Arizona Wants Non Educated Teachers

There have to be standards. The idea of a person without a college education being a teacher is ridiculous.
Why? How about a competency exam? In my long career as an engineer I worked with hundreds of people who didn't have college degrees who were highly intelligent and often were tasked to train other professionals.
If not for the money, the benefits, and the 3-month summer vacation, what is the motivation?
To be of service to the next generation. To help people. To try and make society a little better. To provide opportunities to young people for their future. NOBODY goes into teaching "for the money." That's just laughable.

And there is no "three month vacation."
"Last week, just days after the Arizona legislature passed the most expansive school voucher law anywhere in the nation, Gov. Doug Ducey signed into law another education measure decreeing that public school teachers are no longer required to have a college degree of any kind before being hired. Arizona teachers will only have to be enrolled in college in order to begin teaching the state's public school students"

Arizona is having a hard time finding teachers. Maybe it's because of the State and it's hostility towards public schools.

The right’s war on education continues.

Maybe you are making stuff up.

Maybe Arizona is having trouble finding teachers, because the starting salary to be a teacher there is less than a sales specialist for Lowes, in Tennessee. Lots of people leave college with debt. I would not go for 4 years to get a diploma and a teaching certificate, to come out to that. Would you? I guarantee, Lowes is a lot better gig.

Okay, this is one of those things I don't have a real problem with.

My late mother taught art at the Catholic School I went to. She did not have a college degree because the Church realized that you really didn't need a college degree to teach first graders how to finger paint.

And she was pretty good at her job. She was so good at teaching art principles to the older students that a lot of them told me years later they became professional artists because of what Mrs. B. taught them in grammar school.

It all comes down to the level. Could most HS grads teach 1st graders how to read? Multiplication tables to 3rd graders? Sure, I knew they could.

It's not much different than a Mom that dropped out of HS because of a pregnancy, that can now home school her child.

My Mom dropped out because of the pending me. I went to public schools. Everyone is home schooled by default.

It goes beyond that. Republicans want to turn teachers into slaves. They oppose teachers being able to negotiate with cities and states. In addition, Arizona is near the bottom in teacher salaries. Arizona had billions in extra dollars but didn't raise teacher salaries. They had money to fund tax cuts for the rich. The fact that a majority of teachers are women shows how sexist Republicans are.

There have to be standards. The idea of a person without a college education being a teacher is ridiculous.

How do you know? When was the last time you were in one? Have you ever been in one?
Maybe Arizona is finally reacting to the FACT that public schools stopped ‘teaching’ and have become the breeding ground for weirdos and freaks, for criminals, for drug addicts, for America haters, for socialism.
Unkotare is an ‘educator’, he teaches that our Declaration Of Independence is shit, that Emma Lazarus wrote our immigration policy, that an american citizenship means nothing, that American sovereignty is xenophobic, that America is a place for Mexico’s cockroaches to flee to.
To be of service to the next generation. To help people. To try and make society a little better. To provide opportunities to young people for their future. NOBODY goes into teaching "for the money." That's just laughable.

And there is no "three month vacation."
According to you, teachers are only motivated by their altruistic desire to save the world. They are doing a damn poor job of that.
And was it a "war zone"? Did you feel in danger? And was there "no learning going on"? I call BS on all of the above.

Some schools are very good some suck and yes are dangerous worthless cages.

The parents know this but have to send their kids to public schools regardless of how good or bad it is.

When were you in one?

Oh thats right never I call bullshit on your pretense of being informed
Unkotare is an ‘educator’, he teaches that our Declaration Of Independence is shit, that Emma Lazarus wrote our immigration policy, that an american [ssic]citizenship means nothing, that American sovereignty is xenophobic, t....
I most certainly do NOT. You will not lie about what I say and do. You will NOT misrepresent me in this vile manner.

Take note.
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I most certainly do NOT. You will not lie about what I say and do. You will NOT misrepresent me in this vile manner.

Take note.
Based on your post history; what you teach is made crystal clear.
As I said, my daughter refuses to teach at public schools here in Mexifornia because she refuses to teach Mexico’s people at the expense of Americans. That’s integrity you don’t have.
Based on your post history; what you teach is made crystal clear.
As I said, my daughter refuses to teach at public schools here in Mexifornia because she refuses to teach Mexico’s people at the expense of Americans. That’s integrity you don’t have.
In the past you have said your daughter has the same beliefs and attitude as you. Is that her doing, or did you drill your hatred into her?
Do you feel like you are being attacked as a professional?
I do not feel particularly attacked, personally. I just see a lot of people making a lot of talk about things they don’t really understand. I would not come on to a forum and tell an airline pilot what happens in the cockpit since I have never been in the cockpit of an airplane. The pilot knows his profession and I would take him at his word.
In the past you have said your daughter has the same beliefs and attitude as you. Is that her doing, or did you drill your hatred into her?
ALL good real core Americans HATE anybody that shits on our laws, our sovereignty, breaks into America against our will and fucks us over….it’s only you whacked-out globalists who don’t.
Most of us sane folks don’t need to be taught to hate those whom should be hated.
ALL good real core Americans HATE anybody that shits on our laws, our sovereignty, breaks into America against our will and fucks us over….it’s only you whacked-out globalists who don’t.
Most of us sane folks don’t need to be taught to hate those whom should be hated.
Damn, I thought, for some reason you would say that. All about that hate.
Damn, I thought, for some reason you would say that. All about that hate.
Hate is a powerful motivating emotion… nutless folks should try it.
Would you love and respect people that break into your home, refuse to leave and force you to care for them and their litters of silver tooth filth?
Hate is a powerful motivating emotion… nutless folks should try it.
Would you love and respect people that break into your home, refuse to leave and force you to care for them and their litters of silver tooth filth?
There is nothing good about hate.
On a side note, anyone who claims to be a Christian but goes on and on about how much they HATE is a blasphemous hypocrite. Just saying. Anyone who claims to be an American but goes on and on about how being an American is based on skin color, accent, or last name damn sure doesn't deserve to even live in my great nation. Just saying.

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