Armed Black Panther March In Stone Mountain, GA Today

Lucky they weren't from Chicago or Baltimore, they probably would have shot each other.

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Guns they've been shooting for 2 weeks. :aargh:
Wait until the unexpected happens.
Most of them couldn't hit the broad side of a barn from the inside with their ghetto technique.

That's a very stupid assumption. There are idiots with guns on the left and the right and there are skilled operators on the left and the right. There are literally 10s of thousands of US military trained fighters on the left. Gangs and others with evil intent join the armed forces regularly.

Now, imagine these were armed white folks chanting "white power".

How would the media react?

Why are they masked?

"Starting to get the picture why Dems have been pushing the mask bullsh*t? "

They can't do right, can they? Either everyone is whining that they protested without masks, breaking the rules, or now they're whining that they are wearing masks (implied like bandits)?
The entirety of the US rejects the KKK and we have shamed them practically out of existence.


In fact if there are 1000 klansmen in the country, you can bet 500 of them are FBI Agents or informants. The other half are pathetic closet queers and trailer trash.

Pete, if the KKK were the only white supremacist group in the US, we'd be in pretty good shape, at least if you're right about their numbers. But there are a lot of them, and it's shorthand to use "KKK" to refer to the bunch.
Most of them couldn't hit the broad side of a barn from the inside with their ghetto technique.

That's a very stupid assumption. There are idiots with guns on the left and the right and there are skilled operators on the left and the right. There are literally 10s of thousands of US military trained fighters on the left. Gangs and others with evil intent join the armed forces regularly.
While there are in fact gang bangerrs with military training, they are the exception....The overwhelming majority of them are spray-and-pray shooters.
Armed black protesters marched in Geogia on Independence Day to protest one of the largest Confederate monuments in the world.

“Stone Mountain Confederate Memorial, a nine-story-high bas-relief sculpture carved into a sprawling rock face northeast of Atlanta, is perhaps the South’s most audacious monument to its pro-slavery legacy still intact,” Reuters reported on Friday. “The monument – which reopens on Independence Day weekend after the COVID-19 pandemic forced it to close for weeks – has faced renewed calls for removal since the May 25 killing of George Floyd, a Black man who died during an arrest by a white police officer who pinned his neck to the ground with a knee.”

Upon reopening, a huge group of armed Black protesters marched through Stone Mountain.

They need to LEAVE IT ALONE. This is a work of art.

When it comes to mass produced Confederate Memorials, I don't care...they need to go. They were produced for one main purpose. They aren't art.
Hmmm, no you don't get to decide that, not unless you get consensus from a majority to do so.

They are artfully done, and in fact that is all they are viewed as being now (works of art). Of course you will have those whom might solute the statue's because they don't like any culture except for their own, and so that will always exist regardless of a monument or statue being anywhere erected for them to idolize, but if one exist, then at least they visit it, and honor it peacefully and privately.

The only alternative is to create gardens and statue's of ones own liking, and hope that many will visit them, and I'm sure that they will come to visit them.

Now don't say that you, and your friends, family or folks that think like you, can't get the money to do so... I mean with all the filthy rich black athletes and leftist in this country now, then why don't we as American's see more in the form of the blacks, neutrals or leftist honoring some of their black and leftist historic heroes of the past, otherwise by creating statue's for them in rememberence of, and then placing them in beautiful gardens that represent peace and harmony in respect to them ???

Look sadly racism will always exist on all sides, but for those whom want to live in harmony together be it black, white or etc, then we do that very well also.

Many have issues with different cultures and lifestyles, and they want to live separate from them, and they don't want it shove down their throats, and they don't want their children exposed to that which they don't agree with.

Trying to force the issues is when people get upset, and they begin to push back in everyway they can, and if that means using very controversial figures of the past to take a stand against those whom want to somehow dominate them in the future, then they will revert back.

It's best to give each other space in order to come together while not invading people's private spaces in which enrages them to anger.

Am I right here ??
Armed black protesters marched in Geogia on Independence Day to protest one of the largest Confederate monuments in the world.

“Stone Mountain Confederate Memorial, a nine-story-high bas-relief sculpture carved into a sprawling rock face northeast of Atlanta, is perhaps the South’s most audacious monument to its pro-slavery legacy still intact,” Reuters reported on Friday. “The monument – which reopens on Independence Day weekend after the COVID-19 pandemic forced it to close for weeks – has faced renewed calls for removal since the May 25 killing of George Floyd, a Black man who died during an arrest by a white police officer who pinned his neck to the ground with a knee.”

Upon reopening, a huge group of armed Black protesters marched through Stone Mountain.

