Armed Militias Guard Border Against 'Threat' Of Immigrant Children

Foreign nationals illegally crossing our borders is an invasion. Aiding and abetting an invasion is treason. Treason is a capitol offense. Already been plenty of "excuse" to start shooting. Be careful what you wish for.
Go for it. I'd love to see a bunch of you camouflage wannabe John Wayne faggots on death row.

You're so full of shit. I used to see two or three a month coming down the river so they could avoid the highway. I've seen them walking down Padre Island National seashore and of course you see em in Houston every fucking day.
You seem to be missing the point here, which I will be only too happy when these little boys playing army end up on death row for shooting some unarmed Mexican kid they thought was a threat. Care to join them?
Actually it's not since one of us, me in this case, is in line with the US Constitution while they are not.

when your govt is pretty ineffective because of politics.....some people decide they have to do it themselves....if we had an effective leader in DC,who cared about this Country instead of what his party thinks ..... none of this would be happening....

Funny thing, you still don't get to take the law into your own hands, but you will anyway because you neither respect the law nor the founding document of it here, the Constitution.

i have no problems with Mexicans.....that usually happens when you live among them for 40 years....but i do have problems with you party people who only look at one side of the problem....your precious little Party's side.... and like i said....IF we had effective leadership in Washington.....this shit would not be anything like it is now.....
State ones are, but not to do the work of the Feds. That will get you three hots and a cot.

And when the feds simply refuse to do their job, what are the states supposed to do? Just suck it up and hope for the best?
Yep. That's how it works here.

That is not how the contract between the state and the feds was intended to work. Certain duties were delegated by the states to the feds and if the feds aren't going to carry out those duties, then DC better get used to the states taking that authority back, court rulings and proclamations from the White House or not.
Oh I'm expecting the drug cartels to take out a bunch of these little playing-army morons, and walk away with their wallets and guns. By the time the Border Patrol finds them they should be about the consistency of beef jerky. They might ransom a few off as well, just for more cash...

You do realize a lot of these guys are ex military right? Hmmmm...maybe this is what Napolitano was afraid of. She wasnt worried about returning vets becoming homegrown terrorist. She was afraid they wouldnt put up the planned invasion of beaners.
Rambo versus the guys who shoot first and don't ask questions? Yeah, I'd order the body-bags with the little American flag on them first. Those beaners aren't frogs eh, and they don't care why you got in their way, only that you did.

What exactly are you trying to say here? A bunch of beaner cartel thugs are better trained than our military?
Why do you hate our military? No wonder they despise you libs. Ya better hope you never need em on your side.
a handful of dolts out in the brush carrying weapons.... how effective can they possibly be, how many Mexicans have they actually captured and turned over to ICE ?

pssssssssssssssssst, got news for all of you tough guys ... look in the Bus filled with Mexicans, they're NOT outside in the brush all hot, sweaty, and thirsty, like all of you morons are.

F'n RW's are dummmmmmmmer than a box of hammers ..

How many is a handful? There are ten different militia groups on the border so I'm guessing there's more than a handful.
lots of the drug cartel tough guys are little army playing morons too....they are just somewhat crazier....

Might get entertaining at that.

Poor militia thinks they're such hot stuff but they have no idea what they're going up against. Even the pussy militia-types can handle little unarmed kids but they'll be helpless against drug runners.

Let's just hope its the drug cartel scum and the militia scum that are shooting at each other. The RWs would celebrate an innocent child being gunned down, but I hope that's not what happens.

Ah yes,more displays of hatred towards our Vets. No wonder they hate you libs.
You do realize a lot of these guys are ex military right? Hmmmm...maybe this is what Napolitano was afraid of. She wasnt worried about returning vets becoming homegrown terrorist. She was afraid they wouldnt put up the planned invasion of beaners.
Rambo versus the guys who shoot first and don't ask questions? Yeah, I'd order the body-bags with the little American flag on them first. Those beaners aren't frogs eh, and they don't care why you got in their way, only that you did.

