Arkansas Republican resigns after saying Clinton could 'get shot'

In politics, as in the rest of life which your mother should have told you, you have to watch your mouth, that's all. Say what you like but don't cry like a schoolgirl when it ends up costing you a position.

The more these guys speak their minds, the more doors they are directed to.

Oh really??? And when does that ever apply to a liberal?
Usually abut the time they send pictures of their dicks, to teenage girls.

Anthony Weiner?? LMAO Hillary, your posterPantsuit for President is still close to the Weiner which means he;s still close to power.. Didn't you get the memo?
You liberals are just getting more pathetic with each passing day

just like some target on a map you all went ape shit over
You won't be happy until we have speech police next and can be thrown in jail for speaking our minds

if they saw the crap you people posted here, You'll be the first in line into the gulags...can't happen to bigger bunch of "reactionaries" wusses at every damn thing...

Keep pushing it that's just what this government is waiting for
In politics, as in the rest of life which your mother should have told you, you have to watch your mouth, that's all. Say what you like but don't cry like a schoolgirl when it ends up costing you a position.

The more these guys speak their minds, the more doors they are directed to.


There is free speech and there is utter stupidity.

Apparently, some people cannot see the difference between the two.
This whole crybaby thread did what it was meant to do.. Stir the pot and give you loser liberals some red meat to munch on.. especially with the bad fucking week you've had. Your Clusterfuck President had his ass shown to him and was made a fool of; WORLDWIDE spectacle and of his own making. More to come and well earned, by all of you Zombies.


The OP simply reported the facts.

There was not one editorial word from me in the OP. Not even one.

Go read it again. Here, let me help your memory:

Arkansas Republican resigns after saying Clinton could 'get shot'

Johnny Rhoda, who was chairman of the Republican Party in the Second Congressional District in Arkansas, was quoted in U.S. News this week as saying Clinton could not expect much political support in the state if she ran for president.

"She'd probably get shot at the state line," Rhoda, an insurance agent and the pastor of a small congregation about 70 miles (110 kms) north of the state capital, Little Rock, was quoted as saying by the magazine.

"Nobody has any affection for her. The majority don't," he was quoted as saying.

It's being reported all over the place, not just over yahoo:

Johnny Rhoda, who remarked that Hillary would be shot in Arkansas, resigns from Arkansas Republican Party position | Arkansas Blog | Arkansas news, politics, opinion, restaurants, music, movies and art

Arkansas GOP Official: Hillary Clinton ?Probably Would Get Shot at the State Line? | Americans Against the Tea Party

Arkansas GOP Official Who Suggested Hillary Clinton Would ?Get Shot? Resigns - ABC News

Arkansas GOP Official On Hillary: 'She'd Probably Get Shot' - US News

Arkansas GOPer: Saying Hillary Would 'Get Shot' Wasn't Meant As A Threat
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[MENTION=27958]LadyGunSlinger[/MENTION] - you have an interesting point and I am glad you brought it up.

But there is one problem with that: that film was not made in the USA and it was not supported by Liberals in the USA. Go check out WHERE that film was produced and WHERE it was shown.

Blaming Liberals in the USA for that film in order to deflect from the actual information in this thead as you are doing would be the equivalent of me bashing cons on the head for mass murder because of Brevink, who was an ultra-Right-Wing Conservative - from NORWAY.

Think about it.

We are talking about US politics with this thread, not world politics.
Show me where I deflected?? I called the guy an asshole and said it was a stupid comment.. I;m sick of the double standard and I'm not going to say he should have to resign over something so fucking trivial as free speech.. the same thing liberals praised and went nuts over in regard to that movie.. I don't care where it was made.

Name me American Liberals who praised that film.

Name them.

I remember American Liberals condemning that film. I sure as hell did.

Again, I never wrote in the OP that I thought the guy needed to resign. I just reported the facts. Go look at the OP again.

