Arkansas GOP State Rep Thinks Slavery Was Blessing in Disguise for Blacks

In 1988, Republican Pennsylvania Rep. Stephen Freind said the odds that a woman who is raped will get knocked up are "one in millions and millions and millions" because rape causes a woman to "secrete a certain secretion" that kills evil sperm.

In 1995, North Carolina state Rep. Henry Aldridge told the House Appropriations Committee that "The facts show that people who are raped — who are truly raped — the juices don't flow, the body functions don't work and they don't get pregnant. Medical authorities agree that this is a rarity, if ever."

In 1990, Texas Republican gubernatorial nominee Clayton Williams told ranchers that victims should take rape in stride and try to enjoy it — like when you have picnic plans but then there's a huge thunderstorm so you decide to see a movie instead and it turns out to be a pretty enjoyable afternoon after all! Yes, Williams literally compared rape to the foggy weather that was affecting his ongoing speech by saying, "If it's inevitable, just relax and enjoy it.''

In 1997, Bush appointee Federal Judge James Leon Holmes said in an article that "concern for rape victims is a red herring because conceptions from rape occur with approximately the same frequency as snowfall in Miami."

The Official Guide to Legitimate Rape
The shrill stupidity of bripat, one of the poorer voices of the haters, blares forth. Moron.

bripat, squeezeberry, William Joyce, JeannieD, IanC, and the rest are poorly educated, and their cognitive abilities are limited by preconceived notions to which the facts are twisted.

You've already proven you're a pathetic git, fakey. Don't compound your shortcomings by attributing them to others.
Why would anyone give them that option?


Way to underscore your piece-of-shit-ness.

The question has nothing to do with any preferences on my part, moron. You failed to answer it. Why would anyone in the 17th and 18th centuries have offered to take black Africans to America?

The same reason Chinese were brought to America. Cheap labor.

In trying to offer your "Jungle Bunny" defense of slavery as a good thing you ignore the obvious. Blacks were looked at as savages and were not offered the same opportunities that Europeans were. 17th and 18th century Europeans were openly racists, as were 20th century Americans. To try to defend that racism with a "You were better off than being a jungle bunny" is patently offensive
bripat, squeezeberry, William Joyce, JeannieD, IanC, and the rest are poorly educated, and their cognitive abilities are limited by preconceived notions to which the facts are twisted.

You've already proven you're a pathetic git, fakey. Don't compound your shortcomings by attributing them to others.

all of us have higher levels of education than JunkSucker and come with facts instead of opinions.
SqueezeBerry is one of the more illiterate buffoons on the board, ranking right along with bigrebnc.
In trying to offer your "Jungle Bunny" defense of slavery as a good thing you ignore the obvious. Blacks were looked at as savages and were not offered the same opportunities that Europeans were.

Actually, I think you're wrong. He doesn't ignore it. He simply presumes the fact as valid and just.
I don't see any need to travel to see a punk, we have plenty right here in Maryland.

Really, Pastor Carroll County Klucker?

Carroll county is a very nice place

Yes, it's wonderful country, I live in St. Mary's Co though. St Mary's is quite nice too. We're 80% white, though the actual town I live in is 98% white and though our county is 14.5% Negro, many of those Negroes are Military, either active or retired, and they make great neighbors. Different values than your average negro.
Since we are playing a what if scenario

Yes blacks could have immigrated in the 17th and 18th century. Same as poor whites. The Americas needed cheap labor. They could have gone to Africa and offered passage in return for some form of indenture. The key being choice instead of being captured and forced into servitude.

If blacks had been offered the same opportunities as similar whites, their economic position would be much better today. Same goes for post civil war Jim Crow


Let's see...

If blacks had been paid for their labor, allowed to own land, allowed to be see no way they would have accumulated wealth over 350 years?

No, they were allowed all these things in their homeland and not ONE road built, not ONE university built, not ONE ocean going vessel built, not ONE major city built, not ONE hospital built, not ONE factory built, and on and on and on.
Since 1968 the Republican Party has been the party of racists.

Nixon's so called Southern Strategy.

