armed BLACK shoots UNARMED white

how come it's not all over MSM?? o yes--the innocent, non-criminal white got shot

Video shows man being shot dead as he gets money out of ATM | Daily Mail Online
I am all for good law abiding citizens getting concealed weapons permits. No one is saying that’s the problem. Why don’t more cons arm themselves and protect us?

We do. THat's why burglaries in this country are generally planned to avoid the homeowners, instead of targeting them with home invasions.
yes they usually don't want the homeowners around...even when the homeowners are there sometimes, you can see the burglars are unaware they are there
how come it's not all over MSM?? o yes--the innocent, non-criminal white got shot

Video shows man being shot dead as he gets money out of ATM | Daily Mail Online
I am all for good law abiding citizens getting concealed weapons permits. No one is saying that’s the problem. Why don’t more cons arm themselves and protect us?

We do. THat's why burglaries in this country are generally planned to avoid the homeowners, instead of targeting them with home invasions.
yes they usually don't want the homeowners around...even when the homeowners are there sometimes, you can see the burglars are unaware they are there

Which is very good for the home owners, even the ones that are anti-gun liberals.
It is a sad state of affairs. A man loses his life over a few bucks.
But to the point of the OP...yes, if this was in say Texas, and the ATM user was black and the assailant was white...this would be national news...and Al "the Shark" Sharpton and Jesse "Deep Pockets" Jackson would have been there in a day accepting donations and organizing a march.
Street crime rarely makes the news anywhere but locally. This is not a police shooting. If this was this and that was that and Sharpton and Jackson blah, blah, blah. White Supremacists have got to be the whiniest crybaby snowflakes we have. I`m surprised this idiot isn`t calling it a hate crime.
it is a hate crime---the BLACK shot the WHITE
blacks call everything a hate crime/racist when a black is shot
so because it's not a police shooting, that makes it BETTER!!!??????!!!!!!!!
You don`t know what constitutes a hate crime so I`m here to help you stop making an ass of yourself. You`re welcome.
Definition of HATE CRIME
It is a sad state of affairs. A man loses his life over a few bucks.
But to the point of the OP...yes, if this was in say Texas, and the ATM user was black and the assailant was white...this would be national news...and Al "the Shark" Sharpton and Jesse "Deep Pockets" Jackson would have been there in a day accepting donations and organizing a march.
Street crime rarely makes the news anywhere but locally. This is not a police shooting. If this was this and that was that and Sharpton and Jackson blah, blah, blah. White Supremacists have got to be the whiniest crybaby snowflakes we have. I`m surprised this idiot isn`t calling it a hate crime.
it is a hate crime---the BLACK shot the WHITE
blacks call everything a hate crime/racist when a black is shot
so because it's not a police shooting, that makes it BETTER!!!??????!!!!!!!!
You don`t know what constitutes a hate crime so I`m here to help you stop making an ass of yourself. You`re welcome.
Definition of HATE CRIME
oo--sure--!!! you get it !!!!!!!!!!!!..I know .....
....please tell that to the BLACKS who think EVERYTHING is a hate crime when it comes to them I get to say EVERYTHING is a hate crime when a black attacks/etc a white
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how come it's not all over MSM?? o yes--the innocent, non-criminal white got shot

Video shows man being shot dead as he gets money out of ATM | Daily Mail Online
I am all for good law abiding citizens getting concealed weapons permits. No one is saying that’s the problem. Why don’t more cons arm themselves and protect us?

We do. THat's why burglaries in this country are generally planned to avoid the homeowners, instead of targeting them with home invasions.
yes they usually don't want the homeowners around...even when the homeowners are there sometimes, you can see the burglars are unaware they are there
Or they walk quietly. I would hate to not have a gun during a home invasion. Republicans need to realize we aren’t talking about taking guns away. We know guns are here to stay. Republicans need to stop arguing something we aren’t even suggesting. That way we can come up with some rational solutions. Some ideas will even come from republicans like stop making shoot em up video games for people under 21. Parents can be fined if another parent turns them in for playing grand theft auto around their kids. It’s oscene and parents don’t even realize it. Or they give in and allow it.
how come it's not all over MSM?? o yes--the innocent, non-criminal white got shot

Video shows man being shot dead as he gets money out of ATM | Daily Mail Online
I am all for good law abiding citizens getting concealed weapons permits. No one is saying that’s the problem. Why don’t more cons arm themselves and protect us?

We do. THat's why burglaries in this country are generally planned to avoid the homeowners, instead of targeting them with home invasions.
yes they usually don't want the homeowners around...even when the homeowners are there sometimes, you can see the burglars are unaware they are there
Or they walk quietly. I would hate to not have a gun during a home invasion. Republicans need to realize we aren’t talking about taking guns away. We know guns are here to stay. Republicans need to stop arguing something we aren’t even suggesting. That way we can come up with some rational solutions. Some ideas will even come from republicans like stop making shoot em up video games for people under 21. Parents can be fined if another parent turns them in for playing grand theft auto around their kids. It’s oscene and parents don’t even realize it. Or they give in and allow it.

You need to listen to your own side more.

