Arizona Wants Non Educated Teachers

where is this happening ? the only people being silenced are level headed people that dont follow the lefts evil woke mantra ... public school teachers have literally lost their jobs for not addressing a young democrat with the correct pronoun .
Promoting ignorance, fear, and stupidity is fundamental to advancing the right’s neo-fascist authoritarian agenda.

The right’s war on education is vital to achieving that goal; well-educated, well-informed citizens will oppose rightwing neo-fascist authoritarianism
Promoting ignorance, fear, and stupidity is fundamental to advancing the right’s neo-fascist authoritarian agenda.

The right’s war on education vital to achieving that goal; well-educated, well-informed citizens will oppose rightwing neo-fascist authoritarianism
the majority of Hispanics especially are turning against the lefts indoctrination of their school children .. are you implying Hispanics are neo fascist ?
Maybe Arizona is having trouble finding teachers, because the starting salary to be a teacher there is less than a sales specialist for Lowes, in Tennessee. Lots of people leave college with debt. I would not go for 4 years to get a diploma and a teaching certificate, to come out to that. Would you? I guarantee, Lowes is a lot better gig.
"Last week, just days after the Arizona legislature passed the most expansive school voucher law anywhere in the nation, Gov. Doug Ducey signed into law another education measure decreeing that public school teachers are no longer required to have a college degree of any kind before being hired. Arizona teachers will only have to be enrolled in college in order to begin teaching the state's public school students"

Arizona is having a hard time finding teachers. Maybe it's because of the State and it's hostility towards public schools.

The greatest generations of Americans came from the era of the one room school house. They learned to read, write, add and subract without A/C, or free lunch and thier teachers most certainly did not have college educatons nor did these teachers make a ton of money with extrodinary benefits. The very few that did were not indocrinated by far-left, socialist, liberal minded college professors. I have absolutely no problem with untainted educators forming the minds of my grandchildren. Go Arizona!!!!
Nor is the lack of a college education an indication of intelligence.
There are tens of millions of people with everyday living and having courses in different fields of work who could qualify for a degree. They are intelligent. The issue with college today is that people attending need to go in fields that there is employment available in greater numbers and many do not.
Maybe Arizona is having trouble finding teachers, because the starting salary to be a teacher there is less than a sales specialist for Lowes, in Tennessee. Lots of people leave college with debt. I would not go for 4 years to get a diploma and a teaching certificate, to come out to that. Would you? I guarantee, Lowes is a lot better gig.
And teach in piss poor conditions in 100 plus temps.
Maybe Arizona is having trouble finding teachers, because the starting salary to be a teacher there is less than a sales specialist for Lowes, in Tennessee. Lots of people leave college with debt. I would not go for 4 years to get a diploma and a teaching certificate, to come out to that. Would you? I guarantee, Lowes is a lot better gig.
About time someone on the left admitted that teachers are in it for the money.
the majority of Hispanics especially are turning against the lefts indoctrination of their school children .. are you implying Hispanics are neo fascist ?
The right’s war on education is another aspect of their authoritarian efforts to divide the American people – to promote ignorance, fear, and stupidity is to ensure future Republican voters.
Promoting ignorance, fear, and stupidity is fundamental to advancing the right’s neo-fascist authoritarian agenda.

The right’s war on education is vital to achieving that goal; well-educated, well-informed citizens will oppose rightwing neo-fascist authoritarianism
Lol, coming from the party of women are going to die because of the roe-v-wade decision. Keep them coming!
The greatest generations of Americans came from the era of the one room school house. They learned to read, write, add and subract without A/C, or free lunch and thier teachers most certainly did not have college educatons nor did these teachers make a ton of money with extrodinary benefits. The very few that did were not indocrinated by far-left, socialist, liberal minded college professors. I have absolutely no problem with untainted educators forming the minds of my grandchildren. Go Arizona!!!!
Maybe all AZ needs is a bunch of Sunday school teachers.
"Last week, just days after the Arizona legislature passed the most expansive school voucher law anywhere in the nation, Gov. Doug Ducey signed into law another education measure decreeing that public school teachers are no longer required to have a college degree of any kind before being hired. Arizona teachers will only have to be enrolled in college in order to begin teaching the state's public school students"

Arizona is having a hard time finding teachers. Maybe it's because of the State and it's hostility towards public schools.

Many parts of Arizona are extremely wealthy. Their children go to private schools. Private schools hire the best non woke teachers. That leaves poor pickings for public schools.

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