What exactly are you trying to say here? A bunch of beaner cartel thugs are better trained than our military?
Why do you hate our military? No wonder they despise you libs. Ya better hope you never need em on your side.
A bunch of beaner cartel thugs don't wait to shoot.

And I don't hate the cannon fodder, they are very useful at killing things to support our foreign policy on the other side of the planet, usually.
Might get entertaining at that.

Poor militia thinks they're such hot stuff but they have no idea what they're going up against. Even the pussy militia-types can handle little unarmed kids but they'll be helpless against drug runners.

Let's just hope its the drug cartel scum and the militia scum that are shooting at each other. The RWs would celebrate an innocent child being gunned down, but I hope that's not what happens.

Ah yes,more displays of hatred towards our Vets. No wonder they hate you libs.
Hate us? At least we will pay up for their health care and retirement.
Go for it. I'd love to see a bunch of you camouflage wannabe John Wayne faggots on death row.

You're so full of shit. I used to see two or three a month coming down the river so they could avoid the highway. I've seen them walking down Padre Island National seashore and of course you see em in Houston every fucking day.
You seem to be missing the point here, which I will be only too happy when these little boys playing army end up on death row for shooting some unarmed Mexican kid they thought was a threat. Care to join them?

So you're looking forward to seeing little kids shot just to further your agenda?
And you really hope a Vet does it right?

You're one sick fucker.
a handful of dolts out in the brush carrying weapons.... how effective can they possibly be, how many Mexicans have they actually captured and turned over to ICE ?

pssssssssssssssssst, got news for all of you tough guys ... look in the Bus filled with Mexicans, they're NOT outside in the brush all hot, sweaty, and thirsty, like all of you morons are.

F'n RW's are dummmmmmmmer than a box of hammers ..

I've talked about this before but the haters just don't get it. They think a "desert" is just a big litter box full of sand when, in fact, the Sonora desert is called a "sub-tropical desert" for a reason.

These ignorant numbskulls will wander around for a while and then need the Border Patrol to rescue them.
Actually it's not since one of us, me in this case, is in line with the US Constitution while they are not.

when your govt is pretty ineffective because of politics.....some people decide they have to do it themselves....if we had an effective leader in DC,who cared about this Country instead of what his party thinks ..... none of this would be happening....


And as long as the Rrepubs refuse to even discuss the possibility of a vote on the bill they agreed to, the bill that has been growing a beard on Boehner's desk for more than year - As long as they obstruct, the only thing the prez can do is continue to put more Border Patrol on the border and continue to deport - just as he has been doing.

And yet - when they had the choice to ACT on this situation (the refugee children), the Repubs did what they always do - they went on another vacation.

Meanwhile, the president is still at work.
hey Luddy....if he deports a 100 and a 100 more come across.....then it aint working is it?....and we have been told quite a few times on the local news....border crossings have been steadily increasing over the last 3 would probably have to live out here to appreciate that.....
Go for it. I'd love to see a bunch of you camouflage wannabe John Wayne faggots on death row.

You're so full of shit. I used to see two or three a month coming down the river so they could avoid the highway. I've seen them walking down Padre Island National seashore and of course you see em in Houston every fucking day.
You seem to be missing the point here, which I will be only too happy when these little boys playing army end up on death row for shooting some unarmed Mexican kid they thought was a threat. Care to join them?

And then comes the lawsuits by and against the land owners.

when your govt is pretty ineffective because of politics.....some people decide they have to do it themselves....if we had an effective leader in DC,who cared about this Country instead of what his party thinks ..... none of this would be happening....


And as long as the Rrepubs refuse to even discuss the possibility of a vote on the bill they agreed to, the bill that has been growing a beard on Boehner's desk for more than year - As long as they obstruct, the only thing the prez can do is continue to put more Border Patrol on the border and continue to deport - just as he has been doing.

And yet - when they had the choice to ACT on this situation (the refugee children), the Repubs did what they always do - they went on another vacation.

Meanwhile, the president is still at work.
hey Luddy....if he deports a 100 and a 100 more come across.....then it aint working is it?....and we have been told quite a few times on the local news....border crossings have been steadily increasing over the last 3 would probably have to live out here to appreciate that.....

