Arizona Long Voting Lines: Supreme Court Gutted Voting Right Act

Except for the fact that both parties suffered indignities from an inept woman running the primaries. She begrudgingly apologized and won't resign. Trying to make this look like a voting rights issue is horseshit.
worry over the state you live in and keep your nose out of other people business

Prior to the Supreme Court gutting the Voting Rights Act in 2013 - the U.S. Justice Department would not have allowed Arizona to engage in such voter suppression tactics.

It had nothing to do with the Court.
It has everything to do with certain Arizona counties who dramatically reduced the number of polling places to go to during an election.
Maricopa County election officials reduced the number of polling stations Tuesday from 200 down to 60.
Then you wonder why Arizonans are voting for non politicians? We are sick of the corruption of both parties.

Read more:
It had nothing to do with the Court.
It has everything to do with certain Arizona counties who dramatically reduced the number of polling places to go to during an election.
Maricopa County election officials reduced the number of polling stations Tuesday from 200 down to 60.
Then you wonder why Arizonans are voting for non politicians? We are sick of the corruption of both parties.

Read more:

You forgot to mention that the federal government owes us over half a BILLION dollars for warehousing the illegals they routinely then set free. This was partly about reimbursement which we see little of from this administration.
It had nothing to do with the Court.
It has everything to do with certain Arizona counties who dramatically reduced the number of polling places to go to during an election.
Maricopa County election officials reduced the number of polling stations Tuesday from 200 down to 60.
Then you wonder why Arizonans are voting for non politicians? We are sick of the corruption of both parties.

Read more:

You forgot to mention that the federal government owes us over half a BILLION dollars for warehousing the illegals they routinely then set free. This was partly about reimbursement which we see little of from this administration.

What has that got to do with long voting lines?
You are off topic.
So if the voter turn out had been low I suspect that would have been due to voter suppression as well so basically any election that doesn't go the way a liberal wants is due to voter suppression. Oy vey.
Or is it the large voter turn out?people wait longer than that to storm walmart

Just a question---------> If the intent was to suppress with long lines, exactly how did they know who they were suppressing? Not only that, but since it is a closed primary with no crossover allowed, exactly how did this affect Democrats more than the GOP?
I can tell you didn't vote in Maricopa County, AZ yesterday. With only 60 polling places in a county with ~21,000 to vote in each of the 1.25 million registered voters in the county, it was just a bit CROWDED where we voted. It was early, but we still had over an hour wait. When we came out the line had about doubled. If the Auditor, et al, pull the same shit for the General election in November, it will definitely impact the turnout.

I heard on the news last night that some polling places closer in toward Phoenix proper had 5 + hour wait times. This never would have happened if SCOTUS hadn't have red lined Section V of the Voting Rights Act. It would have brought the DOJ down on the State given this was a specific tactic use in the Tom Crow era to curb voting by "undesirables". Arizona got tagged for this same shit back in the '70's, so they know how it works.

So then, somehow the undesirables had to wait in line longer than the desirable people. Explain how that is enforced.
Yeah, that's it. That's just what they did in the deep South when Jim Crow was the Auditor down there 'cause that's how they got the "undesirables" to not vote with those longggggggg lines. Why Hell, your just as sharp as a bad B&W picture tube on a 1954 Admiral 17" console TV, lad!

Going from over 200 polling places in 2012 down to 60 today (after SCOTUS hacked away at Section V of the VRA in 2013) with the shitty public transportation here in this very, very large County is going to work hardships on folks with limited transport options, and that's just one issue. Must be too fucking hard for you to comprehend, coming from Inbreed, Indiana.

I guess you have an issue with enabling every ELIGIBLE voter to exercise their franchise without gov'mint obstruction!
Or is it the large voter turn out?people wait longer than that to storm walmart

Just a question---------> If the intent was to suppress with long lines, exactly how did they know who they were suppressing? Not only that, but since it is a closed primary with no crossover allowed, exactly how did this affect Democrats more than the GOP?
I can tell you didn't vote in Maricopa County, AZ yesterday. With only 60 polling places in a county with ~21,000 to vote in each of the 1.25 million registered voters in the county, it was just a bit CROWDED where we voted. It was early, but we still had over an hour wait. When we came out the line had about doubled. If the Auditor, et al, pull the same shit for the General election in November, it will definitely impact the turnout.

I heard on the news last night that some polling places closer in toward Phoenix proper had 5 + hour wait times. This never would have happened if SCOTUS hadn't have red lined Section V of the Voting Rights Act. It would have brought the DOJ down on the State given this was a specific tactic use in the Tom Crow era to curb voting by "undesirables". Arizona got tagged for this same shit back in the '70's, so they know how it works.

