Arizona SB1062 ('religious right to refuse service bill')

Some thoughts:

3. Requires a person who asserts a violation of their religious exercise to demonstrate all of the following:

a. that the person’s action or refusal to act is motivated by a religious belief;

b. that the religious belief is sincerely held; and

c. that the state action substantially burdens the exercise of religious belief.

'Substantially burdens' above seems the clincher. Serving gay patrons in a retaurant wouldn't seem to 'substantially burden' anyone in their exercise of any religious belief.

"Expands the definition of person to include any individual, association, partnership, corporation, church, or other business entity."

That's a bit unsettling. Not just for this particular bill, but overall.

This might be the part everyone's freaking out about:

"2. "Exercise of religion" means the practice or observance of religion, including the ability to act or refusal to act in a manner substantially motivated by a religious belief, whether or not the exercise is compulsory or central to a larger system of religious belief."

i.e. could refuse to serve gays and other sinners even though doing that isn't actually found in Scripture or the dogma of any religion.

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