Arizona will require Obama to provide birth cert if he wants to be on ballot

What happen if he decide to not present his birth certificate.. The arizona people wont be able to vote for the next Potus election?

What happen if he decide to not present his birth certificate.. The arizona people wont be able to vote for the next Potus election?

They just wont be able to vote for him because he will be omitted from the ballot.

You know something? I don't plan on voting for the man come next election, but if some idiotic bureaucrats in Florida tried this bullshit, I would start a campaign among moderate conservatives and independents to get as many people as possible to write his name in.

I have no problem with the requirement that a candidate present proof of eligibility, but if the Registrar of Elections accepts his eligibility and adds his name to the Federal Ballot but one or two states tried to prevent us from voting for him, I do have a problem with that.

Yeah. The thought of it. A state ensuring that any future presidential candidate is a citizen in a country where we brag about our borders being open to all that wish to start anew.

Such a rediculous concept.

By the way, only the left is making this about President Obama. This is about ALL candidates that run for the position of President.

And you folks are so wrapped up in the "birther" thing and knocking those people, you refuse to see the advanatge of such a policy at the state level.
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OK, so, upon further reflection, I will have to admit that my interpretation of the dismissal of the subject by the courts was in fact incorrect, and that Yurt is in fact correct on that point.

However, by claiming lack of jurisdiction in this matter, they kicked the issue to the state in question, who has indeed verified that Mr Obama is a natural born citizen of that state, and therefore, as that state is part of the US, a natural born citizen of the US.

Arizona can not legally declare the laws of Hawaii to be invalid, they have no jurisdiction to do so, therefore they cannot claim that Obama is not a citizen of the US unless he was born in their state.

what official declared obama is a natural born citizen?

further, just because i have a drivers license from CA, doesn't mean AZ can't require me to show in order to buy alcohol....even if someone from the state said so...

they are not declaring the laws invalid, all they want is to see the evidence themselves, i can't believe you have an issue with this....alas, this is likely to go into a circle though

But...AZ can't look at your CA drivers license and declare it invalid or not good enough either.

uh....yes they can....if its a fake, you bet they can and if they're wrong on its a fake, you have to get the dmv to verify it's validity....

same here
It's moot point when it comes to Obama. But in the future, ANYBODY who wants to run for the office of the president SHOULD be required to prove U.S. citizenship. It makes sense if it's in the U.S. Constitution that one MUST have been born in the USA in order to hold this office. If one is not required to respect and follow our constitution, why then have one????
geeeee, that couldn't be because 1. mccain's copy of the original was out there before it became a bigger deal, adn 2. partisan politics

you're a being a hack on this one and definitely a race baiter....that you never stop to think this could be because obama is a democrat shows you're only concerned with race baiting....liberals took issue with bush for many things they give obama a pass on, yet i've never seen you say it is because liberals are racist and give preferential treatment to the half african american...

sorry, but you really neeed to take a step back and take a long look at what you're doing and saying

I would think, oh it must be partisan politics too. Except there are plenty of sensible people on the right on here who think the birthers are fucking whacked in the head too. Del, Crimson, Gunny, and Radio just for starters. So it's not partisan politics.

It has to do partly with race, anyone who has been paying attention can clearly see that. By the way, BUSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. This isn't about Bush, this is about the birthers reasoning for hating Obama.

That was a really good post. I just wanted to say that I have seen presidents elected for a long time now. I started paying attention from Nixon through Obama. Never in all those elections did I ever hear anything about any presidential candidate's place of birth being in question. Not ever. Or their religion either. I think there are some people that will never accept a black president and they are the ones responsible for all of this craziness.

I don't believe there is concern about Obama's place of birth or religion. Those things are just a cover for what is really bothering some people.

good don't know that mccain's eligibility, just like obama's, was called into question

seriously, some of you left wingers just love crying racism...that card has gone over limit and your account is now closed
What's the problem? Numerous time in my life I have had to present a BC to get something. What's the big deal?
Lets turn this into a Birther Thread!

I love this...Let the Birthers decide who is a REAL American and what they will accept as proof.

MOOOOVE that goalpost
Lets turn this into a Birther Thread!

Fine. You start. Show me 1) the name of the hospital on your document. 2) the name of the delivering doctor on your document. 3) the name of witnesses on your document.

And then I'll point out that the below document was issued to anyone, that's ANYONE, born anywhere, that's BORN ANYWHERE, by Hawaii in 1961. It proves NOTHING as far as WHERE YOU WERE BORN, ZERO, ZIP, NADA, it's all but irrelevant. What you posted doesn't even have a number or seal, and has also been ROUNDLY PROVEN as a photoshop FORGERY.

You're turn...

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Lets turn this into a Birther Thread!

Fine. You start. Show me 1) the name of the hospital on your document. 2) the name of the delivering doctor on your document. 3) the name of witnesses on your document.