So then, somehow the undesirables had to wait in line longer than the desirable people. Explain how that is enforced.
Yeah, that's it. That's just what they did in the deep South when Jim Crow was the Auditor down there 'cause that's how they got the "undesirables" to not vote with those longggggggg lines. Why Hell, your just as sharp as a bad B&W picture tube on a 1954 Admiral 17" console TV, lad!

Going from over 200 polling places in 2012 down to 60 today (after SCOTUS hacked away at Section V of the VRA in 2013) with the shitty public transportation here in this very, very large County is going to work hardships on folks with limited transport options, and that's just one issue. Must be too fucking hard for you to comprehend, coming from Inbreed, Indiana.

I guess you have an issue with enabling every ELIGIBLE voter to exercise their franchise without gov'mint obstruction!

It had nothing to do with the Supreme Courts ruling.
It had everything to do with the Maricopa County elections officials who made the decision.
This is their decision and theirs alone. No one else.
Purcell said it was because they did not have the money.
Maricopa County elections officials reduced polling places to 60 to save money - Cronkite News - Arizona PBS
Or is it the large voter turn out?people wait longer than that to storm walmart

Just a question---------> If the intent was to suppress with long lines, exactly how did they know who they were suppressing? Not only that, but since it is a closed primary with no crossover allowed, exactly how did this affect Democrats more than the GOP?
I can tell you didn't vote in Maricopa County, AZ yesterday. With only 60 polling places in a county with ~21,000 to vote in each of the 1.25 million registered voters in the county, it was just a bit CROWDED where we voted. It was early, but we still had over an hour wait. When we came out the line had about doubled. If the Auditor, et al, pull the same shit for the General election in November, it will definitely impact the turnout.

I heard on the news last night that some polling places closer in toward Phoenix proper had 5 + hour wait times. This never would have happened if SCOTUS hadn't have red lined Section V of the Voting Rights Act. It would have brought the DOJ down on the State given this was a specific tactic use in the Tom Crow era to curb voting by "undesirables". Arizona got tagged for this same shit back in the '70's, so they know how it works.

So then, somehow the undesirables had to wait in line longer than the desirable people. Explain how that is enforced.
Yeah, that's it. That's just what they did in the deep South when Jim Crow was the Auditor down there 'cause that's how they got the "undesirables" to not vote with those longggggggg lines. Why Hell, your just as sharp as a bad B&W picture tube on a 1954 Admiral 17" console TV, lad!

Going from over 200 polling places in 2012 down to 60 today (after SCOTUS hacked away at Section V of the VRA in 2013) with the shitty public transportation here in this very, very large County is going to work hardships on folks with limited transport options, and that's just one issue. Must be too fucking hard for you to comprehend, coming from Inbreed, Indiana.

I guess you have an issue with enabling every ELIGIBLE voter to exercise their franchise without gov'mint obstruction!

So then, tell all of us.................who got screwed! Which candidate got the shaft because of long lines? We want to know. Would you like me to list them all for you, or do you remember their names!

Or rather, are you just bitching to bitch! Did you have to wait in line? Did it keep you from your "warrior keyboard." Kinda funny, I have relatives in Phoenix, and they didn't have any trouble at all. Have relatives in Tucson also. No problem there either. It is just AMAZING that some of you complain about taking a few hours out of a YEAR to vote. Maybe you missed your wife standing in line. Maybe your kids. Or maybe a bottle of booze or a crack pipe. In either case, MAN up, and quit making it racial. The polling places are just as long for the right, as they are the left. Thought you wanted to insure EQUALITY, lol.
Or is it the large voter turn out?people wait longer than that to storm walmart

Just a question---------> If the intent was to suppress with long lines, exactly how did they know who they were suppressing? Not only that, but since it is a closed primary with no crossover allowed, exactly how did this affect Democrats more than the GOP?
I can tell you didn't vote in Maricopa County, AZ yesterday. With only 60 polling places in a county with ~21,000 to vote in each of the 1.25 million registered voters in the county, it was just a bit CROWDED where we voted. It was early, but we still had over an hour wait. When we came out the line had about doubled. If the Auditor, et al, pull the same shit for the General election in November, it will definitely impact the turnout.

I heard on the news last night that some polling places closer in toward Phoenix proper had 5 + hour wait times. This never would have happened if SCOTUS hadn't have red lined Section V of the Voting Rights Act. It would have brought the DOJ down on the State given this was a specific tactic use in the Tom Crow era to curb voting by "undesirables". Arizona got tagged for this same shit back in the '70's, so they know how it works.

So then, somehow the undesirables had to wait in line longer than the desirable people. Explain how that is enforced.
Yeah, that's it. That's just what they did in the deep South when Jim Crow was the Auditor down there 'cause that's how they got the "undesirables" to not vote with those longggggggg lines. Why Hell, your just as sharp as a bad B&W picture tube on a 1954 Admiral 17" console TV, lad!