They need to LEAVE IT ALONE. This is a work of art.

When it comes to mass produced Confederate Memorials, I don't care...they need to go. They were produced for one main purpose. They aren't art.
Hmmm, no you don't get to decide that, not unless you get consensus from a majority to do so.

They are artfully done, and in fact that is all they are viewed as being now (works of art). Of course you will have those whom might solute the statue's because they don't like any culture except for their own, and so that will always exist regardless of a monument or statue being anywhere erected for them to idolize, but if one exist, then at least they visit it, and honor it peacefully and privately.

The only alternative is to create gardens and statue's of ones own liking, and hope that many will visit them, and I'm sure that they will come to visit them.

Now don't say that you, and your friends, family or folks that think like you, can't get the money to do so... I mean with all the filthy rich black athletes and leftist in this country now, then why don't we as American's see more in the form of the blacks, neutrals or leftist honoring some of their black and leftist historic heroes of the past, otherwise by creating statue's for them in rememberence of, and then placing them in beautiful gardens that represent peace and harmony in respect to them ???

Look sadly racism will always exist on all sides, but for those whom want to live in harmony together be it black, white or etc, then we do that very well also.

Many have issues with different cultures and lifestyles, and they want to live separate from them, and they don't want it shove down their throats, and they don't want their children exposed to that which they don't agree with.

Trying to force the issues is when people get upset, and they begin to push back in everyway they can, and if that means using very controversial figures of the past to take a stand against those whom want to somehow dominate them in the future, then they will revert back.

It's best to give each other space in order to come together while not invading people's private spaces in which enrages them to anger.

Am I right here ??

Are you right? It depends.

Look at "trying to force the issue" - isn't that what occurred with the orchestrated erections of mass produced confederate memorials? Forcing an issue - ie - white supremacy?
Armed black protesters marched in Geogia on Independence Day to protest one of the largest Confederate monuments in the world.

“Stone Mountain Confederate Memorial, a nine-story-high bas-relief sculpture carved into a sprawling rock face northeast of Atlanta, is perhaps the South’s most audacious monument to its pro-slavery legacy still intact,” Reuters reported on Friday. “The monument – which reopens on Independence Day weekend after the COVID-19 pandemic forced it to close for weeks – has faced renewed calls for removal since the May 25 killing of George Floyd, a Black man who died during an arrest by a white police officer who pinned his neck to the ground with a knee.”

Upon reopening, a huge group of armed Black protesters marched through Stone Mountain.

Armed eh ?? So what do they want, a war with the law AGAIN ??

Attacking memorials are highly illegal, so if they even attempt to mess with a monument, then they are going to find out just why they keep going to jail or prison in unprecedented numbers. Trust me their numbers can be accommodated if they keep the bullcrap up.

The nation is getting a belly full of the bullcrap already, so it best that they calm themselves down, unless they are trying to provoke a war with all their actions, and if that is the case then God help this nation, because when the smoke clears the righteous who are American's will have once again prevailed in the face of being attacked.

I'm sorry that I had to hit the disagree icon on your post. There seems to be no resistance to this one sided race war that is designed to erase our history and misrepresent the history of whites. What happened to people like Richard Spencer and David Duke? Where is Don Black and Stormfront or the alt - right? they are so poor they cannot buy their own server and remain in a constant place on the Internet. Meanwhile Black Lies Matter has blackmailed hundreds of American corporations out of millions upon millions of dollars on a genocidal hate campaign against the white people and American heritage. Since no preacher or politician is sounding the alarm, it is beginning to look like it is me alone that is willing to do more than hide behind a keyboard. So, open challenge to BLM - Face to face debate, equal time, equal footing.
That is their right.
Very good answer! It is their right..and I'm sure that most of us can remember Klan marches...Aryan Nation marches....White Identity marches..usually all together in solidarity. Klowns dressed in pseudo-military uniforms...chanting white power! It was and is their right as well--although..given the current might not be wise.
These guys didn't look like klowns. They looked like they meant business--stay out of their way.
It apparently stayed peaceful--the media hardly touched it. Not sure they were Black Panthers though--nothing on their website about it, no news articles mentioned it.
Cover yourself...your Boomer brainwash is showing. They didn't look any more or less competent than any other 2A, open carry group in public display.
Your Nog fears are playing tricks with your eyes.


Not shocked at all. Obama did more for the Muslim brotherhood and Iran then he did America and American s.
I remember when a bunch of armed white men took over and occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.
Wow, I wrote a post, and the thread undoubtedly got merged the instance I hit reply. Poof it was gone.

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