armed BLACK shoots UNARMED white

Cutting back on foodstamps and welfare might be the solution. Then poor people won’t make the same mistake twice. That lowers the odds they’ll produce a criminal and they’ll be forced to work to take care of their one kid. We can’t encourage multiple mistakes
The ATM customer attacked the armed robber, got shot, armed robber gets life! What's the issue the media needs to pollute the airwaves with?
--------------------------------------- this incident should be shown . Now is ok but shoulda been nationwide news when it happened Kiss .
The ATM customer attacked the armed robber, got shot, armed robber gets life! What's the issue the media needs to pollute the airwaves with?

The customer did not attack the armed robber.

The armed robber approached and threatened the victim, who fought back.

THe armed robber than shot and murdered the victim.

I'm unclear over how much his mother saw.

Plenty of issues here.

Number one. Release this piece of shit's juvenile record. THe PUblic needs to know what is going on with these types of cases.

Specifically, I want to know how many times this piece of shit was released back into the community to prey upon the innocent.

Time to profile pieces of shit and lock them up faster and longer, instead of pretending that they are innocent children.
Or rehabilitate better the ones who do deserve a second chance.

I’m a different person than I was in my teens. Aren’t you?

But I feel you. If we aren’t going to rehabilitate them then don’t let them back out.

I think how you behave in prison should matter just as much as what you did. If you still are a danger I don’t care that you served your time.

But the entire systems screwed up. How about parents stop producing criminals? We can profile what all criminals have in common and try to stop doing those things. Fatherlessness is a big one. People need to stop having kids they won’t raise right

Fatherless is a huge one, maybe the primary one.

I've seen the profile of real bad actors. Early and often arrests by police is a big one.

We don't need to put these kids away forever, just until they grow out of their violent phase, which is mostly their youth.

What I would expect, if we could see this kids records, is that we could have seen by the time he was 15 or 16, that he was not going to be a productive member of society anytime soon.

At that point, the next time he was arrested, he could have been profiled and given a longer sentence, designed to get him out of his peak offending years, before he was left back out.

THen, when he was 30 or 40, I forget the age when they tend to settle down, he could get out and have a chance at a life.

NOw, he's done.
The ATM customer attacked the armed robber, got shot, armed robber gets life! What's the issue the media needs to pollute the airwaves with?
----------------------------------------------- [chuckle] funny and i some what agree that SOME of the young Parkland Pity Party anti gunners and allies want to be able to attack with no consequences or chance of meeting an Armed American that will defend themselves Kiss .
The ATM customer attacked the armed robber, got shot, armed robber gets life! What's the issue the media needs to pollute the airwaves with?

The customer did not attack the armed robber.

The armed robber approached and threatened the victim, who fought back.

THe armed robber than shot and murdered the victim.

I'm unclear over how much his mother saw.

Plenty of issues here.

Number one. Release this piece of shit's juvenile record. THe PUblic needs to know what is going on with these types of cases.

Specifically, I want to know how many times this piece of shit was released back into the community to prey upon the innocent.

Time to profile pieces of shit and lock them up faster and longer, instead of pretending that they are innocent children.
Or rehabilitate better the ones who do deserve a second chance.

I’m a different person than I was in my teens. Aren’t you?

But I feel you. If we aren’t going to rehabilitate them then don’t let them back out.

I think how you behave in prison should matter just as much as what you did. If you still are a danger I don’t care that you served your time.

But the entire systems screwed up. How about parents stop producing criminals? We can profile what all criminals have in common and try to stop doing those things. Fatherlessness is a big one. People need to stop having kids they won’t raise right

Fatherless is a huge one, maybe the primary one.

I've seen the profile of real bad actors. Early and often arrests by police is a big one.

We don't need to put these kids away forever, just until they grow out of their violent phase, which is mostly their youth.

What I would expect, if we could see this kids records, is that we could have seen by the time he was 15 or 16, that he was not going to be a productive member of society anytime soon.

At that point, the next time he was arrested, he could have been profiled and given a longer sentence, designed to get him out of his peak offending years, before he was left back out.

THen, when he was 30 or 40, I forget the age when they tend to settle down, he could get out and have a chance at a life.

NOw, he's done.
Nip it in the butt early. Or is it bud? You get the point
my coworker said he leaves guns around the house
the NY prisoners that escaped got a gun from an unoccupied home
...I see ''many'' times guns stolen from homes --burglars running on video with handfuls of weapons
..I know if I had valuables I would lock them up and/or not leave them in a place where I was going to be away from some time
many guns get stolen from cars---I had one car accident in about 3 years and the guy I hit said he had his gun stolen from his car ....what are the odds??!!!
Guns have vworth they are attractive to theives. Yes, keep them locked up and do not show them to people, common sense. Again people problem not gun problem.
The ATM customer attacked the armed robber, got shot, armed robber gets life! What's the issue the media needs to pollute the airwaves with?