Going from over 200 polling places in 2012 down to 60 today (after SCOTUS hacked away at Section V of the VRA in 2013) with the shitty public transportation here in this very, very large County is going to work hardships on folks with limited transport options, and that's just one issue. Must be too fucking hard for you to comprehend, coming from Inbreed, Indiana.

I guess you have an issue with enabling every ELIGIBLE voter to exercise their franchise without gov'mint obstruction!

Or is it the large voter turn out?people wait longer than that to storm walmart

Just a question---------> If the intent was to suppress with long lines, exactly how did they know who they were suppressing? Not only that, but since it is a closed primary with no crossover allowed, exactly how did this affect Democrats more than the GOP?
I can tell you didn't vote in Maricopa County, AZ yesterday. With only 60 polling places in a county with ~21,000 to vote in each of the 1.25 million registered voters in the county, it was just a bit CROWDED where we voted. It was early, but we still had over an hour wait. When we came out the line had about doubled. If the Auditor, et al, pull the same shit for the General election in November, it will definitely impact the turnout.

I heard on the news last night that some polling places closer in toward Phoenix proper had 5 + hour wait times. This never would have happened if SCOTUS hadn't have red lined Section V of the Voting Rights Act. It would have brought the DOJ down on the State given this was a specific tactic use in the Tom Crow era to curb voting by "undesirables". Arizona got tagged for this same shit back in the '70's, so they know how it works.

So then, somehow the undesirables had to wait in line longer than the desirable people. Explain how that is enforced.
Yeah, that's it. That's just what they did in the deep South when Jim Crow was the Auditor down there 'cause that's how they got the "undesirables" to not vote with those longggggggg lines. Why Hell, your just as sharp as a bad B&W picture tube on a 1954 Admiral 17" console TV, lad!

Going from over 200 polling places in 2012 down to 60 today (after SCOTUS hacked away at Section V of the VRA in 2013) with the shitty public transportation here in this very, very large County is going to work hardships on folks with limited transport options, and that's just one issue. Must be too fucking hard for you to comprehend, coming from Inbreed, Indiana.

I guess you have an issue with enabling every ELIGIBLE voter to exercise their franchise without gov'mint obstruction!

It had nothing to do with the Supreme Courts ruling.
It had everything to do with the Maricopa County elections officials who made the decision.
This is their decision and theirs alone. No one else.
Purcell said it was because they did not have the money.
Maricopa County elections officials reduced polling places to 60 to save money - Cronkite News - Arizona PBS

Ohhhhhhhhhh, look at what Peach said, my, oh my. Maybe if they didn't have to spend so much money on illegals, they could have more money for polling places. What you think? So NOW not only are the illegals costing Americans jobs, they are also keeping us in line longer to vote their benefactors out of office, like John Mcshame! Saints preserve us!

This guy blames us, when it is really his constituency that caused the problem, by bleeding the county dry of money, because they had to support their ILLEGAL rearends.

What you got to say now stud muffin-)
Or is it the large voter turn out?people wait longer than that to storm walmart

Just a question---------> If the intent was to suppress with long lines, exactly how did they know who they were suppressing? Not only that, but since it is a closed primary with no crossover allowed, exactly how did this affect Democrats more than the GOP?
I can tell you didn't vote in Maricopa County, AZ yesterday. With only 60 polling places in a county with ~21,000 to vote in each of the 1.25 million registered voters in the county, it was just a bit CROWDED where we voted. It was early, but we still had over an hour wait. When we came out the line had about doubled. If the Auditor, et al, pull the same shit for the General election in November, it will definitely impact the turnout.

I heard on the news last night that some polling places closer in toward Phoenix proper had 5 + hour wait times. This never would have happened if SCOTUS hadn't have red lined Section V of the Voting Rights Act. It would have brought the DOJ down on the State given this was a specific tactic use in the Tom Crow era to curb voting by "undesirables". Arizona got tagged for this same shit back in the '70's, so they know how it works.

So then, somehow the undesirables had to wait in line longer than the desirable people. Explain how that is enforced.
Yeah, that's it. That's just what they did in the deep South when Jim Crow was the Auditor down there 'cause that's how they got the "undesirables" to not vote with those longggggggg lines. Why Hell, your just as sharp as a bad B&W picture tube on a 1954 Admiral 17" console TV, lad!

Going from over 200 polling places in 2012 down to 60 today (after SCOTUS hacked away at Section V of the VRA in 2013) with the shitty public transportation here in this very, very large County is going to work hardships on folks with limited transport options, and that's just one issue. Must be too fucking hard for you to comprehend, coming from Inbreed, Indiana.

I guess you have an issue with enabling every ELIGIBLE voter to exercise their franchise without gov'mint obstruction!