Keith Olbermann reporting on a liberal student "This student doesn't care about the U.S. and doesn't consider it his own country. He wants to shoot George W. Bush because in his opinion he is the worst president ever. And he wants to be known as a national hero. Can't see anything wrong with that idea." [8]

Liberal talk show host and Huffington Post writer Charles "Karel" Bouley was fired in 2008 for calling for the death of Joe the Plumber in a profane rant. [9]
Former Democrat Congressman from Pennsylvania Paul Kanjorski said, "That Scott down there that's running for governor of Florida. Instead of running for governor of Florida, they ought to have him and shoot him. Put him against the wall and shoot him." [11]
Twitter Users Wish Death on Sarah Palin, YouTube Video Warning:Extremely Vulgar
Bill Maher thinks we should be able to wish Cheney dead, YouTube Video
Madonna To Sarah Palin - I Will Kick Her A**, YouTube Video

Michelle Malkin | » The progressive ?climate of hate:? An illustrated primer, 2000-2010

I could spend all day long doing this.. your willful disregard of the truth is disgusting.
Show me where I deflected?? I called the guy an asshole and said it was a stupid comment.. I;m sick of the double standard and I'm not going to say he should have to resign over something so fucking trivial as free speech.. the same thing liberals praised and went nuts over in regard to that movie.. I don't care where it was made.

Name me American Liberals who praised that film.

Name them.

I remember American Liberals condemning that film. I sure as hell did.

Again, I never wrote in the OP that I thought the guy needed to resign. I just reported the facts. Go look at the OP again.

Keith Olbermann reporting on a liberal student "This student doesn't care about the U.S. and doesn't consider it his own country. He wants to shoot George W. Bush because in his opinion he is the worst president ever. And he wants to be known as a national hero. Can't see anything wrong with that idea." [8]

Liberal talk show host and Huffington Post writer Charles "Karel" Bouley was fired in 2008 for calling for the death of Joe the Plumber in a profane rant. [9]
Former Democrat Congressman from Pennsylvania Paul Kanjorski said, "That Scott down there that's running for governor of Florida. Instead of running for governor of Florida, they ought to have him and shoot him. Put him against the wall and shoot him." [11]
Twitter Users Wish Death on Sarah Palin, YouTube Video Warning:Extremely Vulgar
Bill Maher thinks we should be able to wish Cheney dead, YouTube Video
Madonna To Sarah Palin - I Will Kick Her A**, YouTube Video

Michelle Malkin | » The progressive ?climate of hate:? An illustrated primer, 2000-2010

I could spend all day long doing this.. your willful disregard of the truth is disgusting.

So, a college student blasts his mouth off and you want to compare that to a GOP official. That is sad.


Sure, we can do quid-pro-quo all day long.

What Kanjorski said, however, is very wrong and I condemn it. Immediately.
Name me American Liberals who praised that film.

Name them.

I remember American Liberals condemning that film. I sure as hell did.

Again, I never wrote in the OP that I thought the guy needed to resign. I just reported the facts. Go look at the OP again.

Keith Olbermann reporting on a liberal student "This student doesn't care about the U.S. and doesn't consider it his own country. He wants to shoot George W. Bush because in his opinion he is the worst president ever. And he wants to be known as a national hero. Can't see anything wrong with that idea." [8]

Liberal talk show host and Huffington Post writer Charles "Karel" Bouley was fired in 2008 for calling for the death of Joe the Plumber in a profane rant. [9]
Former Democrat Congressman from Pennsylvania Paul Kanjorski said, "That Scott down there that's running for governor of Florida. Instead of running for governor of Florida, they ought to have him and shoot him. Put him against the wall and shoot him." [11]
Twitter Users Wish Death on Sarah Palin, YouTube Video Warning:Extremely Vulgar
Bill Maher thinks we should be able to wish Cheney dead, YouTube Video
Madonna To Sarah Palin - I Will Kick Her A**, YouTube Video

Michelle Malkin | » The progressive ?climate of hate:? An illustrated primer, 2000-2010

I could spend all day long doing this.. your willful disregard of the truth is disgusting.

So, a college student blasts his mouth off and you want to compare that to a GOP official. That is sad.


Sure, we can do quid-pro-quo all day long.

What Kanjorski said, however, is very wrong and I condemn it. Immediately.

But of course you do.. he's a republican. I'll be watching to make certain you "immediately" condemn any and all democrats who say stupid shit and call for their resignation.

Have a nice day liberal. :)
Keith Olbermann reporting on a liberal student "This student doesn't care about the U.S. and doesn't consider it his own country. He wants to shoot George W. Bush because in his opinion he is the worst president ever. And he wants to be known as a national hero. Can't see anything wrong with that idea." [8]

Liberal talk show host and Huffington Post writer Charles "Karel" Bouley was fired in 2008 for calling for the death of Joe the Plumber in a profane rant. [9]
Former Democrat Congressman from Pennsylvania Paul Kanjorski said, "That Scott down there that's running for governor of Florida. Instead of running for governor of Florida, they ought to have him and shoot him. Put him against the wall and shoot him." [11]
Twitter Users Wish Death on Sarah Palin, YouTube Video Warning:Extremely Vulgar
Bill Maher thinks we should be able to wish Cheney dead, YouTube Video
Madonna To Sarah Palin - I Will Kick Her A**, YouTube Video

Michelle Malkin | » The progressive ?climate of hate:? An illustrated primer, 2000-2010

I could spend all day long doing this.. your willful disregard of the truth is disgusting.

