Arizona will require Obama to provide birth cert if he wants to be on ballot

And it's accurate. His father was in fact "African", not "African American".

Perhaps he didn't like the term used at the time to describe American black people, which would be "Negro".

Africa is a continent. Not a race and never was.

So a white person in Afircxa can say their race is african?

Kind of weird. He just should have shown what I have to show when I get a government ID. A birth certificate. It would have pretty much shut up the far right and we all would have moved on.

It is what his father declared his race to be and whoever filled out the form accepted it.
Hawaii has certified the record to be authentic.........I will accept their judgement over that of the birthers

And so do I.

However, was it really that difficult for the President to open his wallet and produce a BC?

I mean....really?

Nope. He intentionally held back to make people look silly.

And it worked.
OK, this topic has in fact been argued to death on a hundred+ different threads, and it ALWAYS ends up with the exact same conclusion:

Obama has provided a Birth Certificate that has been verified by the State of Hawaii.

Insane Birthers feel that the State Hawaii is somehow part of a vast conspiracy to get a "Fur-a-ner" into the office of POTUS.

This is such a stupid topic that it's just unbelievable.

But now the State of Arizona is proving to everyone that it's filled with morons.

Of course we all knew that when they refused to comply with Daylight Savings Time, but one would think they would try for some semblence of dignity.

Be that as it may. Hawaii has declared Mr Obama a "natural-born" citizen of their state. Period. That means he is a "natural-born" citizen of the United States.

Period, end of discussion. Any attempt by another state to invalidate the validity of Hawaiian citizens is a clear violation of Hawaii's states rights.

obama has not provided a b/c...however...

"I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawaii State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago...."
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You know, this is kinda interesting to watch the birthers. Seems that their number one person who called Obama's citizenship isn't even a citizen of the US, she's Israeli.

Why is it that the birthers will accept the word of a non US citizen against one of its own? I'll tell's because the racist bastards are pissed that a darkie is in the white house, and the good old boy club is in an uproar, because "business as usual" of fucking over the nation (a la Bush Jr. and Cheney), has to be stopped.

And.......FWIW, he's not doing a bad job, the only ones that think so are the greedy fuckers who wouldn't share anything with anyone except those that look like them.
that is absolutely false....its people like you help add fuel to the fire by continually repeating things that are not true....

"Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawai‘i, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawai‘i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures,"

all she says is they have the original in accordance with state policies and procedures....back then it was possible for people born outside of HI (i believe the same today) to get an original b/c....that is why many want to see the original and not a computer generated version....

really, the original is there, produce and end this fucking nonsense

Yurt man, read Jarhead's posts, I think he has a good working theory there. You're being played, and being played well.

Just give up already.

Even if he wasn't a "natural born citizen", the point of every court's rejection of the claim is that there is no harm to any American citizen if he was in fact born in another country, which is why it has been thrown out every single time.

Of course he is a natural born citizen, so the point is moot.
Arizona election commitee.:eek::lol: [ame][/ame]
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You know, this is kinda interesting to watch the birthers. Seems that their number one person who called Obama's citizenship isn't even a citizen of the US, she's Israeli.

Why is it that the birthers will accept the word of a non US citizen against one of its own? I'll tell's because the racist bastards are pissed that a darkie is in the white house, and the good old boy club is in an uproar, because "business as usual" of fucking over the nation (a la Bush Jr. and Cheney), has to be stopped.

And.......FWIW, he's not doing a bad job, the only ones that think so are the greedy fuckers who wouldn't share anything with anyone except those that look like them.

And there ya go!
To put this crap to rest.

If he were not a citizen, in this day and age, it would have been easily proven.

And who would have dug it up? Hillary Clinton during the primary.

And if anyone thinks that she wouldnt have, then you dont know squat about politics.
To put this crap to rest.

If he were not a citizen, in this day and age, it would have been easily proven.

And who would have dug it up? Hillary Clinton during the primary.

And if anyone thinks that she wouldnt have, then you dont know squat about politics.

Now that is definitely true.
Okay everybody, just cool it already. I received a copy of the actual handwritten birth certificate a few days ago, and here it is:

that is absolutely false....its people like you help add fuel to the fire by continually repeating things that are not true....

"Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawai‘i, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawai‘i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures,"

all she says is they have the original in accordance with state policies and procedures....back then it was possible for people born outside of HI (i believe the same today) to get an original b/c....that is why many want to see the original and not a computer generated version....

really, the original is there, produce and end this fucking nonsense

Yurt man, read Jarhead's posts, I think he has a good working theory there. You're being played, and being played well.

Just give up already.

Even if he wasn't a "natural born citizen", the point of every court's rejection of the claim is that there is no harm to any American citizen if he was in fact born in another country, which is why it has been thrown out every single time.

Of course he is a natural born citizen, so the point is moot.

i edited my post...i didn't realize she later amended her original statement

and i will not give up while there are still lies or mistakes being spread...for instance, i was able to educate you on the cases, i've been able to point out to those who believe he is not eligible their false beliefs....

you are misintepreting my arguments, i am not arguing he is not eligible, never have.....

edit: you're wrong that a court has said there is no harm if he was born in another country....why do you continue to spout this bullshit about what courts have said....they have all thrown it out for lack of standing because they are not the proper party to bring the claim
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i edited my post...i didn't realize she later amended her original statement

and i will not give up while there are still lies or mistakes being spread...for instance, i was able to educate you on the cases, i've been able to point out to those who believe he is not eligible their false beliefs....

you are misintepreting my arguments, i am not arguing he is not eligible, never have.....

edit: you're wrong that a court has said there is no harm if he was born in another country....why do you continue to spout this bullshit about what courts have said....they have all thrown it out for lack of standing because they are not the proper party to bring the claim

Actually, that was the result of our last conversation on the subject.

The court's reasons for throwing out the case was lack of standing based on the fact that the plaintiff could not prove any damage to himself ever having occurred.

Check it out:

- Google Scholar
Okay everybody, just cool it already. I received a copy of the actual handwritten birth certificate a few days ago, and here it is:



Oh man can you imagine the hysterics it would have caused if whoever drew that up had used the certificate number 666?

Now, that would have been fun!

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good don't know that mccain's eligibility, just like obama's, was called into question

seriously, some of you left wingers just love crying racism...that card has gone over limit and your account is now closed

I know that about McCain, ass. So what??? I stand by what I said.

then you lied:

Never in all those elections did I ever hear anything about any presidential candidate's place of birth being in question. Not ever. Or their religion either. I think there are some people that will never accept a black president and they are the ones responsible for all of this craziness

you claim it was only in obama's that it was an issue, that is untrue, it was also an issue for mccain

and, it is also untrue that no pres candidate has had their religion question, kennedy did, and romney, there might be others, but those two were huge, kennedy for being catholic and romney for being mormon....

your race baiting is pure meadowmuffins

Why are you responding to me here and also with pm's?? Pick your source to communicate with me and stick to it, would you??? Geez.

Did you even read my post?? I know all about Kennedy and the problem with him being a Catholic. First of all, I said I was talking about the presidents from Nixon to Obama!!! Nixon won the election in 1968. Hello!!!

Secondly, did anyone ever accuse Kennedy of not being a Catholic or accuse Romney of not being a Mormon??? NO!!! The problem was that people did not want a Catholic or a Mormon president. But Obama has said over and over that he is a Christian. Did some people not believe him?? YES!!! What was the response from the right?? He's lying, he's a Muslim. That's very different from Kennedy and Romney.

Obama and McCain's situations regarding birth was also different. Did anybody accuse McCain of not being born in the Panama Canal Zone??? NO!! Was Obama accused of not being born in Hawaii?? YES!!!

Please stop trying to compare these 2 situation because they are not the same at all..
I know that about McCain, ass. So what??? I stand by what I said.

then you lied:

Never in all those elections did I ever hear anything about any presidential candidate's place of birth being in question. Not ever. Or their religion either. I think there are some people that will never accept a black president and they are the ones responsible for all of this craziness

you claim it was only in obama's that it was an issue, that is untrue, it was also an issue for mccain

and, it is also untrue that no pres candidate has had their religion question, kennedy did, and romney, there might be others, but those two were huge, kennedy for being catholic and romney for being mormon....

your race baiting is pure meadowmuffins

Why are you responding to me here and also with pm's?? Pick your source to communicate with me and stick to it, would you??? Geez.

