Arizona Wants Non Educated Teachers

"Last week, just days after the Arizona legislature passed the most expansive school voucher law anywhere in the nation, Gov. Doug Ducey signed into law another education measure decreeing that public school teachers are no longer required to have a college degree of any kind before being hired. Arizona teachers will only have to be enrolled in college in order to begin teaching the state's public school students"

Arizona is having a hard time finding teachers. Maybe it's because of the State and it's hostility towards public schools.

based on the failed performance of the educated teachers over the last 40 yrs it only makes sense to not have them teaching anymore than they have too,,
"Last week, just days after the Arizona legislature passed the most expansive school voucher law anywhere in the nation, Gov. Doug Ducey signed into law another education measure decreeing that public school teachers are no longer required to have a college degree of any kind before being hired. Arizona teachers will only have to be enrolled in college in order to begin teaching the state's public school students"

Arizona is having a hard time finding teachers. Maybe it's because of the State and it's hostility towards public schools.

Okay, this is one of those things I don't have a real problem with.

My late mother taught art at the Catholic School I went to. She did not have a college degree because the Church realized that you really didn't need a college degree to teach first graders how to finger paint.

And she was pretty good at her job. She was so good at teaching art principles to the older students that a lot of them told me years later they became professional artists because of what Mrs. B. taught them in grammar school.
About time someone on the left admitted that teachers are in it for the money.
You thought the took some sort of vow of poverty, like some kind of half assed priest? What did they do to deserve that? Kid's pick majors with a plan to make a living on it, unless going on daddy's dime. Then they could go for advance finger paints and sandbox, as they are in it for the fun of being away from home, a college student, and probably not graduating in 4 years, because that wasn't the point.
You thought the took some sort of vow of poverty, like some kind of half assed priest? What did they do to deserve that? Kid's pick majors with a plan to make a living on it, unless going on daddy's dime. Then they could go for advance finger paints and sandbox, as they are in it for the fun of being away from home, a college student, and probably not graduating in 4 years, because that wasn't the point.
With what the education system is giving us, living in poverty is better than what they deserve. Better yet, they should be in jail for the grooming they are doing.
Conservatives are ushering in a rightwing Dark Age, of which the war on education – including facts and the truth – is only a part.

The conservative Dark Age is anti-education, anti-woman, illiberal and anti-democratic.

The conservative Dark Age is pro-fear, pro-hate, pro-big government, and pro-silencing dissent and compelling conformity.
Why can't backwards Christians and political conservatives just put aside their biotry and accept the Biden voter morality? It's a New World and it's time for conservatives to join us in 2022

"Last week, just days after the Arizona legislature passed the most expansive school voucher law anywhere in the nation, Gov. Doug Ducey signed into law another education measure decreeing that public school teachers are no longer required to have a college degree of any kind before being hired. Arizona teachers will only have to be enrolled in college in order to begin teaching the state's public school students"

Arizona is having a hard time finding teachers. Maybe it's because of the State and it's hostility towards public schools.

AZ schools have sucked since before I attended them in the 60's. They should start all over. They were two years behind NM in math in 1965.
Did you even have kids in public education? How did you let them turn out?
My son is 26 years old and luckily in Simpsonville SC they didn't groom then. I don't know now, but if a teacher talks about anything sex to a five or six year old. They deserve to go to jail. Sorry, liberalism kills anything it touches. Just look at Biden's state.
the majority of Hispanics especially are turning against the lefts indoctrination of their school children .. are you implying Hispanics are neo fascist ?
It must be the page on his word of the day calendar. Anyone he disagrees with is a "neo-fascist" today.
It all comes down to the level. Could most HS grads teach 1st graders how to read? Multiplication tables to 3rd graders? Sure, I knew they could.

It's not much different than a Mom that dropped out of HS because of a pregnancy, that can now home school her child.

My Mom dropped out because of the pending me. I went to public schools. Everyone is home schooled by default.
Someone has to keep these children under control.

What's the liberal solution if there aren't enough teachers? 50 or more kids in a classroom?

They had that when I was in school, but the Nuns ruled over us with extreme violence. I don't think government schools want to go down that road.
Ugh. From what I heard from friends who attended Catholic School, they should have put some of those biotches in prison.
My son is 26 years old and luckily in Simpsonville SC they didn't groom then. I don't know now, but if a teacher talks about anything sex to a five or six year old. They deserve to go to jail. Sorry, liberalism kills anything it touches. Just look at Biden's state.
My twins are 32 and grew up here in Jackson, TN with me and their mother in the same house, the full time, so they turned out great. "They" didn't groom them here either. I have heard about that, here on board, but not seen it in person. Have you? You been in a class or had grandkids come home and tell you about it? Maybe Simpsonville, SC and Jackson, TN are hold outs, anachronisms in their own time, but I doubt it. Parenting is the answer. It has always been the answer. You cannot let teachers raise your kids, just because they go to school. A lot of people just put them on the bus and relinquish responsibility. Sorry. It don't work that way, not if you want to turn out a quality kid, you can be proud of as an adult.
"Last week, just days after the Arizona legislature passed the most expansive school voucher law anywhere in the nation, Gov. Doug Ducey signed into law another education measure decreeing that public school teachers are no longer required to have a college degree of any kind before being hired. Arizona teachers will only have to be enrolled in college in order to begin teaching the state's public school students"

Arizona is having a hard time finding teachers. Maybe it's because of the State and it's hostility towards public schools.

It goes beyond that. Republicans want to turn teachers into slaves. They oppose teachers being able to negotiate with cities and states. In addition, Arizona is near the bottom in teacher salaries. Arizona had billions in extra dollars but didn't raise teacher salaries. They had money to fund tax cuts for the rich. The fact that a majority of teachers are women shows how sexist Republicans are.

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