Armed Militias Guard Border Against 'Threat' Of Immigrant Children

There is some truth to that. If these guys do absolutely nothing with these illegals, then they will be obeying the law;, which begs the question of what the hell they are doing there in the first place, other than having their pictures taken so that they can paste them to their scrapbooks when they get back to Idaho.

They act as eyes and ears for the border patrol, if the see something they report it to the BP.

And I am CERTAIN that the Border Patrol really appreciates having an undisciplined and untrained band of armed hotheads wandering around while they are trying to do their job.

Actually they do, they brief the folks on what they can and can't do and often provide communication equipment to expedite reporting and response times. BTW your derogatory terms only speaks to your ignorance, these folks are giving their time and resources to make the country safer. I know a concept you commies will never understand, you always want to use other peoples money. If I were physically able I would be right there with them, I think my 26 years of military experience would be a benefit.
And I am CERTAIN that the Border Patrol really appreciates having an undisciplined and untrained band of armed hotheads wandering around while they are trying to do their job.

Yeah, I'm also sure that Border Patrol really appreciates having armed bands of drug cartels wandering about too.

It's about time Americans with GUNS showed up to the border and repelled the Foreign Cartels with Guns invading our nation.

If you hate Americans on the US border with guns, why don't you hate Foreign Drug Cartels with Guns on the US border? Why do you only hate Americans?
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They act as eyes and ears for the border patrol, if the see something they report it to the BP.

And I am CERTAIN that the Border Patrol really appreciates having an undisciplined and untrained band of armed hotheads wandering around while they are trying to do their job.

Actually they do, they brief the folks on what they can and can't do and often provide communication equipment to expedite reporting and response times. BTW your derogatory terms only speaks to your ignorance, these folks are giving their time and resources to make the country safer. I know a concept you commies will never understand, you always want to use other peoples money. If I were physically able I would be right there with them, I think my 26 years of military experience would be a benefit.

I predict that they will give their time and resources for about 4 to 7 days, which will, coincidently, end about the same time that the media stops taking pictures of them.
So you're looking forward to seeing little kids shot just to further your agenda?
And you really hope a Vet does it right?

You're one sick fucker.
I can see what's coming, and it will be a teen shot by a little man with a big gun playing army, and he will be sent up the river where he belongs.

Thus making him an RW icon, a hero for all time - all because he shot a child.

A BROWN child.

Just like the murder of Trayvon Martin.

You are still the Looney lying libtard.
So you're looking forward to seeing little kids shot just to further your agenda?
And you really hope a Vet does it right?

You're one sick fucker.
I can see what's coming, and it will be a teen shot by a little man with a big gun playing army, and he will be sent up the river where he belongs.

Thus making him an RW icon, a hero for all time - all because he shot a child.

A BROWN child.

Just like the murder of Trayvon Martin.


and I bet you libs/dems made GONSEL your hero after he aborted and killed 1000's of babies with a big bad scalpel and then sucked them out with the big bad sucking machine.... and they were (black, white, brown, etc) and then tossed them away like trash...(some were reported to be still ALIVE) threw them away like trash...we didn't have the wailing from you all people are damn twisted up with hate...were you born that way or did you learn it? You know how they says kids aren't racist until they get in society and experience what was it with you. myself I'd say born with it and that goes for the OP
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for sure nothing but ittly bitty childreeeeeeeeeeeeeen are crossing our boarder now

didn't you all know that...all the others like men, women and DRUG SMUGGLERS just gave it up

and how dare we protect our BORDERS...

As the Obama administration struggles to define the current wave of unaccompanied minors as a tale of refugees escaping violence, government border officials are telling a frighteningly different story of the infiltration of criminal gang members and confessed murderers along with thousands of potential recruits.

Some 70 percent of the youths – boys and girls alike – have been raped or otherwise sexually assaulted on their dangerous trip north to the Rio Grande, according to officials.


Here's some of those poor innocent Children
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for sure nothing but ittly bitty childreeeeeeeeeeeeeen are crossing our boarder now

didn't you all know that...all the others like men, women and DRUG SMUGGLERS just gave it up

and how dare we protect our BORDERS...

As the Obama administration struggles to define the current wave of unaccompanied minors as a tale of refugees escaping violence, government border officials are telling a frighteningly different story of the infiltration of criminal gang members and confessed murderers along with thousands of potential recruits.

