Arizona Wants Non Educated Teachers

Wrong. Teachers don’t get to pick and choose who they teach anymore than nurses get to pick and choose who they treat. You and your daughter clearly do not understand what being a public servant is about.

You're partly right. But in this job market for teachers, I see more movement in the profession than I ever have. That is, teachers are now leaving difficult teaching positions even mid-career, which almost never used to happen, to get jobs in places with more supportive parents.

This might backfire big on my fellow conservatives if conservative parents decide to pour scrutiny on even GOOD teachers. Good teachers will leave the district and go where parents can be reasonable. Or just quit all together. Leaving worse behind for parents to deal with.

A great example of this thinking: I was told by a jackass on this board that I am HIS servant and his KID's servant because I am a teacher and he pays my salary. He is on the other side of the continent from me, so assuredly his taxes do NOT pay my salary.

Yeah, you think good teachers are going to put up with this for long? Nope. Learn from the blowback the Left is getting, conservatives, and don't overdo this.
She’s not a globalist fucking retard and she won’t pretend to be an ignorant globalist retard like Unkotare will…she knows who’s illegal and who isn’t.
Even if she does, the point is it’s her duty as a teacher to teach the students in her class whether they’re children of the mayor or children of illegal immigrants.

She’s free to go to a different school. Or quit teaching altogether. But as long as she’s a teacher she’s obligated to teach all the students in her class.

And she’s going to be going from school to school forever if she judges whether her students are worthy or not based on their parents.
Even if she does, the point is it’s her duty as a teacher to teach the students in her class whether they’re children of the mayor or children of illegal immigrants.

She’s free to go to a different school. Or quit teaching altogether. But as long as she’s a teacher she’s obligated to teach all the students in her class.

And she’s going to be going from school to school forever if she judges whether her students are worthy or not based on their parents.

This is 100% true.

All kids are worthy of learning. All, no exceptions.

Sadly, some parents don't want to partner with teachers in the endeavor. Honestly they'd rather be adversaries. Which is sad.
"Last week, just days after the Arizona legislature passed the most expansive school voucher law anywhere in the nation, Gov. Doug Ducey signed into law another education measure decreeing that public school teachers are no longer required to have a college degree of any kind before being hired. Arizona teachers will only have to be enrolled in college in order to begin teaching the state's public school students"

Arizona is having a hard time finding teachers. Maybe it's because of the State and it's hostility towards public schools.

You mean Non Indoctrinated teachers......

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