Did you even read my post?? I know all about Kennedy and the problem with him being a Catholic. First of all, I said I was talking about the presidents from Nixon to Obama!!! Nixon won the election in 1968. Hello!!!

Secondly, did anyone ever accuse Kennedy of not being a Catholic or accuse Romney of not being a Mormon??? NO!!! The problem was that people did not want a Catholic or a Mormon president. But Obama has said over and over that he is a Christian. Did some people not believe him?? YES!!! What was the response from the right?? He's lying, he's a Muslim. That's very different from Kennedy and Romney.

Obama and McCain's situations regarding birth was also different. Did anybody accuse McCain of not being born in the Panama Canal Zone??? NO!! Was Obama accused of not being born in Hawaii?? YES!!!

Please stop trying to compare these 2 situation because they are not the same at all..

you're the asswipe who started the PM's.....:cuckoo:

the issues are the same, it doesn't matter if they accuse them of not being something or being born somewhere, the fact of the matter is religion and birth eligibility was in fact issues for WHITE presidential claimed it wasn't....that is false....

trying to say its different because they don't believe somebody is desperation....people don't trust MOST politicians, white or black....again, you're race baiting and that card has been cancelled....why don't YOU stop focusing on people's skin, huh
i edited my post...i didn't realize she later amended her original statement

and i will not give up while there are still lies or mistakes being spread...for instance, i was able to educate you on the cases, i've been able to point out to those who believe he is not eligible their false beliefs....

you are misintepreting my arguments, i am not arguing he is not eligible, never have.....

edit: you're wrong that a court has said there is no harm if he was born in another country....why do you continue to spout this bullshit about what courts have said....they have all thrown it out for lack of standing because they are not the proper party to bring the claim

Actually, that was the result of our last conversation on the subject.

The court's reasons for throwing out the case was lack of standing based on the fact that the plaintiff could not prove any damage to himself ever having occurred.

Check it out:

- Google Scholar, basically, anyone, even if ineligible can run for president and be voted into office because berg and others could have chosen other candidates....?

that is a whacky decision. thank you for showing me the decision btw, but don't you find it troubling? it basically says, the constitutional can be violated, so long as voters approve the violation at the ballot you agree with this? i always thought the courts were the defenders of the constitution, as officers of the court, they are all sworn to uphold it.
good don't know that mccain's eligibility, just like obama's, was called into question

seriously, some of you left wingers just love crying racism...that card has gone over limit and your account is now closed

yea but McCains was called because he is an old fart....and a lot of people thought he would die during his first year in office......and then Tina Fey would have taken over.....just sayin....
My original copy was lost, personally. Does that make me ineligible to run for national office?

No, it doesn't. Ca. copies or facsimiles dont need the Original with all the State trimmings on wife allready went through this at the DMV to get a State ID....the original or a new one issued by the County of Birth is all they will except... if you lose the original,all you have to do is contact the County recorder in the state you were born and they will reissue you a new one,that is just as good as the Original......
AGain, explain the announcement of Obama in that did they fake that?

Oh and this is such a non issue. It will be shut down soon enough.

I'm not going to explain it because I don't believe it was faked, but I didn't see the original paper. I saw an internet reproduction of such. So, whether or not the original actually exists is still up in the air. In other words, it has not in my humble opinion, been proven that such paper actually exists although I suspect it does.


Ah so unless you can have the original paper sent to your home and put in your hands, no matter who authenticated it, its fake.

AGain, explain the announcement of Obama in that did they fake that?

Oh and this is such a non issue. It will be shut down soon enough.

I'm not going to explain it because I don't believe it was faked, but I didn't see the original paper. I saw an internet reproduction of such. So, whether or not the original actually exists is still up in the air. In other words, it has not in my humble opinion, been proven that such paper actually exists although I suspect it does.


Ah so unless you can have the original paper sent to your home and put in your hands, no matter who authenticated it, its fake.


We need to get beyond this "mystery". I do believe that barry was born in Hawaii, and this is no more than a dog and pony show that will never reap any results the right is seeking. If anything.....going forward just make sure that all documents are provided.....but this is a non issue that just needs to go away.
Is the right looking for Biden to become president? Now there's a nightmare :eek:

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