Armed Militias Guard Border Against 'Threat' Of Immigrant Children

This is why we need to start protecting our borders..

These are all self proclaimed illegals.. How man did DHS arrest?






When the Government refuses to do their job protecting this Country, it is up to the States and Citizens to do it.

not one of them are entitled to Reprentation ....but guess who's hands are dirty in that protest?
You Democrat party who in bed with LaRaze

sit back and do nothing let them just run all over you
AND these you future American what's the first they do, shit all over our laws of the land right in our faces

"Nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws," applied to all persons "without regard to any differences of race, of color, or of nationality," and to "an alien, who has entered the country, and has become subject in all respects to its jurisdiction, and a part of its population, although alleged to be illegally here."

read the last 6 words you moron, then ask yourself if you REALLY abide by the Constitution of the United States.. THE LAW.

And as long as the Rrepubs refuse to even discuss the possibility of a vote on the bill they agreed to, the bill that has been growing a beard on Boehner's desk for more than year - As long as they obstruct, the only thing the prez can do is continue to put more Border Patrol on the border and continue to deport - just as he has been doing.

And yet - when they had the choice to ACT on this situation (the refugee children), the Repubs did what they always do - they went on another vacation.

Meanwhile, the president is still at work.
hey Luddy....if he deports a 100 and a 100 more come across.....then it aint working is it?....and we have been told quite a few times on the local news....border crossings have been steadily increasing over the last 3 would probably have to live out here to appreciate that.....

In FACT, border crossing have been steadily DEcreasing for some time now but that's not a good enough excuse for the Do Nothings to Do Nothing while slamming the prez for doing what they should be doing.

sorry thats not what we are told on the local news here......its been steadily increasing the last 3 that what they tell you 3,000 miles away from here?...if there is a 117% increase just with kids this year trying to cross as compared to last year...and 12% among older is it down?....
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Armed Militias Guard Border Against 'Threat' Of Immigrant Children

Unaffiliated "militia" groups armed with semi-automatic rifles, masks, camouflage and tactical gear have been spotted in the Texas Rio Grande Valley, protecting the U.S.-Mexico border, one can only assume, from the thousands of unaccompanied children who have fled record violence in their home countries in Central America.

Photos published by The San Antonio Express-News on Monday show dozens of members of more than 10 "active" groups walking around campsites, pointing rifles and pistols out of frame, and interacting with U.S. Border Patrol agents. The members' faces were blurred, by request of the group's spokesperson who provided the photos, because of their fear of being identified by "cartel and gang members."

The movement, called Operation Secure Our Border, was formed in response to the recent influx of undocumented immigrants. It includes members from the Three Percenters, Patriots and Oath Keepers, the latter of which was involved with Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy's tense standoff with the Bureau of Land Management earlier this year.

What do we call men who shoot at children running from men trying to rape and/or kill them?

Is there a word for that?

They are certainly not "American" in any sense of the word -- yet they are citizens. How did these people get so filled with rage and hate?


You know how you can spot the coward? He wears a mask when going out to shoot children.


The guy with the mask on, is dressed like what Mexican wrestlers wear! When the little kids run up to him to get his autograph, will he shoot them or put on the infamous reverse nerve hold on them? :doubt:
This is why we need to start protecting our borders..

These are all self proclaimed illegals.. How man did DHS arrest?






When the Government refuses to do their job protecting this Country, it is up to the States and Citizens to do it.

not one of them are entitled to Reprentation ....but guess who's hands are dirty in that protest?
You Democrat party who in bed with LaRaze

sit back and do nothing let them just run all over you
AND these you future American what's the first they do, shit all over our laws of the land right in our faces

"Nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws," applied to all persons "without regard to any differences of race, of color, or of nationality," and to "an alien, who has entered the country, and has become subject in all respects to its jurisdiction, and a part of its population, although alleged to be illegally here."

read the last 6 words you moron, then ask yourself if you REALLY abide by the Constitution of the United States.. THE LAW.

I'm trying to find which amendment that is, could you please clarify.
"Nor shall any State..." What about Federal law?

