Arizona Rejects Romney Anti-Markets Brand In New House Election Already!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Anyone noting that the low income private sector market-place is not doing fine: Already has had occasion to reject the Romney-McConnell-Boehner-Cantor-McCain-Palin-Bachmann-Santorum-Paul-Paul, et. al., brand. The support is in the Arizona recent House election. The Arizona Giffords House seat remains Democratic. The federal House likely changes hands, again in November. The GOP tried, and had no choice but to fail.

Gabrielle Giffords' chosen successor wins her congressional seat -

McCain is from that state, who had more widely proclaimed that the fundamentals of the U. S. economy were strong! Mainly, Obama-Biden-Pelosi-Reid knew even then that "strong" to McCain had to do with dumping into a toilet.

Likely, come November, then Democrats can recall the McCain assessment: That actually the economy was thought to be, "doing fine!"

The Romney-McConnell-Boehner-Cantor-McCain-Pelosi-Bachmann-Santorum-Paul-Paul, et. al., brand is actually about more hoarding among the rich. Like the "Reagan Trajectory," then actually: All spending is only allowed among the rich. Business owners in lower and middle income neighborhoods are not allowed sufficiency of spending in the stores!

When Bush-Cheney did that, the result was that the lower and middle incomes had mortgage-paying problems, and so the rich houses all came tumbling on down!

Now there is a viable economy, different from austerity-Europe, slowly bailing its way back out of what the Romney-McConnell-Boehner-Cantor-McCain-Palin-Bachmann-Santorum, Paul, Paul, et. al., brand: Already had caused, before!

The GOP brand: Does not appear to resonate well among voters. Even in Wisconsin, the turnout was among pro-Obama voters!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Drums say, "Boom! Boom-Boom! Boom-Boom...Boom! Boom-Boom! Hmmmmm(?)!)
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Yup, through a special election.

"When Giffords relinquished her seat this year, she asked Barber to run in the special election. On Tuesday, she, her husband and Barber voted together.

Barber will hold the seat until the end of the year. In November, both parties will vie to win a full two-year term."

What a waste of money.
Wonder if the Gov could have appointed someone (of the same party of course) to fill the vacant seat until the November elections.
A Waste of Money is Called, for example, Bain Capital--or JPM Chase investing--the latter now a subject of a Congressional Hearing. A waste of money is called, "An American university education," especially if it's at the Ivy League. The current requirements of a functioning market economy are not allowed to even be presented for discussion: At such places.

The main currency requirements at U. S. universities: Are student loans, public sector grants, and well-to-do parents and alums.

See how that works, and that is problem with the Romney-McConnell-Boehner-Cantor-McCain-Palin-Bachmann, Santorum, Paul, Paul et. al., approach to economics. The pricey people get all the money. The market does not get the money. A tiny minority, called college students, get the benefits. The market does not get the benefits. Instead of the market responding to the lower income--requirements in the economy: The markets fail. The mortgages can't be paid. The rich house all come tumbling on down.

The Obama-Biden-Pelosi-Stimulus, took about a third of it to address that problem. The problem would otherwise be continuing to be addressed, except that the Republicans took the Christian method, away. That was the Make Way Pay, Refundable Income Tax Credit--which more or less worked like the start of a national COLA. The people got the money regardless if they had worked all the year or not. The model for that is Matthew 20:1-16.

So the Romney Brand showed it's true mettle, when it really comes to Christian matters!

Millions seem able to say so, and even in Arizona: And in English!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(General Colin Powell: Still seeking Non-Negro Dialect, that can win in November. Hmmmm! There seem to be too many problems, with the Romney Brand, apparently(?)! Likely in both cases, they originate at Harvard Law School!)
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