Arizona Wants Non Educated Teachers

What a regressive backward idea. There is no other way to look at it. Nice job of perpetuating hatred on the working poor.
On a side note, anyone who claims to be a Christian but goes on and on about how much they HATE is a blasphemous hypocrite. Just saying. Anyone who claims to be an American but goes on and on about how being an American is based on skin color, accent, or last name damn sure doesn't deserve to even live in my great nation. Just saying.
“I really miss those traditional hardcore Bible thumping ‘Conservatives’, the suckers we could easily bully by throwing a Bible verse in their face…we could get those passive dumbasses to do anything with a simple guilt trip. The bastards finally grew a pair of balls and now they won’t ignore us disgusting degenerates as we run amok, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries anything goes socialist shithole we seek.”
“I really miss those traditional hardcore Bible thumping ‘Conservatives’, the suckers we could easily bully by throwing a Bible verse in their face…we could get those passive dumbasses to do anything with a simple guilt trip. The bastards finally grew a pair of balls and now they won’t ignore us disgusting degenerates as we run amok, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries anything goes socialist shithole we seek.”
So you are threatened by the Bible? I've asked before, but you don't consider yourself a Christian, do you? That's fine, you don't have to but don't pretend.
Based on your post history; what you teach is made crystal clear.
As I said, my daughter refuses to teach at public schools here in Mexifornia because she refuses to teach Mexico’s people at the expense of Americans. That’s integrity you don’t have.
Wrong. Teachers don’t get to pick and choose who they teach anymore than nurses get to pick and choose who they treat. You and your daughter clearly do not understand what being a public servant is about.
Wrong. Teachers don’t get to pick and choose who they teach anymore than nurses get to pick and choose who they treat. You and your daughter clearly do not understand what being a public servant is about.
You’re lying, that’s not true at all…my daughter chose to teach at a private school for less money because they don’t teach Mexico’s children at the expense of American taxpayers.
Those with no integrity like Unkotare will teach any countries children at your expense because he has ZERO integrity.
See how this actually works Kinda-Tard?
Conservatives are ushering in a rightwing Dark Age, of which the war on education – including facts and the truth – is only a part.

The conservative Dark Age is anti-education, anti-woman, illiberal and anti-democratic.

The conservative Dark Age is pro-fear, pro-hate, pro-big government, and pro-silencing dissent and compelling conformity.
your airing of hot air proves everything you just posted is a pathetic lie
You can’t teach at a private school that doesn’t teach Mexico’s children at the expense of American taxpayers?
I have taught at private schools. Guess what? Sometimes there are students of Mexican heritage there! AAaaah! Scary FEELZ!!
You’re lying, that’s not true at all…my daughter chose to teach at a private school for less money because they don’t teach Mexico’s children at the expense of American taxpayers.
Those with no integrity like Unkotare will teach any countries children at your expense because he has ZERO integrity.
See how this actually works Kinda-Tard?
Does your daughter know which students are children of illegal immigrants and which aren’t? She shouldn’t have access to that information in her position.

And even if they are children of illegals, they’re enrolled in a school she’s teaching at. It’s her duty as a teacher to provide the best education she can.

Old West one-room school house teachers taught children of illegal squatters and others who had settled there illegally. Certain professions, teachers, nurses, firemen, police, serve *all* the public.
And, furthermore, let’s say every last one of these suspected children really *are* children of illegals?

They’re still here for now. They need an education. What’s so terrible about them getting an education, even if it’s at taxpayer expense?

Convicted murderers and rapists are entitled to taxpayer funded education in prison. Are innocent children of illegal aliens really less deserving of an education than those people?
Does your daughter know which students are children of illegal immigrants and which aren’t? She shouldn’t have access to that information in her position.

And even if they are children of illegals, they’re enrolled in a school she’s teaching at. It’s her duty as a teacher to provide the best education she can.

Old West one-room school house teachers taught children of illegal squatters and others who had settled there illegally. Certain professions, teachers, nurses, firemen, police, serve *all* the public.
She’s not a globalist fucking retard and she won’t pretend to be an ignorant globalist retard like Unkotare will…she knows who’s illegal and who isn’t.
Conservatives are ushering in a rightwing Dark Age, of which the war on education – including facts and the truth – is only a part.

The conservative Dark Age is anti-education, anti-woman, illiberal and anti-democratic.

The conservative Dark Age is pro-fear, pro-hate, pro-big government, and pro-silencing dissent and compelling conformity.

You know what's anti-woman?

Allowing men to beat women at their own sports.

Calling me a "birthing person".

You deserve your coming losses so badly.

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