Some 70 percent of the youths – boys and girls alike – have been raped or otherwise sexually assaulted on their dangerous trip north to the Rio Grande, according to officials. Obama Inviting 'Invasion of Murderers, Gang Members' - Tea Party News


Here's some of those poor innocent Children
Ohh, watch out.

They might have yo-yos, and gummy bears.
for sure nothing but ittly bitty childreeeeeeeeeeeeeen are crossing our boarder now

didn't you all know that...all the others like men, women and DRUG SMUGGLERS just gave it up

and how dare we protect our BORDERS...

As the Obama administration struggles to define the current wave of unaccompanied minors as a tale of refugees escaping violence, government border officials are telling a frighteningly different story of the infiltration of criminal gang members and confessed murderers along with thousands of potential recruits.

Some 70 percent of the youths – boys and girls alike – have been raped or otherwise sexually assaulted on their dangerous trip north to the Rio Grande, according to officials. Obama Inviting 'Invasion of Murderers, Gang Members' - Tea Party News


Here's some of those poor innocent Children

I can't figure what it is with some people. they just SWALLOW everything the media and Democrat party feeds them, or it's easier to not to think about those in the picture that are coming in with them...they've seen some pictures what little Obama has let be shown, there are many adult, near adults and the majority of them ARE ADULTS
I just don't know maybe they like to led by a ring in their nose...
i know the difference.....Vandle says you are not guilty of a crime unless a court convicts you....he said even if he witnesses me shoplifting as long as i was not caught and convicted....i did not shoplift....we went through this in another thread.....

[MENTION=16291]Harry Dresden[/MENTION]

Actually, its not Vandle who says this.

Its your own Constitution that say it.


Dresden, you really have to wrap your head around the concept that I have had you on "ignore" for over a year, and never even see your posts unless someone quotes them. There really is a reason for that....
you have?......its funny that just a few weeks ago we were discussing how you said if i shoplifted something right in front of you....i have not shoplifted unless i was caught and convicted in a court of law....then when you looked like an idiot for saying that and refused to say that you were wrong....then you said i was on ignore.....if you want me to go and get the thread to "remind" you how full of shit you are....just let me know....
Armed Militias Guard Border Against 'Threat' Of Immigrant Children

Unaffiliated "militia" groups armed with semi-automatic rifles, masks, camouflage and tactical gear have been spotted in the Texas Rio Grande Valley, protecting the U.S.-Mexico border, one can only assume, from the thousands of unaccompanied children who have fled record violence in their home countries in Central America.

Photos published by The San Antonio Express-News on Monday show dozens of members of more than 10 "active" groups walking around campsites, pointing rifles and pistols out of frame, and interacting with U.S. Border Patrol agents. The members' faces were blurred, by request of the group's spokesperson who provided the photos, because of their fear of being identified by "cartel and gang members."

The movement, called Operation Secure Our Border, was formed in response to the recent influx of undocumented immigrants. It includes members from the Three Percenters, Patriots and Oath Keepers, the latter of which was involved with Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy's tense standoff with the Bureau of Land Management earlier this year.

What do we call men who shoot at children running from men trying to rape and/or kill them?

Is there a word for that?

They are certainly not "American" in any sense of the word -- yet they are citizens. How did these people get so filled with rage and hate?


You know how you can spot the coward? He wears a mask when going out to shoot children.


They are American in every sense of the word.

Americans who are sick and tired of this country being overrun by illegals.

Americans who are sick and tired of a fucking Govt thats does nothing about it.

Americans who are sick and tired of our taxdollars going to these illegals.

Hope what they are doing works.

Oh, and your an idiot.

not really.

America was founded by Illegals stupid

Well no government does plenty about it, you just disagree

Our taxes go to a lot of nations.
for sure nothing but ittly bitty childreeeeeeeeeeeeeen are crossing our boarder now

didn't you all know that...all the others like men, women and DRUG SMUGGLERS just gave it up

and how dare we protect our BORDERS...

when you going?
Learn the difference between trespasser and illegal alien.

i know the difference.....Vandle says you are not guilty of a crime unless a court convicts you....he said even if he witnesses me shoplifting as long as i was not caught and convicted....i did not shoplift....we went through this in another thread.....

[MENTION=16291]Harry Dresden[/MENTION]

Actually, its not Vandle who says this.

