Arizona passes tough illegal immigration law

'I recall back in the 70's when Orygun passed a law aimed at keeping the immigrants from California out. Sadly it did not hold up in court.'

CA is a welfare social state run by liberal dems. AZ is a repub state run by conservatives. Therein lies the differance. Kudos to the Governor of AZ!!! The drug cartel maniacs are not playing games. They will decapitate and mutilate anybody who stands in their way - even the liberal dems.
From the article...
The law requires state and local police to determine the status of people if there is "reasonable suspicion" that they are illegal immigrants and to arrest people who are unable to provide documentation proving they are in the country legally.

It also makes it a crime to transport someone who is an illegal immigrant and to hire day laborers off the street.

Please explain how this violates the rights of US Citizens.... Thanks.

Um... let's see, they are going to be profiling people who have citizenship. And we all know reasonal suspicion means, if they look hispanic. There are plenty of hispanics in Arizona who are citizens. I am not a lawyer, but in my opinion this violates our 4th amendment rights all the way around.

That's fine... I'm just saying if I lived in AZ, I would rather have to show an id card and keep my family more safe than not show an id card and have illegal immigrants killing people and police officers... Just a difference of opinion I guess.

showing an ID card would be great, because it would force immigration officers to look for something tangible, rather than apply wildly varying subjective opinions. in my experience, immigration officers at checkpoints are some of the most unprofessional people i've ever seen in law enforcement.
'I recall back in the 70's when Orygun passed a law aimed at keeping the immigrants from California out. Sadly it did not hold up in court.'

CA is a welfare social state run by liberal dems. AZ is a repub state run by conservatives. Therein lies the differance. Kudos to the Governor of AZ!!! The drug cartel maniacs are not playing games. They will decapitate and mutilate anybody who stands in their way - even the liberal dems.

Az is a split state

Phoenix is more red while Tucson leans more to the left
i would like to see the us treat mexican nationals entering the us the same way mexico deals with foreign nationals entering their country illegally....

and if you are looking for mexican nationals don't you kind of have to look for people that fit the criminal profile.....
and if you are looking for mexican nationals don't you kind of have to look for people that fit the criminal profile.....

which would be, what?

White or brown, male or female, and possibly speaking Spanish or having an accent?

You just described the vast majority of the state- basically you've described everyone here except the small number of blacks and and the rare asian.
It may not say hispanic, but I highly doubt the bill will stand up.

The Arizona Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that criminal charges can be dropped in cases where police officers stop motorists because of their race.

Justice Andrew Hurwitz wrote in the unanimous decision that a state can neither write laws that apply only to people of certain races, nor selectively enforce the law according to race, a practice commonly referred to as racial profiling. advertisement

"A state can no more make 'driving while Black' a crime by means of its enforcement than it could by express law," he wrote.

State high court says racial profiling can get cases tossed
What needs to be done is them cracking down on the bigger businesses who hire the illegals, not the day laborer's in front home depot.

I agree with this sentiment Zona but this law is about thwarting the drug traffickers who are running rampant throughout the entire border region...many of them being repeat illegal alien offenders. Now they are going onto people's private property and shooting the owners of that property for protecting their land. That's why the CCW permit law was eliminated. People have the right to defend themselves and the laws enacted will facilitate that goal. The State of Arizona is broke....time for the citizen's to step up and do their part.
What needs to be done is them cracking down on the bigger businesses who hire the illegals, not the day laborer's in front home depot.

If you know of someplace, give 'em a ring


I called a construction company in central Washington where most of the illegals live, where a guy was using my SSN to work. Of course they knew nothing about it.:eusa_liar:
You were not legally required to give them your ID.

The standards for being required to provide identification (reasonable suspicion of the commission of a crime) are the same as those for being detained.

Once again you are mistaken...there are SEVERAL SCOTUS cases that set precedent for the Police being able to ask you for ID if they have a reasonable suspicion that you MAY have or HAVE NOT committed a crime.

Don't believe all that La Raza racist crap you have laying around your house.
Reasonable suspicion you might not be committing a crime?

I get the distinct impression you're illiterate.

I get the distinct impression you are a whiny ass race baiter....the fact is I'm right and you're wrong.
So to anyone who agrees with this, how are they going to establish reasonable cause?
I guess brown people now have to carry papers where ever they go now.

Oh yeah I guess that would be racist.

I guess all people who live or travel in Arizona have to carry papers where ever they go.

That should spark tourism

so,, let us get you on record.. you will allow anyone of any color to enter your home, eat your food, drink your water, use your electricity, your automobile, your doctor and your hospital, your school, your school buses any time any where and you will gladly foot the bills?? is that what you are saying?

Truth's response - Play Crickets chirping sound here... LOL
I guess brown people now have to carry papers where ever they go now.

Oh yeah I guess that would be racist.

I guess all people who live or travel in Arizona have to carry papers where ever they go.

That should spark tourism

so,, let us get you on record.. you will allow anyone of any color to enter your home, eat your food, drink your water, use your electricity, your automobile, your doctor and your hospital, your school, your school buses any time any where and you will gladly foot the bills?? is that what you are saying?

You forgot one thing....after "foot the bills" you should insert "then murder you and your family in cold blood."
Good. They should use the AZ law as a blue print for Immigration reform....the Dems are so hell bent on expanding the size of government let's hire 50,000 Border patrol agents to secure the southern border and fight the mexican drug gangs.

Democrats are all for expanding the Government....except for when it comes to protecting the country....:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Isn't that the strangest thing with them?
This'll be overturned in the first appellate court it reaches

the only way to make it even remotely legit is to require all persons to carry identification at all times

which just raises a whole new set of issues

There is no prohibition against states passing this kind of law. Sorry it will stay.
I guess brown people now have to carry papers where ever they go now.

Oh yeah I guess that would be racist.

I guess all people who live or travel in Arizona have to carry papers where ever they go.

That should spark tourism

Its people who are here illegally which can be anyone. Why are you assuming that all illegals are hispanic? What kind of person are you?
Ame®icano;2227733 said:
This'll be overturned in the first appellate court it reaches

the only way to make it even remotely legit is to require all persons to carry identification at all times

which just raises a whole new set of issues

What's wrong with having ID with you all the time?

You carry DL when you drive the car, right?

There's implied consent when you get a license to use the highways. There is not when you just live here.

What happened to all that conservative/teabag/constitutionalist ranting about LIBERTY we've been bombarded with for a year now?

I guess that wasn't quite as important as the hollerers made it out to be.
I guess brown people now have to carry papers where ever they go now.

Oh yeah I guess that would be racist.

I guess all people who live or travel in Arizona have to carry papers where ever they go.

That should spark tourism

Its people who are here illegally which can be anyone. Why are you assuming that all illegals are hispanic? What kind of person are you?

I don't assume all terrorists look like Tim McVeigh, but some do, so in the interests of safety I think everyone should be subject to search of person, home, vehicle, property, at any time, for any reason,

without probable cause being necessary.

Ame®icano;2227733 said:
This'll be overturned in the first appellate court it reaches

the only way to make it even remotely legit is to require all persons to carry identification at all times

which just raises a whole new set of issues

What's wrong with having ID with you all the time?

You carry DL when you drive the car, right?

There's implied consent when you get a license to use the highways. There is not when you just live here.

Good...let the drug smugglers and illegal aliens walk everywhere...that will make them easier to catch with their 200lb backpacks full of pot and tar heroin. In the mean time when drug smugglers use the roads while in cars they can and should be stopped and searched. Glad we agree on that point.

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