And then I'll point out that the below document was issued to anyone, that's ANYONE, born anywhere, that's BORN ANYWHERE, by Hawaii in 1961. It proves NOTHING as far as WHERE YOU WERE BORN, only that you WERE born.

You're turn...


Take it up with the State of Hawaii
Lets turn this into a Birther Thread!

Fine. You start. Show me 1) the name of the hospital on your document. 2) the name of the delivering doctor on your document. 3) the name of witnesses on your document.

And then I'll point out that the below document was issued to anyone, that's ANYONE, born anywhere, that's BORN ANYWHERE, by Hawaii in 1961. It proves NOTHING as far as WHERE YOU WERE BORN, only that you WERE born.

You're turn...

Take it up with the State of Hawaii

Oh... I see... not only could you not defend SHIT, you think that it's up to Hawaii as to whether or not someone can be elected President of the United States?

Have you ever heard of this little thing called THE CONSTITUTION?
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Lets move to a different aspect of this debate.

Lets pretend for a moment that it is determined that Obama is not a citizen as required by the Constitution. He even admits it due to the evidence.

Then what? Lets discuss what happens next. I know there is a probably a procedure in place, but I am more concerned about peoples opinions about what should happen.

I get a feeling most libs won't care.
"THEY CAME FIRST for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.

THEN THEY CAME for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

THEN THEY CAME for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

and by that time no one was left to speak up."

I love this...Let the Birthers decide who is a REAL American and what they will accept as proof.

MOOOOVE that goalpost

who is moving any goal post? i believe all along people wanted to see a copy of the original, and since mccain's was produced, i fail to see how any goal post was moved...

and even if they asked for a copy of the original, how is a copy of the original a goal post move, given it is still a birth certificate document, which i am positive is what has been asked for, a copy of the birth certificate, not colb....

so, in reality, no goal post has ever been moved with regards to this
Fine. You start. Show me 1) the name of the hospital on your document. 2) the name of the delivering doctor on your document. 3) the name of witnesses on your document.

And then I'll point out that the below document was issued to anyone, that's ANYONE, born anywhere, that's BORN ANYWHERE, by Hawaii in 1961. It proves NOTHING as far as WHERE YOU WERE BORN, only that you WERE born.

You're turn...

Take it up with the State of Hawaii

Oh... I see... not only could you not defend SHIT, you think that it's up to Hawaii as to whether or not someone can be elected President of the United States?

Have you ever heard of this little thing called THE CONSTITUTION?

Take it up with the State of Hawaii....they have both signed up to the Constitution and cerified that Barack Obama was born in their state
I would think, oh it must be partisan politics too. Except there are plenty of sensible people on the right on here who think the birthers are fucking whacked in the head too. Del, Crimson, Gunny, and Radio just for starters. So it's not partisan politics.

It has to do partly with race, anyone who has been paying attention can clearly see that. By the way, BUSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. This isn't about Bush, this is about the birthers reasoning for hating Obama.

That was a really good post. I just wanted to say that I have seen presidents elected for a long time now. I started paying attention from Nixon through Obama. Never in all those elections did I ever hear anything about any presidential candidate's place of birth being in question. Not ever. Or their religion either. I think there are some people that will never accept a black president and they are the ones responsible for all of this craziness.

I don't believe there is concern about Obama's place of birth or religion. Those things are just a cover for what is really bothering some people.

good don't know that mccain's eligibility, just like obama's, was called into question

seriously, some of you left wingers just love crying racism...that card has gone over limit and your account is now closed

I know that about McCain, ass. So what??? I stand by what I said.
It's moot point when it comes to Obama. But in the future, ANYBODY who wants to run for the office of the president SHOULD be required to prove U.S. citizenship. It makes sense if it's in the U.S. Constitution that one MUST have been born in the USA in order to hold this office. If one is not required to respect and follow our constitution, why then have one????
The constitution says that nowhere, you idiot
That was a really good post. I just wanted to say that I have seen presidents elected for a long time now. I started paying attention from Nixon through Obama. Never in all those elections did I ever hear anything about any presidential candidate's place of birth being in question. Not ever. Or their religion either. I think there are some people that will never accept a black president and they are the ones responsible for all of this craziness.

I don't believe there is concern about Obama's place of birth or religion. Those things are just a cover for what is really bothering some people.

good don't know that mccain's eligibility, just like obama's, was called into question

seriously, some of you left wingers just love crying racism...that card has gone over limit and your account is now closed

I know that about McCain, ass. So what??? I stand by what I said.

then you lied:

Never in all those elections did I ever hear anything about any presidential candidate's place of birth being in question. Not ever. Or their religion either. I think there are some people that will never accept a black president and they are the ones responsible for all of this craziness

you claim it was only in obama's that it was an issue, that is untrue, it was also an issue for mccain

and, it is also untrue that no pres candidate has had their religion question, kennedy did, and romney, there might be others, but those two were huge, kennedy for being catholic and romney for being mormon....

your race baiting is pure meadowmuffins
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