So, a college student blasts his mouth off and you want to compare that to a GOP official. That is sad.


Sure, we can do quid-pro-quo all day long.

What Kanjorski said, however, is very wrong and I condemn it. Immediately.

But of course you do.. he's a republican. I'll be watching to make certain you "immediately" condemn any and all democrats who say stupid shit and call for their resignation.

Have a nice day liberal. :)

No, I condemn it because it is wrong, and he is a former Democrat, btw.

Do you ever read for content?

Have a nice day, Conservative!

(It's fun titting-for-tatting with you)

So...these Republicans saying shit like this, or "legitimate rape", or other nonsense......don't have the discipline or sense to STOP talking before that nonsense comes out.

Yet, they want us to trust them with that split second decision at 2am when all hell is breaking lose.

Yeah. If they were in charge, we'd be in a ground war in Libya over Benghazi, and we'd be starting the 3rd Iraq War, and probably be bombing Iran just to add it in.

Republicans....just stop it. Stick to being mayors of tiny towns, and let the adults to the big boy work.

You're a fucking moron.




So...these Republicans saying shit like this, or "legitimate rape", or other nonsense......don't have the discipline or sense to STOP talking before that nonsense comes out.

Yet, they want us to trust them with that split second decision at 2am when all hell is breaking lose.

Yeah. If they were in charge, we'd be in a ground war in Libya over Benghazi, and we'd be starting the 3rd Iraq War, and probably be bombing Iran just to add it in.

Republicans....just stop it. Stick to being mayors of tiny towns, and let the adults to the big boy work.

You're a fucking moron.





And you do realize every one of those folks were breaking the law?
Keith Olbermann reporting on a liberal student "This student doesn't care about the U.S. and doesn't consider it his own country. He wants to shoot George W. Bush because in his opinion he is the worst president ever. And he wants to be known as a national hero. Can't see anything wrong with that idea." [8]

Liberal talk show host and Huffington Post writer Charles "Karel" Bouley was fired in 2008 for calling for the death of Joe the Plumber in a profane rant. [9]
Former Democrat Congressman from Pennsylvania Paul Kanjorski said, "That Scott down there that's running for governor of Florida. Instead of running for governor of Florida, they ought to have him and shoot him. Put him against the wall and shoot him." [11]
Twitter Users Wish Death on Sarah Palin, YouTube Video Warning:Extremely Vulgar
Bill Maher thinks we should be able to wish Cheney dead, YouTube Video
Madonna To Sarah Palin - I Will Kick Her A**, YouTube Video

Michelle Malkin | » The progressive ?climate of hate:? An illustrated primer, 2000-2010

I could spend all day long doing this.. your willful disregard of the truth is disgusting.

So, a college student blasts his mouth off and you want to compare that to a GOP official. That is sad.


Sure, we can do quid-pro-quo all day long.

What Kanjorski said, however, is very wrong and I condemn it. Immediately.

But of course you do.. he's a republican. I'll be watching to make certain you "immediately" condemn any and all democrats who say stupid shit and call for their resignation.

Have a nice day liberal. :) sure nailed it! You are one careful poster. You never misread anything!
Arkansas Republican resigns after saying Clinton could 'get shot'

Johnny Rhoda, who was chairman of the Republican Party in the Second Congressional District in Arkansas, was quoted in U.S. News this week as saying Clinton could not expect much political support in the state if she ran for president.

"She'd probably get shot at the state line," Rhoda, an insurance agent and the pastor of a small congregation about 70 miles (110 kms) north of the state capital, Little Rock, was quoted as saying by the magazine.

"Nobody has any affection for her. The majority don't," he was quoted as saying.