...subject in all respects to its jurisdiction... All respects includes immigration laws and laws covering the border which also apply to actual citizens. No special treatment.
And, of course that does not apply until they have actually entered the country; not while attempting to do so..
not one of them are entitled to Reprentation ....but guess who's hands are dirty in that protest?
You Democrat party who in bed with LaRaze

sit back and do nothing let them just run all over you
AND these you future American what's the first they do, shit all over our laws of the land right in our faces

"Nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws," applied to all persons "without regard to any differences of race, of color, or of nationality," and to "an alien, who has entered the country, and has become subject in all respects to its jurisdiction, and a part of its population, although alleged to be illegally here."

read the last 6 words you moron, then ask yourself if you REALLY abide by the Constitution of the United States.. THE LAW.

I'm trying to find which amendment that is, could you please clarify.

The Equal Protection Clause of Section 1. of the Fourteenth Amendment:

Section 1.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Siete sort of amended the Amendment with Yick Wo v. Hopkins (1886).

In that case the Court ruled that the 14th Amendment's statement, "Nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws," applied to all persons "without regard to any differences of race, of color, or of nationality," and to "an alien, who has entered the country, and has become subject in all respects to its jurisdiction, and a part of its population, although alleged to be illegally here."
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"Nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws," applied to all persons "without regard to any differences of race, of color, or of nationality," and to "an alien, who has entered the country, and has become subject in all respects to its jurisdiction, and a part of its population, although alleged to be illegally here."

read the last 6 words you moron, then ask yourself if you REALLY abide by the Constitution of the United States.. THE LAW.

I'm trying to find which amendment that is, could you please clarify.

The Equal Protection Clause of Section 1. of the Fourteenth Amendment:

Section 1.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Siete amended the Amendment.

He cited a case law, so he was being dishonest. The issue isn't that the invaders are not getting due process, they are, they are being sent home. That is due process for breaking the law. It doesn't exempt the invaders from the law. All will get their due process and hopefully sent home.
This is why we need to start protecting our borders..

These are all self proclaimed illegals.. How man did DHS arrest?






When the Government refuses to do their job protecting this Country, it is up to the States and Citizens to do it.

not one of them are entitled to Reprentation ....but guess who's hands are dirty in that protest?
You Democrat party who in bed with LaRaze

sit back and do nothing let them just run all over you
AND these you future American what's the first they do, shit all over our laws of the land right in our faces

"Nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws," applied to all persons "without regard to any differences of race, of color, or of nationality," and to "an alien, who has entered the country, and has become subject in all respects to its jurisdiction, and a part of its population, although alleged to be illegally here."

read the last 6 words you moron, then ask yourself if you REALLY abide by the Constitution of the United States.. THE LAW.

You just can't add words to the constitution that isn't there.

what it really says;
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

See the word Citizens. Illegals are not citizens of the United States.
Also, it appears that you're deeply against the legalization of marijuana.

I hit CTRL+F "marijuana", yet can find no results in my post. Where did you get this impression from? Do you honestly think that marijuana trafficking is the major problem here?
You often attempt to probe the depths of an argument by reducing a system of thought to its most basic Axioms, and then you often attempt to go further by forcing someone to disprove Gödel's incompleteness theorem, which is the same as proving it.

One thread of yours that demonstrates this behavior is: "Prove that race exists." You also attempt this line of attack in many posts in other threads that were initiated by others.

I would assume that someone who regularly examines the merits of an argument, like yourself, would immediately realize that the axiopisty employed to generate your first rebuttal of my solution automatically polarizes you against the legalization of marijuana.
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I'm trying to find which amendment that is, could you please clarify.

The Equal Protection Clause of Section 1. of the Fourteenth Amendment:

Section 1.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Siete amended the Amendment.

He cited a case law, so he was being dishonest. The issue isn't that the invaders are not getting due process, they are, they are being sent home. That is due process for breaking the law. It doesn't exempt the invaders from the law. All will get their due process and hopefully sent home.

Yes. But I'm familiar with the case as one who studied immigration and nationality law. I thought I had included the case citation in my first post as a matter of clarification. But you grabbed my post before I noticed I had actually left that copy and pasted portion out. (See the edited version in the above.) To be fair to Siete I was sort of pulling on his chain with the "amended" jab, because the way he presented the law struck me as being a little . . . well, shall we say, careless. But technically he's correct as case law formally defines what the Constitution means, for good or for bad.

On the other hand, I doubt Siete understands the limitations of the decision's application.
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when your govt is pretty ineffective because of politics.....some people decide they have to do it themselves....if we had an effective leader in DC,who cared about this Country instead of what his party thinks ..... none of this would be happening....

