Arizona will require Obama to provide birth cert if he wants to be on ballot

LASER copy from 1961......quite interesting.

Where's the original?

Err, laser copy from 2008. Copied from the original, which is probably still sitting in some file in Hawaii.

Where's the one with the attending physicians signature?

Where's the one with a witness signature?

Where's the one WE ARE ALL ISSUED?

As long as Obama's incompetent ass refuses to provide it, the stupid motherfucker should expect questions to be asked about his supposed citizenship.

Not that Arizona needs to prove anything. Obama's extreme ineptness and inability to lead will no doubt cause the moron to be kicked to the curb after one term. After all people, it's approaching 1 1/2 years in office and he's fully proving to be the worst president this country has ever seen. And if he can't, or refuses to provide the REAL proof of citizenship, he will be considered the worst FOREIGN president this country has ever seen.

My original copy was lost, personally. Does that make me ineligible to run for national office?

No, it doesn't.

Every hospital keeps copies of the original on hand. There is NO REASON WHATSOEVER that you can't get a copy of the ORIGINAL.

There is no reason whatsoever that the hospital can't provide the original copy of ObamaBOYS certificate. Until the incompetent moron provides it, his stupid ass should expect to be questioned.

It's just further evidence that the man is a fucking idiot!
"Requiring" the long form and only the long form would violate it. If either the long form or the COLB will satisfy the Congressional standard and he chooses to submit the long form that's fine. But the COLB will satisfy the legal standard, so that's actually all he can be "required" to do.

You're used to looking at it from the State side. I rarely ever dealt with it from that end, only the Federal side. It's a little different view probably.

For me personally, I can't blame him if he doesn't do more than the bare legal requirement. It's the principle of the thing, running for President or being eligible to hold the office of President is, as far as citizenship goes, no different from getting a passport or a social security card really - so long as it's a BC and not naturalization papers being offered as proof. The quality of being a citizen is no different, proof of citizenship is proof of citizenship. What's the big difference?

i see you where you are coming from...and you're probably right, i just can't see how requiring the best evidence is a problem or would violate the law as long as it is not any more of a burden than the colb...

to me, the principle is silly, mccain's original (copy) was produced, obama promised to be the most just be transparent and produce it...its nothing, if they still balk after that, there is really nothing more to be done....if you present the best evidence and people call it a forgery, pfffffft, if its certified, they will look ridiculous....right now, just on this thread, look at the people who honestly believe he is eligible, but don't see why he can't just produce a copy of the original...they make up a far greater number than those who believe a copy of the original will do no good....imho

I honestly haven't followed it enough to know if he can or can't. I just fail to see how it's meaningful or useful to ask any more of him than the law requires of any other person proving the same thing. So he's President, so what? The constitution doesn't require the name of the attending physician, the law doesn't require it, so if the concern is over whether he meets the legal requirements why should anyone else? I just don't get it.

The difference is that you have relatives of the President saying that he was born in Kenya. You have his wife inadvertently referring to Kenya as his home country. You have him inadvertently referring to his "Muslim faith' which he almost certainly didn't mean but we have him in a formal interview stating that and then amending it to "Christian faith" when George Stephanopolis corrected him.

There was a trip to Hawaii before the election supposedly to visit his dying grandmother, but he spent almost no time with her at the hospital, but did visit the Hawaii officials to order the birth certificate sealed and shown to nobody.

Then there is all the 'mysterious' missing college papers, essentially no record of him having attended Columbia, no transcripts provided, and other gaps in the record that are going to peak curiosity in just about everybody, let along the wingnuts out there.

And if he was not born in this country, there is the question of whether either of his parents were citizens at the time he was born.

So all this provides fuel for the conspiracy theories and stokes the fires of the wingnuts, Birthers, and others who probably aren't going to let this lie.

He could put all that to rest simply by allowing a few credible people that everybody would believe see the birth certificate.