The customer did not attack the armed robber.

The armed robber approached and threatened the victim, who fought back.

THe armed robber than shot and murdered the victim.

I'm unclear over how much his mother saw.

Plenty of issues here.

Number one. Release this piece of shit's juvenile record. THe PUblic needs to know what is going on with these types of cases.

Specifically, I want to know how many times this piece of shit was released back into the community to prey upon the innocent.

Time to profile pieces of shit and lock them up faster and longer, instead of pretending that they are innocent children.
Or rehabilitate better the ones who do deserve a second chance.

I’m a different person than I was in my teens. Aren’t you?

But I feel you. If we aren’t going to rehabilitate them then don’t let them back out.

I think how you behave in prison should matter just as much as what you did. If you still are a danger I don’t care that you served your time.

But the entire systems screwed up. How about parents stop producing criminals? We can profile what all criminals have in common and try to stop doing those things. Fatherlessness is a big one. People need to stop having kids they won’t raise right

Fatherless is a huge one, maybe the primary one.

I've seen the profile of real bad actors. Early and often arrests by police is a big one.

We don't need to put these kids away forever, just until they grow out of their violent phase, which is mostly their youth.

What I would expect, if we could see this kids records, is that we could have seen by the time he was 15 or 16, that he was not going to be a productive member of society anytime soon.

At that point, the next time he was arrested, he could have been profiled and given a longer sentence, designed to get him out of his peak offending years, before he was left back out.

THen, when he was 30 or 40, I forget the age when they tend to settle down, he could get out and have a chance at a life.

NOw, he's done.
Nip it in the butt early. Or is it bud? You get the point

We would save not only a lot of people a lot of harm from them, but we would save them from escalating their crime to the point of ruining their lives forever.
The ATM customer attacked the armed robber, got shot, armed robber gets life! What's the issue the media needs to pollute the airwaves with?

The customer did not attack the armed robber.

The armed robber approached and threatened the victim, who fought back.

THe armed robber than shot and murdered the victim.

I'm unclear over how much his mother saw.

Plenty of issues here.

Number one. Release this piece of shit's juvenile record. THe PUblic needs to know what is going on with these types of cases.

Specifically, I want to know how many times this piece of shit was released back into the community to prey upon the innocent.

Time to profile pieces of shit and lock them up faster and longer, instead of pretending that they are innocent children.
Or rehabilitate better the ones who do deserve a second chance.

I’m a different person than I was in my teens. Aren’t you?

But I feel you. If we aren’t going to rehabilitate them then don’t let them back out.

I think how you behave in prison should matter just as much as what you did. If you still are a danger I don’t care that you served your time.

But the entire systems screwed up. How about parents stop producing criminals? We can profile what all criminals have in common and try to stop doing those things. Fatherlessness is a big one. People need to stop having kids they won’t raise right

Fatherless is a huge one, maybe the primary one.

I've seen the profile of real bad actors. Early and often arrests by police is a big one.

We don't need to put these kids away forever, just until they grow out of their violent phase, which is mostly their youth.

What I would expect, if we could see this kids records, is that we could have seen by the time he was 15 or 16, that he was not going to be a productive member of society anytime soon.

At that point, the next time he was arrested, he could have been profiled and given a longer sentence, designed to get him out of his peak offending years, before he was left back out.

THen, when he was 30 or 40, I forget the age when they tend to settle down, he could get out and have a chance at a life.

NOw, he's done.
Nip it in the butt early. Or is it bud? You get the point

We would save not only a lot of people a lot of harm from them, but we would save them from escalating their crime to the point of ruining their lives forever.
You see that is faulty logic! People will make their own decisions, you can not save them. Too many people to many problems. It has to start at home by the time they are teen agers it is realy tough to fix. Prison and juvie does not work they come out worse than before.
It is a sad state of affairs. A man loses his life over a few bucks.
But to the point of the OP...yes, if this was in say Texas, and the ATM user was black and the assailant was white...this would be national news...and Al "the Shark" Sharpton and Jesse "Deep Pockets" Jackson would have been there in a day accepting donations and organizing a march.
If the roles were reversed, and then the white gunman was let off the hook and not even investigated, then it would make national news. And republicans would be cheering the murder and raising money for the shooter.
It is a sad state of affairs. A man loses his life over a few bucks.
But to the point of the OP...yes, if this was in say Texas, and the ATM user was black and the assailant was white...this would be national news...and Al "the Shark" Sharpton and Jesse "Deep Pockets" Jackson would have been there in a day accepting donations and organizing a march.
If the roles were reversed, and then the white gunman was let off the hook and not even investigated, then it would make national news. And republicans would be cheering the murder and raising money for the shooter.
please show many ''recent'', similar cases with the races reversed ..your just posting crap
It is a sad state of affairs. A man loses his life over a few bucks.
But to the point of the OP...yes, if this was in say Texas, and the ATM user was black and the assailant was white...this would be national news...and Al "the Shark" Sharpton and Jesse "Deep Pockets" Jackson would have been there in a day accepting donations and organizing a march.
If the roles were reversed, and then the white gunman was let off the hook and not even investigated, then it would make national news. And republicans would be cheering the murder and raising money for the shooter.
Indeed they would. They sent George Zimmerman reward money for bagging himself a black guy.
It is a sad state of affairs. A man loses his life over a few bucks.
But to the point of the OP...yes, if this was in say Texas, and the ATM user was black and the assailant was white...this would be national news...and Al "the Shark" Sharpton and Jesse "Deep Pockets" Jackson would have been there in a day accepting donations and organizing a march.
If the roles were reversed, and then the white gunman was let off the hook and not even investigated, then it would make national news. And republicans would be cheering the murder and raising money for the shooter.
This guy will go to jail like he should! Nothing unusual! Also not a hot blonde that got killed nothing special! No national news! He gets off then it will be national news! You are absolutely right!