Funny thing, you still don't get to take the law into your own hands, but you will anyway because you neither respect the law nor the founding document of it here, the Constitution.

i have no problems with Mexicans.....that usually happens when you live among them for 40 years....but i do have problems with you party people who only look at one side of the problem....your precious little Party's side.... and like i said....IF we had effective leadership in Washington.....this shit would not be anything like it is now.....
Like all the other RW dupes, you just keep repeating this over and over but funny thing - You never say EXACTLY what Prez Obama should do differently.

He has deported more, wants to deport the refugee children and put more BP on the ground while the Do Nothings just keep taking more vacations.

EXACTLY what should Obama do differently?

You do realize a lot of these guys are ex military right? Hmmmm...maybe this is what Napolitano was afraid of. She wasnt worried about returning vets becoming homegrown terrorist. She was afraid they wouldnt put up the planned invasion of beaners.
Rambo versus the guys who shoot first and don't ask questions? Yeah, I'd order the body-bags with the little American flag on them first. Those beaners aren't frogs eh, and they don't care why you got in their way, only that you did.

What exactly are you trying to say here? A bunch of beaner cartel thugs are better trained than our military?
Why do you hate our military? No wonder they despise you libs. Ya better hope you never need em on your side.

When did the malcontents who are pretending to be "militia" become "our military"?

Before you anser, remember that those same wannabes say they can take on our military. Even you Pootarians have to know how dumb that is.
Might get entertaining at that.

Poor militia thinks they're such hot stuff but they have no idea what they're going up against. Even the pussy militia-types can handle little unarmed kids but they'll be helpless against drug runners.

Let's just hope its the drug cartel scum and the militia scum that are shooting at each other. The RWs would celebrate an innocent child being gunned down, but I hope that's not what happens.

Ah yes,more displays of hatred towards our Vets. No wonder they hate you libs.

IOW, you don't know what they're going up against either.

Here's a news flash for you. Carrying a Gadsen flag that was made in China and bought at Walmart does not give them super powers.

And what the hell do our vets have to do with it? do you mean the same vets the Rs are screwing over? You mean THOSE vets?
You're so full of shit. I used to see two or three a month coming down the river so they could avoid the highway. I've seen them walking down Padre Island National seashore and of course you see em in Houston every fucking day.
You seem to be missing the point here, which I will be only too happy when these little boys playing army end up on death row for shooting some unarmed Mexican kid they thought was a threat. Care to join them?

So you're looking forward to seeing little kids shot just to further your agenda?
And you really hope a Vet does it right?

You're one sick fucker.

Is he down there, looking for kids to kill?

Am I?


Wanna try again?
Armed Militias Guard Border Against 'Threat' Of Immigrant Children

Unaffiliated "militia" groups armed with semi-automatic rifles, masks, camouflage and tactical gear have been spotted in the Texas Rio Grande Valley, protecting the U.S.-Mexico border, one can only assume, from the thousands of unaccompanied children who have fled record violence in their home countries in Central America.

Photos published by The San Antonio Express-News on Monday show dozens of members of more than 10 "active" groups walking around campsites, pointing rifles and pistols out of frame, and interacting with U.S. Border Patrol agents. The members' faces were blurred, by request of the group's spokesperson who provided the photos, because of their fear of being identified by "cartel and gang members."

The movement, called Operation Secure Our Border, was formed in response to the recent influx of undocumented immigrants. It includes members from the Three Percenters, Patriots and Oath Keepers, the latter of which was involved with Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy's tense standoff with the Bureau of Land Management earlier this year.

What do we call men who shoot at children running from men trying to rape and/or kill them?

Is there a word for that?

They are certainly not "American" in any sense of the word -- yet they are citizens. How did these people get so filled with rage and hate?


You know how you can spot the coward? He wears a mask when going out to shoot children.


When the first paragraph in your quote contains the words "one can only assume", there's no need to read any further because it's propaganda and not news. BTW what children have they shot, none, I thought so. Their weapons are for self protection, all they do is observe and report. So when you put all this together what is the conclusion, you're a fucking idiot!
Armed Militias Guard Border Against 'Threat' Of Immigrant Children

Unaffiliated "militia" groups armed with semi-automatic rifles, masks, camouflage and tactical gear have been spotted in the Texas Rio Grande Valley, protecting the U.S.-Mexico border, one can only assume, from the thousands of unaccompanied children who have fled record violence in their home countries in Central America.