I believe he is most likely a bonafide natural born citizen, but I admit to being curious about what is on that long form. I suspect it would raise some questions that the President really REALLY doesn't want to answer.
Lets turn this into a Birther Thread!

LASER copy from 1961......quite interesting.

Where's the original?

Where's the one with the attending physicians signature?

Where's the one with a witness signature?

Where's the one WE ARE ALL ISSUED?

As long as Obama's incompetent ass refuses to provide it, the stupid motherfucker should expect questions to be asked about his supposed citizenship.

Not that Arizona needs to prove anything. Obama's extreme ineptness and inability to lead will no doubt cause the moron to be kicked to the curb after one term. After all people, it's approaching 1 1/2 years in office and he's fully proving to be the worst president this country has ever seen. And if he can't, or refuses to provide the REAL proof of citizenship, he will be considered the worst FOREIGN president this country has ever seen.

Take it up with the State of Hawaii....they issued it and certified its accuracy

It is not within Arizona's responsibility to disallow a Hawaii birth record

Looking like another Obama landslide in 2012
OK, this topic has in fact been argued to death on a hundred+ different threads, and it ALWAYS ends up with the exact same conclusion:

Obama has provided a Birth Certificate that has been verified by the State of Hawaii.

Insane Birthers feel that the State Hawaii is somehow part of a vast conspiracy to get a "Fur-a-ner" into the office of POTUS.

This is such a stupid topic that it's just unbelievable.

But now the State of Arizona is proving to everyone that it's filled with morons.

Of course we all knew that when they refused to comply with Daylight Savings Time, but one would think they would try for some semblence of dignity.

Be that as it may. Hawaii has declared Mr Obama a "natural-born" citizen of their state. Period. That means he is a "natural-born" citizen of the United States.

Period, end of discussion. Any attempt by another state to invalidate the validity of Hawaiian citizens is a clear violation of Hawaii's states rights.

You are better than this VLW.

This law has nothing to do with President Obama. This law is to prevent anything like the "birther movement" from happening again.

Lets be adults here and call a spade a spade. The Obama camp saw a way to marginalize anyone that opposed him. "Dont show them my BC and when they throw a fit we will be able to makle them look silly".

If that was not his intention, he would have simply pulled out his wallet and produced it for all to see.

I have no doubtr he is a citizen. But I am also convinced he played a little game to ridicule his opposition.

Politicians playing games so they can make the people of this great country look silly. Something is just not right about that.
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Politicians playing games so they can make the people of this great country silly. Something is just not right about that.

Not when they ARE being silly
Lets turn this into a Birther Thread!

LASER copy from 1961......quite interesting.

Where's the original?

Where's the one with the attending physicians signature?

Where's the one with a witness signature?

Where's the one WE ARE ALL ISSUED?

As long as Obama's incompetent ass refuses to provide it, the stupid motherfucker should expect questions to be asked about his supposed citizenship.

Not that Arizona needs to prove anything. Obama's extreme ineptness and inability to lead will no doubt cause the moron to be kicked to the curb after one term. After all people, it's approaching 1 1/2 years in office and he's fully proving to be the worst president this country has ever seen. And if he can't, or refuses to provide the REAL proof of citizenship, he will be considered the worst FOREIGN president this country has ever seen.

Take it up with the State of Hawaii....they issued it and certified its accuracy

It is not within Arizona's responsibility to disallow a Hawaii birth record

Looking like another Obama landslide in 2012

Just out of curiosity:

Since when is "African" considered a race?

Take a look at his fathers race on that document.

Where did you find that one?
Politicians playing games so they can make the people of this great country silly. Something is just not right about that.

Not when they ARE being silly


If he simply showed his BC, they would not question it and they would not act silly.

He pulled their chains so now they look silly.

If you do not see that, then you have your head way too deep in the Presidents ass.
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LASER copy from 1961......quite interesting.

Where's the original?

Where's the one with the attending physicians signature?

Where's the one with a witness signature?

Where's the one WE ARE ALL ISSUED?

As long as Obama's incompetent ass refuses to provide it, the stupid motherfucker should expect questions to be asked about his supposed citizenship.