Many of them are quite honest, in the heat of the moment, about their desire to take away all our guns.

Many of their proposals, such as holding gun owners responsible for crimes committed with stolen guns, would make gun owner ship of any gun, problematic.

The logic many of them use, if you really think about it, is open ended, and if accepted as a reason to make law, will support ever more restrictions.
how come it's not all over MSM?? o yes--the innocent, non-criminal white got shot

Video shows man being shot dead as he gets money out of ATM | Daily Mail Online
I am all for good law abiding citizens getting concealed weapons permits. No one is saying that’s the problem. Why don’t more cons arm themselves and protect us?

We do. THat's why burglaries in this country are generally planned to avoid the homeowners, instead of targeting them with home invasions.
I love this story. Bums in this city were being assaulted and battered so residents armed the bums and spread the word bums are armed and will defend themselves. No one bothers bums anymore. It might not even be true but it’s a deterrent for me if I ever thought about bothering them. Lol
my coworker said he leaves guns around the house
the NY prisoners that escaped got a gun from an unoccupied home
...I see ''many'' times guns stolen from homes --burglars running on video with handfuls of weapons
..I know if I had valuables I would lock them up and/or not leave them in a place where I was going to be away from some time
many guns get stolen from cars---I had one car accident in about 3 years and the guy I hit said he had his gun stolen from his car ....what are the odds??!!!
how come it's not all over MSM?? o yes--the innocent, non-criminal white got shot

Video shows man being shot dead as he gets money out of ATM | Daily Mail Online
I am all for good law abiding citizens getting concealed weapons permits. No one is saying that’s the problem. Why don’t more cons arm themselves and protect us?

We do. THat's why burglaries in this country are generally planned to avoid the homeowners, instead of targeting them with home invasions.
I love this story. Bums in this city were being assaulted and battered so residents armed the bums and spread the word bums are armed and will defend themselves. No one bothers bums anymore. It might not even be true but it’s a deterrent for me if I ever thought about bothering them. Lol

NOt sure why you consider that a joke.

Burglars generally want money.

If there is no chance the homeowner is armed, then you can force the homeowner to show you where the money is, maybe even force them to take money out of an ATM.

IF there is a chance that you will get into a firefight, then the smarter move is to rob the place when you can reasonably hope to not run into anyone.

What part of this does not make sense to you?
how come it's not all over MSM?? o yes--the innocent, non-criminal white got shot

Video shows man being shot dead as he gets money out of ATM | Daily Mail Online
I am all for good law abiding citizens getting concealed weapons permits. No one is saying that’s the problem. Why don’t more cons arm themselves and protect us?

We do. THat's why burglaries in this country are generally planned to avoid the homeowners, instead of targeting them with home invasions.
yes they usually don't want the homeowners around...even when the homeowners are there sometimes, you can see the burglars are unaware they are there
Or they walk quietly. I would hate to not have a gun during a home invasion. Republicans need to realize we aren’t talking about taking guns away. We know guns are here to stay. Republicans need to stop arguing something we aren’t even suggesting. That way we can come up with some rational solutions. Some ideas will even come from republicans like stop making shoot em up video games for people under 21. Parents can be fined if another parent turns them in for playing grand theft auto around their kids. It’s oscene and parents don’t even realize it. Or they give in and allow it.

You need to listen to your own side more.

Many of them are quite honest, in the heat of the moment, about their desire to take away all our guns.

Many of their proposals, such as holding gun owners responsible for crimes committed with stolen guns, would make gun owner ship of any gun, problematic.

The logic many of them use, if you really think about it, is open ended, and if accepted as a reason to make law, will support ever more restrictions.
I even admit after awhile a lot of the things I’ve proposed aren’t going to do anything and aren’t fair to us law abiding citizens.

I wouldn’t mind closing some fucked up loopholes, etc. think of it this way. Let’s figure out ways to stop sleeper cell ISIS from getting their hands on weapons. What things could we do? I wouldn’t mind making background checks mandatory and more thorough. Limit magazines to ten bullets, no bump stocks, no internet sales without background checks. This is serious shit. If I sell a car I have to transfer title. You have to register with Secretary of State.

If your kid shoots someone you’re liable. Things like these examples
The ATM customer attacked the armed robber, got shot, armed robber gets life! What's the issue the media needs to pollute the airwaves with?
I am all for good law abiding citizens getting concealed weapons permits. No one is saying that’s the problem. Why don’t more cons arm themselves and protect us?

We do. THat's why burglaries in this country are generally planned to avoid the homeowners, instead of targeting them with home invasions.
yes they usually don't want the homeowners around...even when the homeowners are there sometimes, you can see the burglars are unaware they are there
Or they walk quietly. I would hate to not have a gun during a home invasion. Republicans need to realize we aren’t talking about taking guns away. We know guns are here to stay. Republicans need to stop arguing something we aren’t even suggesting. That way we can come up with some rational solutions. Some ideas will even come from republicans like stop making shoot em up video games for people under 21. Parents can be fined if another parent turns them in for playing grand theft auto around their kids. It’s oscene and parents don’t even realize it. Or they give in and allow it.

