Armed Militias Guard Border Against 'Threat' Of Immigrant Children

No founder would advocate the shooting of kids.

And Militias aren't private.

They are under the jurisdiction of the Congress.

Read the whole Constitution.

You might be shocked.

None of them are advocating the shooting of kids.
Not one of them have shot anyone, much less kids.
Talk about Lama Drama :lol:

none of them are advocating anything other than dress up and play militant for the camera ... how many illegals are they responsible for stopping trying to enter the country?


but they are in the NEWS aren't they?

The Texas State Militia are not just a bunch playing dress up and to play militant for the camera
Texas State Militia
Home - Texas State Guard

The Texas State Guard is one of three components of the Texas Military Forces (TXMF), operating under the command of the Adjutant General of Texas and the Governor as Commander-in-Chief of all state military forces. The TXMF includes the Texas Army National Guard and the Texas Air National Guard.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry is sending up to 1,000 National Guard troops to the Lone Star State's border with Mexico in an attempt to contain the flood of illegal immigrants entering the U.S.

Perry can do this because under the Constitution, state governors are the commanders in chief of the guard, which is the modern equivalent of colonial militias

The mission of the Texas State Guard (TXSG) is to provide mission-ready military forces to assist state and local authorities in times of state emergencies; to conduct homeland security and community service activities under the umbrella of Defense Support to Civil Authorities; and to augment the Texas Army National Guard and Texas Air National Guard as required
***ACTION ALERT*** All Texas & National Militia Available Please Converge Immediately Status GO: Mission close down Laredo Crossing for starters ((All need to be closed)
Done by the Governor Rick Perry.
The Huff Post has no idea of what they are talking about.
None of the media even know that there are Legal State Militias.
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America was founded by Illegals stupid

NO, it wasn't. You brainless idiots out on the far left have got to let go of this false, hackneyed slogan.

yes it was stupid...Who was here first? Indians or the founders....Take a few minutes there guy, this is a complicated one.

Indians were here first. And there were no illegal immigration laws back in 1620. But how does this statement justify giving thousands of illegals amnesty?

America was founded by the founders, the Constitutional Government you see here today was NOT founded by illegals.

Pretty much the dumbest thing I've heard anyone say today.
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Funny thing, you still don't get to take the law into your own hands, but you will anyway because you neither respect the law nor the founding document of it here, the Constitution.

These guys respect the law and Constitution more then your Blunder in Chief ever will.
a handful of dolts out in the brush carrying weapons.... how effective can they possibly be, how many Mexicans have they actually captured and turned over to ICE ?

pssssssssssssssssst, got news for all of you tough guys ... look in the Bus filled with Mexicans, they're NOT outside in the brush all hot, sweaty, and thirsty, like all of you morons are.

F'n RW's are dummmmmmmmer than a box of hammers ..

I've talked about this before but the haters just don't get it. They think a "desert" is just a big litter box full of sand when, in fact, the Sonora desert is called a "sub-tropical desert" for a reason.

These ignorant numbskulls will wander around for a while and then need the Border Patrol to rescue them.

Some of these "ignorant numbskulls" were trained by Uncle Sam on how to survive this kind of environment, ya dumb shit.

And as long as the Rrepubs refuse to even discuss the possibility of a vote on the bill they agreed to, the bill that has been growing a beard on Boehner's desk for more than year - As long as they obstruct, the only thing the prez can do is continue to put more Border Patrol on the border and continue to deport - just as he has been doing.

And yet - when they had the choice to ACT on this situation (the refugee children), the Repubs did what they always do - they went on another vacation.

Meanwhile, the president is still at work.
hey Luddy....if he deports a 100 and a 100 more come across.....then it aint working is it?....and we have been told quite a few times on the local news....border crossings have been steadily increasing over the last 3 would probably have to live out here to appreciate that.....

In FACT, border crossing have been steadily DEcreasing for some time now but that's not a good enough excuse for the Do Nothings to Do Nothing while slamming the prez for doing what they should be doing.

Summer temps will do that. It'll pick up again around October or November.
I'll take those people any damn day over you fucking traitorous libs, who have no problem with people sneaking into our country jumping ahead of others who are trying to do the right thing by going through the legal channels to become a citizen.

So fuck you libs, and fuck you OP !
a handful of dolts out in the brush carrying weapons.... how effective can they possibly be, how many Mexicans have they actually captured and turned over to ICE ?

pssssssssssssssssst, got news for all of you tough guys ... look in the Bus filled with Mexicans, they're NOT outside in the brush all hot, sweaty, and thirsty, like all of you morons are.

F'n RW's are dummmmmmmmer than a box of hammers ..

I've talked about this before but the haters just don't get it. They think a "desert" is just a big litter box full of sand when, in fact, the Sonora desert is called a "sub-tropical desert" for a reason.

These ignorant numbskulls will wander around for a while and then need the Border Patrol to rescue them.

whne this actually happens and some of the kids are actually shot, be sure to alert us.