It had nothing to do with the Supreme Courts ruling.
It had everything to do with the Maricopa County elections officials who made the decision.
This is their decision and theirs alone. No one else.
Purcell said it was because they did not have the money.
Maricopa County elections officials reduced polling places to 60 to save money - Cronkite News - Arizona PBS
OH BULLSHIT! Purcell, on Channel 12 just a little over a 1/2 hour ago. She said one of the reasons for the reduction was to SAVE MONEY and NOT BECAUSE THE MONEY WASN"T THERE!. Fuck saving money and severely inconveniencing hundreds of thousands of people. Your turd don't float!
Just a question---------> If the intent was to suppress with long lines, exactly how did they know who they were suppressing? Not only that, but since it is a closed primary with no crossover allowed, exactly how did this affect Democrats more than the GOP?
I can tell you didn't vote in Maricopa County, AZ yesterday. With only 60 polling places in a county with ~21,000 to vote in each of the 1.25 million registered voters in the county, it was just a bit CROWDED where we voted. It was early, but we still had over an hour wait. When we came out the line had about doubled. If the Auditor, et al, pull the same shit for the General election in November, it will definitely impact the turnout.

I heard on the news last night that some polling places closer in toward Phoenix proper had 5 + hour wait times. This never would have happened if SCOTUS hadn't have red lined Section V of the Voting Rights Act. It would have brought the DOJ down on the State given this was a specific tactic use in the Tom Crow era to curb voting by "undesirables". Arizona got tagged for this same shit back in the '70's, so they know how it works.

So then, somehow the undesirables had to wait in line longer than the desirable people. Explain how that is enforced.
Yeah, that's it. That's just what they did in the deep South when Jim Crow was the Auditor down there 'cause that's how they got the "undesirables" to not vote with those longggggggg lines. Why Hell, your just as sharp as a bad B&W picture tube on a 1954 Admiral 17" console TV, lad!

Going from over 200 polling places in 2012 down to 60 today (after SCOTUS hacked away at Section V of the VRA in 2013) with the shitty public transportation here in this very, very large County is going to work hardships on folks with limited transport options, and that's just one issue. Must be too fucking hard for you to comprehend, coming from Inbreed, Indiana.

I guess you have an issue with enabling every ELIGIBLE voter to exercise their franchise without gov'mint obstruction!

It had nothing to do with the Supreme Courts ruling.
It had everything to do with the Maricopa County elections officials who made the decision.
This is their decision and theirs alone. No one else.
Purcell said it was because they did not have the money.
Maricopa County elections officials reduced polling places to 60 to save money - Cronkite News - Arizona PBS
OH BULLSHIT! Purcell, on Channel 12 just a little over a 1/2 hour ago. She said one of the reasons for the reduction was to SAVE MONEY and NOT BECAUSE THE MONEY WASN"T THERE!. Fuck saving money and severely inconveniencing hundreds of thousands of people. Your turd don't float!

Words right out f her own mouth not mine.
I'm just the messenger.
Cost efficiency was necessary because it did not have the funds to cover the costs of the election, County Recorder Helen Purcell told the board.
Or is it the large voter turn out?people wait longer than that to storm walmart

Just a question---------> If the intent was to suppress with long lines, exactly how did they know who they were suppressing? Not only that, but since it is a closed primary with no crossover allowed, exactly how did this affect Democrats more than the GOP?
I can tell you didn't vote in Maricopa County, AZ yesterday. With only 60 polling places in a county with ~21,000 to vote in each of the 1.25 million registered voters in the county, it was just a bit CROWDED where we voted. It was early, but we still had over an hour wait. When we came out the line had about doubled. If the Auditor, et al, pull the same shit for the General election in November, it will definitely impact the turnout.

I heard on the news last night that some polling places closer in toward Phoenix proper had 5 + hour wait times. This never would have happened if SCOTUS hadn't have red lined Section V of the Voting Rights Act. It would have brought the DOJ down on the State given this was a specific tactic use in the Tom Crow era to curb voting by "undesirables". Arizona got tagged for this same shit back in the '70's, so they know how it works.

So then, somehow the undesirables had to wait in line longer than the desirable people. Explain how that is enforced.
Yeah, that's it. That's just what they did in the deep South when Jim Crow was the Auditor down there 'cause that's how they got the "undesirables" to not vote with those longggggggg lines. Why Hell, your just as sharp as a bad B&W picture tube on a 1954 Admiral 17" console TV, lad!

Going from over 200 polling places in 2012 down to 60 today (after SCOTUS hacked away at Section V of the VRA in 2013) with the shitty public transportation here in this very, very large County is going to work hardships on folks with limited transport options, and that's just one issue. Must be too fucking hard for you to comprehend, coming from Inbreed, Indiana.

I guess you have an issue with enabling every ELIGIBLE voter to exercise their franchise without gov'mint obstruction!

So then, tell all of us.................who got screwed! Which candidate got the shaft because of long lines? We want to know. Would you like me to list them all for you, or do you remember their names!

