Arkansas Republican resigns after saying Clinton could 'get shot'

Arkansas Republican resigns after saying Clinton could 'get shot'

Johnny Rhoda, who was chairman of the Republican Party in the Second Congressional District in Arkansas, was quoted in U.S. News this week as saying Clinton could not expect much political support in the state if she ran for president.

"She'd probably get shot at the state line," Rhoda, an insurance agent and the pastor of a small congregation about 70 miles (110 kms) north of the state capital, Little Rock, was quoted as saying by the magazine.


(My bold)

What's interesting to me is that this person is a pastor. That has to be some church - clearly - judging by the rhetoric - he's not a Spare the rod, spoil the child kinda guy. So what is it? Breaking on the wheel for disobeying your parents? Tarring & feathering for not picking up your dirty clothes from the floor? 20 lashes for not cleaning your plate @ dinner? The mind boggles ...

& will he wear sackcloth & ashes, flagellate himself in public, etc. as penance for this latest bit of street theater?
Have you ever noticed that not one liberal resigns when caught or busted doing something bad?? NOT ONE.. and their leftist posse circle the wagons.. but the second, any dumbass republican makes the slightest remark, they want him in jail , to resign etc.. It's really fucking old..
Can you imagine what would have happened to him if he was lying about affairs and was a sexual predator and serial womanizer and liar like Hillary's husband? Nothing.
LGS is lying above. What's new. Of coure libs have resigned when caught.

Hillary's husband didn't. The husband of Hillary's aide denied his sick penis photo for a long time until it was proven. Integrity is not in the leftist dictionary. You know that. Hell, look at you.
Can you imagine what would have happened to him if he was lying about affairs and was a sexual predator and serial womanizer and liar like Hillary's husband? Nothing.

'Sexual predator' has a legal definition, look it up; serial womanizer, most likely. I thought the Bush "assassination" video was criminal, this is just stupid. Clinton no longer holds public office.
Johnny needs to be arrested and charged for inciting violence.

what violence was incited? you and statist don't know the meaning of words.

you guys need an education.

You need to learn that speaking in public has limitations.

Coded speech like Johnny's will have a solid response he won't like. the liar now has to claim it was "coded" and only fakey knows the "code" simply don't know the meaning of words and are a liar.

it was simply a comment on her popularity. it was not incitement to violence or any criminal speech.
Unbelievable, you people won't be happy until all our Freedoms of speech is gone

First we lost them under Obama now here we go with Clinton

You vote her in folks you have no one to blame for a continuation of this BS BUT yourselves
Oh, big whoop.... People are so fucking sensitive about everything today.


if an elected official had talked about sarah palin maybe being shot, the rabid right would have been in meltdown.

so that makes it ok for far left lunatics like statist and fakey to claim that this is a call for the assassination of a public and an incitement to violence?

it was over the top and uncalled for but it was merely an opinion as to her popularity. i seriously doubt he actually thinks someone would shoot her. you do know what hyperbole is....
Sorry bout that,

1. Stupid he should of stood his ground!
2. He could do more if he stood and fought these bastards!
3. The world would be a better place if some one did shoot this bitch, but I don't wish it on them, but its still a fucking fact!
4. She botched the Ambassadors life after all, she deserves as much.

Oh, big whoop.... People are so fucking sensitive about everything today.


if an elected official had talked about sarah palin maybe being shot, the rabid right would have been in meltdown.

He was exaggerating. People say shit like this all the time. Last Thursday morning when I walked outside my office to my car I discovered someone had slammed their door into my passenger door and left two dings and a nice big scrape. I was all pissed off and said if I ever found out who did it I'd kill the mother fucker. You really think I'm going to do that?

The problem isn't what he said; it's your lack of common sense and in this case, hyper partisan politics.
Arkansas Republican resigns after saying Clinton could 'get shot'

Johnny Rhoda, who was chairman of the Republican Party in the Second Congressional District in Arkansas, was quoted in U.S. News this week as saying Clinton could not expect much political support in the state if she ran for president.

"She'd probably get shot at the state line," Rhoda, an insurance agent and the pastor of a small congregation about 70 miles (110 kms) north of the state capital, Little Rock, was quoted as saying by the magazine.

"Nobody has any affection for her. The majority don't," he was quoted as saying.

It's being reported all over the place, not just over yahoo:

Johnny Rhoda, who remarked that Hillary would be shot in Arkansas, resigns from Arkansas Republican Party position | Arkansas Blog | Arkansas news, politics, opinion, restaurants, music, movies and art

Arkansas GOP Official: Hillary Clinton ?Probably Would Get Shot at the State Line? | Americans Against the Tea Party

Arkansas GOP Official Who Suggested Hillary Clinton Would ?Get Shot? Resigns - ABC News

Arkansas GOP Official On Hillary: 'She'd Probably Get Shot' - US News

Arkansas GOPer: Saying Hillary Would 'Get Shot' Wasn't Meant As A Threat

Which is worse getting shot or getting beaten to death, I wonder?

Keith Olbermann's Idea For Beating Hillary: Literally Beating Hillary

Violent imagery seems to only be an issue when its the opposite party though, forget about announcing such on the news though. I knew who Olbermann was, never heard of this district chair before.

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