Photos published by The San Antonio Express-News on Monday show dozens of members of more than 10 "active" groups walking around campsites, pointing rifles and pistols out of frame, and interacting with U.S. Border Patrol agents. The members' faces were blurred, by request of the group's spokesperson who provided the photos, because of their fear of being identified by "cartel and gang members."

The movement, called Operation Secure Our Border, was formed in response to the recent influx of undocumented immigrants. It includes members from the Three Percenters, Patriots and Oath Keepers, the latter of which was involved with Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy's tense standoff with the Bureau of Land Management earlier this year.
What do we call men who shoot at children running from men trying to rape and/or kill them?

Is there a word for that?

They are certainly not "American" in any sense of the word -- yet they are citizens. How did these people get so filled with rage and hate?


You know how you can spot the coward? He wears a mask when going out to shoot children.


You should be negged for this. A lot.

There are more than children crossing that border. You know it. Why would there be militias down there?

Armed Militias Guard Border Against 'Threat' Of Immigrant Children

Unaffiliated "militia" groups armed with semi-automatic rifles, masks, camouflage and tactical gear have been spotted in the Texas Rio Grande Valley, protecting the U.S.-Mexico border, one can only assume, from the thousands of unaccompanied children who have fled record violence in their home countries in Central America.

Photos published by The San Antonio Express-News on Monday show dozens of members of more than 10 "active" groups walking around campsites, pointing rifles and pistols out of frame, and interacting with U.S. Border Patrol agents. The members' faces were blurred, by request of the group's spokesperson who provided the photos, because of their fear of being identified by "cartel and gang members."

The movement, called Operation Secure Our Border, was formed in response to the recent influx of undocumented immigrants. It includes members from the Three Percenters, Patriots and Oath Keepers, the latter of which was involved with Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy's tense standoff with the Bureau of Land Management earlier this year.

What do we call men who shoot at children running from men trying to rape and/or kill them?

Is there a word for that?

They are certainly not "American" in any sense of the word -- yet they are citizens. How did these people get so filled with rage and hate?


You know how you can spot the coward? He wears a mask when going out to shoot children.


Thank you for the propaganda effort Herr Goebells.
Shooting children LOL. They're wearing masks because they don't want the drug cartels that supply liberal hipsters to put a knife in their backs at night!
Funny thing, you still don't get to take the law into your own hands, but you will anyway because you neither respect the law nor the founding document of it here, the Constitution.

i have no problems with Mexicans.....that usually happens when you live among them for 40 years....but i do have problems with you party people who only look at one side of the problem....your precious little Party's side.... and like i said....IF we had effective leadership in Washington.....this shit would not be anything like it is now.....
Like all the other RW dupes, you just keep repeating this over and over but funny thing - You never say EXACTLY what Prez Obama should do differently.

He has deported more, wants to deport the refugee children and put more BP on the ground while the Do Nothings just keep taking more vacations.

EXACTLY what should Obama do differently?

Like all the other RW dupes

here we go....i dont agree with a far lefty yea i must be a "Right Winger"....what else can i be?......last week i was called a "Libturd" by a real "Right Winger".....:dunno:

You never say EXACTLY what Prez Obama should do differently.

i have plenty of a fucking leader and get up in front of the Country and tell us and Central America what he is going to do....if the right dont like it tough.....if the left dont like it tough.....if Mexico and Central America dont like it tough....but fucking start being a fucking leader instead of worrying about what his little party is going to think.....because we all know thats what its all about.....worrying what little snivelers like you is going to think....

He has deported more

and more come what is the point? plug the leaks before you start bailing....
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I've talked about this before but the haters just don't get it. They think a "desert" is just a big litter box full of sand when, in fact, the Sonora desert is called a "sub-tropical desert" for a reason.

These ignorant numbskulls will wander around for a while and then need the Border Patrol to rescue them.

sure they will Luddy.........

Seriously Harry - I lived in that desert for more than 25 years. Those kids grew up in that desert. The silly-ass shoot-em-up-bang-bang-boys are way out of their league.

big fucking deal.....seriously Luddy i personally have seen a Militia group that is based around me,worked with 2 guys who are members.....all ex Military or Police many of them X Special Forces.....who fucking go out to Mojave and train many weekends.....and these fuckers are pretty goddamned serious about what they are doing when they get together....oh many of them are registered as Democrats... ...since you think political persuasion is so important on what drives a person i thought you should know that.... so maybe you think these guys are out of their league.....but then all you know is what your little party tells you....

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