Or rather, are you just bitching to bitch! Did you have to wait in line? Did it keep you from your "warrior keyboard." Kinda funny, I have relatives in Phoenix, and they didn't have any trouble at all. Have relatives in Tucson also. No problem there either. It is just AMAZING that some of you complain about taking a few hours out of a YEAR to vote. Maybe you missed your wife standing in line. Maybe your kids. Or maybe a bottle of booze or a crack pipe. In either case, MAN up, and quit making it racial. The polling places are just as long for the right, as they are the left. Thought you wanted to insure EQUALITY, lol.
Damn but you're a dumb fuck! AZ has a record of "making it racial" by doing this. Damn but you're a dumb fuck! Regarding your last two sentences along with those preceding... Damn but you're a dumb fuck!
Just a question---------> If the intent was to suppress with long lines, exactly how did they know who they were suppressing? Not only that, but since it is a closed primary with no crossover allowed, exactly how did this affect Democrats more than the GOP?
I can tell you didn't vote in Maricopa County, AZ yesterday. With only 60 polling places in a county with ~21,000 to vote in each of the 1.25 million registered voters in the county, it was just a bit CROWDED where we voted. It was early, but we still had over an hour wait. When we came out the line had about doubled. If the Auditor, et al, pull the same shit for the General election in November, it will definitely impact the turnout.

I heard on the news last night that some polling places closer in toward Phoenix proper had 5 + hour wait times. This never would have happened if SCOTUS hadn't have red lined Section V of the Voting Rights Act. It would have brought the DOJ down on the State given this was a specific tactic use in the Tom Crow era to curb voting by "undesirables". Arizona got tagged for this same shit back in the '70's, so they know how it works.

So then, somehow the undesirables had to wait in line longer than the desirable people. Explain how that is enforced.
Yeah, that's it. That's just what they did in the deep South when Jim Crow was the Auditor down there 'cause that's how they got the "undesirables" to not vote with those longggggggg lines. Why Hell, your just as sharp as a bad B&W picture tube on a 1954 Admiral 17" console TV, lad!

Going from over 200 polling places in 2012 down to 60 today (after SCOTUS hacked away at Section V of the VRA in 2013) with the shitty public transportation here in this very, very large County is going to work hardships on folks with limited transport options, and that's just one issue. Must be too fucking hard for you to comprehend, coming from Inbreed, Indiana.

I guess you have an issue with enabling every ELIGIBLE voter to exercise their franchise without gov'mint obstruction!

So then, tell all of us.................who got screwed! Which candidate got the shaft because of long lines? We want to know. Would you like me to list them all for you, or do you remember their names!

Or rather, are you just bitching to bitch! Did you have to wait in line? Did it keep you from your "warrior keyboard." Kinda funny, I have relatives in Phoenix, and they didn't have any trouble at all. Have relatives in Tucson also. No problem there either. It is just AMAZING that some of you complain about taking a few hours out of a YEAR to vote. Maybe you missed your wife standing in line. Maybe your kids. Or maybe a bottle of booze or a crack pipe. In either case, MAN up, and quit making it racial. The polling places are just as long for the right, as they are the left. Thought you wanted to insure EQUALITY, lol.
Damn but you're a dumb fuck! AZ has a record of "making it racial" by doing this. Damn but you're a dumb fuck! Regarding your last two sentences along with those preceding... Damn but you're a dumb fuck!

Can't be racial when it applies to all the voters.
worry over the state you live in and keep your nose out of other people business
This is America. If it can happen in Arizona, it can happen anywhere. Rights are rights and no one has the right to suppress the vote.
I can tell you didn't vote in Maricopa County, AZ yesterday. With only 60 polling places in a county with ~21,000 to vote in each of the 1.25 million registered voters in the county, it was just a bit CROWDED where we voted. It was early, but we still had over an hour wait. When we came out the line had about doubled. If the Auditor, et al, pull the same shit for the General election in November, it will definitely impact the turnout.

I heard on the news last night that some polling places closer in toward Phoenix proper had 5 + hour wait times. This never would have happened if SCOTUS hadn't have red lined Section V of the Voting Rights Act. It would have brought the DOJ down on the State given this was a specific tactic use in the Tom Crow era to curb voting by "undesirables". Arizona got tagged for this same shit back in the '70's, so they know how it works.

So then, somehow the undesirables had to wait in line longer than the desirable people. Explain how that is enforced.
Yeah, that's it. That's just what they did in the deep South when Jim Crow was the Auditor down there 'cause that's how they got the "undesirables" to not vote with those longggggggg lines. Why Hell, your just as sharp as a bad B&W picture tube on a 1954 Admiral 17" console TV, lad!