In FACT, border crossing have been steadily DEcreasing for some time now but that's not a good enough excuse for the Do Nothings to Do Nothing while slamming the prez for doing what they should be doing.
This is why we need to start protecting our borders..

These are all self proclaimed illegals.. How man did DHS arrest?






When the Government refuses to do their job protecting this Country, it is up to the States and Citizens to do it.

not one of them are entitled to Reprentation ....but guess who's hands are dirty in that protest?
You Democrat party who in bed with LaRaze

sit back and do nothing let them just run all over you
AND these you future American what's the first they do, shit all over our laws of the land right in our faces

not too many Mexicans out here seem to care what La Raza thinks Steph...they have their ignorant followers ....but i dont see to many giving a fuck what they think....
I live fairly close to the border. If any of them cross my property, I will treat them as trespassers. As for illegals, in 5 years, I have never seen any on my property.

I'm not real concerned, though. The militia types love to do photo ops. It has been peaking out at around 107 degrees down here, and I give them about 4 days of playing soldier before they decide that there is something more important to do in a cooler place.

I will treat them as trespassers.

why?....they are not trespassers unless a court of law says they are....right?.....
Learn the difference between trespasser and illegal alien.

i know the difference.....Vandle says you are not guilty of a crime unless a court convicts you....he said even if he witnesses me shoplifting as long as i was not caught and convicted....i did not shoplift....we went through this in another thread.....
a handful of dolts out in the brush carrying weapons.... how effective can they possibly be, how many Mexicans have they actually captured and turned over to ICE ?

pssssssssssssssssst, got news for all of you tough guys ... look in the Bus filled with Mexicans, they're NOT outside in the brush all hot, sweaty, and thirsty, like all of you morons are.

F'n RW's are dummmmmmmmer than a box of hammers ..

I've talked about this before but the haters just don't get it. They think a "desert" is just a big litter box full of sand when, in fact, the Sonora desert is called a "sub-tropical desert" for a reason.

These ignorant numbskulls will wander around for a while and then need the Border Patrol to rescue them.

sure they will Luddy.........
This is why we need to start protecting our borders..

These are all self proclaimed illegals.. How man did DHS arrest?






When the Government refuses to do their job protecting this Country, it is up to the States and Citizens to do it.

not one of them are entitled to Reprentation ....but guess who's hands are dirty in that protest?
You Democrat party who in bed with LaRaze

sit back and do nothing let them just run all over you

Look Stephanie! They had more people there than your American Spring. How'd that happen?

Terrified little kids against the gang that couldn't shoot straight -

It wont be a pretty sight.

I hope those big brave he-men militia types took along some basic supplies ..

a handful of dolts out in the brush carrying weapons.... how effective can they possibly be, how many Mexicans have they actually captured and turned over to ICE ?

pssssssssssssssssst, got news for all of you tough guys ... look in the Bus filled with Mexicans, they're NOT outside in the brush all hot, sweaty, and thirsty, like all of you morons are.

F'n RW's are dummmmmmmmer than a box of hammers ..

True. American traitors are smuggling them in by air-conditioned aircraft. Sound like aiding and abetting to me.
a handful of dolts out in the brush carrying weapons.... how effective can they possibly be, how many Mexicans have they actually captured and turned over to ICE ?

pssssssssssssssssst, got news for all of you tough guys ... look in the Bus filled with Mexicans, they're NOT outside in the brush all hot, sweaty, and thirsty, like all of you morons are.

F'n RW's are dummmmmmmmer than a box of hammers ..

I've talked about this before but the haters just don't get it. They think a "desert" is just a big litter box full of sand when, in fact, the Sonora desert is called a "sub-tropical desert" for a reason.

These ignorant numbskulls will wander around for a while and then need the Border Patrol to rescue them.

sure they will Luddy.........

Seriously Harry - I lived in that desert for more than 25 years. Those kids grew up in that desert. The silly-ass shoot-em-up-bang-bang-boys are way out of their league.

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