Not that Arizona needs to prove anything. Obama's extreme ineptness and inability to lead will no doubt cause the moron to be kicked to the curb after one term. After all people, it's approaching 1 1/2 years in office and he's fully proving to be the worst president this country has ever seen. And if he can't, or refuses to provide the REAL proof of citizenship, he will be considered the worst FOREIGN president this country has ever seen.

Take it up with the State of Hawaii....they issued it and certified its accuracy

It is not within Arizona's responsibility to disallow a Hawaii birth record

Looking like another Obama landslide in 2012

Just out of curiosity:

Since when is "African" considered a race?

Take a look at his fathers race on that document.

Where did you find that one?

As Hawaii explained it, the parents get to declare their race. That is what his father declared, maybe to distinguish himself from a black American
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Take it up with the State of Hawaii....they issued it and certified its accuracy

It is not within Arizona's responsibility to disallow a Hawaii birth record

Looking like another Obama landslide in 2012

Just out of curiosity:

Since when is "African" considered a race?

Take a look at his fathers race on that document.

Where did you find that one?

As Hawaii explained it, the parents get to declare their race. That is what his father declared, maybe to distinguish himself from a black American

In 1961 the term Negro was used for race of a black individual. There was no issue of "african American" and "black American" and a black non American.

I am sure a BC exists, but that piece of crap you produced is a farce.
Just out of curiosity:

Since when is "African" considered a race?

Take a look at his fathers race on that document.

Where did you find that one?

As Hawaii explained it, the parents get to declare their race. That is what his father declared, maybe to distinguish himself from a black American

In 1961 the term Negro was used for race of a black individual. There was no issue of "african American" and "black American" and a black non American.

I am sure a BC exists, but that piece of crap you produced is a farce. Barack Obama Birth Certificate

"Information about religion and race, when it is collected for birth records, simply reflect whatever the parents identified themselves to be.."

"the certificate is consistent with those issued in the same time and place..."

"Those who have actually touched and examined the original certificate have verified and documented that it bears all the elements of a valid Certificate of Live Birth "
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Politicians playing games so they can make the people of this great country silly. Something is just not right about that.

Not when they ARE being silly


If he simply showed his BC, they would not question it and they would not act silly.

He pulled their chains so now they look silly.

If you do not see that, then you have your head way too deep in the Presidents ass.

LOL, honestly I never thought of it like that. If true, that's brilliant on the part of Obama.

He's taunting these people, and they deserve to be taunted..

Oh, and the "Birthers" are not representative of the vast majority of the American populace. They are in fact a fringe group. Even most right-wingers will have no part of this.
Not when they ARE being silly


If he simply showed his BC, they would not question it and they would not act silly.

He pulled their chains so now they look silly.

If you do not see that, then you have your head way too deep in the Presidents ass.

LOL, honestly I never thought of it like that. If true, that's brilliant on the part of Obama.

He's taunting these people, and they deserve to be taunted..

Oh, and the "Birthers" are not representative of the vast majority of the American populace. They are in fact a fringe group. Even most right-wingers will have no part of this.

Brilliant? Yes., it was.
Appropriate? In a way, it is mocking the consitution. I mean, lets be honest here. The consitution says he needs to be a NBC. Cool. SO if someone says to him "prove it", he should. That simple.
Instead, he played his little game and created an uproar. Yes, a minority uproar, but an uproar non the less.
He played them like tools and then ridiculed them.

So yes, brilliant. But completely inappropriate.
In 1961 the term Negro was used for race of a black individual. There was no issue of "african American" and "black American" and a black non American.

I am sure a BC exists, but that piece of crap you produced is a farce.

Were you a citizen of Hawaii at the time? What makes you think that Hawaii would use the term "Negro" to describe an African man?
As Hawaii explained it, the parents get to declare their race. That is what his father declared, maybe to distinguish himself from a black American Barack Obama Birth Certificate

And it's accurate. His father was in fact "African", not "African American".