Going from over 200 polling places in 2012 down to 60 today (after SCOTUS hacked away at Section V of the VRA in 2013) with the shitty public transportation here in this very, very large County is going to work hardships on folks with limited transport options, and that's just one issue. Must be too fucking hard for you to comprehend, coming from Inbreed, Indiana.

I guess you have an issue with enabling every ELIGIBLE voter to exercise their franchise without gov'mint obstruction!

So then, tell all of us.................who got screwed! Which candidate got the shaft because of long lines? We want to know. Would you like me to list them all for you, or do you remember their names!

Or rather, are you just bitching to bitch! Did you have to wait in line? Did it keep you from your "warrior keyboard." Kinda funny, I have relatives in Phoenix, and they didn't have any trouble at all. Have relatives in Tucson also. No problem there either. It is just AMAZING that some of you complain about taking a few hours out of a YEAR to vote. Maybe you missed your wife standing in line. Maybe your kids. Or maybe a bottle of booze or a crack pipe. In either case, MAN up, and quit making it racial. The polling places are just as long for the right, as they are the left. Thought you wanted to insure EQUALITY, lol.
Damn but you're a dumb fuck! AZ has a record of "making it racial" by doing this. Damn but you're a dumb fuck! Regarding your last two sentences along with those preceding... Damn but you're a dumb fuck!

Can't be racial when it applies to all the voters.
did it apply to all voters? doesn't look like it
I can tell you didn't vote in Maricopa County, AZ yesterday. With only 60 polling places in a county with ~21,000 to vote in each of the 1.25 million registered voters in the county, it was just a bit CROWDED where we voted. It was early, but we still had over an hour wait. When we came out the line had about doubled. If the Auditor, et al, pull the same shit for the General election in November, it will definitely impact the turnout.

I heard on the news last night that some polling places closer in toward Phoenix proper had 5 + hour wait times. This never would have happened if SCOTUS hadn't have red lined Section V of the Voting Rights Act. It would have brought the DOJ down on the State given this was a specific tactic use in the Tom Crow era to curb voting by "undesirables". Arizona got tagged for this same shit back in the '70's, so they know how it works.

So then, somehow the undesirables had to wait in line longer than the desirable people. Explain how that is enforced.
Yeah, that's it. That's just what they did in the deep South when Jim Crow was the Auditor down there 'cause that's how they got the "undesirables" to not vote with those longggggggg lines. Why Hell, your just as sharp as a bad B&W picture tube on a 1954 Admiral 17" console TV, lad!

Going from over 200 polling places in 2012 down to 60 today (after SCOTUS hacked away at Section V of the VRA in 2013) with the shitty public transportation here in this very, very large County is going to work hardships on folks with limited transport options, and that's just one issue. Must be too fucking hard for you to comprehend, coming from Inbreed, Indiana.

I guess you have an issue with enabling every ELIGIBLE voter to exercise their franchise without gov'mint obstruction!

It had nothing to do with the Supreme Courts ruling.
It had everything to do with the Maricopa County elections officials who made the decision.
This is their decision and theirs alone. No one else.
Purcell said it was because they did not have the money.
Maricopa County elections officials reduced polling places to 60 to save money - Cronkite News - Arizona PBS
OH BULLSHIT! Purcell, on Channel 12 just a little over a 1/2 hour ago. She said one of the reasons for the reduction was to SAVE MONEY and NOT BECAUSE THE MONEY WASN"T THERE!. Fuck saving money and severely inconveniencing hundreds of thousands of people. Your turd don't float!

Words right out f her own mouth not mine.
I'm just the messenger.
Cost efficiency was necessary because it did not have the funds to cover the costs of the election, County Recorder Helen Purcell told the board.
Yeah sure. I watched her say on live fucking TV that it was to SAVE MONEY. She didn't say if it might be a preview for data collection to plan for the November election! What lies she spews to the Board and they accept for the record is something else all together! What's that old saw about laying with dogs and fleas?
I can tell you didn't vote in Maricopa County, AZ yesterday. With only 60 polling places in a county with ~21,000 to vote in each of the 1.25 million registered voters in the county, it was just a bit CROWDED where we voted. It was early, but we still had over an hour wait. When we came out the line had about doubled. If the Auditor, et al, pull the same shit for the General election in November, it will definitely impact the turnout.

I heard on the news last night that some polling places closer in toward Phoenix proper had 5 + hour wait times. This never would have happened if SCOTUS hadn't have red lined Section V of the Voting Rights Act. It would have brought the DOJ down on the State given this was a specific tactic use in the Tom Crow era to curb voting by "undesirables". Arizona got tagged for this same shit back in the '70's, so they know how it works.

So then, somehow the undesirables had to wait in line longer than the desirable people. Explain how that is enforced.
Yeah, that's it. That's just what they did in the deep South when Jim Crow was the Auditor down there 'cause that's how they got the "undesirables" to not vote with those longggggggg lines. Why Hell, your just as sharp as a bad B&W picture tube on a 1954 Admiral 17" console TV, lad!