And since 1968 the democratic party has been the party of left wing loons, worship the earth morons, the tax payer owes me a living dirtbags, the give something for nothings, communists, socialists, white guilt filled we owe the blacks free housing, food and money low lifes and just plain old dumbasses, so I think I'd rather be aligned with the party of racists thanks.

Let's see...

If blacks had been paid for their labor, allowed to own land, allowed to be see no way they would have accumulated wealth over 350 years?

No, they were allowed all these things in their homeland and not ONE road built, not ONE university built, not ONE ocean going vessel built, not ONE major city built, not ONE hospital built, not ONE factory built, and on and on and on.

Africa had immense wealth in natural resources.

Exotic animal pelts, spices, ivory..........Guess who reaped the profits?
White Europeans

Then, on top of that, Europeans found a more valuable resource in Africa.....Slaves to provide free labor

Tough act to follow......But who ended up with the wealth from Gold, Diamonds and Oil in the 20th century?
White Europeans
Link? Make the period from 1000AD to 1800AD, pertaining to Western Africa. You made the claim, now support it with clear, objective evidence.

Dealing with social and mental inferiors such as jtpr312 makes one feel unclean, but what has to be has to be.

Let's see...

If blacks had been paid for their labor, allowed to own land, allowed to be see no way they would have accumulated wealth over 350 years?

No, they were allowed all these things in their homeland and not ONE road built, not ONE university built, not ONE ocean going vessel built, not ONE major city built, not ONE hospital built, not ONE factory built, and on and on and on.
The shrill stupidity of bripat, one of the poorer voices of the haters, blares forth. Moron.

bripat, squeezeberry, William Joyce, JeannieD, IanC, and the rest are poorly educated, and their cognitive abilities are limited by preconceived notions to which the facts are twisted.

You've already proven you're a pathetic git, fakey. Don't compound your shortcomings by attributing them to others.

Let's see...

If blacks had been paid for their labor, allowed to own land, allowed to be see no way they would have accumulated wealth over 350 years?

No, they were allowed all these things in their homeland and not ONE road built, not ONE university built, not ONE ocean going vessel built, not ONE major city built, not ONE hospital built, not ONE factory built, and on and on and on.

Africa had immense wealth in natural resources.

Exotic animal pelts, spices, ivory..........Guess who reaped the profits?
White Europeans

Then, on top of that, Europeans found a more valuable resource in Africa.....Slaves to provide free labor

Tough act to follow......But who ended up with the wealth from Gold, Diamonds and Oil in the 20th century?
White Europeans

Yes the continent did have enormous wealth, unfortunately the sub-saharan african never advanced as a race enough to make use of those vast resources never having evolved much beyond the stone age until the white European came. Of course white Europeans reaped the profits, they had the means to get the spices, gold, diamonds, oil, pelts, etc out of the jungles and mountians and to the market. The sub saharan african never even built any roads, let alone ocean going ships, airports, major trading cities, rail roads, back hoes, bull dozers, a freaking shovel for darn sake. TODAY, the black african is unable to properly govern themselves for the most part. Rhodesia, which was a white ruled nation, exported beef and agricultural products, among other things, all over Africa and the world, the blacks took over the nation renamed it Zimbabwe, stole the working farms and factories from the whites that built them and had worked them for hundreds of years, and today the blacks are freaking starving to death and killing eachother in that nation. They took a working civilization and destroyed it. Zimbabwe isn't the only example, just one of the most recent. You can find this same stroy all over black africa. TODAY they haven't evolved much beyond the stone age mentally, they're just usuing AK's and RPG's today instead of spears and rocks.
jtpr312 is going to blame it all on the "dumb blacks."

I am waiting for some evidence along with the opinionation. And I suspect I will continue waiting.
The shrill stupidity of bripat, one of the poorer voices of the haters, blares forth. Moron.

You've already proven you're a pathetic git, fakey. Don't compound your shortcomings by attributing them to others.

No, they were allowed all these things in their homeland and not ONE road built, not ONE university built, not ONE ocean going vessel built, not ONE major city built, not ONE hospital built, not ONE factory built, and on and on and on.

Africa had immense wealth in natural resources.