Perhaps he didn't like the term used at the time to describe American black people, which would be "Negro".

Africa is a continent. Not a race and never was.

So a white person in Afircxa can say their race is african?

Kind of weird. He just should have shown what I have to show when I get a government ID. A birth certificate. It would have pretty much shut up the far right and we all would have moved on.
Brilliant? Yes., it was.
Appropriate? In a way, it is mocking the consitution. I mean, lets be honest here. The consitution says he needs to be a NBC. Cool. SO if someone says to him "prove it", he should. That simple.
Instead, he played his little game and created an uproar. Yes, a minority uproar, but an uproar non the less.
He played them like tools and then ridiculed them.

So yes, brilliant. But completely inappropriate.

Hawaii verified his natural-born citizenship. That is all that is needed.

There is in fact no requirement in the constitution that an original birth certificate be produced, period.

Hell, in the latter half of the 18th Century, I'm quite positive that a large portion of the population didn't even have birth certificates.

Unless you think Lincoln, who was born in a log cabin in a frontier state, had a hospital verified birth certificate.
In 1961 the term Negro was used for race of a black individual. There was no issue of "african American" and "black American" and a black non American.

I am sure a BC exists, but that piece of crap you produced is a farce.

Were you a citizen of Hawaii at the time? What makes you think that Hawaii would use the term "Negro" to describe an African man?

Logic is what makes me think that.

I know. Logic. Why logic.

Whatever. The President got his way. He made a group of concerned people look silly, and now those concerned people have been forced away from the topic as they did not want to be labelled as crazies. And now the crazies are the only ones addressing it.

He got his way.
Brilliant? Yes., it was.
Appropriate? In a way, it is mocking the consitution. I mean, lets be honest here. The consitution says he needs to be a NBC. Cool. SO if someone says to him "prove it", he should. That simple.
Instead, he played his little game and created an uproar. Yes, a minority uproar, but an uproar non the less.
He played them like tools and then ridiculed them.

So yes, brilliant. But completely inappropriate.

Hawaii verified his natural-born citizenship. That is all that is needed.

There is in fact no requirement in the constitution that an original birth certificate be produced, period.

Hell, in the latter half of the 18th Century, I'm quite positive that a large portion of the population didn't even have birth certificates.

Unless you think Lincoln, who was born in a log cabin in a frontier state, had a hospital verified birth certificate.

Lincoln not only had one, but he was able to print it on demand with his portable wireless printer.
As Hawaii explained it, the parents get to declare their race. That is what his father declared, maybe to distinguish himself from a black American Barack Obama Birth Certificate

And it's accurate. His father was in fact "African", not "African American".

Perhaps he didn't like the term used at the time to describe American black people, which would be "Negro".

Africa is a continent. Not a race and never was.

So a white person in Afircxa can say their race is african?

Kind of weird. He just should have shown what I have to show when I get a government ID. A birth certificate. It would have pretty much shut up the far right and we all would have moved on.

It is what his father declared his race to be and whoever filled out the form accepted it.
Hawaii has certified the record to be authentic.........I will accept their judgement over that of the birthers
Brilliant? Yes., it was.
Appropriate? In a way, it is mocking the consitution. I mean, lets be honest here. The consitution says he needs to be a NBC. Cool. SO if someone says to him "prove it", he should. That simple.
Instead, he played his little game and created an uproar. Yes, a minority uproar, but an uproar non the less.
He played them like tools and then ridiculed them.

So yes, brilliant. But completely inappropriate.

Hawaii verified his natural-born citizenship. That is all that is needed.

There is in fact no requirement in the constitution that an original birth certificate be produced, period.

Hell, in the latter half of the 18th Century, I'm quite positive that a large portion of the population didn't even have birth certificates.

Unless you think Lincoln, who was born in a log cabin in a frontier state, had a hospital verified birth certificate.

Can you prove that Hawaii is really a state?

Rumor has it that the document that gave us the islands as a state was a fraud.
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