Going from over 200 polling places in 2012 down to 60 today (after SCOTUS hacked away at Section V of the VRA in 2013) with the shitty public transportation here in this very, very large County is going to work hardships on folks with limited transport options, and that's just one issue. Must be too fucking hard for you to comprehend, coming from Inbreed, Indiana.

I guess you have an issue with enabling every ELIGIBLE voter to exercise their franchise without gov'mint obstruction!

So then, tell all of us.................who got screwed! Which candidate got the shaft because of long lines? We want to know. Would you like me to list them all for you, or do you remember their names!

Or rather, are you just bitching to bitch! Did you have to wait in line? Did it keep you from your "warrior keyboard." Kinda funny, I have relatives in Phoenix, and they didn't have any trouble at all. Have relatives in Tucson also. No problem there either. It is just AMAZING that some of you complain about taking a few hours out of a YEAR to vote. Maybe you missed your wife standing in line. Maybe your kids. Or maybe a bottle of booze or a crack pipe. In either case, MAN up, and quit making it racial. The polling places are just as long for the right, as they are the left. Thought you wanted to insure EQUALITY, lol.
Damn but you're a dumb fuck! AZ has a record of "making it racial" by doing this. Damn but you're a dumb fuck! Regarding your last two sentences along with those preceding... Damn but you're a dumb fuck!

Can't be racial when it applies to all the voters.
If it did indeed apply to all voters. Usually the long lines with long waits apply to areas that vote differently than the politics of the state government. It is just one of the tricks used to keep the opposing party's voters from voting. The South had a number of these methods to keep blacks from voting.
Wait, so invalidating those parts resulted in voter suppression which led to long lines at the polls?
YOu are truly the biggest dumbshit on this site.

Yes, that is exactly why Maricopa County, Arizona was allowed to eliminate numerous polling locations without prior approval/oversight from the U.S. Dept. of Justice.

Most counties surveyed by The Arizona Republic had enough polling places to average 2,500 or fewer eligible voters per polling site. Maricopa County had only one site per every 21,000 voters.

There Was 1 Polling Site For Every 21,000 People In Maricopa County, Arizona

My town has a population of 22,000 and we have 4 wards each with a polling location. I only wait maybe 10-15 min during high turn out years. To say this isn't an attempt at suppression is disingenuous at best. There is no other practical reason for doing this.
So then, somehow the undesirables had to wait in line longer than the desirable people. Explain how that is enforced.
Yeah, that's it. That's just what they did in the deep South when Jim Crow was the Auditor down there 'cause that's how they got the "undesirables" to not vote with those longggggggg lines. Why Hell, your just as sharp as a bad B&W picture tube on a 1954 Admiral 17" console TV, lad!

Going from over 200 polling places in 2012 down to 60 today (after SCOTUS hacked away at Section V of the VRA in 2013) with the shitty public transportation here in this very, very large County is going to work hardships on folks with limited transport options, and that's just one issue. Must be too fucking hard for you to comprehend, coming from Inbreed, Indiana.

I guess you have an issue with enabling every ELIGIBLE voter to exercise their franchise without gov'mint obstruction!

So then, tell all of us.................who got screwed! Which candidate got the shaft because of long lines? We want to know. Would you like me to list them all for you, or do you remember their names!

Or rather, are you just bitching to bitch! Did you have to wait in line? Did it keep you from your "warrior keyboard." Kinda funny, I have relatives in Phoenix, and they didn't have any trouble at all. Have relatives in Tucson also. No problem there either. It is just AMAZING that some of you complain about taking a few hours out of a YEAR to vote. Maybe you missed your wife standing in line. Maybe your kids. Or maybe a bottle of booze or a crack pipe. In either case, MAN up, and quit making it racial. The polling places are just as long for the right, as they are the left. Thought you wanted to insure EQUALITY, lol.
Damn but you're a dumb fuck! AZ has a record of "making it racial" by doing this. Damn but you're a dumb fuck! Regarding your last two sentences along with those preceding... Damn but you're a dumb fuck!

Can't be racial when it applies to all the voters.
If it did indeed apply to all voters. Usually the long lines with long waits apply to areas that vote differently than the politics of the state government. It is just one of the tricks used to keep the opposing party's voters from voting. The South had a number of these methods to keep blacks from voting.