Its your own Constitution that say it.


so if i shoplifted something right in front of you.....and was not are saying i committed no crime?......i did not shoplift?.....
which way haven't found to use these invaders (I mean little kiddes) coming over boraders

the childreeeeeeeeeen, where's the Christians for these invaders, you all are xenophobes how dare you speak up and protest, and from that sweet woman chariman of laRaza , if you don't give us what we want we will use our latino power to punish you all...

and don't forget chanting USA makes her sick

nobody cares
Which is 100% better than siting back talking shit.
Actually it's not since one of us, me in this case, is in line with the US Constitution while they are not.

Wrong. There Constitution not only allows but demands that we protect the country from foreign invasion.
Besides, weren't you one of the ones calling militia members cowards for not actually doing anything? They, at least are willing to stand for their country and what they believe.
Looks like you are all talk.
impersonating a cop is illegal.
[MENTION=16291]Harry Dresden[/MENTION]

Actually, its not Vandle who says this.

Its your own Constitution that say it.


Dresden, you really have to wrap your head around the concept that I have had you on "ignore" for over a year, and never even see your posts unless someone quotes them. There really is a reason for that....


Glad to be of service but I don't think you're missing much.

Sorry Harry. I used to have hope for you but really, you've become just another RW shill.

yea tell me that when i am in a thread defending Unions and people having medical care and defending gay marriage and telling your girlfriend Katz n Dogs that she is wrong about her bullshit about pot and what she says about Mexicans.....and when i tell that racist Righty Shootspeaders what an ass he is....then tell me that .....also when you see me saying that Far Righties are assholes and are helping to fuck up this Country and when i say how the Republican Party can go to hell....then tell me how i am a right wing you i can say is a Left Wing Shill because there are zero examples of you ever saying anything negative about the Democrats or any one on the left....
Armed Militias Guard Border Against 'Threat' Of Immigrant Children

What do we call men who shoot at children running from men trying to rape and/or kill them?

Is there a word for that?

They are certainly not "American" in any sense of the word -- yet they are citizens. How did these people get so filled with rage and hate?


You know how you can spot the coward? He wears a mask when going out to shoot children.


They are American in every sense of the word.

Americans who are sick and tired of this country being overrun by illegals.

Americans who are sick and tired of a fucking Govt thats does nothing about it.

Americans who are sick and tired of our taxdollars going to these illegals.

Hope what they are doing works.

Oh, and your an idiot.
They are cowards. They arm themselves to 'defend' the border from children. They are nothing more than men with the minds of little boys playing Army. They are not Christian. They are contemptible in every sense. They are sons of immigrants themselves. They are vigilantes.

Cowards? Doubt it asshole.

They are Americans defending our country against illegals invading our country.

You might want them here but I sure as hell don't and neither does my tax dollar.

You call em vigilante's but I call em American Patriots defending America.
Armed Militias Guard Border Against 'Threat' Of Immigrant Children

What do we call men who shoot at children running from men trying to rape and/or kill them?

Is there a word for that?

They are certainly not "American" in any sense of the word -- yet they are citizens. How did these people get so filled with rage and hate?


You know how you can spot the coward? He wears a mask when going out to shoot children.


They are American in every sense of the word.

Americans who are sick and tired of this country being overrun by illegals.

Americans who are sick and tired of a fucking Govt thats does nothing about it.

Americans who are sick and tired of our taxdollars going to these illegals.

Hope what they are doing works.

Oh, and your an idiot.

not really.

America was founded by Illegals stupid

Well no government does plenty about it, you just disagree

Our taxes go to a lot of nations.

America was founded by those with the fortitude and strength to get here. They certainly weren't illegals.

Lots has changed since those days stupid. We don't need anyone else to "settle" America. Its settled to the tune of 300 million.

Our tax dollars certainly don't need to go to illegals invading America. Illeglas who should all be deported.
Also, it appears that you're deeply against the legalization of marijuana.

I hit CTRL+F "marijuana", yet can find no results in my post. Where did you get this impression from? Do you honestly think that marijuana trafficking is the major problem here?

I would assume

This is what your post boils down to. You assume that I am against the legalization of marijuana without bothering to ask me, and use that assumption as an argument against me.

I used to ryspyct you even though your political opinions are backwards and horribly wrong, but now I can only pity you for your extreme lack of reasoning and logic.

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