Arizona Republican Sues Kari Lake Over 'Utter Disregard for the Truth'

From the link:

The lawsuit, which was filed in Maricopa County Superior Court on Thursday, claims that Richer and his family members "have been the targets of threats of violence, and even death, and have had their lives turned upside down" as a result of Lake's falsehoods and attacks. Lake's campaign, Kari Lake for Arizona, and her political action committee, Save Arizona Fund, are also listed as defendants in the suit.

"I filed this lawsuit to make sure that Lake, her campaign and her PAC are held accountable for their utter disregard for the truth and the grave harm they have caused," Richer wrote in his op-ed for the Republic.
From the link:

The lawsuit, which was filed in Maricopa County Superior Court on Thursday, claims that Richer and his family members "have been the targets of threats of violence, and even death, and have had their lives turned upside down" as a result of Lake's falsehoods and attacks. Lake's campaign, Kari Lake for Arizona, and her political action committee, Save Arizona Fund, are also listed as defendants in the suit.

"I filed this lawsuit to make sure that Lake, her campaign and her PAC are held accountable for their utter disregard for the truth and the grave harm they have caused," Richer wrote in his op-ed for the Republic.

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The GOP needs to either confront Democrats or give up any legitimacy as a party. Rinos are destroying our country.
No, the repubs need to accept fair elections and quit acting like a couple eight year olds that lost a three legged sack race. Democracy means you win some and you lose some. And when you lose and the election is found to be fair by court after court, you accept it.

This whole voter fraud crap began when the small man in the big suit stood behind a podium in November 2020 and falsely declared, "Massive Voter Fraud." That was in the plan for 2016, but with the help of his buddy Poootin, he actually won. So, he ditched the "Massive Voter Fraud" lie until he lost to Biden. Look what he has done to our country. Election officials are being threatened. People are bringing guns and knives to voting polls. Our entire electoral system has been upended by a group of people who are his devoted, and very confused, cult.
No, the repubs need to accept fair elections and quit acting like a couple eight year olds that lost a three legged sack race. Democracy means you win some and you lose some. And when you lose and the election is found to be fair by court after court, you accept it.

This whole voter fraud crap began when the small man in the big suit stood behind a podium in November 2020 and falsely declared, "Massive Voter Fraud." That was in the plan for 2016, but with the help of his buddy Poootin, he actually won. So, he ditched the "Massive Voter Fraud" lie until he lost to Biden. Look what he has done to our country. Election officials are being threatened. People are bringing guns and knives to voting polls. Our entire electoral system has been upended by a group of people who are his devoted, and very confused, cult.
There was massive fraud. It was and is obvious. These suits are bought to see how many ass kissers will jump on the bandwagon. The OP is just one of them.
Lake is a Liar and just another MAGA POS.
No she is not. The county tampered with the machines so they would fail in Republican districts. There were also mules dropping multiple ballots for days. Signature verification reduced to 30 seconds and deemed proper? My ass. You are either completely unindformed or just an ass sucking liar.
So this asshole, Stephen Richer, wants to use frivolous lawsuits to deny Kari her first amendment right. Richer is the kind of person that wants to make our government secretive. That causes people to lose faith in government. Richer isn't a good American. He sucks.

Her Response​

In response, Lake, who has previously vowed to take her election challenges to the U.S. Supreme Court if need be, wrote on her Twitter page that Richer’s lawsuit is an attempt to censor her.

“I’m exposing the massive corruption in our elections and this … is suing me,” Lake wrote on Twitter Thursday. “He wants to silence US … corrupt elections have saddled us with disasters like [Joe] Biden and Hobbs.”

Officials who allegedly “orchestrated the wide-spread fraud want us to shut-up and accept it,” she wrote, adding a link to a donation webste. “We won’t. Our country is GONE unless we tackle this problem. They want to stop President Trump. They want to stop me. They want to stop you. Not. Going. To. Happen.”

One of Lake’s legal arguments is that thousands of Republican voters were disenfranchised during Election Day on Nov. 8, asserting that vote-tabulation machine errors occurred in dozens of polling locations in Maricopa County, the state’s most populous. She also noted there were alleged problems with the county’s signature-verification process for mail-in ballots.


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