PS. Do we all realize that news reporters chase ratings? We are getting the news we have asked for! I hope we all realize we as veiwers are to blame for the news we get!
It is a sad state of affairs. A man loses his life over a few bucks.
But to the point of the OP...yes, if this was in say Texas, and the ATM user was black and the assailant was white...this would be national news...and Al "the Shark" Sharpton and Jesse "Deep Pockets" Jackson would have been there in a day accepting donations and organizing a march.
If the roles were reversed, and then the white gunman was let off the hook and not even investigated, then it would make national news. And republicans would be cheering the murder and raising money for the shooter.
It is a sad state of affairs. A man loses his life over a few bucks.
But to the point of the OP...yes, if this was in say Texas, and the ATM user was black and the assailant was white...this would be national news...and Al "the Shark" Sharpton and Jesse "Deep Pockets" Jackson would have been there in a day accepting donations and organizing a march.
If the roles were reversed, and then the white gunman was let off the hook and not even investigated, then it would make national news. And republicans would be cheering the murder and raising money for the shooter.
This guy will go to jail like he should! Nothing unusual! Also not a hot blonde that got killed nothing special! No national news! He gets off then it will be national news! You are absolutely right!

Yes, if he gets off by claiming that he thought the money the victim threw at him was a bomb and that he feared for his life and was then acquitted by a coal black jury, prosecutor, and judge. Then the circumstances would approximately mirror those found in recent “death by police” cases in the news. Funny how by only changing the races of the principals, the perceptions of justification change.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It is a sad state of affairs. A man loses his life over a few bucks.
But to the point of the OP...yes, if this was in say Texas, and the ATM user was black and the assailant was white...this would be national news...and Al "the Shark" Sharpton and Jesse "Deep Pockets" Jackson would have been there in a day accepting donations and organizing a march.
If the roles were reversed, and then the white gunman was let off the hook and not even investigated, then it would make national news. And republicans would be cheering the murder and raising money for the shooter.
Indeed they would. They sent George Zimmerman reward money for bagging himself a black guy.
totally different scenario...please post a comparable scenario
..I will say that is one shooting where they should've protested more/etc
..they?? every republican?? please let's keep it reasonable and not in fairytale land
It is a sad state of affairs. A man loses his life over a few bucks.
But to the point of the OP...yes, if this was in say Texas, and the ATM user was black and the assailant was white...this would be national news...and Al "the Shark" Sharpton and Jesse "Deep Pockets" Jackson would have been there in a day accepting donations and organizing a march.
If the roles were reversed, and then the white gunman was let off the hook and not even investigated, then it would make national news. And republicans would be cheering the murder and raising money for the shooter.
This guy will go to jail like he should! Nothing unusual! Also not a hot blonde that got killed nothing special! No national news! He gets off then it will be national news! You are absolutely right!

Yes, if he gets off by claiming that he thought the money the victim threw at him was a bomb and that he feared for his life and was then acquitted by a coal black jury, prosecutor, and judge. Then the circumstances would approximately mirror those found in recent “death by police” cases in the news. Funny how by only changing the races of the principals, the perceptions of justification change.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
maybe I'm reading it wrong--but are you saying this is comparable to police shootings?
The ATM customer attacked the armed robber, got shot, armed robber gets life! What's the issue the media needs to pollute the airwaves with?
--------------------------------------- this incident should be shown . Now is ok but shoulda been nationwide news when it happened Kiss .
Wrong! Should have only been news if the killer was not charged & allowed to go free like the ones people protest. No need to waste everyone time when the system worked properly.
i disagree , the actual murder was NEWS and should have been reported to the Nation unless media [and YOU] advocate hiding news Kiss .
sad for the dead Gent but best thing about this story and video is that its a WARNING of what can happen Kiss .

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