You need to listen to your own side more.

Many of them are quite honest, in the heat of the moment, about their desire to take away all our guns.

Many of their proposals, such as holding gun owners responsible for crimes committed with stolen guns, would make gun owner ship of any gun, problematic.

The logic many of them use, if you really think about it, is open ended, and if accepted as a reason to make law, will support ever more restrictions.
I even admit after awhile a lot of the things I’ve proposed aren’t going to do anything and aren’t fair to us law abiding citizens.

I wouldn’t mind closing some fucked up loopholes, etc. think of it this way. Let’s figure out ways to stop sleeper cell ISIS from getting their hands on weapons. What things could we do? I wouldn’t mind making background checks mandatory and more thorough. Limit magazines to ten bullets, no bump stocks, no internet sales without background checks. This is serious shit. If I sell a car I have to transfer title. You have to register with Secretary of State.

If your kid shoots someone you’re liable. Things like these examples

Muslim terrorists have shown that they are quite capable of improvising weapons, from home make bombs to innovative use of trucks.

YOu want to reduce danger from Muslims? Reduce Muslim immigration. To effectively zero.
The ATM customer attacked the armed robber, got shot, armed robber gets life! What's the issue the media needs to pollute the airwaves with?

The customer did not attack the armed robber.

The armed robber approached and threatened the victim, who fought back.

THe armed robber than shot and murdered the victim.

I'm unclear over how much his mother saw.

Plenty of issues here.

Number one. Release this piece of shit's juvenile record. THe PUblic needs to know what is going on with these types of cases.

Specifically, I want to know how many times this piece of shit was released back into the community to prey upon the innocent.

Time to profile pieces of shit and lock them up faster and longer, instead of pretending that they are innocent children.
It is a sad state of affairs. A man loses his life over a few bucks.
But to the point of the OP...yes, if this was in say Texas, and the ATM user was black and the assailant was white...this would be national news...and Al the Shark Sharpton and Jesse "Deep Pockets" Jackson would have been there in a day accepting donations and organizing a march.
yes --the other big difference would be they would include the races if the shooter was white

Another idiotic post. This is just another stupid attempt to justify the police shooting of an unarmed black man. Here the perp is a criminal and the shooting is the result of his criminal action. He was arrested and charged with murder and will most likely be convicted. What is noteworthy about this story? Nothing. Racially significant? Ditto.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It is a sad state of affairs. A man loses his life over a few bucks.
But to the point of the OP...yes, if this was in say Texas, and the ATM user was black and the assailant was white...this would be national news...and Al the Shark Sharpton and Jesse "Deep Pockets" Jackson would have been there in a day accepting donations and organizing a march.
yes --the other big difference would be they would include the races if the shooter was white

Another idiotic post. This is just another stupid attempt to justify the police shooting of an unarmed black man. Here the perp is a criminal and the shooting is the result of his criminal action. He was arrested and charged with murder and will most likely be convicted. What is noteworthy about this story? Nothing. Racially significant? Ditto.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
you are a racist think it's ok for a black to MURDER a white, but not for a cop to use SELF DEFENSE
you prove my point perfectly
It is a sad state of affairs. A man loses his life over a few bucks.
But to the point of the OP...yes, if this was in say Texas, and the ATM user was black and the assailant was white...this would be national news...and Al the Shark Sharpton and Jesse "Deep Pockets" Jackson would have been there in a day accepting donations and organizing a march.
yes --the other big difference would be they would include the races if the shooter was white

Another idiotic post. This is just another stupid attempt to justify the police shooting of an unarmed black man. Here the perp is a criminal and the shooting is the result of his criminal action. He was arrested and charged with murder and will most likely be convicted. What is noteworthy about this story? Nothing. Racially significant? Ditto.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
you are a racist think it's ok for a black to MURDER a white, but not for a cop to use SELF DEFENSE
you prove my point perfectly

You’re an idiot and you prove that perfectly. Your post doesn’t deserve discussion, but you folks in the retard racist category, just have to chime in and show off your <60 IQ rating.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The ATM customer attacked the armed robber, got shot, armed robber gets life! What's the issue the media needs to pollute the airwaves with?

The customer did not attack the armed robber.

The armed robber approached and threatened the victim, who fought back.

THe armed robber than shot and murdered the victim.

I'm unclear over how much his mother saw.

Plenty of issues here.

Number one. Release this piece of shit's juvenile record. THe PUblic needs to know what is going on with these types of cases.

Specifically, I want to know how many times this piece of shit was released back into the community to prey upon the innocent.

Time to profile pieces of shit and lock them up faster and longer, instead of pretending that they are innocent children.
Or rehabilitate better the ones who do deserve a second chance.

I’m a different person than I was in my teens. Aren’t you?

But I feel you. If we aren’t going to rehabilitate them then don’t let them back out.

I think how you behave in prison should matter just as much as what you did. If you still are a danger I don’t care that you served your time.

But the entire systems screwed up. How about parents stop producing criminals? We can profile what all criminals have in common and try to stop doing those things. Fatherlessness is a big one. People need to stop having kids they won’t raise right

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