Exotic animal pelts, spices, ivory..........Guess who reaped the profits?
White Europeans

Then, on top of that, Europeans found a more valuable resource in Africa.....Slaves to provide free labor

Tough act to follow......But who ended up with the wealth from Gold, Diamonds and Oil in the 20th century?
White Europeans

Yes the continent did have enormous wealth, unfortunately the sub-saharan african never advanced as a race enough to make use of those vast resources never having evolved much beyond the stone age until the white European came. Of course white Europeans reaped the profits, they had the means to get the spices, gold, diamonds, oil, pelts, etc out of the jungles and mountians and to the market. The sub saharan african never even built any roads, let alone ocean going ships, airports, major trading cities, rail roads, back hoes, bull dozers, a freaking shovel for darn sake. TODAY, the black african is unable to properly govern themselves for the most part. Rhodesia, which was a white ruled nation, exported beef and agricultural products, among other things, all over Africa and the world, the blacks took over the nation renamed it Zimbabwe, stole the working farms and factories from the whites that built them and had worked them for hundreds of years, and today the blacks are freaking starving to death and killing eachother in that nation. They took a working civilization and destroyed it. Zimbabwe isn't the only example, just one of the most recent. You can find this same stroy all over black africa. TODAY they haven't evolved much beyond the stone age mentally, they're just usuing AK's and RPG's today instead of spears and rocks.

The colonial powers sure had something those "Jungle Bunnies" didnt. Guns and armies to ensure their colonial claims were not interfered with.

Ask Native Americans how happy they are that the whites came and forced them off their land at gunpoint while they reaped all the benefits of our nations natural resources

Go tell them how they would still be living in wigwams if not for the white man
The shrill stupidity of bripat, one of the poorer voices of the haters, blares forth. Moron.

Africa had immense wealth in natural resources.

Exotic animal pelts, spices, ivory..........Guess who reaped the profits?
White Europeans

Then, on top of that, Europeans found a more valuable resource in Africa.....Slaves to provide free labor

Tough act to follow......But who ended up with the wealth from Gold, Diamonds and Oil in the 20th century?
White Europeans

Yes the continent did have enormous wealth, unfortunately the sub-saharan african never advanced as a race enough to make use of those vast resources never having evolved much beyond the stone age until the white European came. Of course white Europeans reaped the profits, they had the means to get the spices, gold, diamonds, oil, pelts, etc out of the jungles and mountians and to the market. The sub saharan african never even built any roads, let alone ocean going ships, airports, major trading cities, rail roads, back hoes, bull dozers, a freaking shovel for darn sake. TODAY, the black african is unable to properly govern themselves for the most part. Rhodesia, which was a white ruled nation, exported beef and agricultural products, among other things, all over Africa and the world, the blacks took over the nation renamed it Zimbabwe, stole the working farms and factories from the whites that built them and had worked them for hundreds of years, and today the blacks are freaking starving to death and killing eachother in that nation. They took a working civilization and destroyed it. Zimbabwe isn't the only example, just one of the most recent. You can find this same stroy all over black africa. TODAY they haven't evolved much beyond the stone age mentally, they're just usuing AK's and RPG's today instead of spears and rocks.

The colonial powers sure had something those "Jungle Bunnies" didnt. Guns and armies to ensure their colonial claims were not interfered with.

Ask Native Americans how happy they are that the whites came and forced them off their land at gunpoint while they reaped all the benefits of our nations natural resources

Go tell them how they would still be living in wigwams if not for the white man

And what exactly kept "those Jungle Bunnies" from owning guns and armies? What kept them from building ships, developing science for navigation, and go and do what the white man did?

What kept them from recording their history, as the white mas has? How can they make outrageous claims about their past glory without written proof?

And spare me the tears about the so-called Native Americans being forced off their lands at gunpoint. Countless peoples and tribes of Europe and Asia have vanished, because they were forced off their land at arrow point. And unlike the poor so-called Native Americans they have not a single living descendent. Ask the so-called Native Americans if they want to give up their billion dollar casinos and go and live in a wigwam (or tee pee) as their ancestors did before the white man reaped the resources the so-called Native Americans never had the brains to reap.

Human nature is to rule anyone who is weaker. It has always been and always will be so.

Enough of crocodile tears already!

And now you and your cohorts can start crying: RACIST!

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