're talking about as usual!

After 7 consecutive terms, her ass will be kicked to the curb come next November. Folks here are not going to forget this cock-up!

What a crock of shit. There were long lines because people didn't get off their lazy asses and vote early, they had 3 freaking weeks to do it.
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about! That crock of shit is originating with you! The number of polling places in Maricopa County, AZ were willfully reduced by Auditor Purcell from 724 in the last election to just 60 last Tuesday. You don't live here and you don't know what the fuck you're talking about as usual!

After 7 consecutive terms, her ass will be kicked to the curb come next November. Folks here are not going to forget this cock-up!

So you're saying they didn't have early voting from 24 Feb to 18 Mar?
I've never had anyone waiting more than 30 minutes in one of our universal polling places or more than an hour at a precinct polling place.

You think a five hour wait to vote is acceptable?
So 30 minutes is the max, according to you?

30 minutes is a good standard to exceed.

Do you think a five hour wait to vote is acceptable?
Which law specifes 30 minutes? Is this like a pizza delivery where its 30 minutes or less or your pizza is free?

Can you point out where I said there was a law? (You can't because I didn't)

Are you going to ever answer the question?

Do you think a five hour wait to vote is acceptable?
Well you established a half hour as some sort of standard. I am wondering whether you got this out of your ass or some other equallyr reputable source.
It is what it is. If you want to vote be prepared to stand in line. If not, dont. Pretty simple.

Yes I did and I'm not the only one that has established 30 minutes as an acceptable wait time for voting. It's also not an unreasonable expectation.


You obviously don't believe that 5 hours is acceptable or you would have answered the question.

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