And as long as the Rrepubs refuse to even discuss the possibility of a vote on the bill they agreed to, the bill that has been growing a beard on Boehner's desk for more than year - As long as they obstruct, the only thing the prez can do is continue to put more Border Patrol on the border and continue to deport - just as he has been doing.

And yet - when they had the choice to ACT on this situation (the refugee children), the Repubs did what they always do - they went on another vacation.

Meanwhile, the president is still at work.
hey Luddy....if he deports a 100 and a 100 more come across.....then it aint working is it?....and we have been told quite a few times on the local news....border crossings have been steadily increasing over the last 3 would probably have to live out here to appreciate that.....

In FACT, border crossing have been steadily DEcreasing for some time now but that's not a good enough excuse for the Do Nothings to Do Nothing while slamming the prez for doing what they should be doing.

yea but only because the economy isn't improving, there are no jobs, and unlike liberals, they actually realize these facts.
You seem to be missing the point here, which I will be only too happy when these little boys playing army end up on death row for shooting some unarmed Mexican kid they thought was a threat. Care to join them?

So you're looking forward to seeing little kids shot just to further your agenda?
And you really hope a Vet does it right?

You're one sick fucker.
I can see what's coming, and it will be a teen shot by a little man with a big gun playing army, and he will be sent up the river where he belongs.

Call one of these guys "little man" to their face and they'd re-arrange your teeth.

Some of these "little men" shed blood, sweat and tears in some godforsaken foreign mudhole, all so you could continue to enjoy your pathetic life and shoot your mouth off over the internet without worrying about visits by men in black vans.

Dumb shit Liberal.
NO, it wasn't. You brainless idiots out on the far left have got to let go of this false, hackneyed slogan.

yes it was stupid...Who was here first? Indians or the founders....Take a few minutes there guy, this is a complicated one.

And who did the indians get it from?

They took it from other indians. Some anthropologists believe the first Americans were cuacasions from Europe. So we are the original owners. Those dirty Indians stole it from us.
yes it was stupid...Who was here first? Indians or the founders....Take a few minutes there guy, this is a complicated one.

And who did the indians get it from?

They took it from other indians. Some anthropologists believe the first Americans were cuacasions from Europe. So we are the original owners. Those dirty Indians stole it from us.
What crap. Some morons, like you, believe anything.
Armed Militias Guard Border Against 'Threat' Of Immigrant Children

What do we call men who shoot at children running from men trying to rape and/or kill them?

Is there a word for that?

They are certainly not "American" in any sense of the word -- yet they are citizens. How did these people get so filled with rage and hate?


You know how you can spot the coward? He wears a mask when going out to shoot children.


They are American in every sense of the word.

Americans who are sick and tired of this country being overrun by illegals.

Americans who are sick and tired of a fucking Govt thats does nothing about it.

Americans who are sick and tired of our taxdollars going to these illegals.

Hope what they are doing works.

Oh, and your an idiot.

Shooting kids doesn't make you an American.

Shooting kids makes you a monster.

I don't know who is shooting kids. You seem to be hoping for that to happen, which makes you the monster. The liberal media would be drooling all over themselves if an innocent were harmed. If a terrorist gets shot, the media will make him out to be an innocent refugee. Must stand by Obama and go along with this no matter how many lies it takes to support his version of this 'disaster.'

Why can't you admit that there are some dangerous people coming through the borders? Guards are getting shot at and the Obama administration has ordered them to run and take cover when attacked. The cartels and gangs know this, so they are shooting across the border and then sneaking people and drugs in while the guards are dodging bullets.

Only a complete lunatic would ignore the dangerous people and accuse decent people of wanting to kill children. Are you that fucking stupid? Or is it just that you must stick to the talking points like a good little useful idiot and this is the only explanation that fits with the current rhetoric? Open your damn eyes and look at the whole picture before you say another stupid thing.
Immigration was easier when you could marry a hot Italian woman or go to the bowling alley and get a beer with some poles or micks. Instead now we got fat mustachioed Mexican women to marry and have to sit next to shit stinking Hindus in the doctor's office.
Immigration was easier when you could marry a hot Italian woman or go to the bowling alley and get a beer with some poles or micks. Instead now we got fat mustachioed Mexican women to marry and have to sit next to shit stinking Hindus in the doctor's office.
Ah, another true American, exactly as the world expects them to be...
I'll take those people any damn day over you fucking traitorous libs, who have no problem with people sneaking into our country jumping ahead of others who are trying to do the right thing by going through the legal channels to become a citizen.

So fuck you libs, and fuck you OP !

I second that
It's not like they're some group in the shadows
they are their fellow countrymen and women and they spit on them too
yes it was stupid...Who was here first? Indians or the founders....Take a few minutes there guy, this is a complicated one.

And who did the indians get it from?

They took it from other indians. Some anthropologists believe the first Americans were cuacasions from Europe. So we are the original owners. Those dirty Indians stole it from us.

You'll never get a lib to address the fact that the indians were killing each other over land for thousands of years.

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