Armed Good Guy BEATS Armed Bad Guys


Cast Iron Member
Feb 16, 2014
Here's just one more reason why good guys need to carry. Feel free to post other stories of armed good guys beating the bad guys.

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In three seconds this badass took the would be assassins out.
He has got to be ex-military or at the least ex-law enforcement, or both.
If I win the lottery and need security - I WANT THIS GUY!
Another American "clinging to her gun and Bible" shoots a nutcase criminal in self defense:
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A young girl protects herself and her home by shooting a filthy intruder:
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A mother saves herself and children from harm by shooting a dirt-bag burglar 6 times. She gave him every chance to leave but he insisted on committing a crime against this poor lady and her kids. It's too bad she didn't have a more powerful caliber but I'm happy with the outcome:
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Another rapist "bites the dust." Good riddance:
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A "good guy" with a conceal carry .45 "offs" some bad guys in a local store:
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Another scumbag criminal meets his just reward:
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The difference between life and death could be your willingness to defend yourself with the great "equalizer" called -- A GUN!

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