It's being reported all over the place, not just over yahoo:

Johnny Rhoda, who remarked that Hillary would be shot in Arkansas, resigns from Arkansas Republican Party position | Arkansas Blog | Arkansas news, politics, opinion, restaurants, music, movies and art

Arkansas GOP Official: Hillary Clinton ?Probably Would Get Shot at the State Line? | Americans Against the Tea Party

Arkansas GOP Official Who Suggested Hillary Clinton Would ?Get Shot? Resigns - ABC News

Arkansas GOP Official On Hillary: 'She'd Probably Get Shot' - US News

Arkansas GOPer: Saying Hillary Would 'Get Shot' Wasn't Meant As A Threat
What he said is very dangerous and no doubt most disturbing to many. Threats like that cannot be taken lightly and the police and FBI should investigate the matter!
Arkansas Republican resigns after saying Clinton could 'get shot'

Johnny Rhoda, who was chairman of the Republican Party in the Second Congressional District in Arkansas, was quoted in U.S. News this week as saying Clinton could not expect much political support in the state if she ran for president.

"She'd probably get shot at the state line," Rhoda, an insurance agent and the pastor of a small congregation about 70 miles (110 kms) north of the state capital, Little Rock, was quoted as saying by the magazine.

"Nobody has any affection for her. The majority don't," he was quoted as saying.

It's being reported all over the place, not just over yahoo:

Johnny Rhoda, who remarked that Hillary would be shot in Arkansas, resigns from Arkansas Republican Party position | Arkansas Blog | Arkansas news, politics, opinion, restaurants, music, movies and art

Arkansas GOP Official: Hillary Clinton ?Probably Would Get Shot at the State Line? | Americans Against the Tea Party

Arkansas GOP Official Who Suggested Hillary Clinton Would ?Get Shot? Resigns - ABC News

Arkansas GOP Official On Hillary: 'She'd Probably Get Shot' - US News

Arkansas GOPer: Saying Hillary Would 'Get Shot' Wasn't Meant As A Threat
What he said is very dangerous and no doubt most disturbing to many. Threats like that cannot be taken lightly and the police and FBI should investigate the matter!
Actually what he said was just a figure of speech, but he said it from the wrong position about the wrong person, at the wrong time.
if you say so :cuckoo:

how is it a threat? he is merely speculating on what might happen and you know he was using hyperbole. speculating on what others might do is not a threat jillian. you know this.

Lots of nutbags and cowards use the good old excuse that a threat was "only" hyperbolic. Besides, you don't know for sure how he said it, in what tone of voice, etc... so you are in no position to make that judgement.


Now, sometimes, to defuse a situation or perhaps even to insult an opponent, the person who was threatened can come back and say that is way only hyperbole:

U.S. Calls North Korean Threats Hyperbolic - Bloomberg

That was the USA's way of saying to N. Korea that it is not even important enough to be making threats.

Learn the difference.

it wasn't just the fact it was hyperbole you lying sack. read the rest of my post and respond to those points. i suspect you won't because you know i'm right that you are dead wrong.

oh, no, i said "dead wrong", statist will now complain i threatened him :lol:
what violence was incited? you and statist don't know the meaning of words.

you guys need an education.

You need to learn that speaking in public has limitations.

Coded speech like Johnny's will have a solid response he won't like.


The real adults in the room already know this.

Yurt needs to grow up, grow some and learn.

i notice you're incapable of actually addressing the thread topic and instead stick only to ad homs.

you're incapable of explaining how his words are an incitement to violence or YOUR earlier words claiming it was a call for assassination.

stick to ad homs, you're not mature enough to discuss this topic.
I wouldn't call it sexist. I would call it advocating for assassination of a public figure.

Expect more of this shit as 2016 nears. This is just the tip of the crazy-iceberg.

To their credit, non-batshit-crazy Republicans in Arkansas called this shit out right away. :thup:

it is not advocation. not even remotely. english, learn it.

It was correct English. And yes, he was advocating for assassination.

BTW, when you write a language as a noun, it is capitalized. Also, the first letter of a sentence is to be capitalized as well.

English: learn it.

look up the word. giving his OPINION or SPECULATION on what might happen is not even remotely advocating anything. you're beyond stupid. if you said, hey, what would happen if we sent 50,000 troops to iraq and i said: well, a few hundred might die.

now, using your logic, i'm advocating for the soldiers to die.

So...these Republicans saying shit like this, or "legitimate rape", or other nonsense......don't have the discipline or sense to STOP talking before that nonsense comes out.

Yet, they want us to trust them with that split second decision at 2am when all hell is breaking lose.

Yeah. If they were in charge, we'd be in a ground war in Libya over Benghazi, and we'd be starting the 3rd Iraq War, and probably be bombing Iran just to add it in.

Republicans....just stop it. Stick to being mayors of tiny towns, and let the adults to the big boy work.

You're a fucking moron.





And you do realize every one of those folks were breaking the law?

True, but when has a Democrat ever cared about that? When did any Democrat ever denounce this kind of behaviour?

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