Yes it did apply to all voters.
Maricopa is a very large county and it's very diversified.
60 stations is far to little for that size.
Something else is going on here and it stinks like a turd, because many did not get their early mail in ballots, so they were forced to go to the polls.
We live in Cochise County and my husband got his ballot 2 days before the election, March 17th and I never got mine nor did our neighbors. Early mail in vote ended on March 19th, no way would that have gotten to Bisbee on time.
We both had to go into town and vote.
When voters don't receive their mail in ballot, you then have to go to polling stations. Thus the huge long lines.
It has nothing to do with race in this case.
It has a lot to do with incompetence and skull duggery.
The voters are starting a petition to look into it.
Or is it the large voter turn out?people wait longer than that to storm walmart

Just a question---------> If the intent was to suppress with long lines, exactly how did they know who they were suppressing? Not only that, but since it is a closed primary with no crossover allowed, exactly how did this affect Democrats more than the GOP?
I can tell you didn't vote in Maricopa County, AZ yesterday. With only 60 polling places in a county with ~21,000 to vote in each of the 1.25 million registered voters in the county, it was just a bit CROWDED where we voted. It was early, but we still had over an hour wait. When we came out the line had about doubled. If the Auditor, et al, pull the same shit for the General election in November, it will definitely impact the turnout.

I heard on the news last night that some polling places closer in toward Phoenix proper had 5 + hour wait times. This never would have happened if SCOTUS hadn't have red lined Section V of the Voting Rights Act. It would have brought the DOJ down on the State given this was a specific tactic use in the Tom Crow era to curb voting by "undesirables". Arizona got tagged for this same shit back in the '70's, so they know how it works.

So then, somehow the undesirables had to wait in line longer than the desirable people. Explain how that is enforced.
Yeah, that's it. That's just what they did in the deep South when Jim Crow was the Auditor down there 'cause that's how they got the "undesirables" to not vote with those longggggggg lines. Why Hell, your just as sharp as a bad B&W picture tube on a 1954 Admiral 17" console TV, lad!

Going from over 200 polling places in 2012 down to 60 today (after SCOTUS hacked away at Section V of the VRA in 2013) with the shitty public transportation here in this very, very large County is going to work hardships on folks with limited transport options, and that's just one issue. Must be too fucking hard for you to comprehend, coming from Inbreed, Indiana.

I guess you have an issue with enabling every ELIGIBLE voter to exercise their franchise without gov'mint obstruction!

It had nothing to do with the Supreme Courts ruling.
It had everything to do with the Maricopa County elections officials who made the decision.
This is their decision and theirs alone. No one else.
Purcell said it was because they did not have the money.
Maricopa County elections officials reduced polling places to 60 to save money - Cronkite News - Arizona PBS

It had nothing to do with the Supreme Courts ruling.

It has everything to do with it. They would not have been permitted to close that many locations if tha part of the voting rights act were intact. This is at least the third or fourth time it's been explained.
Just a question---------> If the intent was to suppress with long lines, exactly how did they know who they were suppressing? Not only that, but since it is a closed primary with no crossover allowed, exactly how did this affect Democrats more than the GOP?
I can tell you didn't vote in Maricopa County, AZ yesterday. With only 60 polling places in a county with ~21,000 to vote in each of the 1.25 million registered voters in the county, it was just a bit CROWDED where we voted. It was early, but we still had over an hour wait. When we came out the line had about doubled. If the Auditor, et al, pull the same shit for the General election in November, it will definitely impact the turnout.

I heard on the news last night that some polling places closer in toward Phoenix proper had 5 + hour wait times. This never would have happened if SCOTUS hadn't have red lined Section V of the Voting Rights Act. It would have brought the DOJ down on the State given this was a specific tactic use in the Tom Crow era to curb voting by "undesirables". Arizona got tagged for this same shit back in the '70's, so they know how it works.

So then, somehow the undesirables had to wait in line longer than the desirable people. Explain how that is enforced.
Yeah, that's it. That's just what they did in the deep South when Jim Crow was the Auditor down there 'cause that's how they got the "undesirables" to not vote with those longggggggg lines. Why Hell, your just as sharp as a bad B&W picture tube on a 1954 Admiral 17" console TV, lad!

Going from over 200 polling places in 2012 down to 60 today (after SCOTUS hacked away at Section V of the VRA in 2013) with the shitty public transportation here in this very, very large County is going to work hardships on folks with limited transport options, and that's just one issue. Must be too fucking hard for you to comprehend, coming from Inbreed, Indiana.

I guess you have an issue with enabling every ELIGIBLE voter to exercise their franchise without gov'mint obstruction!

It had nothing to do with the Supreme Courts ruling.
It had everything to do with the Maricopa County elections officials who made the decision.
This is their decision and theirs alone. No one else.
Purcell said it was because they did not have the money.
Maricopa County elections officials reduced polling places to 60 to save money - Cronkite News - Arizona PBS

It had nothing to do with the Supreme Courts ruling.

It has everything to do with it. They would not have been permitted to close that many locations if tha part of the voting rights act were intact. This is at least the third or fourth time it's been explained.

Then why did so many not get their early mail in ballots throughout the whole State and was forced to go to the polling stations?
Is that also because of the court? No it was not.

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